Maintenance for the week of March 3:
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

Well... Pack it up boys and gals.

  • God_flakes
    God_flakes wrote: »
    Someone enlighten me why the group, of 4 to let's arbitrarily say 12 people in a tower, are the villains, and not the group of 24-60 mobbing down the 4-12?

    And extending that to the rest of cyrodiil. Why are the 4-12 always painted as the villains against the mob that chances them?

    Come on. We all know the cancer has been the LARGE groups setting up tower farms and farming noobs as they trickle in one and two at a time. Smaller groups are not tower farming to avoid zergs. :D

    Has it been though? Because in whatever cyrodiil I have been playing in the "cancer"(which is a term I really hate has made its way into colloquial gamer terminology) is the 40+ amorphous blobs stumbling and bumbling their way to and from a keep. Or that same blob scampering to a resource to annihilate whatever is there. It seems to be ok when the mega-turd is allowed to mow you down, but the moment anyone shifts the influence bar the other way, there is a social uproar.

    I am going to say the same thing I said to Jules: when did squatting in a resource tower of a resource you don't even own become the hallmark of small man play? Please enlighten me. What is the objective of squatting in that tower and setting up siege on the bottom floor and hitting a door from the inside until someone comes in and dies to it? Does that tower have the cleanest latrines? The best frothgar? Please tell me what almighty objective is being served by a "small man" huddling in a tower and trying to farm players who can instantly spawn at the keep anyway? And they're only able to farm due to a broken mechanic and an organic door delay....please I'm dying to know what about this gives small man pride and importance?

    I also want to add here I play small man and I am DC. I watch the larger and more organized DC groups run together and with precision from objective to objective. Only when zone is mostly pugs do I see blobs. And rarely do I see 40 DC running together unless they're trying to defend bleakers from double those numbers of Ep and half a raid of ad who come to get in on the fight at the top of chalmile gate. Players KNOW if you don't provide adequate defense they LOSE their home keeps. So.....if Ep sends 40 to take ales should DC try to hold them off with small man in the farm tower? I mean this is a joke.
    Edited by God_flakes on September 5, 2016 1:32PM
  • caeliusstarbreaker
    God_flakes wrote: »
    God_flakes wrote: »
    Someone enlighten me why the group, of 4 to let's arbitrarily say 12 people in a tower, are the villains, and not the group of 24-60 mobbing down the 4-12?

    And extending that to the rest of cyrodiil. Why are the 4-12 always painted as the villains against the mob that chances them?

    Come on. We all know the cancer has been the LARGE groups setting up tower farms and farming noobs as they trickle in one and two at a time. Smaller groups are not tower farming to avoid zergs. :D

    Has it been though? Because in whatever cyrodiil I have been playing in the "cancer"(which is a term I really hate has made its way into colloquial gamer terminology) is the 40+ amorphous blobs stumbling and bumbling their way to and from a keep. Or that same blob scampering to a resource to annihilate whatever is there. It seems to be ok when the mega-turd is allowed to mow you down, but the moment anyone shifts the influence bar the other way, there is a social uproar.

    I am going to say the same thing I said to Jules: when did squatting in a resource tower of a resource you don't even own become the hallmark of small man play? Please enlighten me. What is the objective of squatting in that tower and setting up siege on the bottom floor and hitting a door from the inside until someone comes in and dies to it? Does that tower have the cleanest latrines? The best frothgar? Please tell me what almighty objective is being served by a "small man" huddling in a tower and trying to farm players who can instantly spawn at the keep anyway? And they're only able to farm due to a broken mechanic and an organic door delay....please I'm dying to know what about this gives small man pride and importance?

    I also want to add here I play small man and I am DC. I watch the larger and more organized DC groups run together and with precision from objective to objective. Only when zone is mostly pugs do I see blobs. And rarely do I see 40 DC running together unless they're trying to defend bleakers from double those numbers of Ep and half a raid of ad who come to get in on the fight at the top of chalmile gate. Players KNOW if you don't provide adequate defense they LOSE their home keeps. So.....if Ep sends 40 to take ales should DC try to hold them off with small man in the farm tower? I mean this is a joke.

    To continuously insinuate that I'm referring to this as the hallmark of small man gameplay, and to continue to argue a completely different point then that of which I have consistently and concisely illustrated to you time and time again in both this and the other post, has left me with no other belief than, you are just simply not comprehending what I'm saying to you, or you choose to debate by completely interjecting a whole other topic without addressing what it is I am bringing forth to you. (Mind you I don't say this in any insulting or snarky manner, which I have to disclaim because tone cannot be implied in text format) Your horse-blinder approach to this topic has facilitated my termination of our personal debate on the forums, however you know our TS, if you in turn want to continue to have a meeting of the minds you are more than welcome to join in there. Until then I wish you happy hunting in cyrodiil, in however you choose to do so.

    Rhage Lionpride DC Stamina Templar
  • Chori
    Ernest145 wrote: »
    KenaPKK wrote: »
    Someone enlighten me why the group, of 4 to let's arbitrarily say 12 people in a tower, are the villains, and not the group of 24-60 mobbing down the 4-12?

    And extending that to the rest of cyrodiil. Why are the 4-12 always painted as the villains against the mob that chances them?

    Because people like neither acknowledging that others are better than them nor working to improve at the game. People want immediate gratification and reward for no effort. Therefore people who do work to improve and become a threat to this lazy majority are vilified.

    1vXers and small groupers used to be celebrities. Now they're looked down on and accused of "preying on less skilled players" and cheating regardless of actual evidence.

    I would say most aren't well liked now because of how much crap they talk to less skilled players and just the trolling they do in general. Also, it doesn't helped when some were caught and banned because of CE but of course they are back. Not saying all small scalers are like that because I've met and talked to quite a few who are really nice, but it's mostly others bringing them down.

    This... plus, I have yet to see 1vXers uploading videos of 1vXing good players and not to talk smack tho it's just the truth :D
    EP NA-PC - Invictus - Odem Mortis
    1. Stamina NB Cat - ChoriB'Good
    2. Magicka NB High Elf - Lîndara
    3. Stam Sorc High Elf - Lindara Moonlight
    4. Red Guard Stamina DK - Chorî
    5. Red Guard Stamina Templar - Choripaninikinnie
    6. Magplar High Elf - Vagitarian Sillonour
    Don't tell me you lag, I play with 200-300 ms all the time ^_^
  • Forestd16b14_ESO
    Stamina isn't OP.
  • caeliusstarbreaker
    Chori wrote: »
    Ernest145 wrote: »
    KenaPKK wrote: »
    Someone enlighten me why the group, of 4 to let's arbitrarily say 12 people in a tower, are the villains, and not the group of 24-60 mobbing down the 4-12?

    And extending that to the rest of cyrodiil. Why are the 4-12 always painted as the villains against the mob that chances them?

    Because people like neither acknowledging that others are better than them nor working to improve at the game. People want immediate gratification and reward for no effort. Therefore people who do work to improve and become a threat to this lazy majority are vilified.

    1vXers and small groupers used to be celebrities. Now they're looked down on and accused of "preying on less skilled players" and cheating regardless of actual evidence.

    I would say most aren't well liked now because of how much crap they talk to less skilled players and just the trolling they do in general. Also, it doesn't helped when some were caught and banned because of CE but of course they are back. Not saying all small scalers are like that because I've met and talked to quite a few who are really nice, but it's mostly others bringing them down.

    This... plus, I have yet to see 1vXers uploading videos of 1vXing good players and not to talk smack tho it's just the truth :D

    That begs the question though, if they got 1vX'd are they still considered good players?

    I've won outnumbered against "commonly known" players. Whether they are good or formidable though, is entirely subjective.
    Rhage Lionpride DC Stamina Templar
  • VincentBlanquin
    Sharee wrote: »
    Qbiken wrote: »
    Magus wrote: »
    They made it easier to get the PVE gear and level undaunted - this is a plus

    They removed scaffolding and doors on towers because muh PVE tearz.

    Have you seen the weapon ultimates? My head is spinning.... I can't....even

    Easier to levell undaunted?? As if it wasn´t easy already (avarage time to get lvl9 is about 12hours gameplay)

    Believe it or not, but the highest undaunted i have across all my characters is 4, and i've been playing since release.

    Not everyone is fan of group PvE. The option to finally get those passives through my preferred style of gameplay is a big plus for me.

    what are new possibilities of level undaunted?
    Irwen Vincinter - Nord - Dragonknight
    Irw´en - Bosmer - Nightblade
  • Chori
    Chori wrote: »
    Ernest145 wrote: »
    KenaPKK wrote: »
    Someone enlighten me why the group, of 4 to let's arbitrarily say 12 people in a tower, are the villains, and not the group of 24-60 mobbing down the 4-12?

    And extending that to the rest of cyrodiil. Why are the 4-12 always painted as the villains against the mob that chances them?

    Because people like neither acknowledging that others are better than them nor working to improve at the game. People want immediate gratification and reward for no effort. Therefore people who do work to improve and become a threat to this lazy majority are vilified.

    1vXers and small groupers used to be celebrities. Now they're looked down on and accused of "preying on less skilled players" and cheating regardless of actual evidence.

    I would say most aren't well liked now because of how much crap they talk to less skilled players and just the trolling they do in general. Also, it doesn't helped when some were caught and banned because of CE but of course they are back. Not saying all small scalers are like that because I've met and talked to quite a few who are really nice, but it's mostly others bringing them down.

    This... plus, I have yet to see 1vXers uploading videos of 1vXing good players and not to talk smack tho it's just the truth :D

    That begs the question though, if they got 1vX'd are they still considered good players?

    I've won outnumbered against "commonly known" players. Whether they are good or formidable though, is entirely subjective.

    Nah Rhage I wouldn't go as far as saying if someone got 1vXed that person would not be a good player, there are lots of things in the game that can get you killed while fighting. The point I was trying to make is that I have yet to see a video of a 1vXer fighting good players and winning.

    Whether because they are friends with eachother or because they are video content creators or anything of that sort, people usually aims bad players or people that don't even know how to break free most of the time. Pretty sure if you were to fight 2 or even more players of the same skill as yourself, you are most likely to be dead 80% of the time and that other 20% its because there was either an outside factor playing along or because you plain outplayed them fair and square.

    Edit: not targeting you, speaking in general.
    Edited by Chori on September 5, 2016 7:10PM
    EP NA-PC - Invictus - Odem Mortis
    1. Stamina NB Cat - ChoriB'Good
    2. Magicka NB High Elf - Lîndara
    3. Stam Sorc High Elf - Lindara Moonlight
    4. Red Guard Stamina DK - Chorî
    5. Red Guard Stamina Templar - Choripaninikinnie
    6. Magplar High Elf - Vagitarian Sillonour
    Don't tell me you lag, I play with 200-300 ms all the time ^_^
  • zyk
    That begs the question though, if they got 1vX'd are they still considered good players?

    I've won outnumbered against "commonly known" players. Whether they are good or formidable though, is entirely subjective.

    This is silly black and white thinking and a reason organized competition is sorely needed in ESO.

    In an organized event, one expects participants to come prepared to play their absolute best.

    In a random encounter in Cyrodiil, there can be no such expectations. Players experiment, play tired, play chill, play group builds, play drunk/high, etc...

    In games with structured competition, no one puts any weight into random encounters on a public server or scrimmages. At least not in my experience.

    But then in this game, the best groups would rather spend most of their time seeking our randoms that make them feel like gods rather than fight opponents who put the same effort into the game as they do.
    Edited by zyk on September 5, 2016 7:25PM
  • caeliusstarbreaker
    Chori wrote: »
    Chori wrote: »
    Ernest145 wrote: »
    KenaPKK wrote: »
    Someone enlighten me why the group, of 4 to let's arbitrarily say 12 people in a tower, are the villains, and not the group of 24-60 mobbing down the 4-12?

    And extending that to the rest of cyrodiil. Why are the 4-12 always painted as the villains against the mob that chances them?

    Because people like neither acknowledging that others are better than them nor working to improve at the game. People want immediate gratification and reward for no effort. Therefore people who do work to improve and become a threat to this lazy majority are vilified.

    1vXers and small groupers used to be celebrities. Now they're looked down on and accused of "preying on less skilled players" and cheating regardless of actual evidence.

    I would say most aren't well liked now because of how much crap they talk to less skilled players and just the trolling they do in general. Also, it doesn't helped when some were caught and banned because of CE but of course they are back. Not saying all small scalers are like that because I've met and talked to quite a few who are really nice, but it's mostly others bringing them down.

    This... plus, I have yet to see 1vXers uploading videos of 1vXing good players and not to talk smack tho it's just the truth :D

    That begs the question though, if they got 1vX'd are they still considered good players?

    I've won outnumbered against "commonly known" players. Whether they are good or formidable though, is entirely subjective.

    Nah Rhage I wouldn't go as far as saying if someone got 1vXed that person would not be a good player, there are lots of things in the game that can get you killed while fighting. The point I was trying to make is that I have yet to see a video of a 1vXer fighting good players and winning.

    Whether because they are friends with eachother or because they are video content creators or anything of that sort, people usually aims bad players or people that don't even know how to break free most of the time. Pretty sure if you were to fight 2 or even more players of the same skill as yourself, you are most likely to be dead 80% of the time and that other 20% its because there was either an outside factor playing along or because you plain outplayed them fair and square.

    Edit: not targeting you, speaking in general.

    I don't take it personal at all bud. I agree that a person's bad/good standing doesn't hinge on whether they lost in an outnumbered situation. I think it's inately difficult to even come to any more of a stalemate in most 1v1 when to even similarly skilled players fight. You add. Another equally skilled player on one side and the balance swings. Given the limitations or I guess lack there of? In the game even, if you catch one of the opponents in a mistake, the game is too forgiving in that it often makes no difference. I think there is somewhat of an unspoken code between people who 1vx or make videos that you try not to broadcast another's failing because whether people think it doesn't show skill when he fights numerous lesser skilled players, truth is it does in fact require composure, isolation proper cc and burst etc. thusly out of humility they try not to swing their ego stick about against other like minded individuals. And honestly, even keeping them out of it for the annoyance of people who lost taking it personal, other than the creator just having a really awesome clip he likes to share. This is all of course excluding the ones that just happen to be unrivaled turds that you /sweep after victory and throw it in your video.

    Another thing that keeps video makers out of each other's videos is that, they are rarely in the same place, if DC 1vxer wants good footage he will jump deeper into ep and ad territory and round and round that goes so barring riding past each other and sayin hello, with the occasional scrap between each other, they are fairly unlikely to be in the same area.

    I literally make videos for the same reason I watch others, or even YouTube athlete highlights, same reason I used to watch skate tapes, same reason I watch military deployment videos, or people are awesome videos, entertainment. To see their point of view, to see how they handled it, occasionally to be envious of the times when I get CC'd and killed and they don't. I mean we watch movies where the hero fights out numbered and slays all around him, and he has his nemesis that gives him a much bigger battle. No body is calling Batman a e-peen maniac when he is bashing the jokers thugs. It's just cool to watch, and most people don't particularly care to watch people duel each other for 15 minutes.
    Rhage Lionpride DC Stamina Templar
  • caeliusstarbreaker
    zyk wrote: »
    That begs the question though, if they got 1vX'd are they still considered good players?

    I've won outnumbered against "commonly known" players. Whether they are good or formidable though, is entirely subjective.

    This is silly black and white thinking and a reason organized competition is sorely needed in ESO.

    In an organized event, one expects participants to come prepared to play their absolute best.

    In a random encounter in Cyrodiil, there can be no such expectations. Players experiment, play tired, play chill, play group builds, play drunk/high, etc...

    In games with structured competition, no one puts any weight into random encounters on a public server or scrimmages. At least not in my experience.

    But then in this game, the best groups would rather spend most of their time seeking our randoms that make them feel like gods rather than fight opponents who put the same effort into the game as they do.

    It was intentionally offered as immensely black and white, specifically because who is good who is bad is immensely subjective. There are people in this game that I don't think are as great as others give them credit for and I think there are immensely underrated players as well. There's too many people in this game with too many characters to catalog who is good and who is bad and then cross reference every video to determine where they are/if they are in them. Unless someone explicitly made a video about 1vx'ing good players, which given the trend of people's opinions, they may just look at him as a giant d-bag for going out of his way to do this.

    Rhage Lionpride DC Stamina Templar
  • caeliusstarbreaker
    As far as a blanket statement to everyone who has stopped by this thread or input anything, I would like to thank you. What has begun as a general bewilderment of developer decision has provided me with invaluable further understanding of our community.
    Rhage Lionpride DC Stamina Templar
  • HoloYoitsu
    Stamina isn't OP.
  • zyk
    Unless someone explicitly made a video about 1vx'ing good players, which given the trend of people's opinions, they may just look at him as a giant d-bag for going out of his way to do this.
    And this is why this game has no truly competitive scene. In this game people compete by showing how much AP they can earn or how many randoms they can posterize.

    I would love to see a group emerge with the purpose of dominating other top groups. But then, who would chase who into the choke, right?
  • Ghost-Shot
    KenaPKK wrote: »
    Someone enlighten me why the group, of 4 to let's arbitrarily say 12 people in a tower, are the villains, and not the group of 24-60 mobbing down the 4-12?

    And extending that to the rest of cyrodiil. Why are the 4-12 always painted as the villains against the mob that chances them?

    Because people like neither acknowledging that others are better than them nor working to improve at the game. People want immediate gratification and reward for no effort. Therefore people who do work to improve and become a threat to this lazy majority are vilified.

    1vXers and small groupers used to be celebrities. Now they're looked down on and accused of "preying on less skilled players" and cheating regardless of actual evidence.

    Most of them are looked down on for the toxic attitudes, there is no reason people from any play style should be so toxic to everyone else, that applies to the zergers and the small scalers. If you want to zerg, zerg, if you want to 1vX then do it. We all know how irritating it is when a group of 2 or 3 gets chased down by a raid but you kind of have to be ready for it when you poke the zerg, happens to Kirin and I all the time. The real cancer in this game is not the highly skilled small man groups making the bads know their bad and its not the guild running multiple raids, its the toxicity of the community these days. I miss the days when everyone just played the game and did their thing.
  • Ghost-Shot
    Chori wrote: »
    Ernest145 wrote: »
    KenaPKK wrote: »
    Someone enlighten me why the group, of 4 to let's arbitrarily say 12 people in a tower, are the villains, and not the group of 24-60 mobbing down the 4-12?

    And extending that to the rest of cyrodiil. Why are the 4-12 always painted as the villains against the mob that chances them?

    Because people like neither acknowledging that others are better than them nor working to improve at the game. People want immediate gratification and reward for no effort. Therefore people who do work to improve and become a threat to this lazy majority are vilified.

    1vXers and small groupers used to be celebrities. Now they're looked down on and accused of "preying on less skilled players" and cheating regardless of actual evidence.

    I would say most aren't well liked now because of how much crap they talk to less skilled players and just the trolling they do in general. Also, it doesn't helped when some were caught and banned because of CE but of course they are back. Not saying all small scalers are like that because I've met and talked to quite a few who are really nice, but it's mostly others bringing them down.

    This... plus, I have yet to see 1vXers uploading videos of 1vXing good players and not to talk smack tho it's just the truth :D

    That begs the question though, if they got 1vX'd are they still considered good players?

    I've won outnumbered against "commonly known" players. Whether they are good or formidable though, is entirely subjective.

    Honestly in the current meta we have, its not that unreasonable of a situation to imagine. The game is all about burst and it doesn't really matter how good a player is when someone has an can 1-2 shot anyone with dawn breakers and incaps. Obviously if you get 1vX'd on a regular basis you have some room to git gud but to get randomly blown up shouldn't really surprise anyone.
  • Sharee
    Sharee wrote: »
    Qbiken wrote: »
    Magus wrote: »
    They made it easier to get the PVE gear and level undaunted - this is a plus

    They removed scaffolding and doors on towers because muh PVE tearz.

    Have you seen the weapon ultimates? My head is spinning.... I can't....even

    Easier to levell undaunted?? As if it wasn´t easy already (avarage time to get lvl9 is about 12hours gameplay)

    Believe it or not, but the highest undaunted i have across all my characters is 4, and i've been playing since release.

    Not everyone is fan of group PvE. The option to finally get those passives through my preferred style of gameplay is a big plus for me.

    what are new possibilities of level undaunted?

    You can now do undaunted dailies that can be done solo.
  • God_flakes
    Ghost-Shot wrote: »
    KenaPKK wrote: »
    Someone enlighten me why the group, of 4 to let's arbitrarily say 12 people in a tower, are the villains, and not the group of 24-60 mobbing down the 4-12?

    And extending that to the rest of cyrodiil. Why are the 4-12 always painted as the villains against the mob that chances them?

    Because people like neither acknowledging that others are better than them nor working to improve at the game. People want immediate gratification and reward for no effort. Therefore people who do work to improve and become a threat to this lazy majority are vilified.

    1vXers and small groupers used to be celebrities. Now they're looked down on and accused of "preying on less skilled players" and cheating regardless of actual evidence.

    Most of them are looked down on for the toxic attitudes, there is no reason people from any play style should be so toxic to everyone else, that applies to the zergers and the small scalers. If you want to zerg, zerg, if you want to 1vX then do it. We all know how irritating it is when a group of 2 or 3 gets chased down by a raid but you kind of have to be ready for it when you poke the zerg, happens to Kirin and I all the time. The real cancer in this game is not the highly skilled small man groups making the bads know their bad and its not the guild running multiple raids, its the toxicity of the community these days. I miss the days when everyone just played the game and did their thing.

    And those days were when? Like never. We have never not had drama and salt wars in this game.
  • Ghost-Shot
    God_flakes wrote: »
    Ghost-Shot wrote: »
    KenaPKK wrote: »
    Someone enlighten me why the group, of 4 to let's arbitrarily say 12 people in a tower, are the villains, and not the group of 24-60 mobbing down the 4-12?

    And extending that to the rest of cyrodiil. Why are the 4-12 always painted as the villains against the mob that chances them?

    Because people like neither acknowledging that others are better than them nor working to improve at the game. People want immediate gratification and reward for no effort. Therefore people who do work to improve and become a threat to this lazy majority are vilified.

    1vXers and small groupers used to be celebrities. Now they're looked down on and accused of "preying on less skilled players" and cheating regardless of actual evidence.

    Most of them are looked down on for the toxic attitudes, there is no reason people from any play style should be so toxic to everyone else, that applies to the zergers and the small scalers. If you want to zerg, zerg, if you want to 1vX then do it. We all know how irritating it is when a group of 2 or 3 gets chased down by a raid but you kind of have to be ready for it when you poke the zerg, happens to Kirin and I all the time. The real cancer in this game is not the highly skilled small man groups making the bads know their bad and its not the guild running multiple raids, its the toxicity of the community these days. I miss the days when everyone just played the game and did their thing.

    And those days were when? Like never. We have never not had drama and salt wars in this game.

    There has always been salt in every mmo ever, but when this game came out it was never this bad, there was never the assumption that playing in a big group was the same thing as being a bad player because small groups had tools to deal with zergs. That created a very clear indicator of good groups and bad groups and the groups that were good got a lot of respect. One night last week I joined a TS to talk to Faso for a little bit and before I could even join his channel several of the "1vX'rs" pulled me to their channel so they could all call me a zergling, I found it hysterical seeing as a play in a smaller group than most of those guys 90% of the time but it highlights just how toxic that crowd has become.
  • BFT88
    God_flakes wrote: »
    God_flakes wrote: »
    Someone enlighten me why the group, of 4 to let's arbitrarily say 12 people in a tower, are the villains, and not the group of 24-60 mobbing down the 4-12?

    And extending that to the rest of cyrodiil. Why are the 4-12 always painted as the villains against the mob that chances them?

    Come on. We all know the cancer has been the LARGE groups setting up tower farms and farming noobs as they trickle in one and two at a time. Smaller groups are not tower farming to avoid zergs. :D

    Has it been though? Because in whatever cyrodiil I have been playing in the "cancer"(which is a term I really hate has made its way into colloquial gamer terminology) is the 40+ amorphous blobs stumbling and bumbling their way to and from a keep. Or that same blob scampering to a resource to annihilate whatever is there. It seems to be ok when the mega-turd is allowed to mow you down, but the moment anyone shifts the influence bar the other way, there is a social uproar.

    I am going to say the same thing I said to Jules: when did squatting in a resource tower of a resource you don't even own become the hallmark of small man play? Please enlighten me. What is the objective of squatting in that tower and setting up siege on the bottom floor and hitting a door from the inside until someone comes in and dies to it? Does that tower have the cleanest latrines? The best frothgar? Please tell me what almighty objective is being served by a "small man" huddling in a tower and trying to farm players who can instantly spawn at the keep anyway? And they're only able to farm due to a broken mechanic and an organic door delay....please I'm dying to know what about this gives small man pride and importance?

    I also want to add here I play small man and I am DC. I watch the larger and more organized DC groups run together and with precision from objective to objective. Only when zone is mostly pugs do I see blobs. And rarely do I see 40 DC running together unless they're trying to defend bleakers from double those numbers of Ep and half a raid of ad who come to get in on the fight at the top of chalmile gate. Players KNOW if you don't provide adequate defense they LOSE their home keeps. So.....if Ep sends 40 to take ales should DC try to hold them off with small man in the farm tower? I mean this is a joke.

    To continuously insinuate that I'm referring to this as the hallmark of small man gameplay, and to continue to argue a completely different point then that of which I have consistently and concisely illustrated to you time and time again in both this and the other post, has left me with no other belief than, you are just simply not comprehending what I'm saying to you, or you choose to debate by completely interjecting a whole other topic without addressing what it is I am bringing forth to you. (Mind you I don't say this in any insulting or snarky manner, which I have to disclaim because tone cannot be implied in text format) Your horse-blinder approach to this topic has facilitated my termination of our personal debate on the forums, however you know our TS, if you in turn want to continue to have a meeting of the minds you are more than welcome to join in there. Until then I wish you happy hunting in cyrodiil, in however you choose to do so.


    Rhage Lionpride critically hit Jauriel with Dawnbreaker of Smiting for 355,721 damage.
  • Ghost-Shot
    BFT88 wrote: »
    God_flakes wrote: »
    God_flakes wrote: »
    Someone enlighten me why the group, of 4 to let's arbitrarily say 12 people in a tower, are the villains, and not the group of 24-60 mobbing down the 4-12?

    And extending that to the rest of cyrodiil. Why are the 4-12 always painted as the villains against the mob that chances them?

    Come on. We all know the cancer has been the LARGE groups setting up tower farms and farming noobs as they trickle in one and two at a time. Smaller groups are not tower farming to avoid zergs. :D

    Has it been though? Because in whatever cyrodiil I have been playing in the "cancer"(which is a term I really hate has made its way into colloquial gamer terminology) is the 40+ amorphous blobs stumbling and bumbling their way to and from a keep. Or that same blob scampering to a resource to annihilate whatever is there. It seems to be ok when the mega-turd is allowed to mow you down, but the moment anyone shifts the influence bar the other way, there is a social uproar.

    I am going to say the same thing I said to Jules: when did squatting in a resource tower of a resource you don't even own become the hallmark of small man play? Please enlighten me. What is the objective of squatting in that tower and setting up siege on the bottom floor and hitting a door from the inside until someone comes in and dies to it? Does that tower have the cleanest latrines? The best frothgar? Please tell me what almighty objective is being served by a "small man" huddling in a tower and trying to farm players who can instantly spawn at the keep anyway? And they're only able to farm due to a broken mechanic and an organic door delay....please I'm dying to know what about this gives small man pride and importance?

    I also want to add here I play small man and I am DC. I watch the larger and more organized DC groups run together and with precision from objective to objective. Only when zone is mostly pugs do I see blobs. And rarely do I see 40 DC running together unless they're trying to defend bleakers from double those numbers of Ep and half a raid of ad who come to get in on the fight at the top of chalmile gate. Players KNOW if you don't provide adequate defense they LOSE their home keeps. So.....if Ep sends 40 to take ales should DC try to hold them off with small man in the farm tower? I mean this is a joke.

    To continuously insinuate that I'm referring to this as the hallmark of small man gameplay, and to continue to argue a completely different point then that of which I have consistently and concisely illustrated to you time and time again in both this and the other post, has left me with no other belief than, you are just simply not comprehending what I'm saying to you, or you choose to debate by completely interjecting a whole other topic without addressing what it is I am bringing forth to you. (Mind you I don't say this in any insulting or snarky manner, which I have to disclaim because tone cannot be implied in text format) Your horse-blinder approach to this topic has facilitated my termination of our personal debate on the forums, however you know our TS, if you in turn want to continue to have a meeting of the minds you are more than welcome to join in there. Until then I wish you happy hunting in cyrodiil, in however you choose to do so.


    Rhage Lionpride critically hit Jauriel with Dawnbreaker of Smiting for 355,721 damage.

  • Ghostbane
    BFT88 wrote: »
    God_flakes wrote: »
    God_flakes wrote: »
    Someone enlighten me why the group, of 4 to let's arbitrarily say 12 people in a tower, are the villains, and not the group of 24-60 mobbing down the 4-12?

    And extending that to the rest of cyrodiil. Why are the 4-12 always painted as the villains against the mob that chances them?

    Come on. We all know the cancer has been the LARGE groups setting up tower farms and farming noobs as they trickle in one and two at a time. Smaller groups are not tower farming to avoid zergs. :D

    Has it been though? Because in whatever cyrodiil I have been playing in the "cancer"(which is a term I really hate has made its way into colloquial gamer terminology) is the 40+ amorphous blobs stumbling and bumbling their way to and from a keep. Or that same blob scampering to a resource to annihilate whatever is there. It seems to be ok when the mega-turd is allowed to mow you down, but the moment anyone shifts the influence bar the other way, there is a social uproar.

    I am going to say the same thing I said to Jules: when did squatting in a resource tower of a resource you don't even own become the hallmark of small man play? Please enlighten me. What is the objective of squatting in that tower and setting up siege on the bottom floor and hitting a door from the inside until someone comes in and dies to it? Does that tower have the cleanest latrines? The best frothgar? Please tell me what almighty objective is being served by a "small man" huddling in a tower and trying to farm players who can instantly spawn at the keep anyway? And they're only able to farm due to a broken mechanic and an organic door delay....please I'm dying to know what about this gives small man pride and importance?

    I also want to add here I play small man and I am DC. I watch the larger and more organized DC groups run together and with precision from objective to objective. Only when zone is mostly pugs do I see blobs. And rarely do I see 40 DC running together unless they're trying to defend bleakers from double those numbers of Ep and half a raid of ad who come to get in on the fight at the top of chalmile gate. Players KNOW if you don't provide adequate defense they LOSE their home keeps. So.....if Ep sends 40 to take ales should DC try to hold them off with small man in the farm tower? I mean this is a joke.

    To continuously insinuate that I'm referring to this as the hallmark of small man gameplay, and to continue to argue a completely different point then that of which I have consistently and concisely illustrated to you time and time again in both this and the other post, has left me with no other belief than, you are just simply not comprehending what I'm saying to you, or you choose to debate by completely interjecting a whole other topic without addressing what it is I am bringing forth to you. (Mind you I don't say this in any insulting or snarky manner, which I have to disclaim because tone cannot be implied in text format) Your horse-blinder approach to this topic has facilitated my termination of our personal debate on the forums, however you know our TS, if you in turn want to continue to have a meeting of the minds you are more than welcome to join in there. Until then I wish you happy hunting in cyrodiil, in however you choose to do so.


    Rhage Lionpride critically hit Jauriel with Dawnbreaker of Smiting for 355,721 damage.

    Wasn't even empowered.
    {★★★★★ · ★★★★★ · ★★ · ★★★★★}
    350m+ AP PC - EU
    AD :: Imported Waffles [37]EP :: Wee ee ee ee ee [16]DC :: Ghostbane's DK [16], Impending Loadscreen [12]PC - NA
    AD :: Ghostbane [50], yer ma [43], Sir Humphrey Winterbottom 2.0 [18], robotic baby legs [18]EP :: Wee Mad Arthur [50], avast ye buttcrackz [49], Sir Horace Foghorn [27], Brother Ballbag [24], Scatman John [16]DC :: W T B Waffles [36], Morale Boost [30], W T F Waffles [17], Ghostbanë [15]RIPAD :: Sir Humphrey Winterbottom 1.0 [20]
  • Asgari
    Chori wrote: »
    Ernest145 wrote: »
    KenaPKK wrote: »
    Someone enlighten me why the group, of 4 to let's arbitrarily say 12 people in a tower, are the villains, and not the group of 24-60 mobbing down the 4-12?

    And extending that to the rest of cyrodiil. Why are the 4-12 always painted as the villains against the mob that chances them?

    Because people like neither acknowledging that others are better than them nor working to improve at the game. People want immediate gratification and reward for no effort. Therefore people who do work to improve and become a threat to this lazy majority are vilified.

    1vXers and small groupers used to be celebrities. Now they're looked down on and accused of "preying on less skilled players" and cheating regardless of actual evidence.

    I would say most aren't well liked now because of how much crap they talk to less skilled players and just the trolling they do in general. Also, it doesn't helped when some were caught and banned because of CE but of course they are back. Not saying all small scalers are like that because I've met and talked to quite a few who are really nice, but it's mostly others bringing them down.

    This... plus, I have yet to see 1vXers uploading videos of 1vXing good players and not to talk smack tho it's just the truth :D

    I have posted videos with clips of myself 1vXing good players... I even made an Emp quit eso after being exposed in a 1v1. But hey, don't mind me.. I'm just a filthy tower farmer.
    Formerly @Persian_Princess .. Now @Asgari
    Princess Asgari | Sorc
    Asgari | NB
    -Asgari | Stamplar
    Ariana Kishi | DK | True Liberator of Haderus
    Banner Down!
    No Mercy
    Youtube: Asgari
  • caeliusstarbreaker
    Chori wrote: »
    Ernest145 wrote: »
    KenaPKK wrote: »
    Someone enlighten me why the group, of 4 to let's arbitrarily say 12 people in a tower, are the villains, and not the group of 24-60 mobbing down the 4-12?

    And extending that to the rest of cyrodiil. Why are the 4-12 always painted as the villains against the mob that chances them?

    Because people like neither acknowledging that others are better than them nor working to improve at the game. People want immediate gratification and reward for no effort. Therefore people who do work to improve and become a threat to this lazy majority are vilified.

    1vXers and small groupers used to be celebrities. Now they're looked down on and accused of "preying on less skilled players" and cheating regardless of actual evidence.

    I would say most aren't well liked now because of how much crap they talk to less skilled players and just the trolling they do in general. Also, it doesn't helped when some were caught and banned because of CE but of course they are back. Not saying all small scalers are like that because I've met and talked to quite a few who are really nice, but it's mostly others bringing them down.

    This... plus, I have yet to see 1vXers uploading videos of 1vXing good players and not to talk smack tho it's just the truth :D

    I have posted videos with clips of myself 1vXing good players... I even made an Emp quit eso after being exposed in a 1v1. But hey, don't mind me.. I'm just a filthy tower farmer.

    Haha like I said we all think he is a big d-bag. Miss you you little Persian troll you.
    Rhage Lionpride DC Stamina Templar
  • Chori
    Chori wrote: »
    Ernest145 wrote: »
    KenaPKK wrote: »
    Someone enlighten me why the group, of 4 to let's arbitrarily say 12 people in a tower, are the villains, and not the group of 24-60 mobbing down the 4-12?

    And extending that to the rest of cyrodiil. Why are the 4-12 always painted as the villains against the mob that chances them?

    Because people like neither acknowledging that others are better than them nor working to improve at the game. People want immediate gratification and reward for no effort. Therefore people who do work to improve and become a threat to this lazy majority are vilified.

    1vXers and small groupers used to be celebrities. Now they're looked down on and accused of "preying on less skilled players" and cheating regardless of actual evidence.

    I would say most aren't well liked now because of how much crap they talk to less skilled players and just the trolling they do in general. Also, it doesn't helped when some were caught and banned because of CE but of course they are back. Not saying all small scalers are like that because I've met and talked to quite a few who are really nice, but it's mostly others bringing them down.

    This... plus, I have yet to see 1vXers uploading videos of 1vXing good players and not to talk smack tho it's just the truth :D

    I have posted videos with clips of myself 1vXing good players... I even made an Emp quit eso after being exposed in a 1v1. But hey, don't mind me.. I'm just a filthy tower farmer.

    You have tooooo many videos for me to watch, point me one so I can watch some madness pleaseee :)
    EP NA-PC - Invictus - Odem Mortis
    1. Stamina NB Cat - ChoriB'Good
    2. Magicka NB High Elf - Lîndara
    3. Stam Sorc High Elf - Lindara Moonlight
    4. Red Guard Stamina DK - Chorî
    5. Red Guard Stamina Templar - Choripaninikinnie
    6. Magplar High Elf - Vagitarian Sillonour
    Don't tell me you lag, I play with 200-300 ms all the time ^_^
  • God_flakes
    Ghost-Shot wrote: »
    God_flakes wrote: »
    Ghost-Shot wrote: »
    KenaPKK wrote: »
    Someone enlighten me why the group, of 4 to let's arbitrarily say 12 people in a tower, are the villains, and not the group of 24-60 mobbing down the 4-12?

    And extending that to the rest of cyrodiil. Why are the 4-12 always painted as the villains against the mob that chances them?

    Because people like neither acknowledging that others are better than them nor working to improve at the game. People want immediate gratification and reward for no effort. Therefore people who do work to improve and become a threat to this lazy majority are vilified.

    1vXers and small groupers used to be celebrities. Now they're looked down on and accused of "preying on less skilled players" and cheating regardless of actual evidence.

    Most of them are looked down on for the toxic attitudes, there is no reason people from any play style should be so toxic to everyone else, that applies to the zergers and the small scalers. If you want to zerg, zerg, if you want to 1vX then do it. We all know how irritating it is when a group of 2 or 3 gets chased down by a raid but you kind of have to be ready for it when you poke the zerg, happens to Kirin and I all the time. The real cancer in this game is not the highly skilled small man groups making the bads know their bad and its not the guild running multiple raids, its the toxicity of the community these days. I miss the days when everyone just played the game and did their thing.

    And those days were when? Like never. We have never not had drama and salt wars in this game.

    There has always been salt in every mmo ever, but when this game came out it was never this bad, there was never the assumption that playing in a big group was the same thing as being a bad player because small groups had tools to deal with zergs. That created a very clear indicator of good groups and bad groups and the groups that were good got a lot of respect. One night last week I joined a TS to talk to Faso for a little bit and before I could even join his channel several of the "1vX'rs" pulled me to their channel so they could all call me a zergling, I found it hysterical seeing as a play in a smaller group than most of those guys 90% of the time but it highlights just how toxic that crowd has become.

    Not doubting it has become increasingly more toxic. Take a group you are familiar with, for example. I was good friends with someone from that group. I guess some people didn't like that. One lured me open field to show me his new armor and the rest of the group showed up and took potshots at me. I scampered away, laughing. The next day I was accused on the forums of "erp'ing" the person I met in the field. Now my good friend refuses to even talk to me. <painful eyeroll>

    And these are grown men we are talking about.

    But I guess this is the nature of the beast, Ghost. Any time you get a bunch of people together in a game you're going to have drama. Launch was the honeymoon period where everyone was on their best behavior. We are two years in....doesn't shock me at all its come to this.
  • ataggs
    God_flakes wrote: »
    Ghost-Shot wrote: »
    God_flakes wrote: »
    Ghost-Shot wrote: »
    KenaPKK wrote: »
    Someone enlighten me why the group, of 4 to let's arbitrarily say 12 people in a tower, are the villains, and not the group of 24-60 mobbing down the 4-12?

    And extending that to the rest of cyrodiil. Why are the 4-12 always painted as the villains against the mob that chances them?

    Because people like neither acknowledging that others are better than them nor working to improve at the game. People want immediate gratification and reward for no effort. Therefore people who do work to improve and become a threat to this lazy majority are vilified.

    1vXers and small groupers used to be celebrities. Now they're looked down on and accused of "preying on less skilled players" and cheating regardless of actual evidence.

    Most of them are looked down on for the toxic attitudes, there is no reason people from any play style should be so toxic to everyone else, that applies to the zergers and the small scalers. If you want to zerg, zerg, if you want to 1vX then do it. We all know how irritating it is when a group of 2 or 3 gets chased down by a raid but you kind of have to be ready for it when you poke the zerg, happens to Kirin and I all the time. The real cancer in this game is not the highly skilled small man groups making the bads know their bad and its not the guild running multiple raids, its the toxicity of the community these days. I miss the days when everyone just played the game and did their thing.

    And those days were when? Like never. We have never not had drama and salt wars in this game.

    There has always been salt in every mmo ever, but when this game came out it was never this bad, there was never the assumption that playing in a big group was the same thing as being a bad player because small groups had tools to deal with zergs. That created a very clear indicator of good groups and bad groups and the groups that were good got a lot of respect. One night last week I joined a TS to talk to Faso for a little bit and before I could even join his channel several of the "1vX'rs" pulled me to their channel so they could all call me a zergling, I found it hysterical seeing as a play in a smaller group than most of those guys 90% of the time but it highlights just how toxic that crowd has become.

    Not doubting it has become increasingly more toxic. Take a group you are familiar with, for example. I was good friends with someone from that group. I guess some people didn't like that. One lured me open field to show me his new armor and the rest of the group showed up and took potshots at me. I scampered away, laughing. The next day I was accused on the forums of "erp'ing" the person I met in the field. Now my good friend refuses to even talk to me. <painful eyeroll>

    And these are grown men we are talking about.

    But I guess this is the nature of the beast, Ghost. Any time you get a bunch of people together in a game you're going to have drama. Launch was the honeymoon period where everyone was on their best behavior. We are two years in....doesn't shock me at all its come to this.

    Just to be clear, a group from another alliance stopped on their way from Roe to Nikel, saw you there solo, stopped, and then without killing you moved on to their objective and that is toxic? <eye roll>
      Confirmed Casual
    • Templar DC- Zee Taggs
    • Templar EP- Zoola
    • Templar AD- Old Zoola
  • DKsUnite
    zyk wrote: »
    Unless someone explicitly made a video about 1vx'ing good players, which given the trend of people's opinions, they may just look at him as a giant d-bag for going out of his way to do this.
    And this is why this game has no truly competitive scene. In this game people compete by showing how much AP they can earn or how many randoms they can posterize.

    I would love to see a group emerge with the purpose of dominating other top groups. But then, who would chase who into the choke, right?

    Isnt that what KH and Haxus do? Do they ever care how much AP they make or how many PM scrubs they wipe? (FUN FACT: the answer is 2 raid fulls)
    Vyr Cor | Magicka Dragonknight | DC
    Vir Cor | Stamina Dragonknight | DC

    Latest Videos:
    Magicka Dragonknight: Vyr Cor | "A Dragon's Fury" | Magicka Dragonknight PvP
    Stamina Dragonknight: Vir Cor | "Heathen" | Stamina Dragonknight PvP

    Youtube: CorGaming
  • God_flakes
    ataggs wrote: »
    God_flakes wrote: »
    ataggs wrote: »
    God_flakes wrote: »
    Ghost-Shot wrote: »
    God_flakes wrote: »
    Ghost-Shot wrote: »
    KenaPKK wrote: »
    Someone enlighten me why the group, of 4 to let's arbitrarily say 12 people in a tower, are the villains, and not the group of 24-60 mobbing down the 4-12?

    And extending that to the rest of cyrodiil. Why are the 4-12 always painted as the villains against the mob that chances them?

    Because people like neither acknowledging that others are better than them nor working to improve at the game. People want immediate gratification and reward for no effort. Therefore people who do work to improve and become a threat to this lazy majority are vilified.

    1vXers and small groupers used to be celebrities. Now they're looked down on and accused of "preying on less skilled players" and cheating regardless of actual evidence.

    Most of them are looked down on for the toxic attitudes, there is no reason people from any play style should be so toxic to everyone else, that applies to the zergers and the small scalers. If you want to zerg, zerg, if you want to 1vX then do it. We all know how irritating it is when a group of 2 or 3 gets chased down by a raid but you kind of have to be ready for it when you poke the zerg, happens to Kirin and I all the time. The real cancer in this game is not the highly skilled small man groups making the bads know their bad and its not the guild running multiple raids, its the toxicity of the community these days. I miss the days when everyone just played the game and did their thing.

    And those days were when? Like never. We have never not had drama and salt wars in this game.

    There has always been salt in every mmo ever, but when this game came out it was never this bad, there was never the assumption that playing in a big group was the same thing as being a bad player because small groups had tools to deal with zergs. That created a very clear indicator of good groups and bad groups and the groups that were good got a lot of respect. One night last week I joined a TS to talk to Faso for a little bit and before I could even join his channel several of the "1vX'rs" pulled me to their channel so they could all call me a zergling, I found it hysterical seeing as a play in a smaller group than most of those guys 90% of the time but it highlights just how toxic that crowd has become.

    Not doubting it has become increasingly more toxic. Take a group you are familiar with, for example. I was good friends with someone from that group. I guess some people didn't like that. One lured me open field to show me his new armor and the rest of the group showed up and took potshots at me. I scampered away, laughing. The next day I was accused on the forums of "erp'ing" the person I met in the field. Now my good friend refuses to even talk to me. <painful eyeroll>

    And these are grown men we are talking about.

    But I guess this is the nature of the beast, Ghost. Any time you get a bunch of people together in a game you're going to have drama. Launch was the honeymoon period where everyone was on their best behavior. We are two years in....doesn't shock me at all its come to this.

    Just to be clear, a group from another alliance stopped on their way from Roe to Nikel, saw you there solo, stopped, and then without killing you moved on to their objective and that is toxic? <eye roll>

    Funny how you came running along right away to this thread. Stalking my every word on here now?


    Getting my flirt on or solo? Which is it? Let's keep your lies straight, miss.

    It's not stalking when you post in every thread. I agree with many of your posts, I disagreed with the fact that standing between Roe and Nikel with passing enemies leaving you alone is a good example of toxicity.

    Except your group didn't leave me alone.

    Bulba: You better run they want to kill you.

    Me: LOL ok c ya later!

    You then proceed to harangue me on the forums and accuse me of open field erping. I would hardly call that leaving me alone. :blush:

    Edited by God_flakes on September 6, 2016 3:54PM
  • Rage_Killin
    What we say: Balance please ZOS!
  • Thelon
    God_flakes wrote: »
    Doors gone=broken mechanic gone. You all should be applauding.
    I don't applaud lazy fixes, I'll leave that to the zerglings
This discussion has been closed.