Celas_Dranacea wrote: »@God_flakes just want to say this is some quality psy-ops you got going here
Guys... Guys! What do I do? They've got me all confused - I can't take it!
Should I stay on Haderus? Should I help on Trueflame?
I don't know.... I'm not sure... brain is ... failing.
At this point I think the most strategic thing for AD to do is Zerg BWB but only to make sure the banks of the water near the Allessia bridge are free of mud crabs. Our lowbies will level so much faster and help the war effort if they don't get pinched so much by crustaceans! I will be the point of the spear! I will save all AD from certain mud crabstruction!
God_flakes wrote: »I also want to add that Haderus has been a small man's server for a long time. It's kinda been an unspoken thing there. It is so dang amusing that the zergiest guilds PM and Fantasia and Hagnado can't seem to compete there even with their insane numbers and Zerg mentality so they are deciding to bring their cookies back to TF where they can all happily Zerg to their heart's content.
God_flakes wrote: »God_flakes wrote: »God_flakes wrote: »God_flakes wrote: »God_flakes wrote: »Rohamad_Ali wrote: »They are fine if you are a lazy player on a different faction who prefers easy mode to fair fights...or do you just emote?God_flakes wrote: »AD numbers are fine on TF. L2p.
Do not bother with the opinions of other factions . AD needs help on TF is true . I see the score . May @Telel and COH could put some effort back there . Looks like Fantasia is going to . Not a lot of time left to get score up though . Maybe second place if a couple guilds rally back .
They are behind in score because of stupid play, not because of being outnumbered.
Ssshh Skyy, truth is irrelevant! They're losing because the other faction's players are lazy!
*Typical AD mentality: can't win on a balanced server, can't handle not winning, so come on guize lets slam the server with hundreds more players! Surely we can get our winz then!!!*
AD, generally, I have better fights with. Some may melt but a bigger margin of them have their build sorted out.
EP on the otherhand, sends full raids to glade/ales and is still in second place. Save for a couple of hard hitters and their fellow brethren, the ratio of manpower superiority is 1:4.
DC's weakness is breaches. We really can't learn how to enter them as soloist pugs lol.
I agree and I'm really not sure what she's expecting. Is she expecting Haderus Ad to abandon that campaign (causing imbalance there) to come to TF and cause imbalance there?
Okay so here's the issue with this. Fantasia, CoH and Hagnado ran raids the past few weeks in Haderus.
During primetime while guilds were on, AD easily took back the whole map, most keeps would turn yellow or mostly yellow, we'd get emperorship, etc. Unless Nikolai was online with a sizable group, there were really few satisfying fights. Even while EP was poplocked, few truly large EP groups were to be seen??? It was just a lot of bad pugs and it was really weird lol.
And then after primetime, the map would go red all the way back to the scroll temples, and the process would repeat. In my opinion, after playing in Had for a good 2-3 weeks, Had does not need multiple organized groups and/or large raid groups.
In other words, once PM and the other large TF EP groups in Haderus move out, there is no reason for the AD ones to stay either. Guilds like this are OP on Had because there's much less resistance than you would see on TF and it's unbelievably easy to do things like... cap every single keep with a single guild. lol.
Yeah I'm not buying this. DC won the last campaign. Sounds like ya'll are leaving cuz you got beat down.
In Haddy? EP has won the last three camapigns in haddy uncontested. DC was only beating AD due to a insane several day low pop bonus.
Then I'm being given false info? I was told DC won the last campaign.
I'm 90% certain EP got first but I spent a lot of time in the last haddy campaign in TF so I could be wrong.
I'm being told DC is consistently winning there. So you are all leaving cuz you can't get your winz with insane numbers so the plan is for ad and Ep to re-slam TF with your stupid insane numbers and win with zerging again. As if TF isn't zergville already. Fabulous. Just fabulous.
God_flakes wrote: »God_flakes wrote: »God_flakes wrote: »God_flakes wrote: »Rohamad_Ali wrote: »They are fine if you are a lazy player on a different faction who prefers easy mode to fair fights...or do you just emote?God_flakes wrote: »AD numbers are fine on TF. L2p.
Do not bother with the opinions of other factions . AD needs help on TF is true . I see the score . May @Telel and COH could put some effort back there . Looks like Fantasia is going to . Not a lot of time left to get score up though . Maybe second place if a couple guilds rally back .
They are behind in score because of stupid play, not because of being outnumbered.
Ssshh Skyy, truth is irrelevant! They're losing because the other faction's players are lazy!
*Typical AD mentality: can't win on a balanced server, can't handle not winning, so come on guize lets slam the server with hundreds more players! Surely we can get our winz then!!!*
AD, generally, I have better fights with. Some may melt but a bigger margin of them have their build sorted out.
EP on the otherhand, sends full raids to glade/ales and is still in second place. Save for a couple of hard hitters and their fellow brethren, the ratio of manpower superiority is 1:4.
DC's weakness is breaches. We really can't learn how to enter them as soloist pugs lol.
I agree and I'm really not sure what she's expecting. Is she expecting Haderus Ad to abandon that campaign (causing imbalance there) to come to TF and cause imbalance there?
Okay so here's the issue with this. Fantasia, CoH and Hagnado ran raids the past few weeks in Haderus.
During primetime while guilds were on, AD easily took back the whole map, most keeps would turn yellow or mostly yellow, we'd get emperorship, etc. Unless Nikolai was online with a sizable group, there were really few satisfying fights. Even while EP was poplocked, few truly large EP groups were to be seen??? It was just a lot of bad pugs and it was really weird lol.
And then after primetime, the map would go red all the way back to the scroll temples, and the process would repeat. In my opinion, after playing in Had for a good 2-3 weeks, Had does not need multiple organized groups and/or large raid groups.
In other words, once PM and the other large TF EP groups in Haderus move out, there is no reason for the AD ones to stay either. Guilds like this are OP on Had because there's much less resistance than you would see on TF and it's unbelievably easy to do things like... cap every single keep with a single guild. lol.
Yeah I'm not buying this. DC won the last campaign. Sounds like ya'll are leaving cuz you got beat down.
In Haddy? EP has won the last three camapigns in haddy uncontested. DC was only beating AD due to a insane several day low pop bonus.
Then I'm being given false info? I was told DC won the last campaign.
God_flakes wrote: »God_flakes wrote: »God_flakes wrote: »God_flakes wrote: »God_flakes wrote: »God_flakes wrote: »Rohamad_Ali wrote: »They are fine if you are a lazy player on a different faction who prefers easy mode to fair fights...or do you just emote?God_flakes wrote: »AD numbers are fine on TF. L2p.
Do not bother with the opinions of other factions . AD needs help on TF is true . I see the score . May @Telel and COH could put some effort back there . Looks like Fantasia is going to . Not a lot of time left to get score up though . Maybe second place if a couple guilds rally back .
They are behind in score because of stupid play, not because of being outnumbered.
Ssshh Skyy, truth is irrelevant! They're losing because the other faction's players are lazy!
*Typical AD mentality: can't win on a balanced server, can't handle not winning, so come on guize lets slam the server with hundreds more players! Surely we can get our winz then!!!*
AD, generally, I have better fights with. Some may melt but a bigger margin of them have their build sorted out.
EP on the otherhand, sends full raids to glade/ales and is still in second place. Save for a couple of hard hitters and their fellow brethren, the ratio of manpower superiority is 1:4.
DC's weakness is breaches. We really can't learn how to enter them as soloist pugs lol.
I agree and I'm really not sure what she's expecting. Is she expecting Haderus Ad to abandon that campaign (causing imbalance there) to come to TF and cause imbalance there?
Is Haderus balanced? I haven't been so I don't know.
It certainly doesn't have a plethora of ad there. So your call for more on TF will undoubtedly bleed more from that campaign. I can't speak to Azura's as I never go there. Perhaps someone else's can comment on that campaign. But I disagree with you that TF doesn't have enough Ad bodies. They might not be organized but asking for more ad to flood the server and win only by flooding the server will not encourage those ad to get organized and get better.
I agree flooding the server does no good, but those that left for Haderus were organized guild groups. We need that influence on TF. We have started organizing but it is hard to compete with DC and EP groups s that have played together for a long period of time.
How many AD guilds are there currently on TF?
At the moment Dominion Knights and RAM (if they're still running regularly?) and idk if there are any other regular guilds running much anymore.
Venatus is on hiatus, Arcane retired, but Fantasia and Hag should be returning from Haderus soon.
When Venatus goes back into action next update, we should have a good 4-5 guilds on AD TF.
Why, though? Why are Fantasia and Hag abandoning Haderus?
I'm not gonna speak for either guild but the general gist of it is:
There was nothing for us there. The fights are boring/not enough action/not enough zergs to farm/oh god its telel/i miss trueflame ap.
Something like that.
I know the DC guilds on Haderus and know them well. Many have gotten emp in the last two weeks. They don't seem to be having a problem finding fights and making ap and getting legendary rewards at the end of the 7 days.
1) Those DC nightcapped empship (literally waited until AD guilds logged off because they failed the first time).
2) AD only came in last place because of DC's low pop bonus. And because of the EP that PvDoored every single keep while no one was online.
3) You barely need 200k ap to get a legendary reward in Haderus. I got gold rewards for just breathing.
Ummmmm LoM does NOT nightcap and wait for AD to log!!! Such lies from you! They're on primetime because I am in their guild and see the battle calls go out from about 5pm to midnight!
And what's this scuttlebut I am hearing about some "data mine exploit"? Looks like I need to go undercover again @rfennell_ESO.
God_flakes wrote: »I also want to add that Haderus has been a small man's server for a long time. It's kinda been an unspoken thing there. It is so dang amusing that the zergiest guilds PM and Fantasia and Hagnado can't seem to compete there even with their insane numbers and Zerg mentality so they are deciding to bring their cookies back to TF where they can all happily Zerg to their heart's content.
Ummm okay.
PM runs two raids of 12-24.
Fantasia runs 12-24. Hagnado runs 8-16.
They competed. It was fun for maybe like 1 or 2 days and then it got boring and stale on a map with very little else to do. You're right, it's a small man map so its boring for guilds looking for good, outnumbered fights and that's why they're all leaving. Curious to know what you think about DC TF guilds then because they have 6 groups there that run 12-24+ and 2-3 more that run 6-18.
God_flakes wrote: »God_flakes wrote: »God_flakes wrote: »God_flakes wrote: »God_flakes wrote: »Rohamad_Ali wrote: »They are fine if you are a lazy player on a different faction who prefers easy mode to fair fights...or do you just emote?God_flakes wrote: »AD numbers are fine on TF. L2p.
Do not bother with the opinions of other factions . AD needs help on TF is true . I see the score . May @Telel and COH could put some effort back there . Looks like Fantasia is going to . Not a lot of time left to get score up though . Maybe second place if a couple guilds rally back .
They are behind in score because of stupid play, not because of being outnumbered.
Ssshh Skyy, truth is irrelevant! They're losing because the other faction's players are lazy!
*Typical AD mentality: can't win on a balanced server, can't handle not winning, so come on guize lets slam the server with hundreds more players! Surely we can get our winz then!!!*
AD, generally, I have better fights with. Some may melt but a bigger margin of them have their build sorted out.
EP on the otherhand, sends full raids to glade/ales and is still in second place. Save for a couple of hard hitters and their fellow brethren, the ratio of manpower superiority is 1:4.
DC's weakness is breaches. We really can't learn how to enter them as soloist pugs lol.
I agree and I'm really not sure what she's expecting. Is she expecting Haderus Ad to abandon that campaign (causing imbalance there) to come to TF and cause imbalance there?
Okay so here's the issue with this. Fantasia, CoH and Hagnado ran raids the past few weeks in Haderus.
During primetime while guilds were on, AD easily took back the whole map, most keeps would turn yellow or mostly yellow, we'd get emperorship, etc. Unless Nikolai was online with a sizable group, there were really few satisfying fights. Even while EP was poplocked, few truly large EP groups were to be seen??? It was just a lot of bad pugs and it was really weird lol.
And then after primetime, the map would go red all the way back to the scroll temples, and the process would repeat. In my opinion, after playing in Had for a good 2-3 weeks, Had does not need multiple organized groups and/or large raid groups.
In other words, once PM and the other large TF EP groups in Haderus move out, there is no reason for the AD ones to stay either. Guilds like this are OP on Had because there's much less resistance than you would see on TF and it's unbelievably easy to do things like... cap every single keep with a single guild. lol.
Yeah I'm not buying this. DC won the last campaign. Sounds like ya'll are leaving cuz you got beat down.
In Haddy? EP has won the last three camapigns in haddy uncontested. DC was only beating AD due to a insane several day low pop bonus.
Then I'm being given false info? I was told DC won the last campaign.
I'm 90% certain EP got first but I spent a lot of time in the last haddy campaign in TF so I could be wrong.
I'm being told DC is consistently winning there. So you are all leaving cuz you can't get your winz with insane numbers so the plan is for ad and Ep to re-slam TF with your stupid insane numbers and win with zerging again. As if TF isn't zergville already. Fabulous. Just fabulous.
vamp_emily wrote: »We sure are trying to hold our own in TF, but we are way out gunned. It looks like only the AD guilds didn't return from Had while all the DC and EP guilds returned in full force. We could have stacked every AD guild running and still wouldn't have had enough to not get steamrolled. We couldn't take Nikel, we couldn't take Sej, we couldn't hold resources...... everywhere we went we were met with double our numbers. Is there an ETA for a return of any AD from Had or any groups in Azura who are thinking of swapping campaigns...pretty please?
Edit: crappy spelling
I am curious, how do you feel when you can't take nik, Sej, or even hold resources? Is the game fun for you?
Some AD players told me to quit crying when I complained it was not fun, and they also said learn to fight and PvP is not for the weak. AD players also told me that they wish it was them there were out numbered all the time, they said they would love the challenge and the AP.
So tell me AD player how does it feel? I really would like to know how you feel when you can't do anything but die.
God_flakes wrote: »God_flakes wrote: »I also want to add that Haderus has been a small man's server for a long time. It's kinda been an unspoken thing there. It is so dang amusing that the zergiest guilds PM and Fantasia and Hagnado can't seem to compete there even with their insane numbers and Zerg mentality so they are deciding to bring their cookies back to TF where they can all happily Zerg to their heart's content.
Ummm okay.
PM runs two raids of 12-24.
Fantasia runs 12-24. Hagnado runs 8-16.
They competed. It was fun for maybe like 1 or 2 days and then it got boring and stale on a map with very little else to do. You're right, it's a small man map so its boring for guilds looking for good, outnumbered fights and that's why they're all leaving. Curious to know what you think about DC TF guilds then because they have 6 groups there that run 12-24+ and 2-3 more that run 6-18.
The only guild I run with from time to time is Bones's group because I think he's very clever and has brilliant new ideas for pvp approach. Normally I am duo or solo till my duo partners log on. I think DC guilds have had to get that big to compete with the bloated AD and EP guilds. I think TF finally has some nice balance. I think you all coming back will make it a hell hole again. Stay on Haderus and try to make it more competitive. Don't give up so easily. Don't take the easy way out and just claim DC won because they had low pop. That's crap and you know it. Break up your teams and run smaller man even if you stay in ts together. There is no hard and fast rule that says if you have 24 people in your guild all wanting to pvp that you all have to run stacked on top of one another looking for other groups of 24 to fight. Break apart and go find smaller fights-the benefit of this is it makes you stronger as individuals so that on heavy guild v guild nights your zerg will come out on top in z-v-z fights.
God_flakes wrote: »Celas_Dranacea wrote: »@God_flakes just want to say this is some quality psy-ops you got going here
Guys... Guys! What do I do? They've got me all confused - I can't take it!
Should I stay on Haderus? Should I help on Trueflame?
I don't know.... I'm not sure... brain is ... failing.
At this point I think the most strategic thing for AD to do is Zerg BWB but only to make sure the banks of the water near the Allessia bridge are free of mud crabs. Our lowbies will level so much faster and help the war effort if they don't get pinched so much by crustaceans! I will be the point of the spear! I will save all AD from certain mud crabstruction!
I'm just so confounded. They're all fleeing cuz they're unable to find fights and yet they.....LOST. And then come here and claim they actually WON because DC's win doesn't count because it was due to low pop.
Like WUT?
@Dashima I like your list. Let me flesh it out a bit more if you don't mind. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
Blood of Daggerfall (12-24)
Iron Legion (12-24+)
Pug Guild (12-24+)
The Kelly Gang (8-16)
Wormhole (24+ lol)
Requiem (12-24)
The K-Hole (8-16)
Daggerfall Pride (12-24)
etc (other nonregular, small groups like Elder Skills)
DC Haderus:
Legion of Mordor: 8-16
Dominion Knights (12-24)
Fantasia (12-24, now returning from Haderus)
RAM (12-24, idk if they're still running)
AD Haderus
Hagnado (8-16)
Children of Hircine (8-24)
Pact Miliita (16-24+, now returning from Haderus)
Blood for the Pact (12-16)
Haxus (8-16)
LFG (12-16)
Raven and the Rose (8-16)(now returning from Haderus)
Phoenix Rising (12-24)
Cat Six (2-6)
SOTP (4-16)
EP Haderus:
Darkest Requiem (8-16)(just moved away from TF)
There is a couple others but unknown size and activity
@Dashima I like your list. Let me flesh it out a bit more if you don't mind. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
Blood of Daggerfall (12-24)
Iron Legion (12-24+)
Pug Guild (12-24+)
The Kelly Gang (8-16)
Wormhole (24+ lol)
The K-Hole (8-16)
Daggerfall Pride (12-24)
etc (other nonregular, small groups like Elder Skills)
DC Haderus:
Legion of Mordor (8-16)
Requiem (12-24)(weekends only)
Dominion Knights (12-24)
Fantasia (12-24, now returning from Haderus)
RAM (12-24, idk if they're still running)
AD Haderus
Hagnado (8-16)
Children of Hircine (8-24)
Pact Miliita (16-24+, now returning from Haderus)
Blood for the Pact (12-16)
Haxus (8-16)
LFG (12-16)
Raven and the Rose (8-16)(now returning from Haderus)
Phoenix Rising (12-24)
Cat Six (2-6)
SOTP (4-16)
EP Haderus:
Darkest Requiem (8-16)(just moved away from TF)
There is a couple others but unknown size and activity
God_flakes wrote: »God_flakes wrote: »I also want to add that Haderus has been a small man's server for a long time. It's kinda been an unspoken thing there. It is so dang amusing that the zergiest guilds PM and Fantasia and Hagnado can't seem to compete there even with their insane numbers and Zerg mentality so they are deciding to bring their cookies back to TF where they can all happily Zerg to their heart's content.
Ummm okay.
PM runs two raids of 12-24.
Fantasia runs 12-24. Hagnado runs 8-16.
They competed. It was fun for maybe like 1 or 2 days and then it got boring and stale on a map with very little else to do. You're right, it's a small man map so its boring for guilds looking for good, outnumbered fights and that's why they're all leaving. Curious to know what you think about DC TF guilds then because they have 6 groups there that run 12-24+ and 2-3 more that run 6-18.
The only guild I run with from time to time is Bones's group because I think he's very clever and has brilliant new ideas for pvp approach. Normally I am duo or solo till my duo partners log on. I think DC guilds have had to get that big to compete with the bloated AD and EP guilds. I think TF finally has some nice balance. I think you all coming back will make it a hell hole again. Stay on Haderus and try to make it more competitive. Don't give up so easily. Don't take the easy way out and just claim DC won because they had low pop. That's crap and you know it. Break up your teams and run smaller man even if you stay in ts together. There is no hard and fast rule that says if you have 24 people in your guild all wanting to pvp that you all have to run stacked on top of one another looking for other groups of 24 to fight. Break apart and go find smaller fights-the benefit of this is it makes you stronger as individuals so that on heavy guild v guild nights your zerg will come out on top in z-v-z fights.
@Dashima I like your list. Let me flesh it out a bit more if you don't mind. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
Blood of Daggerfall (12-24)
Iron Legion (12-24+)
Pug Guild (12-24+)
The Kelly Gang (8-16)
Wormhole (24+ lol)
The K-Hole (8-16)
Daggerfall Pride (12-24)
etc (other nonregular, small groups like Elder Skills)
DC Haderus:
Legion of Mordor (8-16)
Requiem (12-24)(weekends only)
Dominion Knights (12-24)
Fantasia (12-24, now returning from Haderus)
RAM (12-24, idk if they're still running)
AD Haderus
Hagnado (8-16)
Children of Hircine (8-24)
Pact Miliita (16-24+, now returning from Haderus)
Blood for the Pact (12-16)
Haxus (8-16)
LFG (12-16)
Raven and the Rose (8-16)(now returning from Haderus)
Phoenix Rising (12-24)
Cat Six (2-6)
SOTP (4-16)
EP Haderus:
Darkest Requiem (8-16)(just moved away from TF)
There is a couple others but unknown size and activity
Mine is Rekt Less usually 8-16 nightly AD on TF. Fate runs as well not sure of their typical group size
God_flakes wrote: »God_flakes wrote: »I also want to add that Haderus has been a small man's server for a long time. It's kinda been an unspoken thing there. It is so dang amusing that the zergiest guilds PM and Fantasia and Hagnado can't seem to compete there even with their insane numbers and Zerg mentality so they are deciding to bring their cookies back to TF where they can all happily Zerg to their heart's content.
Ummm okay.
PM runs two raids of 12-24.
Fantasia runs 12-24. Hagnado runs 8-16.
They competed. It was fun for maybe like 1 or 2 days and then it got boring and stale on a map with very little else to do. You're right, it's a small man map so its boring for guilds looking for good, outnumbered fights and that's why they're all leaving. Curious to know what you think about DC TF guilds then because they have 6 groups there that run 12-24+ and 2-3 more that run 6-18.
The only guild I run with from time to time is Bones's group because I think he's very clever and has brilliant new ideas for pvp approach. Normally I am duo or solo till my duo partners log on. I think DC guilds have had to get that big to compete with the bloated AD and EP guilds. I think TF finally has some nice balance. I think you all coming back will make it a hell hole again. Stay on Haderus and try to make it more competitive. Don't give up so easily. Don't take the easy way out and just claim DC won because they had low pop. That's crap and you know it. Break up your teams and run smaller man even if you stay in ts together. There is no hard and fast rule that says if you have 24 people in your guild all wanting to pvp that you all have to run stacked on top of one another looking for other groups of 24 to fight. Break apart and go find smaller fights-the benefit of this is it makes you stronger as individuals so that on heavy guild v guild nights your zerg will come out on top in z-v-z fights.
Whenever people tell khajiit how they should be leading groups this one has but one reply.
Come lead them for me, and this one will happily give you some of their pups.
More specifically they will give you the randoms spamming LFG in zone that a humble and bad player seomtimes tries to bring up to speed while 'the good' ones who are better than Telel do...things that involve only themselves.
OItherwise this one must regretfully inform you that they are disinclined to acquiesce to your request.
Means no.
Serjustin19 wrote: »Try not to laugh. I finaly finished downloading the whole game for pc. The NA server. Was so happy to help since I do have AD level 10. So clicked on NA. Game started to load. Game finished loading. No characters.
I then reliezed my AD level 10 is on EU server. Instead of NA. (Gosh it been ages since I last played on PC.) Forgive me for I can't help right now. But I will make new character for AD for NA. Again sorry for the mixup.
God_flakes wrote: »God_flakes wrote: »I also want to add that Haderus has been a small man's server for a long time. It's kinda been an unspoken thing there. It is so dang amusing that the zergiest guilds PM and Fantasia and Hagnado can't seem to compete there even with their insane numbers and Zerg mentality so they are deciding to bring their cookies back to TF where they can all happily Zerg to their heart's content.
Ummm okay.
PM runs two raids of 12-24.
Fantasia runs 12-24. Hagnado runs 8-16.
They competed. It was fun for maybe like 1 or 2 days and then it got boring and stale on a map with very little else to do. You're right, it's a small man map so its boring for guilds looking for good, outnumbered fights and that's why they're all leaving. Curious to know what you think about DC TF guilds then because they have 6 groups there that run 12-24+ and 2-3 more that run 6-18.
The only guild I run with from time to time is Bones's group because I think he's very clever and has brilliant new ideas for pvp approach. Normally I am duo or solo till my duo partners log on. I think DC guilds have had to get that big to compete with the bloated AD and EP guilds. I think TF finally has some nice balance. I think you all coming back will make it a hell hole again. Stay on Haderus and try to make it more competitive. Don't give up so easily. Don't take the easy way out and just claim DC won because they had low pop. That's crap and you know it. Break up your teams and run smaller man even if you stay in ts together. There is no hard and fast rule that says if you have 24 people in your guild all wanting to pvp that you all have to run stacked on top of one another looking for other groups of 24 to fight. Break apart and go find smaller fights-the benefit of this is it makes you stronger as individuals so that on heavy guild v guild nights your zerg will come out on top in z-v-z fights.
Whenever people tell khajiit how they should be leading groups this one has but one reply.
Come lead them for me, and this one will happily give you some of their pups.
More specifically they will give you the randoms spamming LFG in zone that a humble and bad player seomtimes tries to bring up to speed while 'the good' ones who are better than Telel do...things that involve only themselves.
OItherwise this one must regretfully inform you that they are disinclined to acquiesce to your request.
Means no.
God_flakes wrote: »God_flakes wrote: »God_flakes wrote: »God_flakes wrote: »God_flakes wrote: »God_flakes wrote: »Rohamad_Ali wrote: »They are fine if you are a lazy player on a different faction who prefers easy mode to fair fights...or do you just emote?God_flakes wrote: »AD numbers are fine on TF. L2p.
Do not bother with the opinions of other factions . AD needs help on TF is true . I see the score . May @Telel and COH could put some effort back there . Looks like Fantasia is going to . Not a lot of time left to get score up though . Maybe second place if a couple guilds rally back .
They are behind in score because of stupid play, not because of being outnumbered.
Ssshh Skyy, truth is irrelevant! They're losing because the other faction's players are lazy!
*Typical AD mentality: can't win on a balanced server, can't handle not winning, so come on guize lets slam the server with hundreds more players! Surely we can get our winz then!!!*
AD, generally, I have better fights with. Some may melt but a bigger margin of them have their build sorted out.
EP on the otherhand, sends full raids to glade/ales and is still in second place. Save for a couple of hard hitters and their fellow brethren, the ratio of manpower superiority is 1:4.
DC's weakness is breaches. We really can't learn how to enter them as soloist pugs lol.
I agree and I'm really not sure what she's expecting. Is she expecting Haderus Ad to abandon that campaign (causing imbalance there) to come to TF and cause imbalance there?
Is Haderus balanced? I haven't been so I don't know.
It certainly doesn't have a plethora of ad there. So your call for more on TF will undoubtedly bleed more from that campaign. I can't speak to Azura's as I never go there. Perhaps someone else's can comment on that campaign. But I disagree with you that TF doesn't have enough Ad bodies. They might not be organized but asking for more ad to flood the server and win only by flooding the server will not encourage those ad to get organized and get better.
I agree flooding the server does no good, but those that left for Haderus were organized guild groups. We need that influence on TF. We have started organizing but it is hard to compete with DC and EP groups s that have played together for a long period of time.
How many AD guilds are there currently on TF?
At the moment Dominion Knights and RAM (if they're still running regularly?) and idk if there are any other regular guilds running much anymore.
Venatus is on hiatus, Arcane retired, but Fantasia and Hag should be returning from Haderus soon.
When Venatus goes back into action next update, we should have a good 4-5 guilds on AD TF.
Why, though? Why are Fantasia and Hag abandoning Haderus?
I'm not gonna speak for either guild but the general gist of it is:
There was nothing for us there. The fights are boring/not enough action/not enough zergs to farm/oh god its telel/i miss trueflame ap.
Something like that.
I know the DC guilds on Haderus and know them well. Many have gotten emp in the last two weeks. They don't seem to be having a problem finding fights and making ap and getting legendary rewards at the end of the 7 days.
1) Those DC nightcapped empship (literally waited until AD guilds logged off because they failed the first time).
2) AD only came in last place because of DC's low pop bonus. And because of the EP that PvDoored every single keep while no one was online.
3) You barely need 200k ap to get a legendary reward in Haderus. I got gold rewards for just breathing.
Ummmmm LoM does NOT nightcap and wait for AD to log!!! Such lies from you! They're on primetime because I am in their guild and see the battle calls go out from about 5pm to midnight!
And what's this scuttlebut I am hearing about some "data mine exploit"? Looks like I need to go undercover again @rfennell_ESO.
I was there when they attempted to backcap emperorship and was whispering w the emp later and he admits to having to cap it after AD logged because they were unable to till then. I can go find the whisper log if you'd like. But that might be embarrassing for whatever guild LoM is so idk. Lol.
Daggerfall_Bones wrote: »There were lots there but really in disarray lately. We finally pulled off and and wiped some EP. I think EP even had a plant in our group tonight and we wiped the floor with them at bleaks. AD wasn't on point tonight but EP was flat horrible at Bleaks around 9:45pm. Only decent groups I've seen lately is Haxus and Invictus.
Funny the amount of werewolf pelts my guild took home as trophies tonight told me differently.That being said Daggerfall Pride's werewolf heavy meta has thrown us off more than a couple times in the past week. It's an intimidating sight to see and a fun force to fight
God_flakes wrote: »God_flakes wrote: »God_flakes wrote: »I also want to add that Haderus has been a small man's server for a long time. It's kinda been an unspoken thing there. It is so dang amusing that the zergiest guilds PM and Fantasia and Hagnado can't seem to compete there even with their insane numbers and Zerg mentality so they are deciding to bring their cookies back to TF where they can all happily Zerg to their heart's content.
Ummm okay.
PM runs two raids of 12-24.
Fantasia runs 12-24. Hagnado runs 8-16.
They competed. It was fun for maybe like 1 or 2 days and then it got boring and stale on a map with very little else to do. You're right, it's a small man map so its boring for guilds looking for good, outnumbered fights and that's why they're all leaving. Curious to know what you think about DC TF guilds then because they have 6 groups there that run 12-24+ and 2-3 more that run 6-18.
The only guild I run with from time to time is Bones's group because I think he's very clever and has brilliant new ideas for pvp approach. Normally I am duo or solo till my duo partners log on. I think DC guilds have had to get that big to compete with the bloated AD and EP guilds. I think TF finally has some nice balance. I think you all coming back will make it a hell hole again. Stay on Haderus and try to make it more competitive. Don't give up so easily. Don't take the easy way out and just claim DC won because they had low pop. That's crap and you know it. Break up your teams and run smaller man even if you stay in ts together. There is no hard and fast rule that says if you have 24 people in your guild all wanting to pvp that you all have to run stacked on top of one another looking for other groups of 24 to fight. Break apart and go find smaller fights-the benefit of this is it makes you stronger as individuals so that on heavy guild v guild nights your zerg will come out on top in z-v-z fights.
Whenever people tell khajiit how they should be leading groups this one has but one reply.
Come lead them for me, and this one will happily give you some of their pups.
More specifically they will give you the randoms spamming LFG in zone that a humble and bad player seomtimes tries to bring up to speed while 'the good' ones who are better than Telel do...things that involve only themselves.
OItherwise this one must regretfully inform you that they are disinclined to acquiesce to your request.
Means no.
Your "pups" couldn't handle Jauriel.
Same in EP, especially during NA daytime is lack of organization on Ad and EP that is setting up bad maps for prime time. Today DC owned 4/6 emp keeps and most of EP and AD bridged it up for a good part of the day. Going to probably start running PUGS again to try and organize the herd and funnel them elsewhere. I myself am guilty of bridge time but being plowed down while trying to take bleakers or chal with a few is frustrating and when in Rome ...
Did learn that AD had a rough time with roe tonight due to DC camping it as well. It's same boat for us so i understand.
I do hope that the change to Porting out of outposts enables some different map play than the bee line to the next keep or resource on the compass.
Keep the chi and good fights up.
Yeah well. i think the majority of EP just want to PvP. they don't want to siege. though i do try and help out; just "fine Varen/Mala i'll leave the bridge"
Seriously tho. i don't care much for sieging when i'm not in a group.
yeh i getcha, i try to rally people up and prep keeps but after awhile i'll head back to the bridge. daytime ep not many strong guilds to take on what's over there, so i don't blame people for wanting to bridge party.
it can be frustrating as EP to see roebeck be blue but ad pushes and takes BRK. the common response is that they cant take on whats stacked in roe, so i understand how they feel.
silly craziness on all sides, madness of pvp, i love it.
God_flakes wrote: »I also want to add that Haderus has been a small man's server for a long time. It's kinda been an unspoken thing there. It is so dang amusing that the zergiest guilds PM and Fantasia and Hagnado can't seem to compete there even with their insane numbers and Zerg mentality so they are deciding to bring their cookies back to TF where they can all happily Zerg to their heart's content.
God_flakes wrote: »I also want to add that Haderus has been a small man's server for a long time. It's kinda been an unspoken thing there. It is so dang amusing that the zergiest guilds PM and Fantasia and Hagnado can't seem to compete there even with their insane numbers and Zerg mentality so they are deciding to bring their cookies back to TF where they can all happily Zerg to their heart's content.
Haderus has not been a small scale server in years.
Hag on a typical night has on average between 10 to 14 players (less than 90% of the groups that have ran in Haderus past few months)
On the 3 to 4 occasions Hag have actually been in Haderus, the prime focus has been against EP, as they at the time were the dominating presence on the map. DC being next to non existent. So the statement of our insane numbers and being able to compete is certainly a confusing one, even more so when you've actually included @NACtron and the lads in the same statement.
We should offer you a full time spot in guild, you seem to know more of our whereabouts and destinations than half of the team!
God_flakes wrote: »God_flakes wrote: »I also want to add that Haderus has been a small man's server for a long time. It's kinda been an unspoken thing there. It is so dang amusing that the zergiest guilds PM and Fantasia and Hagnado can't seem to compete there even with their insane numbers and Zerg mentality so they are deciding to bring their cookies back to TF where they can all happily Zerg to their heart's content.
Haderus has not been a small scale server in years.
Hag on a typical night has on average between 10 to 14 players (less than 90% of the groups that have ran in Haderus past few months)
On the 3 to 4 occasions Hag have actually been in Haderus, the prime focus has been against EP, as they at the time were the dominating presence on the map. DC being next to non existent. So the statement of our insane numbers and being able to compete is certainly a confusing one, even more so when you've actually included @NACtron and the lads in the same statement.
We should offer you a full time spot in guild, you seem to know more of our whereabouts and destinations than half of the team!
I guess memories are short. It was only a few short weeks ago @Rickter was asking for more non-DC to come to Haderus because the claim was it was infested with DC. Now you're telling me every time you've been there (all of 3 or 4 times) DC were nowhere to be found?
God_flakes wrote: »God_flakes wrote: »I also want to add that Haderus has been a small man's server for a long time. It's kinda been an unspoken thing there. It is so dang amusing that the zergiest guilds PM and Fantasia and Hagnado can't seem to compete there even with their insane numbers and Zerg mentality so they are deciding to bring their cookies back to TF where they can all happily Zerg to their heart's content.
Haderus has not been a small scale server in years.
Hag on a typical night has on average between 10 to 14 players (less than 90% of the groups that have ran in Haderus past few months)
On the 3 to 4 occasions Hag have actually been in Haderus, the prime focus has been against EP, as they at the time were the dominating presence on the map. DC being next to non existent. So the statement of our insane numbers and being able to compete is certainly a confusing one, even more so when you've actually included @NACtron and the lads in the same statement.
We should offer you a full time spot in guild, you seem to know more of our whereabouts and destinations than half of the team!
I guess memories are short. It was only a few short weeks ago @Rickter was asking for more non-DC to come to Haderus because the claim was it was infested with DC. Now you're telling me every time you've been there (all of 3 or 4 times) DC were nowhere to be found?
Correct, the majority of the map was red. With whatever representation of DC not being past Glade/Aleswell. Not that we went to check either, DC would have been on 2 bars or so, whilst EP would have been poplocked.
It maybe down to our raid nights being midweek too. The weekend maybe a different matter entirely, but you'll not have found a dedicated Hag group there.