Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Playstation: NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must Be The Place...

  • Ballcap
    I played a little over the last few days. It's hard to get into the flow of the map with intermittent play time so I tend to just focus on what I'm doing.

    I was hanging out at Nikel, chatting it up with the guard who was at my final match at Thizzrini. He seems to have a better memory of it than I do. Suddenly the call went out "Free AP at Sejanus". Well, since nothing was happening at Nikel, let's go have a look. It's been a while since I killed some Pact.

    Right now I'm running old school with Willpower jewelry, dual wield Torug's Pact swords, and Rattlecage (not a truly old school set but I didn't want to deal with champion points so I left it on), plus some Skoria, and a Nirnhoned lightning staff backbar. I was running Shooting Star on one bar and Solar Prison on the other. With those plus Skoria, I wanted to rain death from the skies.

    I took off towards Sejanus and arrived just as the sound of Pact war drums started up. There looked like a decent number of AD with me and since the place wasn't flagged yet I went outside right into the enemy army. There was easily a full army of them there. Boom, blockade of storms, blazing spear, ritual of retribution, just laying out damage everywhere. Skoria is falling from the sky and... whoa, I'm still alive. Near the pillars is a ball of Pact fighters and I announced my presence with the echoing boom of a meteor falling from the sky and their bodies all popped into the air in unison. It was beautiful. Blockade again, spears, switch bars, light them up like candles with Purifying light, and cover the ranged damage dealers with Total Dark. More and more AD were coming outside now and the front door of Sejanus ran red with the blood of the Pact. It was a wipe.

    Around this time I realized I would need some siege weapons because I was running low from my last battles. I picked up a few pots of boiling oil and put those in my backpack, which apparently is very well insulated. I went up to the north wall of Sejanus to get an idea of what was happening. As I was standing on the wall, a ballista bolt blasted me in the side. I removed the six foot spear from my body and pulled a ballista of my own out of my pack. Where is it.... where is it... ah, there it is, under that Helm of Fury I've been meaning to get rid of. I laid it (the ballista, not the helm) down and started shooting back at the EP ballista on the hill. He was using a regular one and mine was lightning so I win on coolness. I also had just stocked up so I was happy to trade shots with this guy until he ran out of siege or one of our other guys found him and killed him. His ballista must have been low on health because it broke after three shots and the guy must have run away. It wasn't an exciting battle but I didn't want some sneaky solo sieger to flag the outpost.

    We were all milling around for a second when the warning alarms sounded and the call went out, "Free AP at Sejanus" and wave two of the EP army came rolling in. I was ready to meet them out front again and here they come with their Destro ulti train right through my solar prison. Destro trains aren't as bad with that 30% damage reduction. Sorry about your damage, son. I dropped it right in the perfect place too as that was where our forces engaged and that meant the bulk of their forces were just standing in it, plus my blockade, plus the blazing spear, plus the ritual, and skoria falling from the skies. It was an AOE meat grinder and EP burgers were on the menu! It was an ass kicking that went all the way to Blue Road Keep.
  • geonsocal
    that was nice ballcap :)

    took a break yesterday from cyrodiil (already reached 100k on all my characters)...i want to start exploring more of the pledge dungeons to see if I can solo them...also, i need to farm: draugr hulk, bone pirate's tatters, and netches touch...

    spent a couple of hours in blackheart haven...unfortunately though wasn't able to defeat the captain at the end...

    used werewolf form so he couldn't turn me into a skeleton, but, just wasn't able to keep up with all the spawning adds, and, bring his health down quickly enough to kill...

    i'm gonna start checking the undaunted quest givers more often to see if I can catch: Direfrost Keep, Blackheart Haven, and, Darkshade Caverns on an pledge day and just farm the heck out of them...

    it's been a while since I've pugged any dungeons...other than collecting writ vouchers for a jewelry station, and, eventually a transmute station - not much else to do...

    it's funny though - even when I plan to do some other eso type content - I'll usually find myself back in cyrodiil...
    Edited by geonsocal on May 22, 2018 6:22PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    oh yeah, i think that's the first time I've seen it - but, very cool that Blackheart Haven has it's own merchant, Martha the Wench...
    Edited by geonsocal on May 22, 2018 6:21PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Abysswarrior45
    Modded controllers do not "increase dps drastically" and there aren't cheaters on the consoles in significant numbers if at all. What you perceived as cheating is likely a bug in the game or lag or just skillful play (lets pretend skill is still relevant in ESO just for this one sentence). @geonsocal @TequilaFire

    On a side note Conan Exiles, even with its many issues, puts ESO to shame. What an amazing game and one that truly revolves around player skill with its Dark Souls inspired combat and intense survival elements adding to the difficulty. Love hearing the casual scumbags on its forums squeal about how hard it is. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

    If these controllers didn't work there would not be a market for them.
    And only having to press one button instead of 3 to 4 definitely automates and perfects DPS.
    I know you like to focus me but I wasn't the one that brought it up just presenting facts.
    And electronic devices aren't up for debate, they just function.

    Assigning numerous commands to one button is a bannable offense. The modded controllers are for players who prefer them over the normal controller either because they like the button layout better or the controller better. Thats the market for them. No assigning a macro slice to a button is not what happens. People are really good at animation cancelling, the game has been out for 4 years. Its not hard to do and lag on top of skillful animation cancelling can make it seem like people are cheating but they aren't. Its really that simple.

    Oh BS they are used all the time in many games you ate very uniformed if you think otherwise I know people who openly admit it in this game. No one cares if it is a bannable offense because it is very difficult to detect.
    You really think that if someone has one they aren't going to use it? Just LMFAO.
    On PC macros are used all the time. Think what you want but you are wrong.
    But this doesn't belong in this thread so I'm done.

    I think you believe there are more of these controllers than there actually are. I can tell you the big name payers found on PvE leaderboards–not PvP because PvP leaderboards only have zerglings–are just really good at animation cancelling. Thats all there is to it. Its not hard and lag plays a part in how combos are perceived on the other end. You're old, I understand its hard for you to comprehend how fast some players can move their fingers, but I assure you there is very little cheating on console. The big name console players on YouTube, same thing. You'll see them popping light attacks between every attack and thats just habitual. I do it too. You get really good at it.
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    Lag is one of the biggest reasons I have my PS4 Pro hardwired(and why my controller is hardwired to keep battery topped off). I use animation cancelling a lot to keep myself a float out in the wilds.

    If you're not running in groups, or constantly grouped, AC is pretty much mandatory to run solo.
  • Abysswarrior45
    Lag is one of the biggest reasons I have my PS4 Pro hardwired(and why my controller is hardwired to keep battery topped off). I use animation cancelling a lot to keep myself a float out in the wilds.

    If you're not running in groups, or constantly grouped, AC is pretty much mandatory to run solo.

    And thats the thing. The only ones complaining about macros and cheating are those running in/surfing groups, Tequila included. Players are to the point they can fire off 4-5 abilities, especially on NB and mag sorc with its lingering abilities all in the same second. Its not hard to imagine. Theres nothing mind blowing about it.
  • TequilaFire
    Modded controllers do not "increase dps drastically" and there aren't cheaters on the consoles in significant numbers if at all. What you perceived as cheating is likely a bug in the game or lag or just skillful play (lets pretend skill is still relevant in ESO just for this one sentence). @geonsocal @TequilaFire

    On a side note Conan Exiles, even with its many issues, puts ESO to shame. What an amazing game and one that truly revolves around player skill with its Dark Souls inspired combat and intense survival elements adding to the difficulty. Love hearing the casual scumbags on its forums squeal about how hard it is. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

    If these controllers didn't work there would not be a market for them.
    And only having to press one button instead of 3 to 4 definitely automates and perfects DPS.
    I know you like to focus me but I wasn't the one that brought it up just presenting facts.
    And electronic devices aren't up for debate, they just function.

    Assigning numerous commands to one button is a bannable offense. The modded controllers are for players who prefer them over the normal controller either because they like the button layout better or the controller better. Thats the market for them. No assigning a macro slice to a button is not what happens. People are really good at animation cancelling, the game has been out for 4 years. Its not hard to do and lag on top of skillful animation cancelling can make it seem like people are cheating but they aren't. Its really that simple.

    Oh BS they are used all the time in many games you ate very uniformed if you think otherwise I know people who openly admit it in this game. No one cares if it is a bannable offense because it is very difficult to detect.
    You really think that if someone has one they aren't going to use it? Just LMFAO.
    On PC macros are used all the time. Think what you want but you are wrong.
    But this doesn't belong in this thread so I'm done.

    I think you believe there are more of these controllers than there actually are. I can tell you the big name payers found on PvE leaderboards–not PvP because PvP leaderboards only have zerglings–are just really good at animation cancelling. Thats all there is to it. Its not hard and lag plays a part in how combos are perceived on the other end. You're old, I understand its hard for you to comprehend how fast some players can move their fingers, but I assure you there is very little cheating on console. The big name console players on YouTube, same thing. You'll see them popping light attacks between every attack and thats just habitual. I do it too. You get really good at it.

    Dude, let it go I never mentioned a number just that they exist and there are players that used them.
    You don't have to white knight the player base. Also stop insulting players that group just because you have a different play style, the PvP leader boards contain both Hardcore and casual players. I comprehend probably more than you think and have been light attack weaving for years. I just don't run away and around rocks when pressured. And maybe I am older than you but you know what bucko you aren't getting any younger.
    Edited by TequilaFire on May 22, 2018 6:45PM
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    Now, now. Don't throw him under the bus.

    There is a large portion of players who do not understand what rollback(or lag) is and what animation canceling looks like. They should be shown what those tells look like. If we can teach these players how to do that, we can all get better at PvP together and have more enjoyable fights.

    There is also no hand book for playing high-level PvP in ESO. Many of us vets learned through failure. But not everyone can sit down and cross-examine short comings in builds and playstyles. This is what advice exists for.

    We need more teachers and less toxicity.

    Also, I wish there was a PvP oriented Target Dummy for my house. This would be incredibly helpful for short-term bursts and set ups.
    Edited by Takes-No-Prisoner on May 22, 2018 6:57PM
  • geonsocal
    us geriatrics got to stick together...


    it's coming for you to abysss...faster than ya think...

    no one gets out of here alive :)

    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • TequilaFire
    I wasn't even the one who brought modded controllers up or complained, just I accept they exist.
    Some people are just like bulldogs though once they bite they can't let go. :D
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    I don't doubt they exist.

    Having one doesn't automatically make the guy exploiting turbo any good at all.

    It's just, why use a turbo button when animation canceling using block is much faster?
  • TequilaFire
    Since this is Elder Snares Online, it takes more than just a controller anyway.
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    Snares are why I stick to mid-range/long-range DPS on my magNB. Though, truth be told, never had an issue with them since I LoS with Cloak quite abit. By the time I drop cloak, the snare is gone and they can't re-apply it whenever they wish as long as they can't target me. Even if they get in close enough with Ambush or Stampede, they eat Fear. Fear CC and the snare after the CC Break are really nasty ontop of being Minor Maim'ed. By the time that is applied, I can put down a Crippling Grasp and create distance. Crippling is such an amazing tool.

    There are some really neat melee magNB builds floating around in the PvP section using 2H Sword. Those builds pretty much need to slot Forward Momentum for that removal.

    I've seen a couple people on PS4 NA on Mag builds already rocking a 2H Sword and using Momentum.
    Edited by Takes-No-Prisoner on May 22, 2018 8:15PM
  • reiverx
    Modded controllers do not "increase dps drastically" and there aren't cheaters on the consoles in significant numbers if at all. What you perceived as cheating is likely a bug in the game or lag or just skillful play (lets pretend skill is still relevant in ESO just for this one sentence). @geonsocal @TequilaFire

    On a side note Conan Exiles, even with its many issues, puts ESO to shame. What an amazing game and one that truly revolves around player skill with its Dark Souls inspired combat and intense survival elements adding to the difficulty. Love hearing the casual scumbags on its forums squeal about how hard it is. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

    If these controllers didn't work there would not be a market for them.
    And only having to press one button instead of 3 to 4 definitely automates and perfects DPS.
    I know you like to focus me but I wasn't the one that brought it up just presenting facts.
    And electronic devices aren't up for debate, they just function.

    Assigning numerous commands to one button is a bannable offense. The modded controllers are for players who prefer them over the normal controller either because they like the button layout better or the controller better. Thats the market for them. No assigning a macro slice to a button is not what happens. People are really good at animation cancelling, the game has been out for 4 years. Its not hard to do and lag on top of skillful animation cancelling can make it seem like people are cheating but they aren't. Its really that simple.

    Oh BS they are used all the time in many games you ate very uniformed if you think otherwise I know people who openly admit it in this game. No one cares if it is a bannable offense because it is very difficult to detect.
    You really think that if someone has one they aren't going to use it? Just LMFAO.
    On PC macros are used all the time. Think what you want but you are wrong.
    But this doesn't belong in this thread so I'm done.

    I think you believe there are more of these controllers than there actually are. I can tell you the big name payers found on PvE leaderboards–not PvP because PvP leaderboards only have zerglings–are just really good at animation cancelling. Thats all there is to it. Its not hard and lag plays a part in how combos are perceived on the other end. You're old, I understand its hard for you to comprehend how fast some players can move their fingers, but I assure you there is very little cheating on console. The big name console players on YouTube, same thing. You'll see them popping light attacks between every attack and thats just habitual. I do it too. You get really good at it.

    Taking a dig at us older folks, eh?

    Sometimes your age really shines through.
  • wazzz56
    reiverx wrote: »
    Modded controllers do not "increase dps drastically" and there aren't cheaters on the consoles in significant numbers if at all. What you perceived as cheating is likely a bug in the game or lag or just skillful play (lets pretend skill is still relevant in ESO just for this one sentence). @geonsocal @TequilaFire

    On a side note Conan Exiles, even with its many issues, puts ESO to shame. What an amazing game and one that truly revolves around player skill with its Dark Souls inspired combat and intense survival elements adding to the difficulty. Love hearing the casual scumbags on its forums squeal about how hard it is. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

    If these controllers didn't work there would not be a market for them.
    And only having to press one button instead of 3 to 4 definitely automates and perfects DPS.
    I know you like to focus me but I wasn't the one that brought it up just presenting facts.
    And electronic devices aren't up for debate, they just function.

    Assigning numerous commands to one button is a bannable offense. The modded controllers are for players who prefer them over the normal controller either because they like the button layout better or the controller better. Thats the market for them. No assigning a macro slice to a button is not what happens. People are really good at animation cancelling, the game has been out for 4 years. Its not hard to do and lag on top of skillful animation cancelling can make it seem like people are cheating but they aren't. Its really that simple.

    Oh BS they are used all the time in many games you ate very uniformed if you think otherwise I know people who openly admit it in this game. No one cares if it is a bannable offense because it is very difficult to detect.
    You really think that if someone has one they aren't going to use it? Just LMFAO.
    On PC macros are used all the time. Think what you want but you are wrong.
    But this doesn't belong in this thread so I'm done.

    I think you believe there are more of these controllers than there actually are. I can tell you the big name payers found on PvE leaderboards–not PvP because PvP leaderboards only have zerglings–are just really good at animation cancelling. Thats all there is to it. Its not hard and lag plays a part in how combos are perceived on the other end. You're old, I understand its hard for you to comprehend how fast some players can move their fingers, but I assure you there is very little cheating on console. The big name console players on YouTube, same thing. You'll see them popping light attacks between every attack and thats just habitual. I do it too. You get really good at it.

    Taking a dig at us older folks, eh?

    Sometimes your age really shines through.

    bet us old folks AP gains are hard to compete with though :)

    Also it is not hard to get on leader boards with out zerging (or caring for that matter) your statement should have read that only zerglings care about the leaderboards :)
    Edited by wazzz56 on May 24, 2018 2:28PM
    GM Tig Ole Critties ps5 NA small scale PvP guild

    "After a hard week of farming, or a long night of being nagged by your wife, there is nothing better than going out for a bit of a fish."
  • geonsocal
    reiverx wrote: »
    Modded controllers do not "increase dps drastically" and there aren't cheaters on the consoles in significant numbers if at all. What you perceived as cheating is likely a bug in the game or lag or just skillful play (lets pretend skill is still relevant in ESO just for this one sentence). @geonsocal @TequilaFire

    On a side note Conan Exiles, even with its many issues, puts ESO to shame. What an amazing game and one that truly revolves around player skill with its Dark Souls inspired combat and intense survival elements adding to the difficulty. Love hearing the casual scumbags on its forums squeal about how hard it is. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

    If these controllers didn't work there would not be a market for them.
    And only having to press one button instead of 3 to 4 definitely automates and perfects DPS.
    I know you like to focus me but I wasn't the one that brought it up just presenting facts.
    And electronic devices aren't up for debate, they just function.

    Assigning numerous commands to one button is a bannable offense. The modded controllers are for players who prefer them over the normal controller either because they like the button layout better or the controller better. Thats the market for them. No assigning a macro slice to a button is not what happens. People are really good at animation cancelling, the game has been out for 4 years. Its not hard to do and lag on top of skillful animation cancelling can make it seem like people are cheating but they aren't. Its really that simple.

    Oh BS they are used all the time in many games you ate very uniformed if you think otherwise I know people who openly admit it in this game. No one cares if it is a bannable offense because it is very difficult to detect.
    You really think that if someone has one they aren't going to use it? Just LMFAO.
    On PC macros are used all the time. Think what you want but you are wrong.
    But this doesn't belong in this thread so I'm done.

    I think you believe there are more of these controllers than there actually are. I can tell you the big name payers found on PvE leaderboards–not PvP because PvP leaderboards only have zerglings–are just really good at animation cancelling. Thats all there is to it. Its not hard and lag plays a part in how combos are perceived on the other end. You're old, I understand its hard for you to comprehend how fast some players can move their fingers, but I assure you there is very little cheating on console. The big name console players on YouTube, same thing. You'll see them popping light attacks between every attack and thats just habitual. I do it too. You get really good at it.

    Taking a dig at us older folks, eh?

    Sometimes your age really shines through.

    hitting 55 this's turning out to be a bit of a weird time in life...

    on the one hand - I can't wait for the next ten years to go by so that I can retire and have more time back in to my daily life...

    one the other hand - I've witnessed (up close and personal :)) the effects aging have had on my body over the last 10 years...

    i'm a little concerned - physically, what ten more years is gonna "feel" like...
    Edited by geonsocal on May 23, 2018 5:00PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    My dad is 10 years older then you. All you have to do is stay active and keep your body engaged in good physical activities. Sitting isn't necessarily healthy, so find time to exercise as long as your doctor OKs it.
    Edited by Takes-No-Prisoner on May 23, 2018 5:03PM
  • TequilaFire
    Yep stay active, I ride motorcycles with my gang, lol
  • PhxOldGamer68
    And this 50 year old has carpal tunnel in both hands. Hurts when I'm sieging with 3 ballistas. So standing while playing video games doesn't count as exercise? That's what I do when my sciatica starts to hurt. :s
    PSN NA/EU: DesertDweller99
    PC NA: KaktusKing
  • geonsocal
    see @abysswarrior45 - as punishment for any past or future transgressions against any and all of humankind - you should be forced to read all our intimate and personal trials and tribulations with aging...

    the more personal and embarrassing (don't even get me started on my ever weakening bladder) the better...

    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Jake1576
    geonsocal wrote: »
    see @abysswarrior45 - as punishment for any past or future transgressions against any and all of humankind - you should be forced to read all our intimate and personal trials and tribulations with aging...

    the more personal and embarrassing (don't even get me started on my ever weakening bladder) the better...


    Lmao :D
    Edited by Jake1576 on May 23, 2018 11:20PM
  • Abysswarrior45
    reiverx wrote: »
    Modded controllers do not "increase dps drastically" and there aren't cheaters on the consoles in significant numbers if at all. What you perceived as cheating is likely a bug in the game or lag or just skillful play (lets pretend skill is still relevant in ESO just for this one sentence). @geonsocal @TequilaFire

    On a side note Conan Exiles, even with its many issues, puts ESO to shame. What an amazing game and one that truly revolves around player skill with its Dark Souls inspired combat and intense survival elements adding to the difficulty. Love hearing the casual scumbags on its forums squeal about how hard it is. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

    If these controllers didn't work there would not be a market for them.
    And only having to press one button instead of 3 to 4 definitely automates and perfects DPS.
    I know you like to focus me but I wasn't the one that brought it up just presenting facts.
    And electronic devices aren't up for debate, they just function.

    Assigning numerous commands to one button is a bannable offense. The modded controllers are for players who prefer them over the normal controller either because they like the button layout better or the controller better. Thats the market for them. No assigning a macro slice to a button is not what happens. People are really good at animation cancelling, the game has been out for 4 years. Its not hard to do and lag on top of skillful animation cancelling can make it seem like people are cheating but they aren't. Its really that simple.

    Oh BS they are used all the time in many games you ate very uniformed if you think otherwise I know people who openly admit it in this game. No one cares if it is a bannable offense because it is very difficult to detect.
    You really think that if someone has one they aren't going to use it? Just LMFAO.
    On PC macros are used all the time. Think what you want but you are wrong.
    But this doesn't belong in this thread so I'm done.

    I think you believe there are more of these controllers than there actually are. I can tell you the big name payers found on PvE leaderboards–not PvP because PvP leaderboards only have zerglings–are just really good at animation cancelling. Thats all there is to it. Its not hard and lag plays a part in how combos are perceived on the other end. You're old, I understand its hard for you to comprehend how fast some players can move their fingers, but I assure you there is very little cheating on console. The big name console players on YouTube, same thing. You'll see them popping light attacks between every attack and thats just habitual. I do it too. You get really good at it.

    Taking a dig at us older folks, eh?

    Sometimes your age really shines through.


    I don't even play ESO anymore so the only reason I pop on the forums from time to time is just to see what silly nonsense gets written and troll. Pugs have taken over the game and people start claiming people are cheating when instead they're using skill!
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    And this 50 year old has carpal tunnel in both hands. Hurts when I'm sieging with 3 ballistas. So standing while playing video games doesn't count as exercise? That's what I do when my sciatica starts to hurt. :s

    I get carpal tunnel from using a Keyboard/mouse to game with. Don't get that with a controller. That is quite odd you get pain from playing. Most controllers are designed to help not trigger it.

    Did you often hurt your hands when you were younger?
  • PhxOldGamer68
    And this 50 year old has carpal tunnel in both hands. Hurts when I'm sieging with 3 ballistas. So standing while playing video games doesn't count as exercise? That's what I do when my sciatica starts to hurt. :s

    I get carpal tunnel from using a Keyboard/mouse to game with. Don't get that with a controller. That is quite odd you get pain from playing. Most controllers are designed to help not trigger it.

    Did you often hurt your hands when you were younger?

    Not at all. Played all kinds of sports, played video games since Pong, Tank and Atari 2600. Carpal tunnel did start because my work is typing a lot so I use an ergo split keyboard and ergo stand up mouse to alleviate the pain. But repetitive controller movements start to hurt. Hurts mostly playing Destiny since it's a fast shooter, and then when there's a lot of fighting in PVP, yet not much in PVE...I've been doing a lot dungeons lately with coworkers, yet not as much pain probably because it's easy spamming while PVP requires a lot of rotation.

    I should get a 3rd party controller that's bigger like Xbox ones.
    Edited by PhxOldGamer68 on May 25, 2018 5:23PM
    PSN NA/EU: DesertDweller99
    PC NA: KaktusKing
  • geonsocal
    And this 50 year old has carpal tunnel in both hands. Hurts when I'm sieging with 3 ballistas. So standing while playing video games doesn't count as exercise? That's what I do when my sciatica starts to hurt. :s

    I get carpal tunnel from using a Keyboard/mouse to game with. Don't get that with a controller. That is quite odd you get pain from playing. Most controllers are designed to help not trigger it.

    Did you often hurt your hands when you were younger?

    I've been doing a lot dungeons lately with coworkers,

    that is way cool :)
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    And this 50 year old has carpal tunnel in both hands. Hurts when I'm sieging with 3 ballistas. So standing while playing video games doesn't count as exercise? That's what I do when my sciatica starts to hurt. :s

    I get carpal tunnel from using a Keyboard/mouse to game with. Don't get that with a controller. That is quite odd you get pain from playing. Most controllers are designed to help not trigger it.

    Did you often hurt your hands when you were younger?

    Not at all. Played all kinds of sports, played video games since Pong, Tank and Atari 2600. Carpal tunnel did start because my work is typing a lot so I use an ergo split keyboard and ergo stand up mouse to alleviate the pain. But repetitive controller movements start to hurt. Hurts mostly playing Destiny since it's a fast shooter, and then when there's a lot of fighting in PVP, yet not much in PVE...I've been doing a lot dungeons lately with coworkers, yet not as much pain probably because it's easy spamming while PVP requires a lot of rotation.

    I should get a 3rd party controller that's bigger like Xbox ones.

    Should look into getting therapy for it if you haven't already. A therapist who specializes in hands and will give you a good hand massage might work!

    I've had pain in my knee joint and exercising/losing weight has definitely help stop it from worsening.
    Edited by Takes-No-Prisoner on May 25, 2018 6:57PM
  • Ballcap
    Arrived in Cyrodiil to see that we were pushed back to Black Boot and Blood Mayne. We rode north from there to capture Faregyl and with so many AD grouped together it was an amazing sight. As we all took off for Alessia it reminded me why I play this game. This huge wave of players on various mounts riding together with a common goal. When a nearby player popped rapids and caught me, it seemed the whole group took off as one unit. It was great, I felt like I could feel the wind in my face as we raced towards the castle. With a group of this size, the outcome was never in doubt and we quickly took down the walls and the EP group inside.

    It was a good time.
    Edited by Ballcap on May 28, 2018 7:55PM
  • PhxOldGamer68

    Should look into getting therapy for it if you haven't already. A therapist who specializes in hands and will give you a good hand massage might work!

    I've had pain in my knee joint and exercising/losing weight has definitely help stop it from worsening.

    Thanks! I have and fortunately, I don't have to wear the braces as much anymore. The ice water/hot water therapy works great!
    PSN NA/EU: DesertDweller99
    PC NA: KaktusKing
  • geonsocal
    had a chance to get in for a while last night...just wanted to play a werewolf using maw of the infernal...

    I just love the animation of having the deadroth fighting with the werewolf...

    had one really good fight (which i ended up losing) against a mag sorc around the brk farm flag...

    for the life of me - I just couldn't seen to connect with my "roar" to fear them...and, without that wasn't able to get past their shields at all...

    I ended up just gassing out of stamina...still had fun though fighting...

    few days left in the campaign...looks like first, second and third are pretty much all wrapped up...

    looking forward to seeing what effects the new scoring rules have on AP gains...

    the last month or so I've spent millions on monster pieces, so, need to get back out there and build up some AP...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    I spent a lot of AP getting Skoria LA/MA/HA helms, though that is the story of my AP spending. 90% of it went to getting every monster helm/shoulder the golden puts out.
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