I've come to the very clear realization- that about 90% of my deaths seem to involve me "back" rolling into a wall, fence, rock, tree - ugh!!!
who the heck keeps putting all this crap out here...we need to have a "clean" up day in cyro so we can get rid of this junk that keeps getting me killed
hope you all are having fun and tearing it up out there...
I don't know if I've ever seen anyone with 20 million campaign points before...loweye has about 16 mil with 5 days to go...
"After a hard week of farming, or a long night of being nagged by your wife, there is nothing better than going out for a bit of a fish."
OutLaw_Nynx wrote: »...
I hope Darthbob doesn't come back to Scourge. It's apparent no one likes him and won't push for him.
I play AD on Scourge PS4, why don't people like Darthbob? I've seen him online. I don't see him being rude or anything but then again I'm not in his group or guild chats. Why wouldn't we want strong players?
thanks @OutLaw_Nynx and @Ballcap ...thanks for the inside stuff...
i'm pretty far out of the social/political loop...so, it's really great to hear what's going on behind the scenes - they're just names on the leaderboards to me...but, i know a bunch of you are paying a whole lot closer attention to the social dynamics within the game...
that stuff is really interesting to me - i just personally suck at it
news flash - kinda glad to see AD grab emp before the campaign ended - good job...
another example of why some of my favorite players are wearing yellow...class move...
I'm a big believer in stories of redemption - groundhogs day being my favorite
hopefully darthbob has his...
OutLaw_Nynx wrote: »
He's super rude and isn't very nice to people. Same thing but he's just not someone I want to help push for emperor. Read the text zone chat when he's on
There are many other reasons as to why people don't like him but they're reason I can't post here.
Curragraigue wrote: »The thing I like most about this thread is that you are 9 pages in and little to no salt or rages against anyone. To be fair most of the posts are yours OP but still I'm surprised given how the PC campaign threads usually devolve into pettiness so quickly.
The trick to dealing with horse ganks is as follows:
1. Do not drain your mount stamina. It is paramount that it has full stam so you can block yourself off the mount instead of getting stuck in a dismount CC. If they open with Agony, you can hit your dismount button and CC break.
2. Run radiant magelight on your traveling bar. With these conditions met, you need to be attentive and ready to react very quickly. Often I hear them hit radiant magelight (you can hear it from like 20m away, it's crazy) and begin blocking before they even hit me with their heavy attack. Other times I hear the twang of a bow heavy attack and manage to get block up in time. Worst case, I get hit by the heavy attack and ambush and immediately block the incap while block casting a heal - it's possible to die here if they get a crit velidreth/selene proc before you begin blocking.
Either way, Block instantly dismounts you and puts you into a defensive stance where you can block the incap. Once the initial gank fails you need to be ready to CC break a fear immediately. I often mist form before they have the chance to cast fear, then re-engage within 2-3 seconds under my terms.
Now I will say that the simple action of running radiant magelight on your travel bar will reduce gank attempts against you by a large %age. Many gankers will see the buff on your bar and wait for a weaker target.
If I know a ganker is around, I will stealth up myself and wait for them to attack someone, then hunt them down. It's almost impossible to escape from someone with a gap closer and radiant magelight.
Once in combat with them I recast the radiant buff every 6 seconds just like I would shields on a sorc - so the moment they try to cloak away it's not happening. That is assuming they don't die in 3-4 seconds, which is the case for most since they have 18-23k HP and medium armor - just a single jab channel often does over 10k damage.
GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »C U tonight everyone! Finally got a day off.
Takes-No-Prisoner wrote: »yo I have been sick all week, so that's primarily my reason for peacing out