PTS Patch Notes v2.3.0

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
We will be performing maintenance on the PTS on Tuesday at 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC).
  • Tdroid

    I have to agree on this one. My constant defense to the current and abysmal state of templars has always been, "yes, but they are healer class. Nobody can heal like they do." You just gutted the main skill that separates them from the herd. This is a very bad change IMO.

    If you are set on reducing it to one person other than yourself, is their at least anyway to ensure it hits the lowest health ally?

    Don't you mean "gutted the only skill that kept them in the herd"? Specifically the herd of playable classes.
  • Sparky617
    You buffed Argonians which is awesome, but you left Carnage broken for all the Khajjit? It's been broken since November!!!! ***frustration***
  • Alp
    Is the khajiit ever going to get their claws back? Here is a picture of my character using the medium mercenary gloves:


    I love all the new styles but it's mostly the old styles that don't have this problem, like the argonian gloves.

    Edit: oh and the yokudan style of course but its not craftable:

    Edited by Alp on February 4, 2016 8:15PM
  • Pangnirtung

    If you were loyal you would use the 'free' crowns that come with the membership to buy access to content you can already access and spend more money on other items you want to purchase.

    I wonder why this sounds like a scam...

    If you rented a house you would know that once you stop paying rent you lose the house. Same goes for subscribing.
  • vyndral13preub18_ESO

    If you rented a house you would know that once you stop paying rent you lose the house. Same goes for subscribing.

    If you had ever rented a house that came with a free first month you would know that when you move you dont have to pay that money... Wait what the hell are we talking about?

    Also a couple post below my respose you will see that it was clarified that people 'renting' still get the goodies. Which is awesome. Go Zos!

    If you ever got a pizza with a free topping you would... Oh screw it.
  • Nightwolfmenace
    "Backlash: Increased the maximum damage limit for this ability and its morphs by 25%, but decreased their damage stored amount by 66%. In addition, this ability and its morphs can no longer be reflected. "

    At first i was confused about this change.. but now I believe how it works so i can clarify for everyone.. basically if assuming it works the way i think it does (Needs Testing)..ITS A HUGE BUFF! To put it in numbers to understand

    If it took 30k Damage stored last patch just to do a 10k Explosion, now it takes 30k - (30k * .66) which is 10200 damage stored to inflict 10k* 1.25 = 12500 damage explosion.

    Stamina Templars now have an Inevitable Detonation.. rejoice!
    Edited by Nightwolfmenace on February 4, 2016 9:04PM
    Argonian Magicka NB v16 EP / Dark Elf Magicka DK v16 EP
    Wood Elf Stamina NB v16 AD / Imperial Stamina DK v16 DC
    Redguard Stamina Templar v16 EP / Breton Magicka Sorc v16 EP
    High Elf Magicka Templar v16 AD / Orc Stamina Sorc v1 DC
  • Nightwolfmenace
    "Backlash: Increased the maximum damage limit for this ability and its morphs by 25%, but decreased their damage stored amount by 66%. In addition, this ability and its morphs can no longer be reflected. "

    At first i was confused about this change.. but now I believe how it works so i can clarify for everyone.. basically if assuming it works the way i think it does(Needs Testing)..ITS A HUGE BUFF! To put it in numbers to understand

    If it took 30k Damage stored last patch just to do a 10k Explosion, now it takes 30k - (30k * .66) which is 10200 damage stored to inflict 10k* 1.25 = 12500 damage explosion.

    Stamina Templars now have an Inevitable Detonation.. rejoice!

    Didnt mean to quote myself.. please delete
    Edited by Nightwolfmenace on February 4, 2016 9:04PM
    Argonian Magicka NB v16 EP / Dark Elf Magicka DK v16 EP
    Wood Elf Stamina NB v16 AD / Imperial Stamina DK v16 DC
    Redguard Stamina Templar v16 EP / Breton Magicka Sorc v16 EP
    High Elf Magicka Templar v16 AD / Orc Stamina Sorc v1 DC
  • steff127b16_ESO
    I know this won't be an important question to most of you, but to me it is xD: are the new styles, trinimac, malacath and alliance style bound to you chars? or are they sellable? I guess they will again be found in fragments? and what about the style materials? :P (where to get, and if sellable)
  • ADarklore
    Sparky617 wrote: »
    You buffed Argonians which is awesome, but you left Carnage broken for all the Khajjit? It's been broken since November!!!! ***frustration***

    I believe this comment should answer your question regarding Carnage.
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • Seido_Tensei_
    Combat & Gameplay

    • Focused Healing: This passive ability now grants you the Major Mending buff while standing in your own Cleansing Ritual, Rune Focus, or Rite of Passage area effects and for up to 2/4 seconds after leaving them at Ranks I/II, instead of granting you 15/30% more healing to allies standing in your own Cleansing Ritual, Rune Focus, or Rite of Passage.

    Stamina Templar can be relevant again. I am ok with everything else.
  • Jayne_Doe
    Disappointed at the watering down of provisioning crafting . First mats now recipes to just buy lol. wheres the fun in finding exploring/stealing opening a chest to get one or even Trade or but on a store?

    What are you truly thinking with that

    Perhaps someone has already answered this, but they are only going to be selling writ recipes, i.e. the recipes needed to craft the food/drinks needed to complete writs. So, that's only 6 recipes per tier. No blue ones or purple ones will be sold, nor will any of the green non-writ recipes.
  • sylviermoone
    hiyde wrote: »

    @ZOS_GinaBruno can you expand on this please?

    As it stands now, Kiosk purchase/amount is visible to all members after the bids process on Monday. Will that no longer be true?

    I am eagerly awaiting clarification on this as well. As it reads, it seems that only members with permission to bid will be able to see the cost of a trading stall after the fact. If that is the case, it isn't a very good change. Members should be able to view the bid amount after the bid has cleared. This allows us Guild Leaders to operate with some level of transparency.

    I believe this change may be intended to alleviate bid spying, but as long as gold is removed from our guild banks as we place bids, this change will not alleviate anything. Because of that, Guild Leaders will still need to be on and active right at bid closing time to prevent our preferred locations from being sniped.

    This doesn't solve any problems, and only forces Guild Leaders who want to operate with at least some modicum of transparency to work that much harder to provide transparency to our members OUTSIDE of the game.
    Edited by sylviermoone on February 5, 2016 1:52PM
    Co-GM, Angry Unicorn Traders: PC/NA
    "Official" Master Merchant Tech Support
    and Differently Geared AF
    The changes to BoL is something im enthusiastic about. I hope it forces lazy templars to appreciate there is more to healing than spamming BoL and heavy attacks...
  • Ishrii
    The changes to BoL is something im enthusiastic about. I hope it forces lazy templars to appreciate there is more to healing than spamming BoL and heavy attacks...

    You mean Templars will no longer be able to save dps when they stand in red, don't move out of cleaves/cone effects, and don't block.
  • CP5
    Twin_II wrote: »

    You mean Templars will no longer be able to save dps when they stand in red, don't move out of cleaves/cone effects, and don't block.

    The primary heal didn't get nerfed, so if they were the one in need of a heal they would have already gotten the main heal.
  • Ishrii
    Who said it's just one dps at a time that does this? For dungeons and trials, usually it's many people standing where they shouldn't all at once.
    It would be indeed ideal if they didn't, but that is not realistic.
  • Bossdonut
    So still no damage counters on console. Great.
  • a1i3nz
    RIP PVP healers. Again.
  • MarrazzMist
    Oh wau, impressive patch notes. Both thieves guild DLC and base patch seem well-rounded and interesting.

    I'm eager to try dk gap closer chains and stone fist, I've always liked that ability. Also great DKs got some more healing. I play stamina dk, sure I hoped more stamina morphs, but overal cool canges.

    So many quality of life changes, as well as reasonable changes for nightblades and BoL. My healer is nightblade, so I'm glad both temps and NBs got their healing downgraded. Not worried, though

    Ton of new gear, I see interesting counters for popular tactics. And complimentary sets for specific situations.

    Edited by MarrazzMist on February 5, 2016 6:32AM
  • hiyde

    I am eagerly awaiting clarification on this as well. As it reads, it seems that only members with permission to bid will be able to see the cost of a trading stall after the fact. If that is the case, it isn't a very good change. Members should be able to view the bid amount to after the bid has cleared. This allows us Guild Leaders to operate with some level of transparency.

    I believe this change may be intended to alleviate bid spying, but as long as gold is removed from our guild banks as we place bids, this change will not alleviate anything. Because of that, Guild Leaders will still need to be on and active right at bid closing time to prevent our preferred locations from being sniped.

    This doesn't solve any problems, and only forces Guild Leaders who want to operate with at least some modicum of transparency to work that much harder to provide transparency to our members OUTSIDE of the game.

    I was hoping to get clarification before weighing in but this is exactly my concern. I think the bids displaying after processing is a perfect compromise (setting the bank balance issue aside), membership gets transparency and can see how much guild gold is spent on a kiosk - but after the bids process to prevent spying.

    As for the bank balance issue - even IF that is also being dealt with to prevent spying before bids process, spying will still be an option - they just need to check the bank balance after bid to know what was spent. So the spies can still spy, but the membership won't know what was spent without using that tactic?

    I've attended numerous meetings where the following was asked for by the meeting groups:

    - Bids should be visible to all after they process, for transparency
    - Bids should not be able to be calculated by watching bank balance *before* the kiosks process on Monday.

    This doesn't seem to be the road we're heading down, but again, I'd really like to get clarification on that Patch Note.

    @Hiyde GM/Founder - Bleakrock Barter Co (Trade Guild - PC/NA) | Blackbriar Barter Co (Trade Guild-PC/NA)
  • Bromburak
    Dagoth_Rac wrote: »
    1). I think the Champion Point changes to damage types are still a problem. Moving magic into the Fire/Frost/Shock star makes sense for some builds, but not all. What about a stam DK? He will be getting a lot of Fire damage from class abilities, but Physical damage from weapon abilities.

    It only matters for Stamina DPS builds but keep in mind that we have been forced to play heavily focussed on weapon skills before just because of the fact that we don't have Stamina class morphs like NBs or Templars. Finally we have several reasons to play builds that are much closer related to our class, in other words Magicka DKs makes much more sense now.

    Stamina DPS DKs will suffer but to be honest why would I play DK when it only depends on Weapons than actually on class skills? That was really annoying for a long time.

    However, on a long run I want to decide how to play my DK and this includes class skills based on Stamina.
    DK should have been fixed first , morph ressource dynamics are really no rocket science. NBs had the same problem for a long time, and it took forever to fix it.
    Edited by Bromburak on February 5, 2016 8:21AM
  • Enodoc
    Bossdonut wrote: »
    So still no damage counters on console. Great.
    @Bossdonut Yes there is... or is Scrolling Combat Text (videos included) not what you're looking for?
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • dylanjaygrobbelaarb16_ESO
    bhlegit wrote: »
    i didnt even notice change to thaumaterge but if thats true how it now increases dmg over time skills that is even more infuriating

    why, they added magic damage to elemental damage. now you get two in one and have more cp
  • magnusthorek
    Of course I didn't read all pages so this might've been answered before and I don't know. So, if now synergizing a Spear Shard won't remove Molag Kena's wall of lightning anymore, will the wall stay forever or it will eventually disappear?

    The first and sometimes the second wall she calls, although a bit hard to manage keep moving (as there are those little balls of shock and/or, maybe, a Storm Atronach at same time), it's doable, but the last wall she calls is double, in a X format.

    Sorcerer's shields are easily wiped because shock eats magicka and I'm quite sure this will damage Nigtblades too. So, how would be possible a no-death for achievement in this dungeon?


    Also, about the Vanity Pets, if I already have Orsinium DLC and then buy Thieves Guild DLC (since the payment methods avaialble to me makes impossible an ESO Plus subscription), will I have both pets?
    Edited by magnusthorek on February 5, 2016 10:30AM
    I am the very model of a scientist Salarian, I've studied species Turian, Asari, and Batarian.
    I'm quite good at genetics (as a subset of biology) because I am an expert (which I know is a tautology).
    My xenoscience studies range from urban to agrarian, I am the very model of a Scientist Salarian.
  • Targuris
    20% heavy attack damage should be added to igneous weapons for stam DK
  • DrenYol
    Soul Shriven
    1) I hope you 'll still be able to heal yourself after a rapid manoeuver without losing the buff or it ll be even worst than vamp escape ....
    2) What about a little up for Bretons racial to sthg like a +Magic based dps ;) ?
  • M3atwad
    And stam sorcs to remain mostly as a non class build.
  • myrrrorb14_ESO
    There is a lot of changes coming. Is there any way @ZOS that you could bold the changes in the descriptors for the first few weeks?

    I know it's in the patch notes, but trying to remember 60 pages of change is a bit much for me.
  • Beardimus
    Really not sure about the change to just giving provisioners recipes for the writs, sure i've been frustated as anything at certain levels having to go hunt for them - but surely thats the point?

    Its rewarding when you track down the ones you need - whats the logic behind just giving them all to everyone?

    Dont get me wrong it drove me crazy at certain levels - but I had to hunt / track down / retrace steps / guild trader trawl to get them and put some effort in.

    Xbox One | EU | EP
    Beardimus : VR16 Dunmer MagSorc [RIP MagDW 2015-2018]
    Emperor of Sotha Sil 02-2018 & Sheogorath 05-2019
    1st Emperor of Ravenwatch
    Alts - - for the Lolz
    Archimus : Bosmer Thief / Archer / Werewolf
    Orcimus : Fat drunk Orc battlefield 1st aider
    Scalimus - Argonian Sorc Healer / Pet master

    Fighting small scale with : The SAXON Guild
    Fighting with [PvP] : The Undaunted Wolves
    Trading Guilds : TradersOfNirn | FourSquareTraders

    Xbox One | NA | EP
    Bëardimus : L43 Dunmer Magsorc / BG
    Heals-With-Pets : VR16 Argonian Sorc PvP / BG Healer
    Nordimus : VR16 Stamsorc
    Beardimus le 13iem : L30 Dunmer Magsorc Icereach
  • Jayne_Doe
    Rapid Maneuver:
    "This ability and its morphs now only affect your group, instead of any friendly nearby ally."


    No kidding! I've been wanting this for so long. Will make my time in town MUCH less annoying. No more uncontrolled weapon draws or suddenly zooming around faster than I want to with that stupid glow.
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