@OLIVI3R , yea shieldbreaker is a *** set that produces idiot gameplay of spamming light attack on people instead of using your actual build and skills, its the only counter to shields, but imo it should deal dmg to the actual shield.
rager82b14_ESO wrote: »IF Nightblade has to get one of its main defense nerfed down. I don't see why Sorcs can't. We all know it is coming even the developers talking about it.
I want a cast time on it myself. Sorcs would take far more skill to play.
People who don't shieldbreaker need to stop doing pvp
lmao, i watched a stam sorc 1v1 a mag sorc and the stam sorc won then the mag sorc was complaining about shield breaker, so he took the shield breaker off and still won in a 1v1 against him, so all i can say is l2p.
joleda4ub17_ESO wrote: »
I don't understand why this is a bad idea. Other skills, currently considered balanced by ZOS, have a cast time. For example, the Templar's Healing Ritual ability and one of it's morphs has a 2 second cast time, and the other morph has a 1.7 cast time. Healing Ritual is a point-blank aoe with a radius of 10 meters. I'm sure there are other skills that also have cast timers.
Doncellius wrote: »@Destruent Yes yes, Sorcerers only need one skill for survival (Hardened Ward). They also only HAVE one skill for survival (Hardened Ward). It's this ridiculously childish attitude brought by you bad butthurt PvPers which will cause this game to absolutely suck for everyone. Have you even played a Magicka Sorcerer? Leave PvP balance solutions to PvP. (Nerf already low Bow DPS in PvEbecause gankers....)
It is one thing to call for a severe bug fix (ex. Toppling Charge). It is another when you pester @Wrobel and other Devs themselves to make changes which will make a class not only weak, but clunky and unfun to play because of this whining.
The magicka variant's survivability for this class is entirely dependant on shields. If a cast time is placed on Hardened Ward, you may as well remove the skill. You recast when your current damage shield is quickly depleted, causing you to be 1-2 shot kills from any group dungeon mob since you stacked Max Magicka instead of Health with the priority of keeping shields up.
I've had the opportunity to see magicka Nightblades and Templars which almost completely mimic my thoery-crafted builds in action. Both have enormous healing/health. What people seem to never understand is that shields do not regenerate. It is easier in most instances to survive burst damage in PvE as a Magicka Sorc, but you must recast your Hardened Ward. This lowers DPS and resources. For Magicka NB, you can spam Funnel Health with Duel Swords, providing very good damge for very low cost AND strong heal to yourelf/allies. Templars have jabs and BoL among others skills.
Same message: Leave PvE alone, rebalance PvP.
Then, everyone should go to battle nude...
Doncellius wrote: »@Artjuh90
Umm.... What do you mean? Cloak was not really nerfed. The purge on cloak was just unfair and utterly killed any DoT/Magicka DK build. Suppressing DoTs is a much better solution. In PvE this really does not effect you.
Unless you are talking about something else related to Cloak. What are you referring to? Please be more specific! I'm really not sure what you are saying.
Doncellius wrote: »@Artjuh90
I understand that sorcs may be need to be toned down SLIGHTLY in PvP as it is very strong. Any class can be strong though as a skilled player. All I have said is that none of these PvP balance changes need to make their way into PvE, where it is not an issue. That's all. PvE. Not PvP.
Just because you feel one class has been nerfed, it doesn't mean in any logical way that others need to be brought down as a result. This would create a terrible domino effect!
Would it be fair to say "Look! Templars have a weak shield and a broken gap closer. Reduce Sorcerer shields by 80% and make Bolt Escape to cost 10K a cast!" I don't think so. Likewise, when Sorc shields are nerfed will you find it fair if Cloak had its duration reduced to 1.5 seconds (-1 second)? I think not.
@Doncellius I don' know any Sorc who uses hardened ward in group PvE (maybe at planar inhibitor/kena/lord warden, but absorb magic works here aswell). And no, they don't care about their HP (usually at 16.8k or lower)...
It is widely used when soloing stuff like vMSA or group dungeons, but anywhere else....no.
Don't see a problem if some guys need to learn how to avoid incoming damage, i think it's the better gameplay compared to hiding behind shields...
Septimus_Magna wrote: »
In PUG groups I always run Hardened + Harness (43k shield), dont trust them tanks and healers, it also helps a lot with sustain.
Proccd frags on DKs? Do I get that amazing heal before or after it comes barreling back at me?DRXHarbinger wrote: »
Crits and proccd frags provide all the healing a sorc needs.