Swift Warrior is unique and interesting. The changes to add 4% to melee attacks just really isn't noticeable. 4% is just very lackluster. While I think ZoS is on the right track with this change I feel like they need to increase the amount of damage.
Heavy attacks just dont happen that often in PvP without a great deal of risk being taken. Lets look at a light attack. A reasonable light attack will hit for 2k. 4% on that is only 80 dmg. That really is lack luster.
Just for arguement sake lets do the math on a heavy attack at lets say 8k. Thats 320 dmg. On a fully charged heavy attack.
These numbers just show how worthless this passive is in its current state. I tried stacking into % dmg done with light and heavy attacks with maces and there really is no way to make this useful. Landing light attacks in melee range with all the cc and movement just isnt happening that often.
@ZOS_JessicaFolsom is there a way we can increase the dmg from this passive? 8-10% would make more sense. Im tired of being the only orc on the field!