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Champion Points - 300 point cap in Dec?

  • Xeven
    In your example it would be as if after I took your rook Im no longer to take any more of your peices until you took a knight.

    You're not taking my rook, I'm not even playing. I'm at work, eating dinner with my family, watching the football game. You're chugging XP pots and AOEing pixels on the screen.

    You no longer get 2 queens for that, and that is a good thing.

    Edited by Xeven on September 30, 2015 4:14PM
  • Waffennacht
    Well we do... So if you're eating and Im working out are we both going to be the same level of fitness when we play football? If you practice 60 hours a month and I a day will you be able to compete?

    You are comparing a game with a completely unchanging set of dynamics (chess) to an earned game (such as a sport)

    Just like in sports your performance is directly related to your input, if you don't put in the input you are not competitive. Maybe you're just use to games where everything is pre determined.
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • phbell
    I can handle the loading screens.
    I can handle the crown store items.
    I can handle being a underpower DK in pvp.
    I can handle others haveing twice my champion points.

    But if I lose my well honest earned 500 champion points, I among many others will quit for real, and not coming back.

    I have invested time in this game. I have 9 trait researched. 4 characters in veteran 16. All of them every quests and skyshard.

    Why not change the champion points into something completely useless, but still fun for players? For example, having 360 champion points allowes you to have a crafting station in housing. Or a 120 passive being allowe you to have two pets active at the same time. And other useless stuff thats only fun to look at. Ignore money penalty when using wayshrines, idk just something. If a 25% more regen in champion points are so unbelivable gamebreaking, then change it, but dont take my champion points. I speak for many... many,... many players here.. And all of them are the loyals one, not the crybabies that log on from 8pm to 10pm to join a zerg. Common, realize fact for once!

    Not bad! Not bad, at all. I rather like this idea. Quite clever....
  • OrphanHelgen
    Will Khajiit get extra CP ?

    No, sadly we Khajiit will be left out in the cold once again. Fortunitly we have built-in fur coats unlike those poor Argonians who were left out from day one.

    Sry just have to comment. :)
    8% crit are unique and actually more OP then most think.
    Stam recovery..
    The sneak detection are perfect in IC. I really want that myself.
    Health regen are not ruined by the reduce healing recieved in pvp.

    Kahjits are actually really good race :-)
    Edited by OrphanHelgen on September 30, 2015 4:31PM
    PC, EU server, Ebonheart Pact

    Finally a reason not to play League of Legends
  • TequilaFire
    Just award a CP for every 10 seconds spent in a loading screen - catch up problem solved! >:)
  • Funkopotamus
    One I have a job thank you.


    You want to be equal, well too bad you're not and never will be

    Well in all honesty.... Yes ..Yes there will be more people equal to eachother with a cap. I know there are a lot of grinders that are going to cry about it, but with the cap being changed every "Season" as was stated there is going to be plenty of time for ALL players to "Catch Up" to eachother..

    This cap is something that must be done if ESO is going to have any kind of a lifespan. I know there are folks that thought this was a game they could sit in front of and become a GOD so to speak, but it simply will not work. The game will fail with that system.

    You say people will never be equal? I agree to a point. It will be interesting to see how the game fleshes out when everyone is basically standing "Equal". PvP will become more about skill. No more leaning on CP's to make up for bad play. No more excuses when you die either.

    I wondered exactly how ZOS was intending to achieve any class balance when they players with so much of a difference in CP's.. How can you balance the game when you have __% with 200CP's...__%500CP's __%1200CPs and __%2k+CPs..

    That system would never achieve any kind of "Balance" at least now they can adjust according to the cap.
    Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!" Sallington
  • Muizer
    There are two problems with the CP distribution:
    - outliers: people who have way more CP than normal.
    - increasing power differences within the curve, because it keeps getting wider as time goes on.

    ZOS have stated they are working on two things to address the problems:

    - a cap
    - a catch-up mechanism

    Now any person who has a basic grasp of numbers can understand which solution goes with what problem.
    Edited by Muizer on September 30, 2015 5:00PM
    Please stop making requests for game features. ZOS have enough bad ideas as it is!
  • Waffennacht
    Are there not diminishing returns for the CP points? Wouldn't that mean the difference between 1000 cp and 2000 cp be only a matter of a few percentage points?
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • starlizard70ub17_ESO
    Will Khajiit get extra CP ?

    No, sadly we Khajiit will be left out in the cold once again. Fortunitly we have built-in fur coats unlike those poor Argonians who were left out from day one.

    Sry just have to comment. :)
    8% crit are unique and actually more OP then most think.
    Stam recovery..
    The sneak detection are perfect in IC. I really want that myself.
    Health regen are not ruined by the reduce healing recieved in pvp.

    Kahjits are actually really good race :-)

    This one knows the advantages of being a Khajiit :) . The comment was mainly pointing out how badly Argonians have been treated. :pensive:
    "We have found a cave, but I don't think there are warm fires and friendly faces inside."
  • OrphanHelgen
    Btw, anyone here ever used xp scroll from crown store while having max level, only for gaining champion points?
    In that case, zenimax basicly sold you something for real money, and then took it back. It would be a serious case if they permanently removed our current champion points that is over the season limit.
    PC, EU server, Ebonheart Pact

    Finally a reason not to play League of Legends
  • Scyantific
    Are there not diminishing returns for the CP points? Wouldn't that mean the difference between 1000 cp and 2000 cp be only a matter of a few percentage points?

    There are but they take too long to kick in. They need to increase the rate of diminishing returns, tbh.
  • Nifty2g
    With enlightenment and average 2cp a day which people should be at, it's not hard that is ~3 CP a day. Cap needs to be around 600 - 800 when Orsinium hits.
    If you don't average 2-3 CP a day which isn't hard what so ever with sewers around now, there is something you're seriously doing wrong. Just because you stand idle in the game doesn't mean the CP is broken it means you're doing nothing and the cap should not resolve around you doing nothing.
  • pmn100b16_ESO
    As has been said, a cap will just suit the people playing NOW. We'll have the same problem a year down the line when the cap is 1000 and new players have 0. Much more important is a realistic catch up mechanism so new players don't have to grind for months on end to reach the caps.

    Those people saying "I've been playing longer, I should be more powerful" need to look beyond the end of their own nose. New players are essential to the longevity of this game. I've been playing since beta, I want new players to reach level cap and be instantly on par with me in Cyrodiil after a short gear grind. Thats the only way we're going to see any new blood sticking with this game. So forget your CP induced epeen, because without new players, you won't even have a game to log into.
  • Zorgon_The_Revenged
    hrothbern wrote: »
    I think the cap should be moving over time.
    This is more natural and if the cap is well chosen, the bulk of the enthousiast players are not hindered by an artificial treshold and get their immediate reward every time they achieve another CP.

    The CP system started begin March, assumed at 235 days ago, with 70 CP upfront when you had 1 Vet 14 character.
    If introduced today, at a rate of 1 CP per day, the cap is something like 70+235*1=305, tomorrow 306 and 1th of Dec 367.
    If introduced today, at a rate of 2 CP per day, the cap is something like 70+235*2=540, tomorrow 542 and 1th of Dec 664.

    The latest CP frequency, thanks :)@F7sus4 for your poll, is:
    0 -100 : 14%
    101-200 : 25%
    201-300 : 20%
    301-400 : 20%
    401-500 : 8%
    501-600 : 6%
    601-700 : 1%
    701-800 : 1%
    801-900 : 0%
    901+ : 1%
    A nice Poisson distribution, based on 412 votes of this forum, with the median around 200 and 80% below 400 CP. I think it is probable that the bulk of the player base, NOT represented in this forum poll, has lower values.

    Here the poll:

    well, looking at these calculations I have got an average of 1.5 CP per day, I hope the cap is at the 2 CP point per day.

    I don't grind XP, I have used a total of about 8 XP potions since they became available, some nights I don't play, some nights I don't use up all my enlightenment, some weekends I can make 4-5 CP (apparently people can make this in a very short time grinding, so fool me), some nights I just farm mats...........I think I'm an average full time casual.
  • Sureshawt
    Well I'm all for what is for the best for the long term health of the game so I'm good with a cap of between 300 and 400. That will probably bring the fairest balance to the battlefield and still allow players to tweak their builds.

    I also support retaining CPs already achieved beyond the cap so they can be applied towards the next cap.

    New player catch up mechanic.

    This mechanic will only be implemented after the close of Season 1.

    Assuming Season caps are 360. Season 1 is capped at 360. Season 2 is capped at 720. Season 3 is capped at 1080. Season 4 is capped at 1440.

    A new player account created that qualifies for CPs during Season 1 does not receive any adjustment.

    A new player account created that qualifies for CPs during Season 2 will automatically receive 25% of the cap for the new season or 180 (720*0.25) in this case.

    A new player account created that qualifies for CPs during Season 3 will automatically receive 25% of the cap for the new season or 270 (1080*0.25) in this case.

    A new player account created that qualifies for CPs during Season 3 will automatically receive 25% of the cap for the new season or 360 (1440*0.25) in this case.

    So on so forth for each new season after. As you can see the total point discrepancy increases over time as the total cap number grows but giving diminishing returns this should not be an issue.This rolling adjustment will ensure new players are not to far behind the power curve.
  • Slurg
    Btw, anyone here ever used xp scroll from crown store while having max level, only for gaining champion points?
    In that case, zenimax basicly sold you something for real money, and then took it back. It would be a serious case if they permanently removed our current champion points that is over the season limit.

    This is one good reason it would make the most sense for them to set the cap very high.

    It sounds like they're just giving lip service to appease the very vocal minority of players who primarily PVP and feel they are somehow wronged by others having more points than them.

    So I don't think 99% of the player base has to worry about losing the use of their points.
    Happy All the Holidays To You and Yours!
    Remembering better days of less RNG in all the things.
  • nimander99
    Xeven wrote: »
    nimander99 wrote: »
    It's a logical argument/solution.

    No it's not. That's why caps are in place in every game. That's why there is a VR cap. If players are allowed to attain Veteran Rank over nine thousand, then new players will never catch up, and leave the game the moment they learn that this is whats required to be competitive. Your ability to chug XP pots and AOE grind NPCs for hours daily should provide you with no advantage when killing other players. You are the minority.

    Search the forums. The reasons why every CP matters at the higest level of play have been repeated over and over.

    You aren't even reading what I wrote, I have advocated for NO CP's in PVP since DAY ONE! Because I KNEW this would happen, what I'm saying is very simple and logical, they are making a campaign that REMOVES CP's from play (which is a start), don't also remove them or cap them from normal play. If you can't wrap your head around this then I can't help you...

    Also, CP's and levels are 2 different things.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    ∽∽∽ 2 years of Elder Scrolls Online ∼∼∼
    "Give us money" = Box sales & monthly sub fees,
    "moar!" = £10 palomino horse,
    "MOAR!" = Switch to B2P, launch cash shop,
    "MOAR!!" = Charge for DLC that subs had already paid for,
    "MOAR!!!" = Experience scrolls and riding lessons,
    "MOARR!!!" = Vampire/werewolf bites,
    "MOAARRR!!!" = CS exclusive motifs,
    "MOOAARRR!!!" = Crown crates,
    "MOOOAAARRR!!!" = 'Chapter's' bought separately from ESO+,
    "MOOOOAAAARRRR!!!!" = ???

    Male, Dunmer, VR16, Templar, Aldmeri Dominion, Master Crafter & all Traits, CP450
  • Casdha
    Rex-Umbra wrote: »
    I have p
    RinOkumara wrote: »
    If they put the cap at 300 they would lose soooo many of their older, loyal fanbase. It should be set for PC upwards of 1k+ at least.

    I have 700 hours in game and 110 CP... 300 CP should be high enough lol.

    This made me look mine up - I have 1284 hours of play time and 189 CP.

    As for other comments here, They have already punished the folks who have been here the longest. Not only did it take about 4 times as much effort to get a VR rank (lower XP and higher threshold) but it didn't matter if you had 1 VR14 character or 8 of them, when they started this CP stuff all they gave out for the effort was 70 CP to start.

    That aside I think the cap should be 900 points . That is enough to unlock all free stars in each constellation (If I'm remembering right and you get the last free one at 100 CP in each constellation) If my memory is wrong then I would adjust the cap accordingly.

    Edit: FYI I only have three characters I play - 1 VR14, 1 VR12, and 1 VR3. My others are a Mule and one that is just building horse traits until I decide to play it. (Hours would be a little higher but total doesn't include deleted characters)
    Edited by Casdha on September 30, 2015 5:41PM
    Proud member of the Psijic Order - The first wave - The 0.016%

  • Funkopotamus
    Btw, anyone here ever used xp scroll from crown store while having max level, only for gaining champion points?
    In that case, zenimax basicly sold you something for real money, and then took it back. It would be a serious case if they permanently removed our current champion points that is over the season limit.


    They are not "taking" anything back or even stopping you from gaining anything.. They are simply fixing a broken system.. You can still grind to your hearts content!!

    The only thing you are losing is the ability to Gigidy Gigidy :trollface: the majority of the players. !!
    Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!" Sallington
  • evoga
    Will the crown store also have a potion to increase your CP to maximum for an hour?
  • Waffennacht
    If there is a cap then yes they are taking away money spent on XP potions.

    A MUCH better solution is an adjustment of the diminishing returns. In essence this is a cap, a soft cap, but still a cap.

    If each point (at a certain level) gave you half as much of a percentage than the previous one, you could ave 1 mil CPs and not go beyond a pre determined level.

    Im not looking at being OP or new players, Im looking at replay value (a much better number to reference when thinking about a game's survivability)
    Once you get to the point where any gameplay does not add to your character that is when people change games. Once a game has been changed its very unlikely said player will go back.

    It doesn't matter how many new players come to a game (which no matter what changes occur will happen, longer a game is out the less new players period) but how many will keep playing.

    With no incentive to keep playing it will not matter how many people will pick up the game because they will just as quickly put it down.

    Edit: perfect example is Neverwinter, once you reach the top gear there is no reason to play, they try to over come this with new dlcs etc, and if Zenimax's past is an indicator, then there is no way they will put up new content as quickly as Neverwinter (therefore needing a current in game mechanic to keep people entertained)
    Edited by Waffennacht on September 30, 2015 6:15PM
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • Nightenhowl
    Why don't they cap based on campaign; one campaign no cap, another with a cap and bwb with the lowest cap like 100.
  • Waffennacht
    Why don't they cap based on campaign; one campaign no cap, another with a cap and bwb with the lowest cap like 100.

    Because people will still find it unfair the players ith CP get rewards...

    They would complain that those campaigns are full and may have to complete with players with CP...

    They would complain about the trials being unfair...

    They would complain that they lose...

    Because people will complain about anything that makes them feel inferior
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • Funkopotamus
    If there is a cap then yes they are taking away money spent on XP potions.


    You people keep saying they are "Taking away money", but you have no ground to stand on there.. They are NOT removing anything.. Your character still has the CP's.. You still get to stock pile them up as you grind... They are not "REMOVING" anything from your investment..

    I personally am shocked that so many people did not expect this was going to happen. I will ask you this.. Would YOU buy this game 8 months from now if the runaway CP system was allowed to stay as it is now?

    The answer is NO because you obviously enjoy being OP....
    Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!" Sallington
  • Waffennacht
    Well if they place cap at 600 and I bought XP potion at CP point 1000, then yes they did "take it away" as I have no access to it.

    Its like saying you wont die from thirst because you have glass of water you can't drink from. "Well you have water!" Does you no good if you can't have access to it.

    I only have 50ish CP, im just advocating the logic.

    Look at the posts of people whom have not received crowns from premium membership, or people that couldn't get into IC for a few days. They were very upset and that was from only a day or two of not having access to something they paid for.

    Imagine the outrage of the player that bought (with real money) that XP potion and they are told, "don't worry your money will have an effect in four months..."

    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • Waffennacht
    If there is a cap then yes they are taking away money spent on XP potions.


    You people keep saying they are "Taking away money", but you have no ground to stand on there.. They are NOT removing anything.. Your character still has the CP's.. You still get to stock pile them up as you grind... They are not "REMOVING" anything from your investment..

    I personally am shocked that so many people did not expect this was going to happen. I will ask you this.. Would YOU buy this game 8 months from now if the runaway CP system was allowed to stay as it is now?

    The answer is NO because you obviously enjoy being OP....

    Yes I would buy it. The whole reason I like it is the idea of how strong I can make myself, the idea of a never ending goal is awesome. The fact all games can be maxed out makes me stop playing, once I achieve the best its done, no more competitive action, no longer a stronger opponent to face.

    Its the competition and the idea of there always being a stronger opponent makes me play. Put a cap on things and I will create the best possible build and promptly get bored.
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • Funkopotamus
    Well if they place cap at 600 and I bought XP potion at CP point 1000, then yes they did "take it away" as I have no access to it.

    Its like saying you wont die from thirst because you have glass of water you can't drink from. "Well you have water!" Does you no good if you can't have access to it.

    I only have 50ish CP, im just advocating the logic.

    Look at the posts of people whom have not received crowns from premium membership, or people that couldn't get into IC for a few days. They were very upset and that was from only a day or two of not having access to something they paid for.

    Imagine the outrage of the player that bought (with real money) that XP potion and they are told, "don't worry your money will have an effect in four months..."

    Your logic is still flawed..

    With your logic I should be raising hell because I rolled a sorc and went all magic stat so I could Bolt Escape 7 times in a row. They "Took that away" by nerfing it so I could only do it 4 times now :/ . But I can still bolt escape just not as many times right?

    Things change in every MMO. With your logic people should be lighting kittens on fire every time new gear makes your old gear you might have bought in the cash shop worthless. Or if you used cash shop pots to obtain said gear you lost money there too..

    You see where this is going eh?

    MMO's change things up, It is how it is always has been and always will be this way.
    Roll with it or roll out.
    Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!" Sallington
  • Yaewinn
    I will ask you this.. Would YOU buy this game 8 months from now if the runaway CP system was allowed to stay as it is now?

    Nope, i wouldn´t buy it, with our without CP-Cap. I would play Camelot Unchained Beta and waiting 4 release :smiley:
  • Gerardopg
    Well cap is one of the worst ideas ever, because you're trying to fix something broken but with seasonal caps it's gonna be broken again in some months, no new player would like to play and they gonna have to remove it at the end, so why they're trying to keep us playing for something that's is going to be remove from the game at the end??
  • Waffennacht
    Well if they place cap at 600 and I bought XP potion at CP point 1000, then yes they did "take it away" as I have no access to it.

    Its like saying you wont die from thirst because you have glass of water you can't drink from. "Well you have water!" Does you no good if you can't have access to it.

    I only have 50ish CP, im just advocating the logic.

    Look at the posts of people whom have not received crowns from premium membership, or people that couldn't get into IC for a few days. They were very upset and that was from only a day or two of not having access to something they paid for.

    Imagine the outrage of the player that bought (with real money) that XP potion and they are told, "don't worry your money will have an effect in four months..."

    Your logic is still flawed..

    With your logic I should be raising hell because I rolled a sorc and went all magic stat so I could Bolt Escape 7 times in a row. They "Took that away" by nerfing it so I could only do it 4 times now :/ . But I can still bolt escape just not as many times right?

    Things change in every MMO. With your logic people should be lighting kittens on fire every time new gear makes your old gear you might have bought in the cash shop worthless. Or if you used cash shop pots to obtain said gear you lost money there too..

    You see where this is going eh?

    MMO's change things up, It is how it is always has been and always will be this way.
    Roll with it or roll out.

    You didn't spend cash on it though. The guy's point was he spent real money on the game, he then looses all value of purchased item. You may say, in your example, you paid time into your char. Well he spent time and money.

    And yes many people did set fire to kittens for the sorc nerfs. (I too am sorc btw) Did you not see the 20 some pages about shieldbreaker?

    MMos do change, but never have I seen them change it in a way that players lose all value from a purchased item.

    Edit: Why do I have to roll with a purposed change when you can't roll with the current set up?
    Edited by Waffennacht on September 30, 2015 7:00PM
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
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