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Loading Screens, an update

  • Mirelurk
    Man, it's pretty harsh to have a go at a guy who seems to have read the thread to page 5 and got angry enough to post something saying it was his experience too.

    Can't blame him for not seeing a post on page 6.
    Knights of Nirn | Daggerfall Covenant | PC | NA server

    Swamplurk | V16 | Breton | Sorceror
    Morass | V16 | Breton | Templar
    Knightmire | V16 | Imperial | Dragonknight
    Catagory | V9 | Khajit | Nightblade

  • Tors
    @Mirelurk k Also worthy of an awesome.

    Important information should NOT be hidden like this.

    I know it makes Zenemax look bad for admitting the issue, but it makes them look FAR WORSE by hiding a response.

    Sort your act out Zenemax

    Better late Than Pregnant....
    The shadow cabinet, a group of people who pretend to have jobs they do not actually have

    EU PC - Azura's Star
    Decimation Elite - Raid Jester
  • MudcrabsRus
    Belidos wrote: »
    Tors wrote: »
    Belidos wrote: »
    Try actually reading the thread.

    He shouldn't need to go hunting for it in a thread full of the random witterings of many people, something this important should not be hidden from the players and passed on word of mouth.

    That's exactly what I've already said two or three times. Doesn't excuse the fact hat he didn't read the thread at all, because if he had he would have seen one page back the information that was posted quoted multiple times, along with multiple conversations referencing it.

    Normally I would have worded my previous post to him a little better and been more polite, but the arrogance in his post didn't deserve it.

    Poor me :( I'm so soo sorry my arrogance hurt you in the feels.
  • MudcrabsRus
    We shall see if anything changes next update....
  • Infinite12
    Console players, this fix will unfortunately not make Orsinium launch next week. It will go in the first incremental patch which we're targeting for the 2nd week of December.


    For [snip] sake. This is UNACCEPTABLE. It took you less time to patch the pig farming lol. I guess that was a more pressing issue, right?

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Cursing & Profanity]
    Edited by ZOS_Brett on November 16, 2015 9:40AM
    My Characters
    Ragnhild VR16 Nord DK I 2h/Bow (PVP) or 2h/Dual Wield (PVE)
    Nakothre VR7 Khajiit I Dual Wield/2H (PVP)
    Infinitesmo VR16 Imperial NB I 2h/Bow (PVP)

    Tip: If you don't like funerals don't kick sand in a ninja's face
  • Iluvrien
    Infinite12 wrote: »
    Console players, this fix will unfortunately not make Orsinium launch next week. It will go in the first incremental patch which we're targeting for the 2nd week of December.


    For [snip] sake. This is UNACCEPTABLE. It took you less time to patch the pig farming lol. I guess that was a more pressing issue, right?

    Or maybe it was an easier fix... it sucks, but maybe you are comparing apples and oranges here.

    After all, it took them 2 months just to find the root of the problem.

    [Moderator Note: Edited quote to match moderated version]
    Edited by ZOS_Brett on November 16, 2015 9:41AM
  • ProfessorKittyhawk
    And this is the main reason why I have stopped playing. Not to mention them breaking crafting and generally making every aspect of the game a cumbersome grind. If they were to fix the load screens I might consider coming back, but I will not resubscribe. They've gotten. Enough of my money. They might get some for Orsinium, but that's it. Until they can fix all the games many problems (which only multiply with each passing update) and give us a good, solid, stable game, I'll continue on Elsweyr.

    But let's be honest, at this point in the game, there's no hope of that ever happening. ZOS has proven they can't handle managing am mmo. When Final Fantasy XIV initially came out and was received poorly, the makers rebuilt the game from the ground up and really turned things around. But when ESO got rebranded, they just slapped a lame subtitle onto it and changed the business model behind it and called it a day. The game wasn't perfect before, but it wasn't frustrating enough to make me want to stop playing. But over a year later and a lot of the same bugs, as well as new ones, are still present and the state of the game has just become unbearable. I wish they would either sell the rights to the game off to a company that actually knows what they're doing and completely turn the game around, or put it out of its misery so we can all remember ESO as that one fun little experiment at making an Elder Scrolls mmo that just went horribly wrong. But we all know how unlikely that is, seeing as how they seem more interested in squeezing every last cent they can out of people before they decide to take the dog out behind the shed.
  • nimander99
    Hey guys, we finally have an update for you on this issue. As we've mentioned previously, in the past few patches we've been adding code to the backend to track this issue and give us more data. We're happy to let you know that we have a fix going into Monday's PC incremental patch that should fix the long loading screens - turns out it was tied to anyone that had completed a lot of quests.

    Thanks for staying patient with us while we tracked this one down!

    Hilarious! As a quest completionist that explanation def applies too meh as I've completed every quest available in game thus far... Orsinium included ;)

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    ∽∽∽ 2 years of Elder Scrolls Online ∼∼∼
    "Give us money" = Box sales & monthly sub fees,
    "moar!" = £10 palomino horse,
    "MOAR!" = Switch to B2P, launch cash shop,
    "MOAR!!" = Charge for DLC that subs had already paid for,
    "MOAR!!!" = Experience scrolls and riding lessons,
    "MOARR!!!" = Vampire/werewolf bites,
    "MOAARRR!!!" = CS exclusive motifs,
    "MOOAARRR!!!" = Crown crates,
    "MOOOAAARRR!!!" = 'Chapter's' bought separately from ESO+,
    "MOOOOAAAARRRR!!!!" = ???

    Male, Dunmer, VR16, Templar, Aldmeri Dominion, Master Crafter & all Traits, CP450
  • Elder_III
    Wow - so having done every zone 100% was/is giving me long loading screens? Haven't the internal playtesters also done all these quests?
    Semi retired from the trading aspects of the game.
  • Redeviledna666
    I really do hope this patch works, its been hell since the release of IC...doing too many quests causes

    Praise whatever deity you believe in, that Fallout 4 is out, its all ive been doing the past few days instead of watching endless loading screens.
  • Belidos
    Tors wrote: »
    @Mirelurk k Also worthy of an awesome.

    Important information should NOT be hidden like this.

    I know it makes Zenemax look bad for admitting the issue, but it makes them look FAR WORSE by hiding a response.

    Sort your act out Zenemax

    @Tors , you are the OP now this thread is merged, any chance you could edit your OP to add the information hidden here about the fix coming up? at least that way it's there on the first page for people to see.
  • Mirelurk
    Elder_III wrote: »
    Wow - so having done every zone 100% was/is giving me long loading screens? Haven't the internal playtesters also done all these quests?

    If you were going to do a risk analysis about making coding choices that potentially alienated large numbers of players .... the *very* last group you would want to alienate would be the *most committed* who had done all the quests. These are the people who have bought into the game the most and are most likely to spend money to keep it going.

    ZOS stuffed it all up with IC and its loading screens and then remained silent for 2 1/2 months while those people who were most affected complained (all the while being mocked by the fly-by-night grinders who weren't affected). As a side issue, ZOS had a few console fanboys running interference for them because those types hadn't had time to run into the problem themselves (or else were just Pollyanna-ish know-it-alls).

    Well, speaking for myself, I've completed Orsinium and now Fallout 4 is out .... if the loading screens remain an issue after the *fix*, ESO will be a pretty unattractive place to return to.

    And, before anyone asks, you can't have my stuff.
    Knights of Nirn | Daggerfall Covenant | PC | NA server

    Swamplurk | V16 | Breton | Sorceror
    Morass | V16 | Breton | Templar
    Knightmire | V16 | Imperial | Dragonknight
    Catagory | V9 | Khajit | Nightblade

  • Tors
    @Belidos done, good call
    Edited by Tors on November 14, 2015 5:33PM
    Better late Than Pregnant....
    The shadow cabinet, a group of people who pretend to have jobs they do not actually have

    EU PC - Azura's Star
    Decimation Elite - Raid Jester
  • hkphooey
    loading for freaking 4 minutes transiting between keeps.....
  • Belidos
    Mirelurk wrote: »
    ZOS stuffed it all up with IC and its loading screens and then remained silent for 2 1/2 months while those people who were most affected complained (all the while being mocked by the fly-by-night grinders who weren't affected).

    But they didn't keep quiet about it, they talked about it a lot and gave us lots of info. Unfortunately they didn't have the foresight to actually post it somewhere visibly and it kept getting lost in the jumble of posts. They really need to learn to put this info where it can be seen.
  • Elsonso
    I understand and I meant no offense but why give them points for fixing an issue that wasn't a problem before they caused it? When someone dents your car in an accident do they score points for having insurance to pay for the repair of the damage they caused?

    Yes, they do. Get hit by someone who does not have insurance and you can tell the difference.
    Infinite12 wrote: »
    Console players, this fix will unfortunately not make Orsinium launch next week. It will go in the first incremental patch which we're targeting for the 2nd week of December.


    For [snip] sake. This is UNACCEPTABLE. It took you less time to patch the pig farming lol. I guess that was a more pressing issue, right?

    It takes them a week or two to move the console update to the console companies. This is part of the approval process they have to go through. It is already too late to get it into the console rollout. That means it will just be another couple weeks and then it will be on console.

    [Moderator Note: Edited quote to match moderated version]
    Edited by ZOS_Brett on November 16, 2015 9:43AM
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • hkphooey
    Hey guys, we finally have an update for you on this issue. As we've mentioned previously, in the past few patches we've been adding code to the backend to track this issue and give us more data. We're happy to let you know that we have a fix going into Monday's PC incremental patch that should fix the long loading screens - turns out it was tied to anyone that had completed a lot of quests.

    Thanks for staying patient with us while we tracked this one down!

    (1) When are planning on announcing the patch date and times......

    (2) Are you guys for sure that you can solve the long loading time even from getting from one keep to another or just simply boot us back to login screen?

    Getting really frustrated here.... and they at least we have the right to get some answers.....
  • Infinite12
    Infinite12 wrote: »
    Console players, this fix will unfortunately not make Orsinium launch next week. It will go in the first incremental patch which we're targeting for the 2nd week of December.


    For f*ck sake. This is UNACCEPTABLE. It took you less time to patch the pig farming lol. I guess that was a more pressing issue, right?

    It takes them a week or two to move the console update to the console companies. This is part of the approval process they have to go through. It is already too late to get it into the console rollout. That means it will just be another couple weeks and then it will be on console.

    A couple of weeks I could deal with. They're AIMING for 2nd week of December. That's almost a month away. That's ridiculous. They really seem more interested in selling us more terrible DLC content then fixing all (or any) of the completely broken components of this game. With the absolute clusterf*ck that imperial city was they should have put a stop on anything to do with Orsinium and focused on fixing what they broke with IC. Instead we have to wait weeks upon weeks upon weeks for fixes. The guild bank system is STILL broken. I STILL see wings bugging out from dragon leap. I get booted of my mount in pvp randomly DOZENS UPON DOZENS of times a night. I'm constantly unable to get on my mount in pvp for no apparent reason, I'm not in a fight, there will be no one around me (and this isn't just me this is happening to, you see it constantly) and I still can't get on my mount. The problems aren't going away, they're not getting fixed. My personal favorite is how often animations and beams stop working in pvp. It is INCREDIBLY rare to see a game get WORSE with time and yet here's ESO. It's just getting worse and worse. I love this game, I want it to be good, I've put a lot of time into the game already and don't want to give up on it but there's only so long people will wait to see some kind of action being taken to improve this game in any way shape or form.
    Edited by Infinite12 on November 15, 2015 12:28AM
    My Characters
    Ragnhild VR16 Nord DK I 2h/Bow (PVP) or 2h/Dual Wield (PVE)
    Nakothre VR7 Khajiit I Dual Wield/2H (PVP)
    Infinitesmo VR16 Imperial NB I 2h/Bow (PVP)

    Tip: If you don't like funerals don't kick sand in a ninja's face
  • Waseem
    loading screen will be fixed by time ( when 2000 people more quit ESO )
    PC EU

  • Lyrander
    i really hope they are fixing it.

    But i dont see how this loading screens is related to my quests.

    As i started playing today i turned off all Addons and deleted them from my folder.
    I was happy to see my loading screens back to normal in cyrodiil...what i thought normal.

    Then population increased.
    Right now i am in a loading screen after i died on the battle field - teleporting back to base to turn in kill-quest.

    This loading screen is (no kidding) 15 minutes long and ongoing!

    So i dont know how my quests are related to this. Why would it only kick in when the server is high populated?
    Dont think the *fix* on Monday will help me.

    Anyone has an advice for me?
  • Infinite12
    Lyrander wrote: »
    i really hope they are fixing it.

    But i dont see how this loading screens is related to my quests.

    As i started playing today i turned off all Addons and deleted them from my folder.
    I was happy to see my loading screens back to normal in cyrodiil...what i thought normal.

    Then population increased.
    Right now i am in a loading screen after i died on the battle field - teleporting back to base to turn in kill-quest.

    This loading screen is (no kidding) 15 minutes long and ongoing!

    So i dont know how my quests are related to this. Why would it only kick in when the server is high populated?
    Dont think the *fix* on Monday will help me.

    Anyone has an advice for me?

    Lol, yeah, go buy Fallout 4 lol
    My Characters
    Ragnhild VR16 Nord DK I 2h/Bow (PVP) or 2h/Dual Wield (PVE)
    Nakothre VR7 Khajiit I Dual Wield/2H (PVP)
    Infinitesmo VR16 Imperial NB I 2h/Bow (PVP)

    Tip: If you don't like funerals don't kick sand in a ninja's face
  • Elsonso
    hkphooey wrote: »
    Hey guys, we finally have an update for you on this issue. As we've mentioned previously, in the past few patches we've been adding code to the backend to track this issue and give us more data. We're happy to let you know that we have a fix going into Monday's PC incremental patch that should fix the long loading screens - turns out it was tied to anyone that had completed a lot of quests.

    Thanks for staying patient with us while we tracked this one down!

    (1) When are planning on announcing the patch date and times......

    Getting really frustrated here.... and they at least we have the right to get some answers.....

    Monday AM at normal time for NA would be my guess.
    Infinite12 wrote: »
    Infinite12 wrote: »
    Console players, this fix will unfortunately not make Orsinium launch next week. It will go in the first incremental patch which we're targeting for the 2nd week of December.


    For f*ck sake. This is UNACCEPTABLE. It took you less time to patch the pig farming lol. I guess that was a more pressing issue, right?

    It takes them a week or two to move the console update to the console companies. This is part of the approval process they have to go through. It is already too late to get it into the console rollout. That means it will just be another couple weeks and then it will be on console.

    A couple of weeks I could deal with. They're AIMING for 2nd week of December. That's almost a month away. That's ridiculous. They really seem more interested in selling us more terrible DLC content then fixing all (or any) of the completely broken components of this game. With the absolute clusterf*ck that imperial city was they should have put a stop on anything to do with Orsinium and focused on fixing what they broke with IC. Instead we have to wait weeks upon weeks upon weeks for fixes. The guild bank system is STILL broken. I STILL see wings bugging out from dragon leap. I get booted of my mount in pvp randomly DOZENS UPON DOZENS of times a night. I'm constantly unable to get on my mount in pvp for no apparent reason, I'm not in a fight, there will be no one around me (and this isn't just me this is happening to, you see it constantly) and I still can't get on my mount. The problems aren't going away, they're not getting fixed. My personal favorite is how often animations and beams stop working in pvp. It is INCREDIBLY rare to see a game get WORSE with time and yet here's ESO. It's just getting worse and worse. I love this game, I want it to be good, I've put a lot of time into the game already and don't want to give up on it but there's only so long people will wait to see some kind of action being taken to improve this game in any way shape or form.

    Sheesh. I doubt there will be a console patch the week of US Thanksgiving. Console patch is targeted for two weeks from the PC patch, taking the holiday into account.. They still have to clear first party approval.
    Edited by Elsonso on November 15, 2015 1:33AM
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Infinite12
    @lordrichter Patch for PC drops Monday, like you said right? Two weeks after that puts us at November 30th. Our patch (console) is tentatively scheduled for 2nd week of December. How is that 2 weeks after the PC patch?
    Edited by Infinite12 on November 15, 2015 2:24AM
    My Characters
    Ragnhild VR16 Nord DK I 2h/Bow (PVP) or 2h/Dual Wield (PVE)
    Nakothre VR7 Khajiit I Dual Wield/2H (PVP)
    Infinitesmo VR16 Imperial NB I 2h/Bow (PVP)

    Tip: If you don't like funerals don't kick sand in a ninja's face
  • lexior1b14_ESO
    I don't give a $!#: what causes the long load times! As long as it gets fixed I'm happy! Ty vm!
  • JaJaLuka
    McGordon wrote: »
    We need achievements by doing loading screens. For every 2h loading screens could get some reward.

    1 million gold please
    Krojick, DC Sorc PC NA
    Milámber, EP Sorc PC NA
    Brunack, EP DK PC NA
    General Mark Shephard, EP Temp PC NA (Worst temp NA XD )
    Krojick Nightblade, DC NB PC NA
  • nathan_bri
    Artheiron wrote: »
    Loading screen durations are indeed longer than other mmos but it's ok. The issue is really long (+5 mins/ssd/high end pc) and sometimes even infinite loading screens randomly appear. Especially when you leave cyrodiil, switch to another campain and return back to cyrodiil. When I alt f4 the game before re-entering cyrodiil usually fixes this for me temporarily.

    I find anything beyond 15 seconds to be unacceptable, especially since folks like me bounce around to all their characters twice a day for hireling emails.
  • Tors
    Lyrander wrote: »
    But i dont see how this loading screens is related to my quests.

    Your character will view the world differently from other characters, dependant on what quests you do and what point in them you are, certain areas will have different models depected and different areas opened up.

    I assume that currently the client checks EVERY quest you have ever completeted rather than jsut the zone you are entering.

    Who knows, with the lack of any information regarding this, we can only hypothesize. I woudnt expect Zenemax to give any indepth details on this anyway, its their interlectual property and wont want thier competitors knowing how they do things.

    Better late Than Pregnant....
    The shadow cabinet, a group of people who pretend to have jobs they do not actually have

    EU PC - Azura's Star
    Decimation Elite - Raid Jester
  • Asherons_Call
    Hey guys, we finally have an update for you on this issue. As we've mentioned previously, in the past few patches we've been adding code to the backend to track this issue and give us more data. We're happy to let you know that we have a fix going into Monday's PC incremental patch that should fix the long loading screens - turns out it was tied to anyone that had completed a lot of quests.

    Thanks for staying patient with us while we tracked this one down!

    Wooooohooooo! *Gives his wife a fist bump but she looks at me confused and walks away
  • sadownik
    Hey guys, we finally have an update for you on this issue. As we've mentioned previously, in the past few patches we've been adding code to the backend to track this issue and give us more data. We're happy to let you know that we have a fix going into Monday's PC incremental patch that should fix the long loading screens - turns out it was tied to anyone that had completed a lot of quests.

    Thanks for staying patient with us while we tracked this one down!

    Wooooohooooo! *Gives his wife a fist bump but she looks at me confused and walks away

    Wonder what will you give your wife when loading screens will remain exactly the same after monday patch?
  • Asherons_Call
    Scyantific wrote: »
    Yeah there's no way this is related to number of quests completed, unless the threshold is hilariously low or it's taking into account all quests completed throughout all characters at the same time.

    My magicka sorc (main character since launch) has completed hundreds of quests and the load times on that one are the same length as my second sorc (a character I made about 3 months ago), with absolutely zero quests completed.

    It's the same with my DK, NB, and Templar. The only quests they've completed on them are Main/FG/MG/CH/Cads Silver and their load times are just as bad as my main.

    sooo... inb4 the "fix" doesn't fix anything

    It could be account wide, meaning that only one of the eight characters would need to have tons of quests racked up
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