Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24


  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    @Stillian : nice try but you did not answer my question. I want diversified builds, not s*** gear.
    Dymence wrote: »
    Clearing skoria on hard mode is hardly a feat worth nothing these days. The only interesting part about that fight is whether you can kill him on the first platform or not.

    This is exactly the kind of comment which make most other players dislike you, so-called "elite". That is JUST SO CONDESCENDING to the point it is unbearable and hard to understand, too. You're always bragging all over the place how easy everything is (especially anything that anyone has cleared after you).

    Can't someone just be happy and proud and feel good for having beaten Skoria ? No, you absolutely MUST bring that person down by saying it means nothing.

    Believe it or not, it means something to A LOT of players. Re-connect with reality. And with a little bit a respect, too, if possible.

    Edited by anitajoneb17_ESO on October 27, 2015 9:27PM
  • Ellendil
    Stillian wrote: »
    Furthermore you don't have to do that dungeons to get your VR16 gear. There is a variaty of things were you get the gear. And there is a lot of other cool stuff to do in the game without obtaining gear as well. But the people who like hard dungeons won't get any comparison for this. They lose their main reason to play: nice challenging group content...

    ... and you'd all go ... ????? :smiley:

    Joke apart, tell me where to get my overwhelming surge set in VR16 if not in those 2 dungeons...

    Get it v15. You dont want super-optimized build, right?

    exactly, for what do all the people who are complaining about that the content, to get the best equip, is to hard. They are complaining that they dont have the time to train or what ever. The whole new content is on normal mode exactly the same.
    The Progress Players wich play this game in a competitive way they realy need the best gear possible the difference between place 2 and 1 on the leaderboards are just seconds. No Player is loosing something if zos creates a nightmare mode or whatever its called. The only Problem is that those Players wich are complainig also want the best gear which is also the same gear which you get from the normal mode just slightly not so good.
    So please stop whining and complaining if you want to be the best or have the best equip which you just need to get the last percentages out of your char you have to do the hard stuff.
    Beyond Infinity EU - Raidgroup "The Animals"
    Ring der Wächter
    Ellendil von Melnibone | Sorc
    Rebor | DK
    Arthas Pendragon, Jirkush | Temp
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    Ellendil wrote: »
    So please stop whining and complaining if you want to be the best or have the best equip which you just need to get the last percentages out of your char you have to do the hard stuff.

    Sorry, we won't. If we think it's too hard for the majority of us we will say it.
    And by the way, we're not the whiners here. You are. You are whining because it's been nerfed.

    And, by the way, I din't think you get a Molag Kena Head on normal mode. Even in VR15 version. I wouldn't mind a "nightmare" mode at all but no special exclusive gear rewards there. Just glory and leaderboards.

    Edited by anitajoneb17_ESO on October 27, 2015 9:32PM
  • Stillian
    Ellendil wrote: »
    So please stop whining and complaining if you want to be the best or have the best equip which you just need to get the last percentages out of your char you have to do the hard stuff.

    Sorry, we won't. If we think it's too hard for the majority of us we will say it.
    And by the way, we're not the whiners here. You are. You are whining because it's been nerfed.

    I am sorry but you are not a majority. You are the kind "i want everything and want to do nothing" Probably your kind is same percent as "elite". What will you if "nightmare mode" is released? of course whine that its too hard! Only after those whinings stuff gets nerfed. Now let "elite" whine, maybe it will have its result?
    And so far from what I see in my guild (full of casual players, the majority) Majority is okay in those normal dungeons OR trying to improve themselve, and having fun of it!
    Elitist Scum Guild PC EU
  • SorataArisugawa
    Furthermore you don't have to do that dungeons to get your VR16 gear. There is a variaty of things were you get the gear. And there is a lot of other cool stuff to do in the game without obtaining gear as well. But the people who like hard dungeons won't get any comparison for this. They lose their main reason to play: nice challenging group content...

    ... and you'd all go ... ????? :smiley:

    Joke apart, tell me where to get my overwhelming surge set in VR16 if not in those 2 dungeons...

    Why do you need that? Twice Born star is better anyway...
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • SorataArisugawa
    OmniDevil wrote: »
    So because you don't have the time or have not the possiblity to play the game, others who like to play the game have to suffer? Great!

    It takes 2 hours maximal, to understand your class. If you don't have time for this, there is no help anyway.

    Its not about more people getting it. I am very happy about everybody who gets the loot with the old system. But its about people who don't know what they are doing and complain about not completing VET WGT. I heard this sooo often already. They can't do 10k DPS, but complain about the game to be sooo hard. 10k is not hard. I do it with VR 14 Gear and 6 Skills. It is not hard... but yeah give everything to the people who don't bother. It's a great choice...

    You assume that the people who can't complete it aren't taking the time or taking the steps you claim is all you need to complete vWGT or vICP. While I can certainly say this will be true for a decent portion, it would do you a lot of good to understand that you can't say this is true on a general or vast majority level.

    95% of my guild members all come from long histories of MMO games, most of which pride themselves in being part of past guilds in those games that were part of a very small demographic of being able to clear hardmode content. In ESO, we use the same methods to prepare and, as you loosely put it, "practice" that we would in other MMOs. We read strategies, we watch videos posted by different people just to make sure we understand fights from different perspectives or points of view. We help each other out with getting crafted gear to help us step up to the next rung of the ladder to give us that edge. We're not running Heavy Armor stamina or magicka builds. We've done our research on what enchants work best and how to achieve the best mitigation, dps, healing, etc. possible without having the latest and greatest v16 Dungeon Gear. When we realize our health is too low, we adjust our builds to give us more so we're not running pure glass cannon builds without sacrificing more dps, mitigation, healing than necessary.

    We can beat vCoA, vCoH or any of the other non-IC 4-man dungeons, but when it comes to vICP or vWGT, there seems to be a drastic margin of difficulty difference and is significantly less forgiving with a potential reward controlled by terribad RNG. Oh, but wait, the reward is the satisfaction that we achieved something, right? Apples to Oranges. Different strokes for different folks. There are those that would rather the continued stroking of their ePeen, but there are also those who would appreciate a different reward for the effort they put in.

    Not one single person in this game can say they're more entitled to anything. It doesn't matter if JoeShmo put in XYZ Effort and Time or if BillyBob has less time and paid ABC Money.

    In the end, a large portion of the ESO player base haven't completed vICP/vWGT. It's not because they're lazy, selfish, haven't practiced, put in the time/effort. The dungeons difficulty need to be tuned to allow them to still be challenging, yet still be completed by more than the 1% Elite Club. I hope you get your "Nightmare" mode. It's definitely something I would love to see, but this will be a losing battle for you if you think that dungeons, present/future, will never get "nerfed" to accommodate larger demographics.

    The funny think is: lots of people complain that teso is to easy. Not just the players now, former players as well. I was never top in any game. But even I could beat the WGT. It is not easy, but completly possible. There is nothing special required. Believe me.

    I play a Sorc with a frost staff, enough said...
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Woeler

    did you even read my comment?... "willing" has nothing to do with it... having no OPTION to invest time is the problem.
    and where did i say each and every person is "entitled" to clear all content?
    Here lets do this.... all of the casuals that are screwed into the dead zone between normal and veteran just stop playing... because they are obviously too stupid and lazy (which is hilarious to call someone lazy for not playing a game MORE) to make any progress.... oh wait, they can't do that?? why? ... oh that's right... the game would end. (no cash flow) good luck with that.

    fyi... again... since you probably didn't read anything else in this post...
    i have never... ever asked for any kind of nerf to any aspect of any game. I just don't understand why some people take offense and get all butt-hurt... "what?? MORE people are going to be able to play MY part of this game?? why would they do that!!"

    grow up

    General attitude of this post. I rest my case. Sorry man, but talking like that makes you only look like more of a joke. If you're up for genuine discussion, sure, I'd be up for that, but not for... this. What ever this may be.

    Edited by Woeler on October 27, 2015 9:48PM
  • Hammy01
    Being a long time MMO player I see this stuff come up in every MMO I have ever played and it will always be so as long as gear is tied in as rewards... IE "Psst hey guys you can get the absolute best gear in this dungeon but it is verrrry hard and it requires lots of time to complete!!" Thus this creates a cycle that will never end, the top 5% or 10% that have the time/patience to get the mechanics down and complete it will get geared up and thus be better prepared for when the new dungeon comes out, leaving the other 80% or so people out in the cold digging for table scraps!!

    In my opinion gear should be equal regardless of what difficulty the dungeon was completed on, this would keep people on equal ground when trying to complete new content when it comes out, so that Sally/Johnny who play for 10-15 hours a week (who are very skilled players) can compete with Jack/Jill who play for 25+ hours a week. I mention that Sally and Johnny are skilled because often the casual players can be as skilled or more than the hard core marathon players but they just don't have the time to dedicate multiple hours to the game everyday thus they get left behind in the grind for gear.

    What should happen is MMO's introducing Hardcore/Ultra Hardcore dungeons that give out cool mounts/pets/banners/titles/etc!!! This would give the hardcore players something to show off to the MMO world and to brag about to all their friends!!
  • Woeler
    Hammy01 wrote: »
    What should happen is MMO's introducing Hardcore/Ultra Hardcore dungeons that give out cool mounts/pets/banners/titles/etc!!!

    Now that is some constructive comment which is really helping. A very nice idea.
    Edited by Woeler on October 27, 2015 9:53PM
  • Ellendil
    Hammy01 wrote: »
    Being a long time MMO player I see this stuff come up in every MMO I have ever played and it will always be so as long as gear is tied in as rewards... IE "Psst hey guys you can get the absolute best gear in this dungeon but it is verrrry hard and it requires lots of time to complete!!" Thus this creates a cycle that will never end, the top 5% or 10% that have the time/patience to get the mechanics down and complete it will get geared up and thus be better prepared for when the new dungeon comes out, leaving the other 80% or so people out in the cold digging for table scraps!!

    In my opinion gear should be equal regardless of what difficulty the dungeon was completed on, this would keep people on equal ground when trying to complete new content when it comes out, so that Sally/Johnny who play for 10-15 hours a week (who are very skilled players) can compete with Jack/Jill who play for 25+ hours a week. I mention that Sally and Johnny are skilled because often the casual players can be as skilled or more than the hard core marathon players but they just don't have the time to dedicate multiple hours to the game everyday thus they get left behind in the grind for gear.

    What should happen is MMO's introducing Hardcore/Ultra Hardcore dungeons that give out cool mounts/pets/banners/titles/etc!!! This would give the hardcore players something to show off to the MMO world and to brag about to all their friends!!

    I also can agree to that 100% nobody of the progress Players here are saying they deserve the better gear because they are better. We just want a challenge and a little reward even if its just a title or something. After all i would wish for more competition wich makes it much much more fun. Give all the loot out in the normal mode and the hardmode or nightmare mode some titles mounts or whatever.
    Beyond Infinity EU - Raidgroup "The Animals"
    Ring der Wächter
    Ellendil von Melnibone | Sorc
    Rebor | DK
    Arthas Pendragon, Jirkush | Temp
  • Hammy01
    Woeler wrote: »
    Hammy01 wrote: »
    What should happen is MMO's introducing Hardcore/Ultra Hardcore dungeons that give out cool mounts/pets/banners/titles/etc!!!

    Now that is some constructive comment which is really helping. A very nice idea.

    Not sure if that was sarcastic or not? :) but I really was trying to offer a good idea, I'm all for giving the hardcore players something cool to compete for that us non hardcore players would drool over.. but please don't make it gear as this only further drives a stake between the player base!!
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    Ellendil wrote: »
    I also can agree to that 100% nobody of the progress Players here are saying they deserve the better gear because they are better.

    What was that then ? :
    Ellendil wrote: »
    if you want to be the best or have the best equip which you just need to get the last percentages out of your char you have to do the hard stuff.

  • SorataArisugawa
    Ellendil wrote: »
    So please stop whining and complaining if you want to be the best or have the best equip which you just need to get the last percentages out of your char you have to do the hard stuff.

    Sorry, we won't. If we think it's too hard for the majority of us we will say it.
    And by the way, we're not the whiners here. You are. You are whining because it's been nerfed.

    And, by the way, I din't think you get a Molag Kena Head on normal mode. Even in VR15 version. I wouldn't mind a "nightmare" mode at all but no special exclusive gear rewards there. Just glory and leaderboards.

    If you want Molag Kena, get it! Its out there and waits for you till you find a way to reach it.
    Stillian wrote: »
    Reading a guide will make you a proper (or close to it) character, which will help a lot to complete those dungeons on any dificulty.

    I geared my stamplar DPS according to @Alcast 's stamplar build exactly (The "Jabsmania" build). Trained the rotation. Still don't come up with even 70% of his DPS.
    It's not all about copy/pasting. There are many other factors that require initial talent and hours of training.
    If at least silly techniques like animation canceling were not required, it would help. But they are there and they take an awful long time to get used to.

    Same with my magicka sorc DPS. Typical same 100% cookie-cutter build everyone's running at endgame. I reach decent DPS (13-17K) but I can't reach the 20-25K some people obviously manage to reach.

    Stop telling people to "work". It's a game. It should be FUN.
    And stop thinking that because you can, anybody can.

    It's being nerfed anyway, so it's fine.

    And talking about guides, I'm getting really tired of forced cookie cutter copy pasted builds. I want to try different combinations, have fun with it and still be able to beat content. That means the content should not require super-optimized builds with zero diversity.

    If you reach the 13-17k you should be more than capable to get the Vet cleared. The 20-25k are from former times. This jab-thing jused a lots of buggs to get to such high numbers.

    "It should be FUN."

    yeah just for you. You don't care about our fun!

    "And stop thinking that because you can, anybody can."
    It is not to hard. Again! But what you want to say: "And stop thinking that because you will, anybody will." You just don't want to make the effort. Thats the point. To understand what you have to do are 2h for your class. And then you try the dungeon till its finished. It has nothing to do with a vocation or something. Its just will. And you just don't want. Thanks that we have to suffer for this!

    "And talking about guides, I'm getting really tired of forced cookie cutter copy pasted builds. I want to try different combinations, have fun with it and still be able to beat content. That means the content should not require super-optimized builds with zero diversity."

    There is allready a large possible variety of builds. But there things which won't work. I am sorry, thats how it is. Where is the boarder? Should anybody obtain the molag Kena, just be hitting light attack?
    Edited by SorataArisugawa on October 27, 2015 10:38PM
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Nifty2g
    fyi if you support nightmare mode throw it in here
    Edited by Nifty2g on October 27, 2015 10:43PM
  • SorataArisugawa
    Ellendil wrote: »
    I also can agree to that 100% nobody of the progress Players here are saying they deserve the better gear because they are better.

    What was that then ? :
    Ellendil wrote: »
    if you want to be the best or have the best equip which you just need to get the last percentages out of your char you have to do the hard stuff.

    If you complete the "hard stuff" you are getting the better gear. Thats what it is. Finished.

    @Stillian : nice try but you did not answer my question. I want diversified builds, not s*** gear.
    Dymence wrote: »
    Clearing skoria on hard mode is hardly a feat worth nothing these days. The only interesting part about that fight is whether you can kill him on the first platform or not.

    This is exactly the kind of comment which make most other players dislike you, so-called "elite". That is JUST SO CONDESCENDING to the point it is unbearable and hard to understand, too. You're always bragging all over the place how easy everything is (especially anything that anyone has cleared after you).

    Can't someone just be happy and proud and feel good for having beaten Skoria ? No, you absolutely MUST bring that person down by saying it means nothing.

    Believe it or not, it means something to A LOT of players. Re-connect with reality. And with a little bit a respect, too, if possible.

    You want to be proud of completing some bosses, who are already nerfed. But you are angry, that nobody acknowledge your victory? Tell me more about it? Why you didn't try to beat the original boss and get the credit? Can't anymore because its nerfed for good? Nice! Know we are talking... You always have to consinder, that it is not too hard, like you state it. You have to "work" for it. But the victory in the end is even bigger. But you want the easy way, and then you are angry... strange...
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • SorataArisugawa
    Nifty2g wrote: »
    fyi if you support nightmare mode throw it in here

    That will change nothing. The have to nerf the nightmare mode again, because anitajoneb didn't get the drops there...
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Elephant42
    Hammy01 wrote: »
    Being a long time MMO player I see this stuff come up in every MMO I have ever played and it will always be so as long as gear is tied in as rewards... IE "Psst hey guys you can get the absolute best gear in this dungeon but it is verrrry hard and it requires lots of time to complete!!" Thus this creates a cycle that will never end, the top 5% or 10% that have the time/patience to get the mechanics down and complete it will get geared up and thus be better prepared for when the new dungeon comes out, leaving the other 80% or so people out in the cold digging for table scraps!!

    In my opinion gear should be equal regardless of what difficulty the dungeon was completed on, this would keep people on equal ground when trying to complete new content when it comes out, so that Sally/Johnny who play for 10-15 hours a week (who are very skilled players) can compete with Jack/Jill who play for 25+ hours a week. I mention that Sally and Johnny are skilled because often the casual players can be as skilled or more than the hard core marathon players but they just don't have the time to dedicate multiple hours to the game everyday thus they get left behind in the grind for gear.

    What should happen is MMO's introducing Hardcore/Ultra Hardcore dungeons that give out cool mounts/pets/banners/titles/etc!!! This would give the hardcore players something to show off to the MMO world and to brag about to all their friends!!

    Couldn't agree more.

    The thing is though, that I have come to the opinion after following several gaming forums, that it's not always just about epeen. There seems to be a certain type of person prevalent in the gaming community that actively wants the majority of the player base to be gated from cool content that only they and a few of their mates/accolytes can obtain. I see this attitude all through this thread (and other threads here as well).

    What I can't fathom is why gaming companies keep pandering to this type of player by making the "cool content" powerful gear that the ones who can get it don't really need, but the ones who can't get it would really benefit if they could - it baffles me.

    Games should make _all_ gear reasonably available to _all_ players and provide cosmetic only items to sate the epeen strokers - IMHO.
  • anitajoneb17_ESO

    If you want Molag Kena, get it! Its out there and waits for you till you find a way to reach it.

    Oh I have it. Three times already ! :-) As I said, this dungeon is OK for me, I can do it (with *some* of my guildies, not with "anyone") and did it dozens of times already ! I don't speak for me here, I speak for "them". Those of my guildies I know will *never* make it. Probably no matter how hard they try. Because they're not quick enough. Because they're not focused enough. Because they don't have the time to train. Because they get up early in the morning to go to work and cannot stay up late to practice again and again. I speak for them ! And if it's nerfed it's good for them and doesn't take ANYTHING AWAY from my pride from having it done pre-nerf AND NEITHER SHOULD IT TAKE ANYTHING AWAY FROM YOUR PRIDE.
    yeah just for you. You don't care about our fun!

    Neither do you care about ours... that could go endlessly you see...
    It is not to hard. Again! But what you want to say: "And stop thinking that because you will, anybody will." You just don't want to make the effort. Thats the point. To understand what you have to do are 2h for your class. And then you try the dungeon till its finished. It has nothing to do with a vocation or something. Its just will. And you just don't want. Thanks that we have to suffer for this!

    Obviously IT IS too hard, otherwise more people would make it. That's simple fact.
    And "try the dungeon until it's finished" is impossible for people who get up in the morning to go to work. I hope you can get that... ?
    And believe, for having tried it with some of my guildies I can tell you : they'll *never* make it as it is, no matter how hard they try. They simply don't have what it takes. Just like I have what it takes to beat vWGT but I will *never* have what it takes to be a Hodor-like player. (In my case, it's a matter of 3D-positioning and sense of direction : I lack too much of those and no training can compensate that).

    Our discussion about "nerf for everybody or don't nerf for the elite" could go on forever, there's no solution for that, it's a choice. It belongs to ZOS (And I'm pretty sure ZOS doesn't nerf according to our whinings, but to their figures and the demographics of the game).

    But I'd like you to understand that no, it is not easy, and no, it's not a matter of work and training. Some people will never make it. It's not will, it's not laziness, it's not entitlement, it's nature. Some people are better than others at certain things, that's all.

  • Nifty2g
    Like I said the reason for the nerfs is because there is too much of a gap between normal and veteran normal modes can be cleared with any gear set up you choose, normal is designed for a complete new player. Veteran is designed for veteran players being around since launch. See the gap? Where do the players who want to progress fall under? They can't just make a huge jump without knowing any mechanics, what weaving is, how to do a proper rotation, they don't know their characters or have the right gear to suddenly be in legendary, they don't have a maxed out undaunted passive.

    When we have problems like this, this is why we are getting nerfed content, and the only way to fix this is to add a 3rd mode in, keep Veteran as a progression, nerf it do whatever, use it as practice, make normal mode slightly harder than it is and leave Nightmare for the so called *elite* players.

    Separate the leaderboards, keep the reward the same, change Veteran Mode to drop blue and purple items from bosses and have Nightmare drop Legendary.

    When ZOS decide to acknowledge the progression issue is when we see some proper dungeon difficulty and competition. It won't happen for awhile though
  • azoriangaming
    personally I think this is too soon
  • Dymence
    @Stillian : nice try but you did not answer my question. I want diversified builds, not s*** gear.
    Dymence wrote: »
    Clearing skoria on hard mode is hardly a feat worth nothing these days. The only interesting part about that fight is whether you can kill him on the first platform or not.

    This is exactly the kind of comment which make most other players dislike you, so-called "elite". That is JUST SO CONDESCENDING to the point it is unbearable and hard to understand, too. You're always bragging all over the place how easy everything is (especially anything that anyone has cleared after you).

    Can't someone just be happy and proud and feel good for having beaten Skoria ? No, you absolutely MUST bring that person down by saying it means nothing.

    Believe it or not, it means something to A LOT of players. Re-connect with reality. And with a little bit a respect, too, if possible.

    What is so condescending about stating the facts? Honestly?

    Previous poster stated 'very good players' who were able to kill skoria on hard mode. But that doesn't make you a very good player. It's just like saying someone owns 1000$ is a very rich person, but he's not, when you consider there are people with millions.

    Facts are just that, facts. It only becomes condescending once you interpret it as such. If a person cannot accept the reality that bringing down skoria in hard mode is nothing special anymore, then it is not I who is at fault. Never did I say someone cannot be happy and proud and feel good about beating skoria on hard mode. Good for him if it makes him happy.

    Reality is reality though, no matter how hard you try to deny it. If anyone should re-connect with reality, that would be you in this case.
  • Ellendil
    Ellendil wrote: »
    I also can agree to that 100% nobody of the progress Players here are saying they deserve the better gear because they are better.

    What was that then ? :
    Ellendil wrote: »
    if you want to be the best or have the best equip which you just need to get the last percentages out of your char you have to do the hard stuff.

    Ok so i explain it for you. If there is the same loottable for Equipment in normal and hard mode the only stuff wich drops additional in the hardmode is mounts colours etc its ok because then you already have the "best in slot gear" and have the optimal startsituation for competitive raiding. But the Players still have a challenging Content which they can play without falling asleep. I hope you understand it now ;-)
    Beyond Infinity EU - Raidgroup "The Animals"
    Ring der Wächter
    Ellendil von Melnibone | Sorc
    Rebor | DK
    Arthas Pendragon, Jirkush | Temp
  • player_klaus
    Senaxu wrote: »

    dont be scared "causuals"

    /edit: with scared i mean... this epeen is so big... it makes charles bronson turn pale...

    for a 3/4-burn you only need ~14k dps. the fight will last 1:30. 0:30 are required for the so called "mechanics".


    but reading this "we are more" bs makes me kind of angry. because you are NOTHING without us and YOU KNOW IT.

    imagine all theorycrafters, build-developers, progress oriented and learn-willing players go on strike.
    no builds for you, no help with gearing up, maxxig out your toons, no metrix, no stream and youtube and noone carriyng you and the "play as you want'lers" through the content.

    have fun wiping in silver pledges with your bow-dk healers and gimp-blades spamming acid-spray 30m away from the group.

    we will watch.

    and when you cant complete a single silver pledge in half a year, you will surrender to our only wish:

    let us have challenging content.
    Edited by player_klaus on October 28, 2015 10:51AM
  • The Uninvited
    The Uninvited
    Nifty2g wrote: »
    Like I said the reason for the nerfs is because there is too much of a gap between normal and veteran normal modes can be cleared with any gear set up you choose, normal is designed for a complete new player. Veteran is designed for veteran players being around since launch. See the gap? Where do the players who want to progress fall under? They can't just make a huge jump without knowing any mechanics, what weaving is, how to do a proper rotation, they don't know their characters or have the right gear to suddenly be in legendary, they don't have a maxed out undaunted passive.

    When we have problems like this, this is why we are getting nerfed content, and the only way to fix this is to add a 3rd mode in, keep Veteran as a progression, nerf it do whatever, use it as practice, make normal mode slightly harder than it is and leave Nightmare for the so called *elite* players.

    Separate the leaderboards, keep the reward the same, change Veteran Mode to drop blue and purple items from bosses and have Nightmare drop Legendary.

    When ZOS decide to acknowledge the progression issue is when we see some proper dungeon difficulty and competition. It won't happen for awhile though

    This is the solution, but yeah probably won't happen.

    Before we get into "you want the easy way" discussion again, let me tell you this. In almost all the games I've played in my life that have 3 difficulty options, I usually pick the midlle one.

    Why? Because normal is too easy, "nightmare' is taking up too much of my time and medium is just a fine enough challenge for me. Does it make me angry that friends can complete it on "nightmare"? No, it doesn't. I congratulate them and I don't feel any less of a person for not being able to do the same.

    I don't have to be the best-of-the-best or on the leaderboards and I think a lot of the players complaining don't want that either. But I keep on saying what I already said when they nerfed vICP and vWGT the first time. People would like to be able to complete a gold pledge without spending 3 hours or so.

    If they hadn't made those dungeons into a gold pledge, none of the nerfs would have been necessary. There simply would have been a lot less complaints.
    Pandora's Promise (rip) | LND | Pactriotic | IKnowWhatUDidLastWinter's | The Uninvited |

    Ride the paranoia | All life is pain | Only the grave is real
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    Ellendil wrote: »
    Ellendil wrote: »
    I also can agree to that 100% nobody of the progress Players here are saying they deserve the better gear because they are better.

    What was that then ? :
    Ellendil wrote: »
    if you want to be the best or have the best equip which you just need to get the last percentages out of your char you have to do the hard stuff.

    Ok so i explain it for you. If there is the same loottable for Equipment in normal and hard mode the only stuff wich drops additional in the hardmode is mounts colours etc its ok because then you already have the "best in slot gear" and have the optimal startsituation for competitive raiding. But the Players still have a challenging Content which they can play without falling asleep. I hope you understand it now ;-)

    Yes I understand that. I understood it before, actually.
    It's still a total contradiction with the 2nd statement quoted above.

  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    dont be scared "causuals"

    for a 3/4-burn you only need ~14k dps. the fight will last 1:30. 0:30 are required for the so called "mechanics".


    but reading this "we are more" bs makes me kind of angry. because you are NOTHING without us and YOU KNOW IT.

    imagine all theorycrafters, build-developers, progress oriented and learn-willing players go on strike.
    no builds for you, no help with gearing up, maxxig out your toons, no metrix, no stream and youtube and noone carriyng you and the "play as you want'lers" through the content.

    have fun wiping in silver pledges with your bow-dk healers and gimp-blades spamming acid-spray 30m away from the group.

    we will watch.

    and when you cant complete a single silver pledge in half a year, you will surrender to our only wish:

    let us have challenging content.

    Elite's superiority complex at its best.

    (Really, just go. We can live very well without you. But I doubt you know it).

    Edited by anitajoneb17_ESO on October 28, 2015 8:37AM
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    Dymence wrote: »
    @Stillian : nice try but you did not answer my question. I want diversified builds, not s*** gear.
    Dymence wrote: »
    Clearing skoria on hard mode is hardly a feat worth nothing these days. The only interesting part about that fight is whether you can kill him on the first platform or not.

    This is exactly the kind of comment which make most other players dislike you, so-called "elite". That is JUST SO CONDESCENDING to the point it is unbearable and hard to understand, too. You're always bragging all over the place how easy everything is (especially anything that anyone has cleared after you).

    Can't someone just be happy and proud and feel good for having beaten Skoria ? No, you absolutely MUST bring that person down by saying it means nothing.

    Believe it or not, it means something to A LOT of players. Re-connect with reality. And with a little bit a respect, too, if possible.

    What is so condescending about stating the facts? Honestly?

    Previous poster stated 'very good players' who were able to kill skoria on hard mode. But that doesn't make you a very good player. It's just like saying someone owns 1000$ is a very rich person, but he's not, when you consider there are people with millions.

    Facts are just that, facts. It only becomes condescending once you interpret it as such. If a person cannot accept the reality that bringing down skoria in hard mode is nothing special anymore, then it is not I who is at fault. Never did I say someone cannot be happy and proud and feel good about beating skoria on hard mode. Good for him if it makes him happy.

    Reality is reality though, no matter how hard you try to deny it. If anyone should re-connect with reality, that would be you in this case.

    These are not facts, these are just perspectives, and you give me the BEST possible example for explaining it.

    Someone who has 1000 dollars on cash isn't a rich person in the eyes of richer people like you and me (yes, owning a computer and spending time on a video game makes us rich, de facto), or in the eyes of very rich people like Hollywood stars or whatever.
    But 1000 dollars on cash is nonetheless a fortune in a world where 80% of the population lives on less than 10 dollars a day (the lowest 20% being on less than 1 dollar a day). That's the REALITY and your vision is typically distorted due to being self-centered. You are disconnected from that reality.

    Same applies in the game. While I unfortunately don't have reliable statistics for it, I'm ready to bet that less or far less than 30% of players have completed CoA in veteran hard mode. So beating Valkyn Skoria in hard mode makes you de facto a good player. You think that it means nothing because you see through your "elite" eyes in your small elite world where everyone can beat it easily and it means nothing anymore. Someone who can run 100m in less than 12 seconds is a noone in Usain Bolt's eyes but is nonetheless a very good runner.

    Regardless of this distorted reality, your tone was also wrong. If someone talks to you and says "see, I've achieved this, that makes me proud of myself", there's some qualities called "kindness" and "diplomacy" which, if you had them, would make you say : "hey, way to go boy ! nice job ! now next step... " instead of "what ? this ? nothing to be proud about, you're still a nobody".

    Edited by anitajoneb17_ESO on October 28, 2015 8:34AM
  • Birdovic
    Well Skoria was hard. But CP System got introduced, so it's logical it's not as hard as it used to be anymore, this got nothing to do with "elite thinking" therefore, I guess. More and more people will do this easily, because at some point it just can't be a challenge anymore, well not like on Release.
    Edited by Birdovic on October 28, 2015 9:09AM
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    Well Skoria was hard. But CP System got introduced, so it's logical it's not as hard as it used to be anymore, this got nothing to do with "elite thinking" therefore, I guess. More and more people will do this easily, because at some point it just can't be a challenge anymore, well not like on Release.

    CP only make a difference for those who have them.
    Remember average CP is around 93 on PC (maybe slightly higher now, that was a few weeks ago).

    Who deserves to be proud ? The player who completes it with 100CP or the one who burns it down thanks to 600+ CP and pretends it means nothing, and assumes that because it's easy for him, it's also easy for everyone ?

    Edited by anitajoneb17_ESO on October 28, 2015 9:25AM
  • Birdovic
    Well Skoria was hard. But CP System got introduced, so it's logical it's not as hard as it used to be anymore, this got nothing to do with "elite thinking" therefore, I guess. More and more people will do this easily, because at some point it just can't be a challenge anymore, well not like on Release.

    CP only make a difference for those who have them.
    Remember average CP is around 93 on PC (maybe slightly higher now, that was a few weeks ago).

    Who deserves to be proud ? The player who completes it with 100CP or the one who burns it down thanks to 600+ CP and pretends it means nothing, and assumes that because it's easy for him, it's also easy for everyone ?
    Average CP includes 10 point and 30 point passives, which matter a lot (more crit, faster resurrecting, high magicka return, etc). So even average players have a significant boost compared to people beating hard mode pre CP System.
    The "average players" who made it can be proud beating it first time and especially the ones that usually want a challenge(the ones who made it without CP back then).

    "Who deserves to be proud" ?
    Either you are proud you did it or not, you decide lol...
    The Minority of players is coming to this forum so don't worry, most players won't see "this player" you centered this post around, saying he easily beat hard mode. he practiced a lot and knows his character in and out. In case someone sees it, I'm sure he won't" feel bad " because of that. There is always a handful people better than yourself, that's what I think..
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