I can only name two:List the top 3 reasons that have aggravated you so much that you considered leaving the game.
- Fallout 4 or another new game I must play right this second
- Boredom due to the repetitive nature of the game.
Ironically, I just find myself shifting from one boring game to another. Soon, I'll be playing Minecraft or Fallout 4 again.
This generation of games sucks. It's either resells of older games or a few gems like Dishonored 2.
Where the hell are the good games? Isn't this gen supposed to deliver us better games?
List the top 3 reasons that have aggravated you so much that you considered leaving the game.
1. RNG
2. Loading screens
3. Major bugs (ex invisibility, double selenes)
1. The sick RNG this game has, like Maelstrom or dungeon set weapons.
2. The grind.
3. The greed. The B2P convertion, the value went down for us that still pays, and obviously we didn't get "all downloadable content" since some jackass introduced the word "chapters". Not even buyable in crown store for crowns the subscription bought.
Ghost-Shot wrote: »2. Getting pvp gear requires potentially hundreds of hours of pve dungeon farming. We need pvp equivalents of lich, burning spellweave, huking, etc. that actually come from pvp.
Actually for the guy who did
1. Lack of communication between developer and community
In GW2, they use to run this youtube show every month, cannot remember what its called, but basically developers would give you short spill what they doing, and answer a few questions.
Now, because they did stuff like that would I keep playing?
Nope, to some people, hardcores, they may enjoy that. TO me, I just want a good meaningful game.
MMORPG that actually pushes and strongly suggests 'YOU PLAY WITH OTHERS'
Not some MMORPG, typical 'today standard' MMORPG, "its okay to solo" "matter of fact you should solo"
I'm playing an MMORPG to play with others... Not to be encouraged to solo and not able to find groups because 'this game is 100% encouraged for soloing'.
Should you be able to solo? yes... But should it be strongly emphasised and encouraged that you play with others and not just a 2 min deal aka dolmen... But a whole day type of deal.
"hey since you doing stuff in this zone too, what you plan on doing next? I have to do that too, so lets go do it" type of deal, type of encouragement.
I actually want an MMORPG...
Where being in a guild actually matters.
Tired of this norm "join all the guilds you want" "guilds are meaningless, just join all the good ones"
I miss days when guilds meant something, like in Everquest, you see someone with guild tag Triune, you think, holy crap, a legendary player is in the same zone as me.
Also, because that guild is 1 of two guilds to be so far in raids... Matter of fact... Its the norm to have raids everyone can beat too.
All that hardcore, all that aspect of MMORPGs.... Down the drain.
Players are MORE hardcore today, than several years ago.... Yet the developers do not realize it, and content gets 'EASIER' not 'HARDER' when it comes to end game.
The game itself... Is EASIER not HARDER than before.
Back in my days... You die... You lose half your current level progress. DEATH was EXTREMELY bad back in my days... Hence why few people were highest level. Guess what... It felt good making levels, actually had feeling, and commadre it brought, very good too.
Its as if, easier game gets... More people start HATING the game.
People start [snip] about RNG, instead of enjoying the game for what it is, when stuff is too easy.
Its called a grind when stuff is too easy. Its called PROGRESS when stuff is tough.
[Edit to remove censor bypass.]