Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

MASSIVE fps drops.....

  • gimpdrb14_ESO
    no add ons lowest graphic settings and sometimes i drop to 1 fps
  • Larisian_Sureshot
    Soul Shriven
    What I found was not all the Fryakin Minimap but the HarvestMap also. I downgraded the Minimap to 2.63, the video stuttering went away for the most part. However, whenever I would find a new resource and harvest it, within a couple of seconds after harvesting I would get a stutter when it pinned it to the map. If I turned of HarvestMap I would not get any stuttering. This only occured when HarvestMap and the Minimap were up and running. I could turn off the Minimap and keep HarvestMap on thus allowing it to pin to the large in game map without any stuttering.

    With that being said, I am also seeing:
    Video Stutter and Low FPS when sprinting in town
    Very High Load times whenever logging in or moving between zones
    Slow draw rate of other characters when logging in that may be surrounding me, where they start out as silhouettes that are black and then draw completely.

    There is obviously other things wrong with the DLC patch that involves video.
    Edited by Larisian_Sureshot on September 1, 2015 8:22PM
  • danno8
    Had 2 inexplicable drops to 1 fps today. Usually 60+.

    One thing to note is that /reloadui fixes it., which does make you wonder if it is related to the addons I use...
  • danno8
    Slow draw rate of other characters when logging in that may be surrounding me, where they start out as silhouettes that are black and then draw completely.

    This part is normal and is a new feature listed in the patch notes
  • Larisian_Sureshot
    Soul Shriven
    danno8 wrote: »
    Slow draw rate of other characters when logging in that may be surrounding me, where they start out as silhouettes that are black and then draw completely.

    This part is normal and is a new feature listed in the patch notes

    Ahhh.. Missed that.
  • Robbmrp
    SLy_Kyti wrote: »
    Guys, just disabling add ons is not enough. You have to remove them AND their separately stored Saved Variables file. The Saved Variables file will try to load even if the add-on is removed. That itself can cause fps loss, even crashes.

    What I do ( as a suggestion) is make a desktop folder called ESO test, put the questionable add-on in there along with the Saved Variables.
    The only certain way to clear a bad add on is remove it completely, restart ( not relog or reload) the game.

    The top problem makers I have found ( though I love them) is Fyrakins Mini map and/or Destinations.

    For those without addons, I hope this is sorted soon.

    That could be why my wife and I don't have any FPS drop issues with this update. We deleted all of the addons in the folder and then updated those ready for the patch. That's probably the best thing others can do. Delete all their addons and then download the updated ones.
    NA Server - Kildair
  • Nebthet78
    Belidos wrote: »
    Xantaria wrote: »
    Had this on PTS .... after about 30 minutes of playing my FPS goes below ten or even below 5. I'm using a 144 HZ monitor and usually have 95-100 FPs (because ESO locks the FPS at that point). GTX 980. This also happened when I play on MINIMUM settings. I needed to crash my game and restart everything to be able to play 30 minutes again.

    Worried to hear it has not been fixed.

    If t's happening over time then that sounds like a memory leak to me, they really need to look into that.

    There is a memory leak going on and tech support refuses to acknowledge it. I have been having the issue since 3 updates ago and contacted their Tech Support but it is always my pc, my internet connection, my firewall that is the issue. Yet, previous threads on here have confirmed that the issues I am having is a memory leak issue.
    Far too many characters to list any more.
  • Stravokov
    im having FPS drops as well the longer i play. it gets to the point it is unplayable. when i first log on i dont notice it, but as my session continues it gets worse to the point my screen is stuttering every second.
  • Nebthet78
    Hi folks,

    For those of you experiencing this issue, or any other game performance-related problems, we're looking for some additional info. Could you please reply with the following?
    • Your dxdiag
    • Your usersettings.txt

    I have the dxdiag but where do I find the usersettings.txt?? I went through all my eso files on my C drive and I don't have anything that lists usersettings.txt. Do I have to create this file? There is also no folder to differentiate between the NA or EU server that some people are able to find this txt file in.

    Update: Never mind I found it.. it is in the Documents folder not the actual game folders.
    Edited by Nebthet78 on September 1, 2015 9:12PM
    Far too many characters to list any more.
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    The Minimap was causing me issues as well. Which brings me to my next point: I get you cant write every possible addon people might want into the game, but no minimap? The Legend of Zelda had a minimap in 1986. Can we get like one programmer from the 80's to fix this issue? Thanks!
  • Larisian_Sureshot
    Soul Shriven
    Robbmrp wrote: »
    SLy_Kyti wrote: »
    Guys, just disabling add ons is not enough. You have to remove them AND their separately stored Saved Variables file. The Saved Variables file will try to load even if the add-on is removed. That itself can cause fps loss, even crashes.

    What I do ( as a suggestion) is make a desktop folder called ESO test, put the questionable add-on in there along with the Saved Variables.
    The only certain way to clear a bad add on is remove it completely, restart ( not relog or reload) the game.

    The top problem makers I have found ( though I love them) is Fyrakins Mini map and/or Destinations.

    For those without addons, I hope this is sorted soon.

    That could be why my wife and I don't have any FPS drop issues with this update. We deleted all of the addons in the folder and then updated those ready for the patch. That's probably the best thing others can do. Delete all their addons and then download the updated ones.

    I understand that will fix or could fix it, however, it is an unacceptable solution in my opinion. It was not an issue prior to the DLC content. Getting rid of all your SavedVariables means losing settings and information gathered and will then take time to rebuild and reconfigure. This is a game play issue that is not being acknowledged properly.

    It would be so much easier to say.... "Hey, we know there is an issue and we are working towards a resolution." I think that would be much better accepted within the community than denial.
  • Merlight
    danno8 wrote: »
    Slow draw rate of other characters when logging in that may be surrounding me, where they start out as silhouettes that are black and then draw completely.

    This part is normal and is a new feature listed in the patch notes

    When I read that I expected somewhat ghostly figures, not solid black :lol:
    EU ‣ Wabbajack nostalgic ‣ Blackwater Blade defender ‣ Kyne wanderer
    The offspring of the root of all evil in ESO by DeanTheCat
    Why ESO needs a monthly subscription
    When an MMO is designed around a revenue model rather than around fun, it doesn’t have a long-term future.Richard A. Bartle
    Their idea of transparent, at least when it comes to communication, bears a striking resemblance to a block of coal.lordrichter
    ... in the balance of power between the accountants and marketing types against the artists, developers and those who generally want to build and run a good game then that balance needs to always be in favour of the latter - because the former will drag the game into the ground for every last bean they can squeeze out of it.Santie Claws
  • Lucidity
    Possible fix for some - or at least a clue to causes.

    Disabling (actually removing) bcastdvr.exe task has returned me to an unjittery 35-45 fps in Rawl'Kha, up to double that in open world. I was having regular drops to 1 fps (ping was hitting 400 at these times), and jitter whenever I strafed or ran at the previous 10-60fps.

    Game is smooth now with all my usual 40-odd add-ons, including mini-map. Many of them are not updated yet.

    Don't know how, why or when bcastdvr.exe got enabled - it seems to control game streaming via the x-box network, present in W8 and W10 (I think). I do not use any x-box or streaming services knowingly, so it's possible I switched it on with an inadvertent k/b shortcut.

    So, for me at least, not add-ons, not lua, not memory leak, not drivers or in-game settings. Just a memory (and probably processor) hungry background task I noticed in Task Manager. Hope it's this straight-forward for some others out there. Even if you don't have my naughty task running, perhaps ESO is not playing as nicely as it was with other tasks, so closing as many as possible is worth a try.
  • s7732425ub17_ESO
    The addon Combat Log Statistics took a huge hit this patch. It worked fine before and added only a small FPS drop in most situations. But using it now will pretty much drop your FPS from 100 to 5 if you attack more than 5 monsters at a time.
  • axw_ESO
    Lucidity wrote: »
    Possible fix for some - or at least a clue to causes.

    Disabling (actually removing) bcastdvr.exe task has returned me to an unjittery 35-45 fps in Rawl'Kha, up to double that in open world. I was having regular drops to 1 fps (ping was hitting 400 at these times), and jitter whenever I strafed or ran at the previous 10-60fps.

    Game is smooth now with all my usual 40-odd add-ons, including mini-map. Many of them are not updated yet.

    Don't know how, why or when bcastdvr.exe got enabled - it seems to control game streaming via the x-box network, present in W8 and W10 (I think). I do not use any x-box or streaming services knowingly, so it's possible I switched it on with an inadvertent k/b shortcut.

    So, for me at least, not add-ons, not lua, not memory leak, not drivers or in-game settings. Just a memory (and probably processor) hungry background task I noticed in Task Manager. Hope it's this straight-forward for some others out there. Even if you don't have my naughty task running, perhaps ESO is not playing as nicely as it was with other tasks, so closing as many as possible is worth a try.

    w8.1 no sign of bcastdvr.exe
  • axw_ESO
    The addon Combat Log Statistics took a huge hit this patch. It worked fine before and added only a small FPS drop in most situations. But using it now will pretty much drop your FPS from 100 to 5 if you attack more than 5 monsters at a time.

    not something i use, still have issues
  • Fyrakin
    It looks like update 1.7 brought many performance issues to LUA its math library works slower, using of local variables rapidly bleeds lua memory pairs loops through tables consume much more cpu/io than before, textures load slower, and there are some things I still can't figure out, but what makes our every day lives worse.
    NA Megaserver (810) - Fyrakin, Loremaster Fyrakin, Cartographer Fyrakin, Taskmaster Tobin, Zergas, Texa, Furnacius, Hextex
    EU Megaserver (167) - Fyrakin
    MiniMap author
  • medieval_TOG
    Lucidity wrote: »
    Possible fix for some - or at least a clue to causes.

    Disabling (actually removing) bcastdvr.exe task has returned me to an unjittery 35-45 fps in Rawl'Kha, up to double that in open world. I was having regular drops to 1 fps (ping was hitting 400 at these times), and jitter whenever I strafed or ran at the previous 10-60fps.

    This is the Broadcast DVR server included in Windows 10 and has a known issue with memory leaks that can affect video performance. It's ships as part of the X-Box app and can be turned off by un-selecting "record game clips".
    Oh so you play on a console? Well this is a console game after-all I suppose.
  • pragreal
    Main machine I removed the add-ons directory, including the saved variables directory (except for ZO_Ingame.lua). Updated video driver to latest (Nvidia 970), ran repair, reduced video setting to nearly bare minimum. Still stutters and drops to single digits FPS, every 10 seconds or so. A second machine (ATI 970) got playable with 30-40 fps and no stuttering after disabiling the minimap and harvest map but that is still about 1/2 of what it was running before the patch. Both machines are running win 7 ultimate and are fairly new with decent hardware. Too bad MMO's require everyone to be at the same patch level (for obvious reasons) otherwise I'l uninstall this and stay away from it as far as possible. I've had other patches break things but nothing that makes the game literally unplayable.
  • Thrasher91604
    The loading is so bad that I fell through the world and teleported to a shrine. This in addition to drops to super slow frame rates and super slow quest update messages.
  • tomiffseb17_ESO
    I completly eliminated stutters and fps drops finally it seems like.
    For the drops i had to tweak usersettings and set both worker and jobthreads to "0"

    The stutters, especially with dmg that does multiple dmg (aoe, or even crushing shock) was caused by addons afterall,
    namely combatanalytics. Seems like anything that logs dmg will cause a stutter or a freeze.

    I hope everyone can find her/his solution or maybe ZoS can do something with the situations where none of the above mentioned things help.
  • tino.antoninieb17_ESO
    I dont know exact reason why i have this but certainly started with new patch . Like first i had huge swings in fps and ping no matter what i was doing. So i switched off addons . I changed usersettings according to suggestion on forums and situation improved. Now i have fps and ping drops only in animation intensive fights. Even that goes away if i restart game. Drops come again 10-15 minutes after i restarted game. Probably i have problem caused by memory leaks .
  • Cherryblossom
    Had the same lag, without Addon's! But I wasn't aware of the new driver for 900's so I will download and see if it makes a change.

    I was having the issue in normal Vet Zones on the EU server.
  • gard
    SLy_Kyti wrote: »
    Guys, just disabling add ons is not enough. You have to remove them AND their separately stored Saved Variables file. The Saved Variables file will try to load even if the add-on is removed. That itself can cause fps loss, even crashes.

    What I do ( as a suggestion) is make a desktop folder called ESO test, put the questionable add-on in there along with the Saved Variables.
    The only certain way to clear a bad add on is remove it completely, restart ( not relog or reload) the game.

    The top problem makers I have found ( though I love them) is Fyrakins Mini map and/or Destinations.

    For those without addons, I hope this is sorted soon.

    Actually I'm pretty sure it is enough to just disable addons. The information stored in saved variables files doesn't load unless the addon loads.
    I'm looking at it using zgoo right now.
    My wife complains that I never listen to her. (Or something like that.)
    -- I'm a one man smurf zerg!

    My ESO addons:
    Midnight - Find out when midnight is so that you can check for ww/vamp spawn.
    Goto - Adds a tab to the map pane allowing you to teleport to a friend, guildmate, or groupmate for free.
  • Skallolf
    I have been having this happen too. I usually get 60+ fps and have no problem playing at all. Since the patch, I have been reduced to anything from 5-25. I disabled all addons, still the same. I even uninstalled the game completely and did a fresh install. The game is running like a bag of nails. I tried to play today (since most of yesterday i couldn't due to reinstalling) and the non vet pledge Banished cells took our group almost 2 hours to complete. This was due to constant disconnects, and people keep lagging out. The game has become unplayable for me. I couldn't even see the red aoe circles to react to them as they just were not appearing. It's blindingly obvious that ZOS has broken something and they need to fix it. I just hope they do so quickly because the general feeling I am seeing in groups is that people (myself included) are not going to pay for a game that is unplayable. They already lost a lot of players and had to relaunch, I hope they understand how serious FPS play-ability issues are.
  • I_killed_Vivec
    danno8 wrote: »
    Slow draw rate of other characters when logging in that may be surrounding me, where they start out as silhouettes that are black and then draw completely.

    This part is normal and is a new feature listed in the patch notes

    I thought it was a new ninja style when I first saw it - and wondered why everyone else had it but I didn't :(

  • Johngo0036

    I was having issues with my sorc last night,
    Every time i use a skill while moving i will stand still for a few seconds then only be able to move again,

    My FPS also dropped, EU server, Chillrend, within the Imperial City,
    I left Imperial city, FPS returned but skills still caused me to stop moving,

    Will test again tonight.
    PC EU Megaserver
    Altmer Magicka Sorcerer |The-Irritable-Witch(DC)
    Orc Stamina Dragonknight | Gru-Bolar(DC)
    Dunmer Magicka Nightblade | Chewbucca(DC)
    Khajit Stamina Nightblade | Gleaming Daggers(DC)
    Altmer Magicka Nightblade | Miss Chewbucca(EP)
    Argonian Magicka Templar | Walks-With-Friends(EP)
    Argonian Templar Healer | Dr Toxic(EP)
    Orc Stamina Sorc | Lady Streaks-Alot(DC)
    Dunmer Magicka DK | Whips-n-Chains(DC)
    Nord Warden | Demi Tank(DC)
    Dunmer Magicka Warden | Crafter-O-Crafts(DC)
    Bosmer Stamplar | Forest-Plump(DC)
    Argonian Hybrid Nb | Men-O-Paws(DC)
    Bosmer Stamblade | 'Maui(AD)
    Altmer Magicka Sorcerer | Mid-Life-Crisis(AD)

  • Egonieser
    Yep. It's a lot more sluggish than it used to be. Got hit by 15 FPS and stutters in Arena District last night and there were only a handful of people there (3am), i never used to lag even in full cities before, now the performance is terribad.

    In regular PvE zones it's still fine (apart from infinite loading screens), but some areas in IC are just unplayable at times.
    I have to mention, the stutters and fps spikes got resolved after relog which makes me wonder if there is a big memory leakage. It only happens after I've been in the area for a good long while.

    GTX 970, i7 4770k, 16GB 1600Mhz, Samsung EVO 850 Pro. Machine is far and beyond recommended specs so i can safely assume it's not because of anything on my end.
    Edited by Egonieser on September 2, 2015 10:02AM
    Sometimes, I dream about...cheese...

    Dermont - v16 Pompous Altmer Sorcerer (With a very arrogant face!)
    Egonieser - v16 Nord Stamina Dragonborn Wannabe
    Endoly - v16 Tiny Redguard Sharpened MaceBlade
    Egosalina - v16 Breton Cheesus Beam Specialist
    Egowen - v16 Dunmer Whipping Expert (Riding crops eluded her)
    (Yes, I had to grind all these to v16)
    Akamanakh - lvl 22 Khajiit GankBlade (Inspired by Top Cat)
    Targos Icewind - lvl 34 Imperial (Future) Jabplar
    (CP 830+)

    PC - EU
  • Rook_Master
    Fyrakin's Minimap is known to be garbage, and cause both client and server performance issues.

    He has been approached personally by several addon developers and refuses to change it or take it down.

    Please use Advanced UI minimap. It does not have these issues.
  • Skallolf
    Skallolf wrote: »
    I have been having this happen too. I usually get 60+ fps and have no problem playing at all. Since the patch, I have been reduced to anything from 5-25. I disabled all addons, still the same. I even uninstalled the game completely and did a fresh install. The game is running like a bag of nails. I tried to play today (since most of yesterday i couldn't due to reinstalling) and the non vet pledge Banished cells took our group almost 2 hours to complete. This was due to constant disconnects, and people keep lagging out. The game has become unplayable for me. I couldn't even see the red aoe circles to react to them as they just were not appearing. It's blindingly obvious that ZOS has broken something and they need to fix it. I just hope they do so quickly because the general feeling I am seeing in groups is that people (myself included) are not going to pay for a game that is unplayable. They already lost a lot of players and had to relaunch, I hope they understand how serious FPS play-ability issues are.

    I should add. NA server, didn't try PvP as there seemed little point when I was lagging so badly in The Banished Cells.
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