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2.1.1 Stamina Sorcerers?

  • F7sus4
    Stamina Sorcs? What's that?
    Uhh, really?
    Like leave?
    Well, because it doesn't make sense.
    No, you don't understand.
    Move along.
  • Kyoma
    F7sus4 wrote: »
    Stamina Sorcs? What's that?
    Uhh, really?
    Like leave?
    Well, because it doesn't make sense.
    No, you don't understand.
    Move along.
    I dont know who you are but I like it!

    Will I be able to forget all the wounds that pierce my flesh?
    You and your childish justice. I'll rip it to pieces.
    Come on, it's showtime. A rain of blood like a volcano
    And now I'll blow all of you and you and you...
    All to tiny pieces. All to tiny pieces.
  • CP5
    F7sus4 wrote: »
    Stamina Sorcs? What's that?
    Uhh, really?
    Like leave?
    Well, because it doesn't make sense.
    No, you don't understand.
    Move along.

    Would you mind elaborating?
  • Cathexis
    F7sus4 wrote: »
    Stamina Sorcs? What's that?
    Uhh, really?
    Like leave?
    Well, because it doesn't make sense.
    No, you don't understand.
    Move along.

    @F7sus4 your contribution makes no sense. Are you in support of stam sorcs or are you just trolling here and know next to nothing about what it is to be a stam sorc? I'm assuming the latter since your Sig says you only have an altmer nightblade.

    Also just to be clear you don't want to know the size of a hole we tore in the [split] of the last uber troll that came into these threads.

    [Edit to remove profanity]
    Edited by [Deleted User] on November 16, 2021 2:55AM
    The Tomb of FPS Alteration Magic - Everything You Need to Know About FPS
    Praise Malacath.
  • Kyoma
    I wanna be a stamina sorc that uses a bow, please cripple magicka sorcs just so I can have this.... The point of this post? Not everything should be viable and not every class skill should have a stamina morph. Why not go even further and demand that pets have a stamina morph? I mean, why should my never-to-exist stamina sorc be denied pets?
    Will I be able to forget all the wounds that pierce my flesh?
    You and your childish justice. I'll rip it to pieces.
    Come on, it's showtime. A rain of blood like a volcano
    And now I'll blow all of you and you and you...
    All to tiny pieces. All to tiny pieces.
  • Huggalump
    Kyoma wrote: »
    I wanna be a stamina sorc that uses a bow, please cripple magicka sorcs just so I can have this.... The point of this post? Not everything should be viable and not every class skill should have a stamina morph. Why not go even further and demand that pets have a stamina morph? I mean, why should my never-to-exist stamina sorc be denied pets?

    This has been said so many times before but I'll said it again so you don't have to read or think.

    We don't want a stamina morph of every ability. We just want it to be viable to play a stam sorcs. Every other class has viable stamina and magic builds. Sorcerer does not.
  • TBois
    Kyoma wrote: »
    I wanna be a stamina sorc that uses a bow, please cripple magicka sorcs just so I can have this.... The point of this post? Not everything should be viable and not every class skill should have a stamina morph. Why not go even further and demand that pets have a stamina morph? I mean, why should my never-to-exist stamina sorc be denied pets?

    We have always tried to not affect magicka builds with our suggestions. Zos wants Stam sorc to be viable. If you have nothing constructive to add to the thread and only want to express your opinion that you believe Stam sorcs shouldn't exist in game, cool. Most Stam sorcs want pets to scale off of the higher star btw.

    If you disagree with zos's want to have viable magicka and stamina builds for each class then you are probably playing the wrong game
    Edited by TBois on August 16, 2015 1:34AM
    T-Bois (Stam Sorc since 1.4) - AD
    An Unsettling Snowball (Templar) - AD
    Bosquecito (Stam Sorc) - DC
    Peti-T-Bois (Stamden) - AD

  • Huggalump
    Kyoma wrote: »
    I wanna be a stamina sorc that uses a bow, please cripple magicka sorcs just so I can have this.... The point of this post? Not everything should be viable and not every class skill should have a stamina morph. Why not go even further and demand that pets have a stamina morph? I mean, why should my never-to-exist stamina sorc be denied pets?

    We have always tried to not affect magicka builds with our suggestions. Zos wants Stam sorc to be viable. If you have nothing constructive to add to the thread and only want to express your opinion that you believe Stam sorcs shouldn't exist in game, cool. Most Stam sorcs want pets to scale off of the higher star btw.

    If you disagree with zos's want to have viable magicka and stamina builds for each class then you are probably playing the wrong game

    Not to mention, I'm pretty sure each pet has one morph that is never used
  • Pyrocyborg
    They should just make that some abilities power scales off from the highest of the two stats (stamina or magicka), and it goes for any class. I don't care if these abilities costs magicka, but some pillar sorcerer abilities should be useable by a stamina user (e.g. Conjured Ward and summons).

    I don't really care about a spammable or castable stamina attack like a stamina morph from Crystal Shards, even if no one ever use the other magicka morph: I would welcome it, but it's clearly not what stamina sorcerer are missing right now. What they're missing is an efficient survival tool, like every other class has.

    I agree that stamina morphs shouldn't take a magicka morph away, but unless they plan on changing the way damage and abilities power scales of, or unless they plan on adding a third morph to some key skills, there is no other solution than taking the underperforming (i.e. underused) morph and making it a stamina version.

    I would prefer if we could alter the stamina morph to use magicka again after spending another skill point, like some kind of "over" morph. That way, magicka users wouldn't be that frustrated if a stamina morph replaced their magicka morph, but I'm probably asking for way too much.
    Edited by Pyrocyborg on August 16, 2015 2:50AM
  • Pyrocyborg
    Kyoma wrote: »
    I mean, why should my never-to-exist stamina sorc be denied pets?

    Why do you think almost no one makes stamina sorc? It's because it looks like an underperforming NB right now. A lot of players would want to play something akin to an Arcane archer, or a Spellsword, or some kind of Ranger with pets... even if it's not in the top 5 dps builds. It should at least be viable, not only for the first few levels.
  • Mojmir
    Pyrocyborg wrote: »
    Kyoma wrote: »
    I mean, why should my never-to-exist stamina sorc be denied pets?

    Why do you think almost no one makes stamina sorc? It's because it looks like an underperforming NB right now. A lot of players would want to play something akin to an Arcane archer, or a Spellsword, or some kind of Ranger with pets... even if it's not in the top 5 dps builds. It should at least be viable, not only for the first few levels.

    im running stamina sorc with dual wield its actually more like a DK with the DOTs and AOE's
  • F7sus4
    Cathexis wrote: »
    @F7sus4 your contribution makes no sense.
    It gives a hint for people smart enough to understand it.
    More direct approach to the subject was already posted here.
    Now don't be sad and have a cookie!

    Edited by F7sus4 on August 16, 2015 10:42AM
  • kkampaseb17_ESO
    F7sus4 wrote: »
    Cathexis wrote: »
    @F7sus4 your contribution makes no sense.
    It gives a hint for people smart enough to understand it.
    More direct approach to the subject was already posted here.
    Now don't be sad and have a cookie!


    Then take this subtle hint. This thread is not for you. It is never and was never for you. Even if it means that we are gonna wreck your favorite class and make it a brutal barbarian that swears curses to make spells..... Don't let the door hit you.

    P.S I hope my overexageration is clear enough for you cause it is made for people "smart enough to understand it". I hope the reference "gets you" ;)
    Edited by kkampaseb17_ESO on August 16, 2015 5:58PM
    F7sus4 wrote: »
    Cathexis wrote: »
    @F7sus4 your contribution makes no sense.
    It gives a hint for people smart enough to understand it.
    More direct approach to the subject was already posted here.
    Now don't be sad and have a cookie!


    Its a shame youre EU - I wont have the chance to challenge you to a 1v1 and put you down with the stam sorc you insult. :neutral:
  • F7sus4
    Then take this subtle hint. This thread is not for you. It is never and was never for you.
    As much as it never was up to you to decide about that, kind sir. :)
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    Its a shame youre EU - I wont have the chance to challenge you to a 1v1 and put you down with the stam sorc you insult. :neutral:
    Cheers for the challenge, just a reminder it's not 1.5 anymore. :kissing_heart:
  • Ahzek
    @F7sus4 too bad we don't have inter faction duels yet (or ever), or I would pick up lord FENGRUSHs challenge in his stead. With his permission ofc.
  • F7sus4
    The sole fact people participate in discussion about buffs gives enough insight on the current position of this archetype. You wouldn't need this topic if Stamina Sorcs were optimized and ultimately viable. This is the actual hint.

    @Ahzek: You can still transfer your items to VR16 template on PTS and make a DC character. If anyone wants to try some builds for dueling, just drop me a line.
  • Ahzek
    You are correct we wouldnt need this topic if they were "optimized and ultimately viable", however ZOS themself have stated they want that to be the case. However their previous balancing attempts have all been quite lackluster and leave a lot to be desired ( havent we been promised the stam sorcs were not forgotten with 1.6 ?) . Thus we create topics such as this one to give ZOS feedback about the current state of the archetype and ways to improve it. Most of these suggestions take nothing away from the magicka sorcerers by the way.
    Edit: Also i completely forgot about the PTS (even though I spent most of my time there the last few days) I will gladly accept your offer. It is always nice to fight some1 new.
    Edited by Ahzek on August 16, 2015 9:46PM
  • kkampaseb17_ESO
    F7sus4 wrote: »
    The sole fact people participate in discussion about buffs gives enough insight on the current position of this archetype. You wouldn't need this topic if Stamina Sorcs were optimized and ultimately viable. This is the actual hint.

    @Ahzek: You can still transfer your items to VR16 template on PTS and make a DC character. If anyone wants to try some builds for dueling, just drop me a line.

    And that is exactly why we make the discussion. So we can get them in a very good position finally.
  • Senaxu
    I will stay on magica sorc:
    Edited by Senaxu on August 16, 2015 10:50PM
    Unbroken EU
    Senaxu - AD Sorcerer
    Senaxu's Smurf - DC Sorcerer
    PvE-Scores(2.1): AA: 1182439 - 06:58 | HR: 114065 - 06:56 | SO: 151067 - 12:27 | DSA: 23457 - 34:36
    "There is still room up"
  • Ahzek
    @Senaxu not to diminish your accomplishments or anything, but i dont know how viable molag kena will be from a DPS perspective, and it is pretty clear you build is not aimed at PvP. Could work for killing people on horses though ;).
    Tip for next time: If you want even higher stats to push your ego even further, dont use the shadow for screenshots. We cant even see its effect on your damage numbers. I recommend the apprentice or the mage to make your numbers look extra badass. I dont know the exact values, but maybe you can reach 6k spelldmg with that ^^
  • Senaxu
    it was just theory crafting & made for pve.
    Edited by Senaxu on August 16, 2015 10:56PM
    Unbroken EU
    Senaxu - AD Sorcerer
    Senaxu's Smurf - DC Sorcerer
    PvE-Scores(2.1): AA: 1182439 - 06:58 | HR: 114065 - 06:56 | SO: 151067 - 12:27 | DSA: 23457 - 34:36
    "There is still room up"
  • Cathexis
    Kyoma wrote: »
    I wanna be a stamina sorc that uses a bow, please cripple magicka sorcs just so I can have this.... The point of this post? Not everything should be viable and not every class skill should have a stamina morph. Why not go even further and demand that pets have a stamina morph? I mean, why should my never-to-exist stamina sorc be denied pets?

    @Kyoma if you read any of the dozens of threads on this topic you would know that wrecking magicka sorcs is not on the agenda (like all you trolls assume). If you read one post before your own you would see I just gave someone the gears for coming in here and trolling, citing the butthurt we have doled out to other trolls.
    The Tomb of FPS Alteration Magic - Everything You Need to Know About FPS
    Praise Malacath.
  • Alcast
    Class Representative
    Senaxu wrote: »
    I will stay on magica sorc:

    I think I cant even reach that with Weap dmg lol. - Builds & Guides - Sets, Skills, Guides & News - Discord, Telegram & Twitch Command Bot

  • Glantir
    Senaxu wrote: »
    I will stay on magica sorc:

    Wtf? ^^ what for equip you have on the screen :D
    Glantir Sorcerer ~ Ebonheart Pact (EU)
  • Excelsiore
    These Stats are insane... :smiley:

    The new Healer-Set is insane too (For Overheal max. spellp. or weapondmg.) :wink:
    Excelsiore (Templar Heal), Raidguild: Unchained Animals
    World First Veteran Maw of Lorkhaj Hard Mode clear
    World First Sanctum Hardmode Clear (Dark Brotherhood)
    World First AA Hardmode Clear (Shadows of the Hist)
    World First Hel Ra Hardmode Clear (Shadows of the Hist)
    and meanwhile theyre shy about buffing stam sorcs to the point they cant even make thundering presence equal on timing/bonus as boundless.
  • kkampaseb17_ESO
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    and meanwhile theyre shy about buffing stam sorcs to the point they cant even make thundering presence equal on timing/bonus as boundless.

    They have to be very careful cause a slight adjustment can shoot stamina sorcs to be overpowered O_o
  • CP5
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    and meanwhile theyre shy about buffing stam sorcs to the point they cant even make thundering presence equal on timing/bonus as boundless.

    They have to be very careful cause a slight adjustment can shoot stamina sorcs to be overpowered O_o

    In order to make stamina sorcs op they would need to do, something...
  • Jar_Ek
    I think a small adjustment to stamina sorcerers will do very little and definitely will not make them op... that would require multiple whopping great changes
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