I just don't understand how not playing the game is voting with your wallets. You can still play the game and not buy anything.
lordrichter wrote: »Just pulling out the crystal ball, I do expect that they will pull back from quarterly DLC to twice per year pretty soon. They will have nice sounding reasons, like the "letting the game breathe" one that they used a while back. They will also transition to F2P for the "end of life" game phase. In this phase, they won't be doing regular patches and updates, so the game will be "as-is".
FireCowCommando wrote: »With One Tamriel ZoS is bringing the community together.
I am seeing that end game PvE community who enjoys trials is up in arms over the changes to BoE/BoP along with an increase in the resistances to trash mobs, making it take longer.
The community that enjoys the fluff and roleplay offered through the crown store is enraged over crown crates, and how the housing system will soon be dealt with.
And the PvP community... well they have been upset for years, for many reasons.
Aww your really bringing us all together!
We will now all suffer
Literally laughed out loud. You're kinda right. Lol
But fortunately enough there is a very simple remedy for the whole problem - to stay away from this game, just like I do it now for about a month and it is not even hard at all. I do not need this game and I especially do not need Zenimax - this was the last game I ever bought from them - even I love Fallout and such, I will never again buy a game from the Zenimax group.
Vote with your wallets.
I just don't understand how not playing the game is voting with your wallets. You can still play the game and not buy anything. I said in one of earlier posts, the people that say they will quitting the game because of the Crown Crates, I might be wrong, they were unhappy with the game long before the crates.
I hope that part of housing will be put behind the ESO+ wall.
nimander99 wrote: »The community has resoundingly rejected these Crown Boxes. For every one person saying "Hey cool" there's 50 against. Go to reddit and see how people really feel. Go to youtube and watch videos against these box's... Well, Deltia put about the nicest spin possible, but what would you expect, he makes his living off this game. If it tanks cause these crown boxes he's out of a job (kinda like his old swtor stuff that stopped when crates came to that game).
I guarantee you content creators are doo'ing their collective pants right now and looking for the nearest out. They know from experience that when systems like this hit mmo's the communities become divided and extremely toxic. Fandom dries up, people flame, ideas and inspiration reach Gobi Desert levels, no Gidorick's posting cool ideas. Older Scrolls sites will stop even counting ESO as Scrolls game.
A cosmetic item that looks unique and cool is just as important as the best weapon or armor, and game dev's know this otherwise there would be no such thing as a market for cosmetics. ZOS is putting a cosmetic gambling system in game with amazing animations, now tell me, with all that effort, where do you think ZOS thinks their money comes from? PVP players and Dungeon runners oooooooooooor casual collectors. You figure it out people, yer smert.
SilentRaven1972 wrote: »As I said in the PTS thread, it kinda feels like they are gearing up to make ESO a F2P game. There is just something nagging, scratching around in my head, that says this is what will happen. I just can't put my finger on it
Ugh, I'll have to stop using my Palomino horse so people don't laugh at me and think I'm a sucker who bought in to this scheme now
SilentRaven1972 wrote: »As I said in the PTS thread, it kinda feels like they are gearing up to make ESO a F2P game. There is just something nagging, scratching around in my head, that says this is what will happen. I just can't put my finger on it
SilentRaven1972 wrote: »As I said in the PTS thread, it kinda feels like they are gearing up to make ESO a F2P game. There is just something nagging, scratching around in my head, that says this is what will happen. I just can't put my finger on it
Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »The one thing I really liked about this game was that it pulled me in and made me feel like I was stepping foot into Tamriel whenever I logged on. The only other MMO to do that for me was WoW. And even WoW didnt get the grip on me like ESO did. This is the first game Ive ever made more than one character or kept up with more than one. Ive never been an altaholic. But I not only made multiple characters. I invested not just my time but my money into each character.
What Ive seen these types of gambling mechanisms do to other games is turn them into Carnivals and Online Amusement Parks. It becomes more about the new flashy toy and collectible than the world building. We saw the beginnings of that with the Dro m'Athra mount. I dont think this game is going to die because of this change. Not in the financial manner, but it will lose its soul to this. The resources will go to the gambling boxes more and more and the updates and content, like Imperial City/Orsinium/Thieves Guild/Dark Brotherhood will be few and far between.
I really hope Im wrong. But we were at a time told about DLCs months out. And since August we have no idea when some sort of Orsinium like content will be coming. All we know about is what theyre slapping price tags on.
Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »The one thing I really liked about this game was that it pulled me in and made me feel like I was stepping foot into Tamriel whenever I logged on. The only other MMO to do that for me was WoW. And even WoW didnt get the grip on me like ESO did. This is the first game Ive ever made more than one character or kept up with more than one. Ive never been an altaholic. But I not only made multiple characters. I invested not just my time but my money into each character.
What Ive seen these types of gambling mechanisms do to other games is turn them into Carnivals and Online Amusement Parks. It becomes more about the new flashy toy and collectible than the world building. We saw the beginnings of that with the Dro m'Athra mount. I dont think this game is going to die because of this change. Not in the financial manner, but it will lose its soul to this. The resources will go to the gambling boxes more and more and the updates and content, like Imperial City/Orsinium/Thieves Guild/Dark Brotherhood will be few and far between.
I really hope Im wrong. But we were at a time told about DLCs months out. And since August we have no idea when some sort of Orsinium like content will be coming. All we know about is what theyre slapping price tags on.
Palomino, Clouded Senche and the High-Collared Coin Ball Gown for me
VerboseQuips wrote: »I just realized that the Crown Crates will also be pulled out of the Store when the new theme will arrive. I thus added a new paragraph to my long comment above. Because it was obviously not long enough.
Didn't they say that no item would be pulled out of the Gem store? I think I remember an interview of someone saying this but I don't remember well.
@VerboseQuips I remember quite the opposite. That they said items would rotate through the gem store (hence, seasons). Working on getting my Day 2 video up so don't have time to hunt for it right now though, sorry.
Palomino, Clouded Senche and the High-Collared Coin Ball Gown for me
And they didn't even bother fixing clipping issue with the coin belt or whatever it is that goes down the skirt, it keeps clipping into the dressRemember how people were hopeful that devs took items down to remake them and bring them back when they are fixed?
Silly, naive us
Palomino, Clouded Senche and the High-Collared Coin Ball Gown for me
And they didn't even bother fixing clipping issue with the coin belt or whatever it is that goes down the skirt, it keeps clipping into the dressRemember how people were hopeful that devs took items down to remake them and bring them back when they are fixed?
Silly, naive us
I actually think the chest deformation is even worse on the PTS right now. But since I didn't get it from the boxes yet, I could only preview it.
Palomino, Clouded Senche and the High-Collared Coin Ball Gown for me
And they didn't even bother fixing clipping issue with the coin belt or whatever it is that goes down the skirt, it keeps clipping into the dressRemember how people were hopeful that devs took items down to remake them and bring them back when they are fixed?
Silly, naive us
I actually think the chest deformation is even worse on the PTS right now. But since I didn't get it from the boxes yet, I could only preview it.
I only checked it on a male Altmer, so can't speak for how female chest looks in that dress now... Those coins on the belt though are clipping 100% sure.
Felling like a cash cow a little now. Lol who knew this game could provoke me so much
SilentRaven1972 wrote: »As I said in the PTS thread, it kinda feels like they are gearing up to make ESO a F2P game. There is just something nagging, scratching around in my head, that says this is what will happen. I just can't put my finger on it
arasysb14_ESO wrote: »I agree with @JamilaRaj.
I don't want to sound dramatic, but it feels like ZOS pulled the plug for some of us since game suddenly lost its depth and trustworthiness with this move. I opened the launcher few times this week and realized I have no motivation left to log on except for making enough gold to keep myself in trade guilds. But then.. there's a good chance in-game gold won't even be useful for housing or some of the other content they were planning to introduce anyway. For RPG fans, cheapening game's essential systems for sake of introducing in-game ways to rip off your customers kills good chunk of the immersion.