lol? Are you sure? How did you do your testing?
@xylena, I noticed you mentioned the same thing in a thread about Nord passives. Or I think I recall that. So many threads on racial passives. Anyway, what do you (or any other Orc/Nord players reading along) think about these kinds of changes which not only upgrade rename "Robust" but also give players with those races better tools with which to knock heads?orcs and nords both need "robust" changed to "robust constitution" like was done for khajit to be on par with other races... health regen is a useless stat at endgame whether pvp or pve since it's ridiculously tiny compared to your self heals, to say nothing of the huge burst heals provided by allies... meanwhile 10% extra stamina regen is crucial for pve tanking and any pvp with the changes to blocking and lycanthropy
so this game was dead before it was launched? logic/100
I really enjoy the speed buff on my orc. Wish they would keep that in.
WillhelmBlack wrote: »Also gutted about losing the speed buff.
WillhelmBlack wrote: »
I thought they had, hope they haven't. Can't get into PTS yet, it's stuck at 55% for like ever so can't check.
I heard they were removing the Swift passive for an increase of 4% weapon power. I heard it on ESO live and thought I'd read it in the patch notes too.
If 4% is not enough for you, just a small reminder that as much as 5% made Silks of the Sun set so highly desired. It's also the exact same amount of bonus you're getting with e.g. Altmer racial passive on Elemental Damage.Swift Warrior is unique and interesting. The changes to add 4% to melee attacks just really isn't noticeable. 4% is just very lackluster. While I think ZoS is on the right track with this change I feel like they need to increase the amount of damage.
Why doesnt it affect rapid strikes or Flying Blade? Or surprise attack or killers blade? Seriously man. The I would be fine with 4% if it worked across the board.
Saint_JiubB14_ESO wrote: »
Because flying blade isn't melee? Never has been. Rapid strikes is probably because it is apparently classified as a DoT (surge testing found this). So it should work with rapid strikes, and a lot of class skills.
I've done extensive testing as well using an Orc DK. It pretty much works ONLY on exactly just melee, as in 2 handed and 1 handed, and that's pretty much it. As Duukar noted, DW is spotty and it obviously doesn't work on bow skills and it definitely does not work on class skills that are considered melee, at least as far as DK and NB go. Haven't tried on a Templar yet.
For example testing Unstable flame, as read on the tool tip:
"New Effect: Ability now scales off Weapon Damage and Max Stamina."
Now keep in mind it's range is 5 meters, while Wrecking Blow's range is 7 meters (For which the passive 4% melee damage bonus does work...well technically it came out to 1.038 and not 1.04).
Testing on level 25 worm cult pyromancer (1) and level 25 skeletal warrior (2) while being a V16 Orc DK.
a) Before placing points into passive Swift Warrior:
1) Wrecking Blow = 4608
2) Wrecking Blow = 4465
b) 1 point in passive leading to a 2% increase in damage:
Again testing Wrecking Blow.
1) Expected damage = 4608 x 1.02 = 4700; Actual damage = 4696
2) Expected damage = 4465 x 1.02 = 4554; Actual damage = 4550
As you can note here for b), the actual damage is 4 less than the expected, ok so no big deal right? Well look what happens when we go to 4%.
c) All 3 points into Swift warrior, 4% damage increase.
1) Expected damage = 4608 x 1.04 = 4792; Actual damage = 4784...I mean yeah, small but now the difference is larger. WTF?
2) Expected damage = 4465 x 1.04 = 4643; Actual damage = 4635...again wtf?
So really 3rd point into swift warrior provides... 4635/4465 = 1.038, also confirmed with 4784/4608 = 1.038.
Now with Unstable Flame there was no difference in damage despite the skill now being based off of weapon damage and stamina, and it's range is less than Wrecking Blow. I mean, I guess it could be considered a spell? But if it was then why the hell make it based off of stamina and weapon damage. Makes no damn sense. If it's not a spell-based skill and not a range-based skill like bows or flying blade (can't be considering other melee skills like 2H, 1H have longer range at times) then what in damn hell is it ZOS? I guess it's just some limbo skill?
Honestly, this swift warrior passive still needs fixing. First of all make it the advertised 4% damage, don't skimp us Orcs out. Make your promise stand as stated in the tooltip. Second of all, make it affect melee based skills other than 2 handed and 1 handed. It just doesn't make sense why it wouldn't affect dual wield or unstable flames. ZOS you guys boggle my mind sometimes.