lolo_01b16_ESO wrote: »No, it's not, they are ~4k shields for most players which will be down after you took one hit in most cases. I just wanted to remind people that sorcs are not the only class with shields and shield stacking becomes more important when you have multiple small shields instead of a singel big one.
Maybe I should increase the font size of my signature.
Refuse2GrowUp wrote: »Will say it again...
ZOS really needs to make separate profiles for PvE and PvP so that they can change skills and mechanics for one without effecting the other.
Shield stacking in PvP needs to go away. Shield stacking in PvE is common and should be allowed
Coming from a magicka sorc if we had a decent heal other than healing ward shield stacking wouldnt be as much if an issue. Hardened ward is our only defense and harness magicka only works against magicka builds and available to everyone. If i could actually heal myself without a shield i would but i have no other viable option.
No. There are those of us that play both PvE and PvP. Changing every freaking skill for each would be a royal pain in the but.
Blackwater Blade will be a no-CP campaign in the upcoming patch.
Now, that Sorc you were talking about, did he kill the 5 players that were beating on him? Did he manage to get away?
Because just standing there and taking a beating is not really winning either. When you are stacking shields (or healing) in order to survive an attack you aren't really fighting back.
Most of the tales of people shield stacking are "we couldn't kill him" tales. They aren't "he killed us all" tales. When a sorc is shield stacking, they are on the defensive, and being survivable while on the defense is a good thing.
DRXHarbinger wrote: »
Crits and proccd frags provide all the healing a sorc needs.
pecheckler wrote: »I believe all damage shields scale off of defense ratings from equipment. The more defensive your stats the bigger the damage shield is boosted. Damage shields shouldn't just be something light armor wearers use.
what, like mag templars are? btw BoL is not a defence, most of the time it heals other players and not you xD
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
thats a problem with "smart" healing ... not with BoL itself wich mitigates more dmg than hardend ward does.
corrosivechains wrote: »ok, people asking for shield stacking nerfs, I'm just going to say it now...lrn2play
seriously, lrn2play. If what you're doing isn't working then it's a matter of lrn2play. These things aren't overpowered, you're just stubborn and deadset on singleplayer gaming mindsets. Or just realize that a sorc is the counter to glass-canon nightblade gank builds.
KramUzibra wrote: »
In regards to armor light should grant the least resistance, then medium and heavy the most. Right know a sorc in light armor sheild stacking rivals a dk tank in all heavy when it comes to tanking. This just doesn't make sense.
lolo_01b16_ESO wrote: »I'm not a fan of all the nerfs to defensive skills we are getting in every patch. But I'm curious, how do you imagine the removal of shield stacking to look like? Which shield will get priority? The biggest one? Or the one with the longest duration? And what about shields that only protect you from a certain type of damage?
KramUzibra wrote: »
Correct me if I'm wrong but as a sorc you have a shield that once cast it gives you a certain amount of resistance then when applied damage your able to stack the same shield on top of your currently active shield with the added amount of resistance on top of the partial resistance from the last shield you can continue to stack like this within the limits of your magicka pool. If this is true then zos should make it that once you cast a shield whether or not damage was done to it, if the same shield where to be cast again then the new shield cancels out the old shield and replaced. Basically you could only have one of the same shield active at a time.
KramUzibra wrote: »Basically you could only have one of the same shield active at a time.
There are shields for magical damage, generic damage, situational shields, and whatnot.
Leave shieldstacking as it is.
Just *effin'* use shieldbreaker, or add a magicka version of that. (unresistable enchant also help.)
edit 4 profanity
Refuse2GrowUp wrote: »
That is how shields work currently. It doesn't add resistances, and thus mitigate damage, but rather absorbs all damage, up to the cap of that shield, for the particular damage type the shield is meant for. Recasting the shield simply resets the total amount of dmg it can absorb up to its cap. It does not stack on the previous shield increasing the cap. That is not what 'shield stacking' means. The term 'shield stacking' refers to having multiple shields active at the same time, i.e. Hardened Ward, Healing Ward, Harness Magicka, Bone shield, Blazing Shield, Igneous Shield, Barrier, etc.
PlagueMonk wrote: »
You want me to counter abused skills with an ENTIRE armor set? How exactly is that fair because you are basically gimping yourself in every other situation just to counter this OPed playstyle.
You want to stack shields? Then give the Fighters Guild a single Shield Breaker skill I can slot. THEN it will be more fair.
corrosivechains wrote: »
I agree that is a problem, but as the numerous "buff heavy armor" threads can attest too, the issue isn't shield stack, it's been near constant nerfs to turtle/tank builds in general. The answer is to bring heavy armor back up and increase it's utility.
KramUzibra wrote: » any class should be able to stack shields? Also if any class can stack why are sorcs being singled out?
Refuse2GrowUp wrote: »
Mag Sorcs have Hardened Ward. You do NOT need to shield stack in PvP. Yes, I play a MagSorc; no I do not shield stack; yes, I do very well in PvP without shield stacking. If you really need to shield stack, then you are doing something wrong.
I play several toons, and one of them is a Stam NB ganker build that runs Shield Breaker. I am a fan of the set, and think it serves its purpose well. That however is a completely different subject altogether.
Shield stacking is not required. Furthermore, those sorcs doing so are doing a disservice to themselves and the sorc community as this is a big part of why the devs are considering giving shields a 1.5 second cast time...a nerf that will likely be the death of sorcs both in PvP and in PvE.