Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Ignoring a player should make your messages invisible to them

  • OutLaw_Nynx
    It doesn't make sense. If I block someone on Facebook I can't see them and they can't see my comments etc. should be the same here
  • Grabmoore
    This is a serious issue. I had a rude player on ignore for similar reasons just to find out that he continued to harrass friends and guild mates. I had to unignore and deal with his bullying, so he wouldn't attack friends....

    This shouldn't be necessary! I'm argonian, so my skin is thick, but No means No!
    EU - PC - Ebonheart Pact
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  • Runs
    Yes. Just like real life when I put my hands over my eyes, I become invisible to the world.

    Adding this would mean you could put someone on ignore, talk smack about them, then take them off ignore.

    In a guild with a few low CP people but most are high CP? Ignore the few low people before looking for vet group... then once group is formed remove from ignore...

    The first situation would happen frequently, no question. The second would probably happen till someone gets removed from guild for doing it.
    Runs| Orc NightbladeChim-el Adabal| Dunmer TemplarM'air the Honest| Khajiit Templar
    Oddity| Altmer SorcerorDrizlo| Orc DragonKnightLady Ra Gada| Redguard Sorceror
    Taste-of-Hist-Sap| Argonian NightbladeWar'den Peace| Khajiit WardenLittle Warden Annie Altmer Warden
    Ports with Blood| Breton TemplarDirty-Old-Man| Dunmer DragonKnightEyes-of-the-Sun| Argonian DragonKnight
    Bleak Mystique| Nord WardenPolychronopolous| Imperial SorcerorBullcrit| Khajiit Nightblade
    PC NA CP 1250+ and still a noob
    At Writs End - A place to complete master writs
  • FoolishHuman
    Runs wrote: »
    Yes. Just like real life when I put my hands over my eyes, I become invisible to the world.

    In real life I can just go away and refuse to talk to someone. And if that person follows me or even harasses me I go to the police and they put a stop to it. Stalking, public insults and harassment are punishable in real life. You might even get a court ordering you to keep your distance from someone.
  • Hortator Indoril Nerevar
    Hortator Indoril Nerevar
    Woeler wrote: »
    So I basically have a player on ignore, because he has been insulting me and my family members extensively, but I found out via friends that whenever I'm having a normal conversation with someone in zone chat this guy still keeps replying to my comments insulting me and my family members. I can't see it, but it's still there.

    Now this wouldn't be an issue if you actually took care of harassment reports, but I guess people telling you your family members are *** and that you should kill yourself are totally tolerated. So if you're not doing anything about it, at least make my chat messages not appear to the people I have ignored.



    1) If you IGNORE someone they should not see your messages either.
    2) The ignore list is capped at 100?... yea there is a lot more players than 100 that need to be blocked.. please raise the ignore list limit...
  • Runs
    In real life I can just go away and refuse to talk to someone.

    You can do that here too. But just because you go away and refuse to talk to them, doesn't mean they can't hear what you say to others in a public space that they also happen to occupy at the time you say it. They're ears don't magically shut to your voice.

    Edited by Runs on November 13, 2016 5:09PM
    Runs| Orc NightbladeChim-el Adabal| Dunmer TemplarM'air the Honest| Khajiit Templar
    Oddity| Altmer SorcerorDrizlo| Orc DragonKnightLady Ra Gada| Redguard Sorceror
    Taste-of-Hist-Sap| Argonian NightbladeWar'den Peace| Khajiit WardenLittle Warden Annie Altmer Warden
    Ports with Blood| Breton TemplarDirty-Old-Man| Dunmer DragonKnightEyes-of-the-Sun| Argonian DragonKnight
    Bleak Mystique| Nord WardenPolychronopolous| Imperial SorcerorBullcrit| Khajiit Nightblade
    PC NA CP 1250+ and still a noob
    At Writs End - A place to complete master writs
  • Runs
    If they did add this feature, I would ask one thing and one thing only.

    Take away the ability to remove someone from ignore once you ignore them. Or give a heavy cooldown on it, perhaps something like character deletion has. To remove the ability to use the double mute on whims just to talk behind backs.
    Runs| Orc NightbladeChim-el Adabal| Dunmer TemplarM'air the Honest| Khajiit Templar
    Oddity| Altmer SorcerorDrizlo| Orc DragonKnightLady Ra Gada| Redguard Sorceror
    Taste-of-Hist-Sap| Argonian NightbladeWar'den Peace| Khajiit WardenLittle Warden Annie Altmer Warden
    Ports with Blood| Breton TemplarDirty-Old-Man| Dunmer DragonKnightEyes-of-the-Sun| Argonian DragonKnight
    Bleak Mystique| Nord WardenPolychronopolous| Imperial SorcerorBullcrit| Khajiit Nightblade
    PC NA CP 1250+ and still a noob
    At Writs End - A place to complete master writs
  • FoolishHuman
    Runs wrote: »
    In real life I can just go away and refuse to talk to someone.

    You can do that here too. But just because you go away and refuse to talk to them, doesn't mean they can't hear what you say to others in a public space that they also happen to occupy at the time you say it. They're ears don't magically shut to your voice.

    This works different in chat than in RL. I cannot just change the room to prevent someone from listening in on me. If someone was following me around, even in a public space just to listen to everything I say and then went on to say insults against me to other people that would not be tolerated. Here I can't just "go away" because what I say in chat is in chat. That is why a tool could be needed so that I could choose who can read what I say and who can't. Why you think this shouldn't be my choice escapes me.
    Of course all of this wouldn't be necessary if people shouting insults would just be banned, or at least permantently excluded from the zone chat. Just like someone doing this in real life would be thrown out of any "public space" this were to happen.
  • Hortator Indoril Nerevar
    Hortator Indoril Nerevar
    people who defend bad behavior lol.
  • Solariken
    I support the OP suggestion, but for the opposite reason. More than once a player has decided to start talking smack at me after I killed them, but puts me on ignore before I can reply, clearly with intent to make me rage. It's cowardly. So I agree that if you put a player on ignore, it should suppress chat BOTH ways.
  • Jeremy
    STEVIL wrote: »
    I should be able to control what I see, via ignore, so should you.
    I should NOT be able to control what others see, via any means at all, neither should you.

    Think about it, instead of responding to you they could just be saying bad things anyway and not be seen by you to report them - at their click, not yours.

    You control you. I control me.
    The mods and hopefully responsive governance are what has to handle others.


    That doesn't make any sense. I control what others see because I can type into chat whatever I want. Or not. By that logic there shouldn't be any kind of ingame chat at all.
    Skcarkden wrote: »
    So yes, some people do need a thicker skin, but saying people need manners in return is mis-directed. the people getting ignored usually are the ones in need of manners, not the one saying get a thicker skin.

    Those with the "thicker skin" comments are just the apologists of unsocial behavior. I feel that these people are also in need of some manners.
    The internet isn't some anarchist nightmare where everyone can do as they please and the others have to learn to live with it.

    I think there is some middle ground between free speech and then an anarchist nightmare.

    Internet threats should not be taken seriously unless they come accompanied with some linkage to reality, making them credible. Otherwise it is most likely just some one pissed off and venting. He or she may or may not have a good reason for being so.

    I don't know the details of the OP's situation, so I won't take sides. If the OP started this (like kicking the player from a group unfairly) then I'm not sympathetic. If the OP did nothing to start this and he's just being trolled, then I'm of course on his side.

    Either way, I do not support these people calling for bans and what not. Everyone loses their temper now and then - and yes, even you (you meaning those calling for bans). Banning people from your game because you are human is a really dumb way to run a business.

    All that being said, I don't really have a problem with the OP's suggestion.
  • Skcarkden
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    Report them, ignore, and move on. Staying in the location and feeling worse about it isn't helping anything, and is bound to actually make things worse. L2Report

    And yet you've complained about people bullying you. His complaint is valid.

    His complaint really isn't valid though. It's all based on the fact that OTHER people are still telling him what someone says about him. Things that should just be reported and ignored, not repeated. If he has an issue with the guy still talking about, but wants to ask 'what did he say about me?' (Because that's pretty much always the context for why someone else explains what was said) then he should just take the guy off ignore to report him each and every time.

    Skcarkden wrote: »
    So yes, some people do need a thicker skin, but saying people need manners in return is mis-directed. the people getting ignored usually are the ones in need of manners, not the one saying get a thicker skin.

    Those with the "thicker skin" comments are just the apologists of unsocial behavior. I feel that these people are also in need of some manners.
    The internet isn't some anarchist nightmare where everyone can do as they please and the others have to learn to live with it.

    apologist? no. not really. if someone were to complain that people look at them funny, and complain every time about it, would it be 'apologist' to say 'get a thicker skin' in that context? it all depends on the issue. for this, people who complain that an ignore button isn't 2 way do need a thicker skin and in saying that i'm not saying unsocial behaviour is acceptable either, just not to be so extra sensitive about the issue and also see how much they over react.

    Complaining about one thing when the real issue is *other* people tell him what is being said is the real problem.
  • Rev Rielle
    Rev Rielle
    Woeler wrote: »
    So I basically have a player on ignore, because he has been insulting me and my family members extensively, but I found out via friends that whenever I'm having a normal conversation with someone in zone chat this guy still keeps replying to my comments insulting me and my family members. I can't see it, but it's still there.

    Now this wouldn't be an issue if you actually took care of harassment reports, but I guess people telling you your family members are *** and that you should kill yourself are totally tolerated. So if you're not doing anything about it, at least make my chat messages not appear to the people I have ignored.


    I agree. It should work both ways.

    Try not to worry though. They're just making a complete and utter fool of themselves if they continue to do that. And their immature and obscene actions will only result in them being ignored and reported by more and more players.

    Like always you get these space-invaders in all facets of society (whether virtual or otherwise). It's not always easy, but just try and ignore them. If you actually met them in real life, face-to-face, you'd realise just how pathetic these small-minded people are and you wouldn't worry for one second what dribble came out of their mouths.
    If you can be anything, be kind.
  • Woeler
    LOL all these thick skin comments. You are totally missing the point of this topic. I'm suggesting a change to the ignore system based on my experiences with it. In all honesty, reporting does not help at all. A friend of mine has received death threats from another user and those were sent to ZOS with screenshots and all the information. Nothing happened. I'm asking for one of two things. A ) Actually do something with the reports or B ) Make ignore work 2 ways. Either will most likely solve almost all problems.

    I'm not crying in my bed because this person is writing *** lol. I'm annoyed by the fact that people I have blocked are still able to see everything I write. This is the same nonsense that I can block person X so he can't whisper me, but I can still whisper person X. This does not make sense at all.
    Edited by Woeler on November 13, 2016 10:30PM
  • Jeremy
    Woeler wrote: »
    LOL all these thick skin comments. You are totally missing the point of this topic. I'm suggesting a change to the ignore system based on my experiences with it. In all honesty, reporting does not help at all. A friend of mine has received death threats from another user and those were sent to ZOS with screenshots and all the information. Nothing happened. I'm asking for one of two things. A ) Actually do something with the reports or B ) Make ignore work 2 ways. Either will most likely solve almost all problems.

    I'm not crying in my bed because this person is writing *** lol. I'm annoyed by the fact that people I have blocked are still able to see everything I write. This is the same nonsense that I can block person X so he can't whisper me, but I can still whisper person X. This does not make sense at all.

    I would support option B but not option A.

    I believe banns should be limited to people who abuse the actual game mechanics - like cheating or spamming. GMs should remain neutral and stay out of personal squabbles between players - because they usually don't have all the facts and any intervention has the distinct possibility to be unjust.

    It is annoying though when you put someone on ignore and then they continue to bait you indirectly. That's why I never bother with ignore - because it usually just gives them free reign to bash you. What you suggest might help - some - but they could still talk crap about you with others and tempt you to respond that way.

    My advice: try not to *** others off. And if it's just a troll - just keep him or her on ignore for awhile and don't let it get to you. Eventually they will become bored with it and move on.
    Edited by Jeremy on November 13, 2016 10:40PM
  • SteveCampsOut
    Skcarkden wrote: »
    Sorry for your situation but i don't think that should be how it works.

    Instead ZOS should actually deal with the reports correctly.

    Anything else is just too iffy.

    In another game i've had some complete buffoon put me on ignore because he somehow thinks that i was someone else despite the two VERY different usernames, he then would 'warn' people about me in zone chat about what i 'do' while eventually claiming to have 'proof'. Since i knew he was full of it, and could see what he claimed i told everyone else who he could see talking to ask for the proof then.

    Turned out some guy was trolling him endlessly while he was interacting with a terminal and in that game it had player character collision so he was walking into him to push him away from the terminal to close it on him and then they had a long argument which he took many screenshots, thing is, although all evidence he had clearly showed someone else entirely, his self written descriptions he kept referring to the person as my name.

    If the ignore button worked by also blocking the ignored person from seeing what the blocker says then i wouldn't have been able to defend myself from a guy who spreads lies whenever he saw *anyone* say my name.

    You have a guy saying dumb things, just ignore it. It doesn't need to be made a 2 way street because if other people are just going to tell you what he says then it really changes nothing, and at least for your situation it's just clearly petty insults, for others it can be false claims with no way of knowing you need to defend yourself from it.

    You obviously have no clue how two way ignore works, or should work. If he can't see what you say, he won't notice you in zone chat to say *** about you when you're talking! For instance. If I've kicked someone out of my guild and put them on ignore, they shouldn't be able to see any more of my guild invite messages in zone chat and start talking smack about my guild. It's quite simple. If they can't see it, they can't respond to it!
    @ֆȶɛʋɛƈǟʍքֆօʊȶ ʀʋʟɨʄɛ⍟
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    ESO Plus status: Canceled!
  • Silver_Strider
    And this is why I don't use text chat outside of dungeons.
    Pure toxic
    Argonian forever
  • Skcarkden
    Woeler wrote: »
    LOL all these thick skin comments. You are totally missing the point of this topic. I'm suggesting a change to the ignore system based on my experiences with it. In all honesty, reporting does not help at all. A friend of mine has received death threats from another user and those were sent to ZOS with screenshots and all the information. Nothing happened. I'm asking for one of two things. A ) Actually do something with the reports or B ) Make ignore work 2 ways. Either will most likely solve almost all problems.

    I'm not crying in my bed because this person is writing *** lol. I'm annoyed by the fact that people I have blocked are still able to see everything I write. This is the same nonsense that I can block person X so he can't whisper me, but I can still whisper person X. This does not make sense at all.

    And in the case of option B, yeah a thicker skin would be a better solution than wasting your time hoping one day ZOS might waste their time on something that could simply be dealt with through other means.

    In saying that however i'm not saying it's a non-issue, but think about it, how do you know he's still saying things if you can't see him? Because *other* people are telling you. People like that will be saying crap about you any time of the day so a 2-way is just a waste of time and won't solve anything. Reporting harassers should be getting checked though. and people who relay what he says, just tell them to also report the guy

    In regard to being annoyed he can still see you, get over it, him seeing you isn't the issue, other people telling you what he may or may not still be saying is the issue after placing on ignore. And frankly it just opens another door to abuse if 2-way as now you could potentially say anything about him, whether good or nasty and he has no way of knowing. Not saying you would but in those cases for people who choose not to use the ignore list should be able to see anything said in public if they may happen to ever need to refute any claims or statements.

    Ignore him, report him. It's fine as it is. Just ask people to stop repeating the comments.
  • Skcarkden
    Skcarkden wrote: »
    Sorry for your situation but i don't think that should be how it works.

    Instead ZOS should actually deal with the reports correctly.

    Anything else is just too iffy.

    In another game i've had some complete buffoon put me on ignore because he somehow thinks that i was someone else despite the two VERY different usernames, he then would 'warn' people about me in zone chat about what i 'do' while eventually claiming to have 'proof'. Since i knew he was full of it, and could see what he claimed i told everyone else who he could see talking to ask for the proof then.

    Turned out some guy was trolling him endlessly while he was interacting with a terminal and in that game it had player character collision so he was walking into him to push him away from the terminal to close it on him and then they had a long argument which he took many screenshots, thing is, although all evidence he had clearly showed someone else entirely, his self written descriptions he kept referring to the person as my name.

    If the ignore button worked by also blocking the ignored person from seeing what the blocker says then i wouldn't have been able to defend myself from a guy who spreads lies whenever he saw *anyone* say my name.

    You have a guy saying dumb things, just ignore it. It doesn't need to be made a 2 way street because if other people are just going to tell you what he says then it really changes nothing, and at least for your situation it's just clearly petty insults, for others it can be false claims with no way of knowing you need to defend yourself from it.

    You obviously have no clue how two way ignore works, or should work. If he can't see what you say, he won't notice you in zone chat to say *** about you when you're talking! For instance. If I've kicked someone out of my guild and put them on ignore, they shouldn't be able to see any more of my guild invite messages in zone chat and start talking smack about my guild. It's quite simple. If they can't see it, they can't respond to it!

    You obviously can't read or suffer reading comprehension. I know exactly how a 2-way ignore works. What i experienced and described wasn't a guy who had an issue with me saw me speak, but saw other people refer to me, and then chimed up. He could not see anything i wrote, but thankfully it was one way and i was able to defend myself any time i saw him spread lies about me. If it were 2 way, then i wouldn't have been able to know what lies he was telling or even how to prove to other people he was simply wrong.

    You don't have to see the person in question to speak about them. Unless you're going to claim you *never* have spoken about other people without them present in your entire life? Didn't think so.

    Also, for argument sake, if you have a dodgy guild and kick people after making them pay for guild bank access, maybe he should need the ability to warn people if he sees that guild advertise themselves. You may choose to no longer want to see what he says, but you shouldn't get to make that same choice for what he can or can't see in a public space.
    Edited by Skcarkden on November 14, 2016 12:17AM
  • Woeler
    Skcarkden wrote: »
    Woeler wrote: »
    LOL all these thick skin comments. You are totally missing the point of this topic. I'm suggesting a change to the ignore system based on my experiences with it. In all honesty, reporting does not help at all. A friend of mine has received death threats from another user and those were sent to ZOS with screenshots and all the information. Nothing happened. I'm asking for one of two things. A ) Actually do something with the reports or B ) Make ignore work 2 ways. Either will most likely solve almost all problems.

    I'm not crying in my bed because this person is writing *** lol. I'm annoyed by the fact that people I have blocked are still able to see everything I write. This is the same nonsense that I can block person X so he can't whisper me, but I can still whisper person X. This does not make sense at all.

    And in the case of option B, yeah a thicker skin would be a better solution than wasting your time hoping one day ZOS might waste their time on something that could simply be dealt with through other means.

    In saying that however i'm not saying it's a non-issue, but think about it, how do you know he's still saying things if you can't see him? Because *other* people are telling you. People like that will be saying crap about you any time of the day so a 2-way is just a waste of time and won't solve anything. Reporting harassers should be getting checked though. and people who relay what he says, just tell them to also report the guy

    In regard to being annoyed he can still see you, get over it, him seeing you isn't the issue, other people telling you what he may or may not still be saying is the issue after placing on ignore. And frankly it just opens another door to abuse if 2-way as now you could potentially say anything about him, whether good or nasty and he has no way of knowing. Not saying you would but in those cases for people who choose not to use the ignore list should be able to see anything said in public if they may happen to ever need to refute any claims or statements.

    Ignore him, report him. It's fine as it is. Just ask people to stop repeating the comments.

    Paragraph 3, sentence 1: "People should stop telling you it's happening. You can't see it, that's good enough"
    Paragraph 3, sentence 2: "With a 2 way mute you can say things about person X without him seeing it! That's a no go!"

    Also, you're wasting your time telling me I'm wasting my time. I'm simply presenting a case. Whether I am wasting my time is not of my concern and is not an argument. Especially since you're wasting your time commenting on a topic that I'm wasting my time on an issue that is in your opinion a waste of time? Makes sense.
    Edited by Woeler on November 14, 2016 12:26AM
  • Jeremy
    Skcarkden wrote: »
    Skcarkden wrote: »
    Sorry for your situation but i don't think that should be how it works.

    Instead ZOS should actually deal with the reports correctly.

    Anything else is just too iffy.

    In another game i've had some complete buffoon put me on ignore because he somehow thinks that i was someone else despite the two VERY different usernames, he then would 'warn' people about me in zone chat about what i 'do' while eventually claiming to have 'proof'. Since i knew he was full of it, and could see what he claimed i told everyone else who he could see talking to ask for the proof then.

    Turned out some guy was trolling him endlessly while he was interacting with a terminal and in that game it had player character collision so he was walking into him to push him away from the terminal to close it on him and then they had a long argument which he took many screenshots, thing is, although all evidence he had clearly showed someone else entirely, his self written descriptions he kept referring to the person as my name.

    If the ignore button worked by also blocking the ignored person from seeing what the blocker says then i wouldn't have been able to defend myself from a guy who spreads lies whenever he saw *anyone* say my name.

    You have a guy saying dumb things, just ignore it. It doesn't need to be made a 2 way street because if other people are just going to tell you what he says then it really changes nothing, and at least for your situation it's just clearly petty insults, for others it can be false claims with no way of knowing you need to defend yourself from it.

    You obviously have no clue how two way ignore works, or should work. If he can't see what you say, he won't notice you in zone chat to say *** about you when you're talking! For instance. If I've kicked someone out of my guild and put them on ignore, they shouldn't be able to see any more of my guild invite messages in zone chat and start talking smack about my guild. It's quite simple. If they can't see it, they can't respond to it!

    You obviously can't read or suffer reading comprehension. I know exactly how a 2-way ignore works. What i experienced and described wasn't a guy who had an issue with me saw me speak, but saw other people refer to me, and then chimed up. He could not see anything i wrote, but thankfully it was one way and i was able to defend myself any time i saw him spread lies about me. If it were 2 way, then i wouldn't have been able to know what lies he was telling or even how to prove to other people he was simply wrong.

    You don't have to see the person in question to speak about them. Unless you're going to claim you *never* have spoken about other people without them present in your entire life? Didn't think so.

    Good point. I feel silly that I didn't consider this.

    If ignore was made 2 way then a person could simply put you on ignore then proceed to talk all kinds of crap about you without you being able to see it or defend yourself. So it would basically just create the same problem - just in reverse.

    I find that usually it is - if a person is so relentless in trying to get at you - it's because they feel justified in doing so - which means at least from his or her point of view they have a legitimate reason to hate you.

    How about a novel idea - and instead of relying on ignore or expecting some parental figure like a GM to intervene - we set pride aside and try to make amends with the player who has an axe to grind. I'm not saying it will work - but it might just be worth a shot.

    Edited by Jeremy on November 14, 2016 12:28AM
  • Maotti
    This also proves that ZoS does not enforce their ToS. I feel like i've seen similar things before.
    Edited by Maotti on November 14, 2016 12:28AM
    PC EU
  • nordsavage
    people who defend bad behavior lol.

    You should talk. You are one of the most toxic players in the game. I've been in several guilds that you had to leave or were removed from. Not to mention you drag enemies over teammates just to troll.
    I didn't choose tank life, tank life chose me.
  • Skcarkden
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Skcarkden wrote: »
    Skcarkden wrote: »
    Sorry for your situation but i don't think that should be how it works.

    Instead ZOS should actually deal with the reports correctly.

    Anything else is just too iffy.

    In another game i've had some complete buffoon put me on ignore because he somehow thinks that i was someone else despite the two VERY different usernames, he then would 'warn' people about me in zone chat about what i 'do' while eventually claiming to have 'proof'. Since i knew he was full of it, and could see what he claimed i told everyone else who he could see talking to ask for the proof then.

    Turned out some guy was trolling him endlessly while he was interacting with a terminal and in that game it had player character collision so he was walking into him to push him away from the terminal to close it on him and then they had a long argument which he took many screenshots, thing is, although all evidence he had clearly showed someone else entirely, his self written descriptions he kept referring to the person as my name.

    If the ignore button worked by also blocking the ignored person from seeing what the blocker says then i wouldn't have been able to defend myself from a guy who spreads lies whenever he saw *anyone* say my name.

    You have a guy saying dumb things, just ignore it. It doesn't need to be made a 2 way street because if other people are just going to tell you what he says then it really changes nothing, and at least for your situation it's just clearly petty insults, for others it can be false claims with no way of knowing you need to defend yourself from it.

    You obviously have no clue how two way ignore works, or should work. If he can't see what you say, he won't notice you in zone chat to say *** about you when you're talking! For instance. If I've kicked someone out of my guild and put them on ignore, they shouldn't be able to see any more of my guild invite messages in zone chat and start talking smack about my guild. It's quite simple. If they can't see it, they can't respond to it!

    You obviously can't read or suffer reading comprehension. I know exactly how a 2-way ignore works. What i experienced and described wasn't a guy who had an issue with me saw me speak, but saw other people refer to me, and then chimed up. He could not see anything i wrote, but thankfully it was one way and i was able to defend myself any time i saw him spread lies about me. If it were 2 way, then i wouldn't have been able to know what lies he was telling or even how to prove to other people he was simply wrong.

    You don't have to see the person in question to speak about them. Unless you're going to claim you *never* have spoken about other people without them present in your entire life? Didn't think so.

    Good point. I feel silly that I didn't consider this.

    If ignore was made 2 way then a person could simply put you on ignore then proceed to talk all kinds of crap about you without you being able to see it or defend yourself. So it would basically just create the same problem - just in reverse.

    I find that usually it is - if a person is so relentless in trying to get at you - it's because they feel justified in doing so - which means at least from his or her point of view they have a legitimate reason to hate you.

    How about a novel idea - and instead of relying on ignore or expecting some parental figure like a GM to intervene - we set pride aside and try to make amends with the player who has an axe to grind. I'm not saying it will work - but it might just be worth a shot.

    Oh believe, in that case i tried, i realised the guy was an idiot, and even after he claimed to have proof, since the game was on steam i figured he took steam based screenshots and i saw them to find all proof was literally someone else, tried to contact the guy through steam to tell him he clearly got the names wrong and responded with "you can't fool me"

    Sometimes it doesn't even have to be a troll or someone you actually had an issue with, just some idiot who thinks one thing and then believes they are 'helping' others by saying thing about you.
  • Skcarkden
    Woeler wrote: »
    Skcarkden wrote: »
    Woeler wrote: »
    LOL all these thick skin comments. You are totally missing the point of this topic. I'm suggesting a change to the ignore system based on my experiences with it. In all honesty, reporting does not help at all. A friend of mine has received death threats from another user and those were sent to ZOS with screenshots and all the information. Nothing happened. I'm asking for one of two things. A ) Actually do something with the reports or B ) Make ignore work 2 ways. Either will most likely solve almost all problems.

    I'm not crying in my bed because this person is writing *** lol. I'm annoyed by the fact that people I have blocked are still able to see everything I write. This is the same nonsense that I can block person X so he can't whisper me, but I can still whisper person X. This does not make sense at all.

    And in the case of option B, yeah a thicker skin would be a better solution than wasting your time hoping one day ZOS might waste their time on something that could simply be dealt with through other means.

    In saying that however i'm not saying it's a non-issue, but think about it, how do you know he's still saying things if you can't see him? Because *other* people are telling you. People like that will be saying crap about you any time of the day so a 2-way is just a waste of time and won't solve anything. Reporting harassers should be getting checked though. and people who relay what he says, just tell them to also report the guy

    In regard to being annoyed he can still see you, get over it, him seeing you isn't the issue, other people telling you what he may or may not still be saying is the issue after placing on ignore. And frankly it just opens another door to abuse if 2-way as now you could potentially say anything about him, whether good or nasty and he has no way of knowing. Not saying you would but in those cases for people who choose not to use the ignore list should be able to see anything said in public if they may happen to ever need to refute any claims or statements.

    Ignore him, report him. It's fine as it is. Just ask people to stop repeating the comments.

    Paragraph 3, sentence 1: "People should stop telling you it's happening. You can't see it, that's good enough"
    Paragraph 3, sentence 2: "With a 2 way mute you can say things about person X without him seeing it! That's a no go!"

    Also, you're wasting your time telling me I'm wasting my time. I'm simply presenting a case. Whether I am wasting my time is not of my concern and is not an argument. Especially since you're wasting your time commenting on a topic that I'm wasting my time on an issue that is in your opinion a waste of time? Makes sense.

    Was this post of yours literally just to waste time? Those two sentences don't conflict with each other, so unless you're trying to say you actually agree with me now, i see no reason why you wasted time repeating it.
  • Jeremy
    Skcarkden wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Skcarkden wrote: »
    Skcarkden wrote: »
    Sorry for your situation but i don't think that should be how it works.

    Instead ZOS should actually deal with the reports correctly.

    Anything else is just too iffy.

    In another game i've had some complete buffoon put me on ignore because he somehow thinks that i was someone else despite the two VERY different usernames, he then would 'warn' people about me in zone chat about what i 'do' while eventually claiming to have 'proof'. Since i knew he was full of it, and could see what he claimed i told everyone else who he could see talking to ask for the proof then.

    Turned out some guy was trolling him endlessly while he was interacting with a terminal and in that game it had player character collision so he was walking into him to push him away from the terminal to close it on him and then they had a long argument which he took many screenshots, thing is, although all evidence he had clearly showed someone else entirely, his self written descriptions he kept referring to the person as my name.

    If the ignore button worked by also blocking the ignored person from seeing what the blocker says then i wouldn't have been able to defend myself from a guy who spreads lies whenever he saw *anyone* say my name.

    You have a guy saying dumb things, just ignore it. It doesn't need to be made a 2 way street because if other people are just going to tell you what he says then it really changes nothing, and at least for your situation it's just clearly petty insults, for others it can be false claims with no way of knowing you need to defend yourself from it.

    You obviously have no clue how two way ignore works, or should work. If he can't see what you say, he won't notice you in zone chat to say *** about you when you're talking! For instance. If I've kicked someone out of my guild and put them on ignore, they shouldn't be able to see any more of my guild invite messages in zone chat and start talking smack about my guild. It's quite simple. If they can't see it, they can't respond to it!

    You obviously can't read or suffer reading comprehension. I know exactly how a 2-way ignore works. What i experienced and described wasn't a guy who had an issue with me saw me speak, but saw other people refer to me, and then chimed up. He could not see anything i wrote, but thankfully it was one way and i was able to defend myself any time i saw him spread lies about me. If it were 2 way, then i wouldn't have been able to know what lies he was telling or even how to prove to other people he was simply wrong.

    You don't have to see the person in question to speak about them. Unless you're going to claim you *never* have spoken about other people without them present in your entire life? Didn't think so.

    Good point. I feel silly that I didn't consider this.

    If ignore was made 2 way then a person could simply put you on ignore then proceed to talk all kinds of crap about you without you being able to see it or defend yourself. So it would basically just create the same problem - just in reverse.

    I find that usually it is - if a person is so relentless in trying to get at you - it's because they feel justified in doing so - which means at least from his or her point of view they have a legitimate reason to hate you.

    How about a novel idea - and instead of relying on ignore or expecting some parental figure like a GM to intervene - we set pride aside and try to make amends with the player who has an axe to grind. I'm not saying it will work - but it might just be worth a shot.

    Oh believe, in that case i tried, i realised the guy was an idiot, and even after he claimed to have proof, since the game was on steam i figured he took steam based screenshots and i saw them to find all proof was literally someone else, tried to contact the guy through steam to tell him he clearly got the names wrong and responded with "you can't fool me"

    Sometimes it doesn't even have to be a troll or someone you actually had an issue with, just some idiot who thinks one thing and then believes they are 'helping' others by saying thing about you.

    Well then at least you tried. That's all you can do.
  • AnviOfVai
    I agree with this. Recently I have had to block a player on PSN because I have received some very distributing messages from them. I have blocked them through ESO as well so I can't see what they put, However...others can, Not only this but the player is also still visible in the game and they instantly come after you, which is not ideal. I sympathize with any other player who has to deal with this, it can ruin the game for anyone.

    "I appear at my lord's behest, or perhaps I was always here, and you merely lacked the ability to see me."

    PS4 - EU

    AD - Pet Sorcerer - Damage Dealer - 160
    DC - Warden - Werewolf - in - progress - 160
    DC - Templar - Tank - 160
    DC - Sorcerer - Damage Dealer - in - progress
    EP - Dragon Knight -Fire Tank - 160
    EP - Nightblade - Damage Dealer - 160

  • Fischblut
    I agree, if I put someone on ignore list, neither me nor that person should ever see each other's comments. Recently I left a bad guild after some drama, and when I started to add few participants to ignore... I was extremely surprised when I saw that one of them was already there, from previous bad conversation - so old that I couldn't recognize his username this time :/ So, even though he was already on my ignore list, we could talk in guild chat, and see each other's comments. It's not acceptable, and it should be fixed :|
  • GaldorP
    The ignore feature should definitely block communications both ways! And the group finder should not put you in groups with people on your ignore list (this happened to me, like a day after I had put someone on my ignore list for a good reason I ended up in a random group with them) ><

    Edit: It also would be very nice if the guild roster and the group window could indicate to you when a player in your guild or group is on your ignore list, either with a small icon next to their name or by making their name appear red, for example.
    Edited by GaldorP on December 20, 2016 11:09AM
  • Enslaved
    I actually have a very similar issues with a player. Countless reports, countless times being told to kill myself and such, and any time I say something in zone and this player is also there, people tell me what they are saying. I completely agree that our messages should also be invisible to them. Particularly since ZoS thinks this behavior is tolerable. /:

    I wish you the best of luck on this issue.

    lol I was told to kill myself because a dude died from siege weapon yesterday. Also something about siege weapons require no skill. I just loled.
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