corrosivechains wrote: »See, pretty much this whole idea is to break 3 classes, one of which is already broken, two of which are underrepresented, and 1 which actually relies on it for it's survivability, just to satisfy a "majority" which chose a class with the hopes of being overpowered gankers and realizing that's not what the class actually is.
If the removal of shield stacking goes through, then the magelight debuff needs to be brought back up to 5s on the PTS, with a much wider radius, so those who rely on shields for survival can actually have a modicum of prep time.
That said, I think it's time for DK's, Templars, and Sorcs to all start shield stacking and build for tankiness just to spite Nightblades. Bunch of whiners.
I disagree, my main sorc runs solo, and needs a strong self heal, which is healing ward. Not allowing healing ward to stack with hardened brings up serious issues with its use as a heal (e.g., what happens if healing is replaced by hardened?). If I could get a healing ward equivalent without the shield, I'd be ok with no stacking. I'm basically giving up an entire weapon slot for just that one skill - that seems a pretty fair tradeoff!
Sorcs need only one Skill in PvE for survival...hardened ward (and crit surge, but it's no shield so not relevant in this discussion). A fix to shieldstacking (or preventing it) wouldn't change anything for PvE-Sorcs.
lolo_01b16_ESO wrote: »But it's too strong when you can stack harness with your op blazing shield. Same as when I stack harness with igneous shield on my magicka dk.
I disagree, my main sorc runs solo, and needs a strong self heal, which is healing ward. Not allowing healing ward to stack with hardened brings up serious issues with its use as a heal (e.g., what happens if healing is replaced by hardened?). If I could get a healing ward equivalent without the shield, I'd be ok with no stacking. I'm basically giving up an entire weapon slot for just that one skill - that seems a pretty fair tradeoff!
themdogesbite wrote: »Shieldstacking should NOT be removed, instead there needs to be a rework on how shields apply whilst already active IMO. There's more classes then sorcs that uses shields you know.. the rest of us arent so damn blessed that one shield is enough, we need to stack them in pvp.
I play Templar I get frustrated like everyone else when going up against sorcs, but they are killerable. Shield stacking DOES NOT need to be removed or nerfed. The only thing that needs to happen is damage shields need to be crittable. Effects need to proc on them also ie, the healing effect from sweeps. Shield stacking and burst damage is a trademark of sorcs just like BOL spamming and jabs is of Templars, fear and stealth etc is of NBS etc.
For those saying use shield breaker, why would a magicka based build wearing light armour use a medium stamina set that only procs with light and heavy attacks, maybe if there was a magica version of it but then that will cripple a lot of people's build as they use certain sets to to cover weaknesses, build on strengths etc.
rager82b14_ESO wrote: »IF Nightblade has to get one of its main defense nerfed down. I don't see why Sorcs can't. We all know it is coming even the developers talking about it.
I want a cast time on it myself. Sorcs would take far more skill to play.
joleda4ub17_ESO wrote: »Why not remove Battle Spirit and then do some balancing? Then, if needed, apply some form of Battle Spirit again.
I think Battle Spirit is BS. It provides a bigger % bonus to glass cannons than it does to non-glass cannons. It accentuates flaws in the system and actually provides more imbalance. Not to mention it nerfs some races while not touching others.
KramUzibra wrote: » any class should be able to stack shields? Also if any class can stack why are sorcs being singled out?
Tonnopesceb16_ESO wrote: »
Yeah any class can stack shields but the class shields of Templars and DK scales to max healt and if i'm not wrong healt is not a modifier for the damage output.
12-13k cristal frag + 7-9k curse +20k shields + streak it sounds a little op to me.
A really good way to Nerf to the ground sorcerers will be to make the class shield scale off max health like the other classes.
IMO sorc has been nerfed enough, shieldstacking is a problem for more then just sorc. Dampen magicka is a huge shield vs magicka dmg, just think if bone shield was the same size, it would be ridiculous.
Doncellius wrote: »@Destruent Yes yes, Sorcerers only need one skill for survival (Hardened Ward). They also only HAVE one skill for survival (Hardened Ward). It's this ridiculously childish attitude brought by you bad butthurt PvPers which will cause this game to absolutely suck for everyone. Have you even played a Magicka Sorcerer? Leave PvP balance solutions to PvP. (Nerf already low Bow DPS in PvEbecause gankers....)
It is one thing to call for a severe bug fix (ex. Toppling Charge). It is another when you pester @Wrobel and other Devs themselves to make changes which will make a class not only weak, but clunky and unfun to play because of this whining.
The magicka variant's survivability for this class is entirely dependant on shields. If a cast time is placed on Hardened Ward, you may as well remove the skill. You recast when your current damage shield is quickly depleted, causing you to be 1-2 shot kills from any group dungeon mob since you stacked Max Magicka instead of Health with the priority of keeping shields up.
I've had the opportunity to see magicka Nightblades and Templars which almost completely mimic my thoery-crafted builds in action. Both have enormous healing/health. What people seem to never understand is that shields do not regenerate. It is easier in most instances to survive burst damage in PvE as a Magicka Sorc, but you must recast your Hardened Ward. This lowers DPS and resources. For Magicka NB, you can spam Funnel Health with Duel Swords, providing very good damge for very low cost AND strong heal to yourelf/allies. Templars have jabs and BoL among others skills.
Same message: Leave PvE alone, rebalance PvP.
Tonnopesceb16_ESO wrote: »
I'm not against sorcerers don't get me wrong; a sorcerer cant kill me if i'm in a 1v1 with a player with the same " experience " as me but i cant kill him either.
The real problem with sorcerers is that they are abused by some people, yesterday after mi usual pvp session i've joined my alliance in the IC, and there was a group of 5 sorcerers camping the sewer entrance; they sure where an organized group they sure were good players, but it was impossible for a group of random to kill them , even if we took them down to 20% health they was simple disengaging (streak) recharging and coming back.
Sorcerers have some really good utilities compared to other classes what we need is or a buff to a skill accessible to all the classes or for sorcerers, if they choose to be tanky => no damage , if they choose to do a lot of damage => easy to kill, like everyone else in the game!
you are aware there is no single abilty that can be locked out of right?
you are aware that you can CC lock a NB in going into stealth?
how you you like Mr Sorc if we could lock you out using heals/shields with a single abilty for 5 seconds?
but i'm fine with the cloak nerf, the mayor overpowered issue(s) NB have are still there. and guess what cloak wasn't one of them