People who don't shieldbreaker need to stop doing pvp
Sorcs have 1 shielding skill the rest of you don't have. Hardened Ward. That is it. the OP wants that removed lol. I have seen dks with 86k shields in pve without barrier... so that translates to 43k shields in pvp...and they also have 6 seconds of 3% of their hp damage which effectively makes them immune to all damage. What about The perma block casting Templars we see in pvp that take 10 people 30+ seconds to kill ?
Idk what to tell you guys. My ward is a little over 12k in pvp, and I think this complaint about it needs to go in the trash bin, along with the 2nd round nerf cry for Bolt escape. It seems like people just want to Murder sorcs better, and it isn't a cry out because we are killing them or anything. I'd be more receptive to these complaints if it was a being one shot, or ambushed by sorcs...but u guys arn't being, you just want us easier to kill...which is somewhat understandable...but totally not resonable when you consider what the 3 other classes can and are doing on live right at this very momment. Next patch templars are going to be running around with BETTER survive-ability, 22k+ dark flares+javlin combos...and be wrecking everyone. I'm sorry we're tough prey to nail down and kill, but you don't need to ask for dev help... refine your technique, or get something different then your pve set for pvp.
lolo_01b16_ESO wrote: »No, it's not, they are ~4k shields for most players which will be down after you took one hit in most cases. I just wanted to remind people that sorcs are not the only class with shields and shield stacking becomes more important when you have multiple small shields instead of a singel big one.
Maybe I should increase the font size of my signature.
Defenceless? Sorc can be one of the tankiest classes (magicka) and taking away shieldstacking will not change that, if you truely believe that you need to l2p.
Its seem like those who want shieldstacking nerf must be having a hard time killing magicka sorcerer then they need to l2p
In what sense? Harness is available to all classes. It's what I use on my Templar and it's pretty good.
Doncellius wrote: »Whatever change is made in the future, it NEEDS to stay away from PvE. Sorcs rely on shields completely for survival. You screw that up in PvE, you ruin magicka Sorc entirely. Simple as that. Make changes specific to Cyrodiil.
Sorcs need only one Skill in PvE for survival...hardened ward (and crit surge, but it's no shield so not relevant in this discussion). A fix to shieldstacking (or preventing it) wouldn't change anything for PvE-Sorcs.
Refuse2GrowUp wrote: »
If they add a 1.5 second cast time to Hardened Ward, it will likely change everything for Sorcs, in both PvE and PvP
Sure...but even then...You won't need that much else. If you'll face magic damage you can switch to absorb magic to avoid the cast need to shield stack in pve.
And, of course, if @Wrobel proceeds with his plans to add a 1.5 second cast time to Hardened Ward and possibly other shields as well, then this conversation is irrelevant as Sorcs will be useless in both PvE and PvP.
Septimus_Magna wrote: »
In my eyes the shields can be divided into 3 different categories:
Minor/Situational Shield
Sun Shield
Obsidian Shield
Steadfast Ward
Shielded Assault
Bone Shield
Major Shield
Conjure Ward
Ultimate Shield
Magma Shell
Shields from the first category should stack with each other.
Shields from the second and third category should not stack with each other.
This would fix the shield stacking problem without hurting specific builds/classes too much.
I also think there should be an adjustment for shields scaling off health in Cyrodiil but thats a different discussion.
@Refuse2GrowUp would *** up my tank dk though which uses spiked armor, igneus shield and boneshield (sometimes). so it would screw him because there are no decent shields for him. while boneshield is nice the stamina cost is insame if you compare it to other shields
Septimus_Magna wrote: »Sun Shield (Templar) Surround yourself with a solar shield that absorbs damage equal to (27)% of your Max Health. Each successful hit increases the shield's strength by (4)% Nearby enemies take (x) Magic Damage when the shield is activated.
Obsidian Shield (DK) Call the earth to your defense, creating [x] point damage shield on you and nearby allies for 20 seconds. Absorb (x) damage dealt to allies. Shield strength increases 100% for you.
Magma Shell (DK) Ignite the molten lava in your veins to cap incoming damage at 3% Max Health and deal (x) Flame Damage to nearby enemies each second for 9 seconds. Allies may activate the Protective Shell synergy, granting a damage shield for 100% of their max Health. Allies may activate a synergy granting a powerful damage shield [shield is applied instantly after TG update]
Conjure Ward (Sorc) Conjure globes of Daedric energy to protect you and your summoned creatures. Each globe can absorb [x] damage for 20 seconds.
Annulment (Light Armor) Surround yourself with a net of magic negation to absorb up to [x] Spell Damage over 26 seconds.
Steadfast Ward (Restoration Staff) Call on your staff's strength to protect whichever ally has the lowest Health with a ward to absorb [x] damage for 6 seconds. The ward's strength is increased by up to 300%, depending on the severity of the target's wounds.
Shielded Assault (One-handed and Shield) Rush enemy and ram them, dealing [x] Physical Damage and stunning them for 2 seconds. You are shielded from damage after the attack, absorbing [y] damage over 6 seconds.
Brawler (Two-Handed) Swat enemies in front of you with a mighty swing, dealing [x] Physical Damage and causing them to bleed for an additional [y] Physical Damage over 10 seconds. Also shields you from damage for 8 seconds, absorbing up to [z] damage plus 100% for each enemy hit. Adds damage shield for each enemy hit.
Bone Shield (Undaunted) Surround yourself with a whirlwind of bones, absorbing physical damage equivalent to 30% of your Max Health. Allies can activate the Bone Wall synergy, absorbing damage to allies equal to 60% of their Max Health. The wall lasts 10 seconds and affects up to four nearby allies.
Barrier (Alliance Support) Invoke defensive tactics to protect yourself and nearby allies with wards that each absorb up to (x) damage for 30 seconds.
In my eyes the shields can be divided into 3 different categories:
Minor/Situational Shield
Sun Shield
Obsidian Shield
Steadfast Ward
Shielded Assault
Bone Shield
Major Shield
Conjure Ward
Ultimate Shield
Magma Shell
Shields from the first category should stack with each other.
Shields from the second and third category should not stack with each other.
This would fix the shield stacking problem without hurting specific builds/classes too much.
I also think there should be an adjustment for shields scaling off health in Cyrodiil but thats a different discussion.
@Refuse2GrowUp well the fact remains i use hardend ward which does give a shield as bonus which makes it not a good morph. because i endup overriding it so i'm kinda forced to go volitiale which isn't to bad but i wouldn't like it
I really like this idea, I know its been said before, but this would be much, much better then whats possible in live atm. Thx
corrosivechains wrote: »See, pretty much this whole idea is to break 3 classes, one of which is already broken, two of which are underrepresented, and 1 which actually relies on it for it's survivability, just to satisfy a "majority" which chose a class with the hopes of being overpowered gankers and realizing that's not what the class actually is.
If the removal of shield stacking goes through, then the magelight debuff needs to be brought back up to 5s on the PTS, with a much wider radius, so those who rely on shields for survival can actually have a modicum of prep time.
That said, I think it's time for DK's, Templars, and Sorcs to all start shield stacking and build for tankiness just to spite Nightblades. Bunch of whiners.