DannyLV702 wrote: »I've been wanting to collect some stones as well but every time I go to IC there's nobody farming
Maybe once the bags come to console there will be more farmers for me to farm
Twohothardware wrote: »I think AD has decided to surrender Scourge because the last few nights they've been pushed to their gates and theres 3 bars of AD in Haderus where they have every keep and blue and red are just fighting themselves lol.
Twohothardware wrote: »I think AD has decided to surrender Scourge because the last few nights they've been pushed to their gates and theres 3 bars of AD in Haderus where they have every keep and blue and red aren't really even trying to take anything lol.
Takes-No-Prisoner wrote: »
Thats night capping for ya
Twohothardware wrote: »
That's prime time. EP and DC were both full and AD only has had 2 bars because they're all in Haderus zerging empty keeps lol.
Takes-No-Prisoner wrote: »
Twohothardware wrote: »
Yeah but were not talking about 1 am-6am, we're talking Scourge at 7-9 PM US prime time when all three alliances should be full but lately AD only has two bars despite having a player base twice the size of blue and red. They're leaving Scourge because of the beating they're taking there.
Takes-No-Prisoner wrote: »Because they're no groups running. Have you been close to a keep where 100 blues show up? No one wants to be near that.
I too am leaving Scourge for that reason, but if you want to say I'm a bad for doing so then go right ahead. But I assure you, AD has some smart and classy folk fighting for it. They just select to not have to deal with 100 blues at one keep.
Takes-No-Prisoner wrote: »That's right.
We need the blues to stop what they're doing they're ruining the competition. Not to hate on them, but they're also destroying themselves from the inside. They teach the wrong skills to the newer players that will not help them grow. I have seen this and it is most worrysome.
So how do we do that? We need leaders on EP and AD to make this process of blue domination come to a close.
So how would you go about thinning out populations? Cause I can't answer that. Cause I haven't figured out how myself. I'm a PC transfer so there is a lot of knowledge I could bestow on people wanting to lead, however I took an oath before I moved over, that I would never under any circumstance be-little or tell people how to play PvP. I refuse to command anyone or lead groups because of that.
Leading an army takes trust, it takes resources, it takes time and it is extremely stressful. The guys I KNOW who have lead AD, have stopped because they really do not want the responsibility. I do not have it in my heart to ask someone else to lead either. I've seen how it really stresses leaders out.
EP, I don't know what they got, but they need someone to love them and guide them. My heart always feels really bad when DC and AD consistently gang up on them. They need someone to hold their hand and guide them in the right direction.
Twohothardware wrote: »Yeah but there's no other active campaigns where there are even numbers. Haderus is just 100 yellows beating on a handful of reds or blues at a keep.
ZOS needs to do something to even out the player population on the three alliances if they're going to continue with this style of PvP or only have a couple of Campaigns open at a time. DC runs Scourge now but they don't have numbers to do anything on any other Campaign.
GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »DC ive noticed has been night capping but you cant really stop that. Red has its time to flip a lot of the map aswell during the morning. Yellow is a no show ive noticed, just farming bleakers.
All though during the day DC is the only alliance that will defend emp keeps and not push further then that (doesnt happen all the time).
DC zone chat has had a lot less drama and more teamwork and organization resently. Was a crazy defense at Aswell then later Alessia last night, getting multiple walls taken down and great call outs in "yell/say" chats.
To all the red or yellow, please stay. Without you its no fun to play. Try to rally your forces and keep fighting!
I hope to see you all in Scourge!
GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »To all the red or yellow, please stay. Without you its no fun to play. Try to rally your forces and keep fighting!
GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »DC ive noticed has been night capping but you cant really stop that. Red has its time to flip a lot of the map aswell during the morning. Yellow is a no show ive noticed, just farming bleakers.
All though during the day DC is the only alliance that will defend emp keeps and not push further then that (doesnt happen all the time).
DC zone chat has had a lot less drama and more teamwork and organization resently. Was a crazy defense at Aswell then later Alessia last night, getting multiple walls taken down and great call outs in "yell/say" chats.
To all the red or yellow, please stay. Without you its no fun to play. Try to rally your forces and keep fighting!
I hope to see you all in Scourge!
PhxOldGamer68 wrote: »Imperial City really needs to be removed from Cyrodiil so we can go back to the days when everyone just fought above ground. Can't blame DC for staying out of the sewers.
anyone know of it's just talk - or, is there is actually something like battlegrounds in the future?
had fun with a buddy just riding long the edge of the map in cyro...
more and more - i think cyro is my favorite map...