Riko_Futatabi wrote: »If you go back and take the time to read my previous 2 posts in this thread, you might get a good idea of why this can effect everyone and why it's not about the business model or money. In short, it's about how things are implemented in-game because of the crown store.
I'll give you a link to one of them actually: forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en-GB/discussion/comment/2296863/#Comment_2296863.
I've read every one of your comments. A lot of what you had to say made sense, but I still don't see it. I do 100% agree that the implementation needs to be worked on. There does need to be more ways to obtain items and bottle-necking them through extremely long and grindy or paid-for options has never been enjoyable.
However, this isn't motivating people less. People are motivating themselves less. If you really wanted something, no matter how tedious, you're going to get it done. Maybe that motivation is saving up money for crowns or crowns from each sub? Maybe that motivation is doing writs on 8 characters each day, trying to collect the fragments. Maybe that motivation is saving up enough gold to purchase the chapters from Guild Traders. Should they have to resort to "methods" like this? No, but until ZOS does something more (given their track run, probably not any time soon, if at all), it still comes down to personal opinion.Saltypretzels wrote: »I think Elloa does a good job with it and other people have said it well. I will lay it out as clear as possible for you.
They are intentionally creating very-grindy, inconvenient systems in the game, to give a people a strong motivation to pay real world money to skip over the inconvenience.
Again, still personal opinion. Intentional? Maybe, but no one will be able to prove their intentions without ZOS personally coming out right and saying it. Giving them strong motivation to spend money? Only for those that would rather do so.
It's easy to generalize the majority when wanting others to agree with what you believe.
UntameableAngel wrote: »While I agree the in game grind for the items are a bit ridiculous (and too limited), I do not agree that the item shouldn't be in the Crown Store.
It is the definition of a Vanity item, which (imo) should be the only items the Crown Store offers - since they do not affect the outcome of combat in any way.
UntameableAngel wrote: »While I agree the in game grind for the items are a bit ridiculous (and too limited), I do not agree that the item shouldn't be in the Crown Store.
It is the definition of a Vanity item, which (imo) should be the only items the Crown Store offers - since they do not affect the outcome of combat in any way.
Zenimax also waited a monthish to add it to the Crown Store, which would have been long enough - had it not been so hard to obtain in game.
The price is high, which I agree could be lowered a bit. To even things out the Imperial DLC should have cost more..
However, I find the way Zenimax have conceptualized this whole thing to be very dishonest. It is not honest to design a gameplay to be intently hard, long and discouraging to push players towards the shop. This kind of design is lame and its almost a scam, in my opinion. I feel betrayed.
What's next?
To Elloa:
Remember when you were sticking up for ZOS prior to the crown store release? Many of us were complaining about it and saying this sort of thing would happen and you and others were saying we should trust ZOS. Well, this is exactly what we were saying would happen and it will only get worse.
I agree with your post 100% but this is really not that surprising. When you remove the sub from a game the creativity that goes towards improving the game switches over to creativity of itemizing "products". That usually entails creating difficult to get items "in game" and then offering them in the store for inflated prices (or it could get worse and they only offer items in the store with no option in game). It's only going to get worse as they try to sustain a flow of cash to replace the sub revenue they have lost (and more).
ContraTempo wrote: »So what do you think of the idea of armor motifs that are ONLY available through the cash shop? They don't change armor stats because they are just cosmetic. They don't add grind to the game because you can't get them in game. There is no deception or "misunderstandings" because they are straightforward only available in the cash shop. Basically you are buying a skin for your crafted armor.
They do cost money, of course, because that is the nature of a cash shop.
^^ THISThere is a balance between a grind and just making it obnoxious. The glass armor is not a grind. It was intentionally designed to be so insanely difficult that you would flock to the crown store to purchase it. It's probably a market test to see if they can pull this off in the future. If lot's of people go buy it on the crown store, then they know they can use this strategy in the future.
I paid happily 2500 crowns for the IC including the Glass style. However, after I found that with 2 hours play time a day I have next to zero chance to collect the set, I feel cheated. Locking paid content behind an almost impossible grinding wall IMHO is dishonest.DLC = 2500 crowns
Glass Style = 5000 crowns
DLC = 2500 crowns
Glass Style = 5000 crowns
If that is true, we can confirm that the people is idiot
Sorry but in this case, is not fault of ZOS, is fault of the players that pay for this article this insane amount (double than DLC costs with this article included!!)
This is a business....and the stupid customers are the best customers.....
Cherryblossom wrote: »so for some of us at least this type of convenience is worth the 2 pints of beer we will pay for it.
2 pints ? 5000 crowns is like more than half of the game. And the motif is so meh for light armor... xivkyn is awesome but glass. My god.
Saltypretzels wrote: »Motif was released WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY way way way too soon.
It should have been released with Orsinium, like Elloa suggests.