Playstation: NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must Be The Place...

Maintenance for the week of March 10:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
  • geonsocal
    I've come to the very clear realization- that about 90% of my deaths seem to involve me "back" rolling into a wall, fence, rock, tree - ugh!!!

    who the heck keeps putting all this crap out here...we need to have a "clean" up day in cyro so we can get rid of this junk that keeps getting me killed :#

    hope you all are having fun and tearing it up out there...

    I don't know if I've ever seen anyone with 20 million campaign points before...loweye has about 16 mil with 5 days to go...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    look at that - the only thing standing in the way of darthbob getting emp is aleswell...

    seeing how I'm at aleswell, I'm going to try and help make that not happen :p

    don't know darthbob, or, if AD has at some point got emp over the last 25 days- but, I'm kinda pulling for him...

    Edit: that was close, front door and side inner keep wall cigar though...ash is now blue and chalman is now red...not going to happen now...
    Edited by geonsocal on December 4, 2016 8:40PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • wazzz56
    geonsocal wrote: »
    I've come to the very clear realization- that about 90% of my deaths seem to involve me "back" rolling into a wall, fence, rock, tree - ugh!!!

    who the heck keeps putting all this crap out here...we need to have a "clean" up day in cyro so we can get rid of this junk that keeps getting me killed :#

    hope you all are having fun and tearing it up out there...

    I don't know if I've ever seen anyone with 20 million campaign points before...loweye has about 16 mil with 5 days to go...


    At this point in lore history, Cyro should be a vast jungle/swamp like area I believe....put more stuff in I say lol....
    had some good small group v X stuff in Skull last night btw while leveling my you ever venture out of scourge?
    GM Tig Ole Critties ps5 NA small scale PvP guild

    "After a hard week of farming, or a long night of being nagged by your wife, there is nothing better than going out for a bit of a fish."
  • geonsocal
    hey @wazzz56 fingers began trembling at the thought of leaving scourge for another campaign...

    I'm a pretty strong creature of habit...although, it's challenging ways playing different sides - but, I like recognizing some of the players I'm fighting against and with...

    plus, I know the map so well I can just park my brain in neutral some days and go do my thing...

    early on (up to a couple of months ago), it was also a bit of a coin issue - doing what I'm doing now nets me close to 100k at the end of the campaign...

    now that I have a great trading guild - Back Alley Trading (BAT) - Atin sells her booty off for us :smile: , coin has become less an issue for me...

    I used to have all my characters in Azura's star - before that we were required to split them up (used to make me mad cuz I wanted everyone together in Backwater Blade)...

    maybe, there will come a time when I do start spreading folks out again - right now though I'm mostly focused on reaching 100k AP (tier 3 rewards) with all my characters...

    I kinda like knowing that I play and compete successfully in "The Show" - as far as pvp goes on ps4/na...

    heck, if I started switching up - i might have to give up this thread :'(

    which so far has been my best tool for slowly building a little bit of a "social" game for myself...

    whew, felt like I just spent an hour "on the couch" with a psychiatrist...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • OutLaw_Nynx
    Had quite a lot of fun last night. Daggerfall was trying hard to take a farm back (might of been Glademist?) and our group kept clearing them out.

    I haven't really been in pvp for a month and it's really gross seeing people with 60k health. I can't count the amount of people I walked past while there was a raging battle going on around me. You people aren't worth the time and I have to wonder--- what's the point? If a group is smart enough which mine is you're going to be the last person we focus on.

    I hope Darthbob doesn't come back to Scourge. It's apparent no one likes him and won't push for him.


    Shout out to the nice Ebonheart that saw me struggling on my lowbie and left me alone. I was being trampled by some gankers and he/she came out of no where and took them out and then he/she disappeared.
    Edited by OutLaw_Nynx on December 6, 2016 1:00PM
  • Ballcap

    I hope Darthbob doesn't come back to Scourge. It's apparent no one likes him and won't push for him.


    I play AD on Scourge PS4, why don't people like Darthbob? I've seen him online. I don't see him being rude or anything but then again I'm not in his group or guild chats. Why wouldn't we want strong players?
  • OutLaw_Nynx
    Ballcap wrote: »

    I play AD on Scourge PS4, why don't people like Darthbob? I've seen him online. I don't see him being rude or anything but then again I'm not in his group or guild chats. Why wouldn't we want strong players?

    He's super rude and isn't very nice to people. Same thing but he's just not someone I want to help push for emperor. Read the text zone chat when he's on :/

    There are many other reasons as to why people don't like him but they're reason I can't post here.
    Edited by OutLaw_Nynx on December 6, 2016 7:15PM
  • geonsocal
    thanks @OutLaw_Nynx and @Ballcap ...thanks for the inside stuff...

    i'm pretty far out of the social/political, it's really great to hear what's going on behind the scenes - they're just names on the leaderboards to me...but, i know a bunch of you are paying a whole lot closer attention to the social dynamics within the game...

    that stuff is really interesting to me - i just personally suck at it :#
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • OutLaw_Nynx
    geonsocal wrote: »
    thanks @OutLaw_Nynx and @Ballcap ...thanks for the inside stuff...

    i'm pretty far out of the social/political, it's really great to hear what's going on behind the scenes - they're just names on the leaderboards to me...but, i know a bunch of you are paying a whole lot closer attention to the social dynamics within the game...

    that stuff is really interesting to me - i just personally suck at it :#


    I just don't want to start anything on here. I really enjoy this thread and don't want it to get locked.

    I'm very much taking the aspect of how the person at the top of the leaderboard presents themselves. If they have a horrible mentality and are rude to people I won't help push them for emperor.

    The social interactions in this game is fascinating to me :smile:
    Edited by OutLaw_Nynx on December 6, 2016 7:24PM
  • geonsocal
    right on @OutLaw_Nynx - good looking out brother...

    I was reading some other campaign threads wherein there was some pretty fiesty back and forth stuff going on, and, was thinking i liked that and it was definitely interesting and titillating (word of the day :p)...

    but, the truth is - those burn out and get old pretty fast...

    I guess my personality just tends to lean more heavily towards let's kick back, have a nice adult beverage, fire one up and shoot the poop about what's going on in this game we're all obsessed and addicted to :)
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • OutLaw_Nynx
    Like my first post here on this thread, this is the first time in months I've been in pvp. I hate to say this but small group pvp seems to be dead unless you're all running proc sets or the meta.

    So I have a question for small group pvp and solo players:

    How do you deal with the Zerging and the meta? I used to play alone (not in a group but sometimes had people around me) and now I find it's too hard to do that. Maybe I just suck but I do miss being able to run around solo :(
  • geonsocal
    hopefully some other folks will kick in with their thoughts...

    for me the key is knowing where the "hot" spots on the map are (these days that usually means the outposts)...chances are, if you're running solo there's still going to be a bunch of friendlies fighting in that area already, or will soon show up...

    running solo you really need to boost your weapon/spell damage output and criticals percentage...there are some seriously tanky folks out there right now - if it's taking you five minutes to burn another player down, chances are other players are gonna show up, and, they may not be friendly...

    personally, I mostly zerg surf and build for survivability and sustain (I don't like running out of bullets to fire and keep my regen pretty high)...that means I'm primarily a distance fighter and use bows and staves a lot (oh I love giving folks a little lick from my lightening love stick >:))...

    only a few of my characters are built for the front line and going toe to toe with the front lines of opposing zergs...

    if you like small group play - shoot out a message in zone chat for a little intimate groupie love...

    usually if I do group stuff - i like to keep it to large groups ( blend in and not have to talk to much)...

    truth is - you also spend a lot of time sitting around on your horse trying to figure out where to head to next...

    did a small group last night and the other two players were friends, super cool and very good at playing...had a great time and earned some serious AP in a very short time...

    I may just stick with small groups for awhile...much easier to communicate, coordinate and succeed...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    and then there are those days...

    i have two characters to still get to of them just logs in, still looking for a large fight, shows up at arrius, walks out the door of the inner keep and automatically receives 15.6k ap, that's a good start...
    Edited by geonsocal on December 7, 2016 4:02AM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    news flash - kinda glad to see AD grab emp before the campaign ended - good job...

    another example of why some of my favorite players are wearing yellow...class move...

    I'm a big believer in stories of redemption - groundhogs day being my favorite :)

    hopefully darthbob has his...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Curragraigue
    The thing I like most about this thread is that you are 9 pages in and little to no salt or rages against anyone. To be fair most of the posts are yours OP but still I'm surprised given how the PC campaign threads usually devolve into pettiness so quickly.
    PUG Life - the true test of your skill

    18 characters, 17 max level, at least 1 Stam and 1 Mag of every class, 1 of every race and 1200+ CP

    Tanked to Undaunted 9+ Mag and Stam of every class using Group Finder for 90+% of the Vet Dungeon runs
  • OutLaw_Nynx
    I think you said you're Daggerfall?

    Scourge is a scary place at times
    geonsocal wrote: »
    news flash - kinda glad to see AD grab emp before the campaign ended - good job...

    another example of why some of my favorite players are wearing yellow...class move...

    I'm a big believer in stories of redemption - groundhogs day being my favorite :)

    hopefully darthbob has his...

    Heh I saw you this evening, @geonsocal. I was somewhere in that blob of yellow at the Arrius resources. It was like a monsoon of blue near the end. Tried not to hit you ;)

  • reiverx
    AD has made a few gains lately. Emperor! Who would have guessed? We've also had a good chunk of the map a few times but it's always short lived because it's a random act of chance and has nothing to do with coordination.

    I remember DarthB from the good old days of Azuras. He was a very abrasive guy and isolated himself really quick. I've never been in a group with him since his return to Scourge but I've heard he's a lot more chill. It does annoy me when I see the text chat about not pushing for emperor because it's DarthB, but the truth is, we never get emperor regardless. That's just a complete cop out. Personally, I've got no problem with him or any other player.

    Only a few days left of this campaign. I think my PVP days are coming to an end though. I had a good run. Been there since day one. It's just not enjoyable any more. Faction imbalances. Class imbalances. Out of control lag. Zerg-a-thon central. Every update chisels out a little bit more skill from the game.

    Maybe next campaign will be more balanced. And maybe I'll come across a magical chimpanzee that grants me three wishes.
  • Takes-No-Prisoner

    He's super rude and isn't very nice to people. Same thing but he's just not someone I want to help push for emperor. Read the text zone chat when he's on :/

    There are many other reasons as to why people don't like him but they're reason I can't post here.

    I've hung out with the guy before in a weird encounter at Farragut keep a few weeks ago. He's still a clean slate for me since I don't know him. But I most certainly won't force pushing or defending someone I don't honestly know.

  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    The thing I like most about this thread is that you are 9 pages in and little to no salt or rages against anyone. To be fair most of the posts are yours OP but still I'm surprised given how the PC campaign threads usually devolve into pettiness so quickly.

    Here's a interesting tid bit for you;

    Most of that salty banter is done on Facebook groups for PS4. Apparently there are several PVP groups out there that talk and do their coordination through that site. They also probably don't have access to these forums either like we do. So yea, if a lot of people we're referring to never post, it's because they do not know this place exists.

    Cause every time I hear about drama via Voice chat, 9-10 times someone brings up some random Facebook group.
    Edited by Takes-No-Prisoner on December 7, 2016 4:14PM
  • geonsocal
    okay then - time to be for many months I've tried very very hard to remain neutral between the three alliances...whether it's a DC, EP or an AD character I'm playing - i'm all in for that side (geez, I'm starting to sound a little conflicted about fighting for different alliances, like our friend @Serjustin19 always posts about)...

    truth is, on a personal note - the dynamic fighting for AD is much much different...maybe it's because AD is consistently outnumbered, being pvdoored, trying to chase down and get back their scrolls - i don't know, but, my perception is they're a much tighter, closer group of players over in AD...

    almost all the groups I join are with AD...rarely (unless it's super late at night) will I get group invites from either DC or EP - it doesn't bother me, cuz I normally prefer to do my own thing and play at my own pace - plus, I think more than a few folks have noticed me fighting for all three sides - and, i totally get some players not being okay with that...

    truth is - about 80% of the cool folks I've played with and got to know a little bit, have been wearing yellow...

    it just is what it is...

    I've reached 100k now with all 8 characters, so, I'm planning on taking a bit of a break from the war for a couple of days...

    but, if you see me out there and I'm wearing different colors, burn me down, show no mercy, test me - i wouldn't want it any other way...

    if I'm out doing some sightseeing wearing some different gear, let's go explore and hang out (there's this small little fishing cabin, with a dock, that currently has bandits or worm cultists or something in it somewhere in AD territory that I've been searching for and trying to rediscover the last week or so, no luck yet - it has a skyshard close by)...

    there's this question in the role playing section of the forums which asks what place would you like to retire at in tamriel - rawl'kha and belkarth for their convenient services are always obvious choices - but, no question my favorite map is cyro, that little fishing spot is where I wanna get old and fade away at...if i can just find it again...

    here's a question for ya - can enemy players read your emotes?

    final thought - I really appreciate you all, have a good one :)
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    came across this bit of pvp ganking scripture in a thread in one of the other sections of the forum - this is really good stuff on how to deal with gankers...

    much love and respect to @Kutsuu ...if the subject arises again - i hope you don't mind if we pick your brain a bit...much appreciated info...
    Kutsuu wrote: »
    The trick to dealing with horse ganks is as follows:

    1. Do not drain your mount stamina. It is paramount that it has full stam so you can block yourself off the mount instead of getting stuck in a dismount CC. If they open with Agony, you can hit your dismount button and CC break.

    2. Run radiant magelight on your traveling bar. With these conditions met, you need to be attentive and ready to react very quickly. Often I hear them hit radiant magelight (you can hear it from like 20m away, it's crazy) and begin blocking before they even hit me with their heavy attack. Other times I hear the twang of a bow heavy attack and manage to get block up in time. Worst case, I get hit by the heavy attack and ambush and immediately block the incap while block casting a heal - it's possible to die here if they get a crit velidreth/selene proc before you begin blocking.

    Either way, Block instantly dismounts you and puts you into a defensive stance where you can block the incap. Once the initial gank fails you need to be ready to CC break a fear immediately. I often mist form before they have the chance to cast fear, then re-engage within 2-3 seconds under my terms.

    Now I will say that the simple action of running radiant magelight on your travel bar will reduce gank attempts against you by a large %age. Many gankers will see the buff on your bar and wait for a weaker target.

    If I know a ganker is around, I will stealth up myself and wait for them to attack someone, then hunt them down. It's almost impossible to escape from someone with a gap closer and radiant magelight.

    Once in combat with them I recast the radiant buff every 6 seconds just like I would shields on a sorc - so the moment they try to cloak away it's not happening. That is assuming they don't die in 3-4 seconds, which is the case for most since they have 18-23k HP and medium armor - just a single jab channel often does over 10k damage.

    looks like i need to incorporate a little magelight into my game...this i will do...and get a whole lot better at remembering to block once i suspect someone is in stealth nearby - normally i get all excited and caught up in attacking right away...need to slow down a bit and think it through better...
    Edited by geonsocal on December 7, 2016 6:35PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Kutsuu
    NP! Yeah your primary concern other than avoiding the gank is staying full life and defensive until their first Velidreth proc, then getting very aggressive and putting on the pressure. They aren't going to do much damage when they're dodge rolling away trying not to die, and this is when it becomes very important to have your magelight up because they will escape you given the chance.

    Envy Me - Sorc
    Kutsus - NB
    Kutsmuffin - Temp
    Kutsuu the Destroyer - NB
    Kutsuu - Temp
    Natsu Dragoneel - DK
    Kutsumo - NB
  • GreenSoup2HoT
    C U tonight everyone! Finally got a day off. :)
    PS4 NA DC
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    I'll prolly be doing PvE stuffs. Kinda burnt on PvP.

    Need mah Viper 1h weap.
  • geonsocal
    it would seem - even the mightiest of warriors need a little downtime...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    yo I have been sick all week, so that's primarily my reason for peacing out

  • geonsocal
    C U tonight everyone! Finally got a day off. :)

    took a bit of a break for a couple of days...normally my breaks are the result of some stuff popping up on my "social" calendar (ugh, all i really wanna do is play my video games - crazy family and friends always trying to pull me out of my tiny comfortable shell :p)...

    but - the last couple of days, i've just been farming in craglorn and doing a little sneaking around 'city of ash' looking for chests...don't ask me why - but, i also spent some time just hanging around the lunar fang docks...nothing really significant there - it's just a really nice setting to me...

    for just about ever - i usually start the campaigns off playing DC, then EP and finally AD...gonna switch it up this campaign and jump in right away on AD...

    I hope we get a chance to hook up and dance a little @GreenSoup2HoT - i'll try to hang out wherever AD and DC are clashing to find you tonight (unless of course some troublesome friend/family tries to take me away from my happy spot - in front of the tv gaming away :p)...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    yo I have been sick all week, so that's primarily my reason for peacing out


    oh man, sorry to hear that @Takes-No-Prisoner...take care of yourself brother - i hope you're feeling better soon...

    I have a strong feeling that once you're back in the saddle again - cyro will look pretty much the same as always :)
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Yung_deezy818
    Been getting invested a lot in GTAV again so was easy to disappear from ESO seeing the current state pvp is in. Though I regeared my mdk and was having fun today using VD my first time. I stayed away from it for a while but that with my EOS and proxy det just splits these huge zergs up or they die haha. Also playing around with my tank healer for a bit, put light armour and some dps back on but nothing beats fun like a MDK DPS imo so going back to the heavy tank healer he's always been to keep a solo dps alive as they kill a 10 man or watch a group pound their head trying to coordinate to take me out haha. I will make more appearance next camp and prob start running groups again
  • Yung_deezy818
    Though I did home Skull and Guest scourge due to I'll be helping my boy Lil Shrew cause havoc as always protecting shrewville lol
    Edited by Yung_deezy818 on December 10, 2016 2:44AM
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