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Helpful Vampires (Get a free bite, give a free bite)

  • methical311
    I would love to join! Finding good honest and fun people is hard to come by. When deciding either to become vamp or wolf, I didn't think I even wanted to bother with either one. But being a sorc a vamp seems like the better choice. GT is methical311. Look forward to meeting everyone.
  • methical311
    Looking for a bite and willing to sink my teeth into anyone else that's willing to receive it
  • DrDingleBerri
    I could use a vampire bite. I'd be glad to give a few out too.

    GT Dr Dingle Berri
  • built4sin13
    Soul Shriven
    Awesome thing going on here. Looking to get a bite and stick around to spread the "love". Waiting for it won't be a problem, need to level some more anyway. GT Built 4 Sin 13
  • Mustafu
    Soul Shriven
    If you still have any room I'm looking for a bite plus sticking around. Trying to find more people to actually run with anyways. GT - Mustafu
  • Victor_Vykos
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for a bite.

    Gamertag: Victor Vykos

    NA Server Ebonheart pact
  • ImperialDestiny
    Looking for a bite and Probably going to stick around aswell, and hand out a few bites.

    Gamertag: strikerlegend89

    NA server Ebonheart Pact
    Edited by ImperialDestiny on July 8, 2015 3:28AM
  • Flamespace1
    Soul Shriven
    Never mind
    Edited by Flamespace1 on July 8, 2015 7:48PM
  • Jaylaggy
    Great idea!

    Please add:

  • SeaNBeGoNe
    Im in search of a vampire bite for my templar

    If needed i have a werewolf that i can bite you or a friend with for the help.

    If anyone could please help i would really appreciate it !
    Let me know <3

    GT : SeaNBeGoNe

    Xbox one - NA

    Alliance - Ebonheart Pact
    Edited by SeaNBeGoNe on July 8, 2015 6:14AM
    If interested in joining - Gamemasters
    140+ PvE/PvP/Trading Guild
    1 Current Event Going
    GT: SeaNBeGoNe
  • kingchris1721xbox
    Please send me an invite to this guild I would love to help out for your cause!

    GT: KING CHRIS 1721

    Alliance: Daggerfall
  • knightnkiki
    Soul Shriven
    please invite me :)
  • kyleweber5683b14_ESO
    I'd love to join! Gamer Tag is Kyle Weber

    Hopefully you guys are still recruiting send me an invite I'll accept it when I log on!
  • crewman_guyb14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    GT: Darth XLII (two lower case i's)

    Looking for someone to bite me. I'll bite another and stick around for a while.
    Edited by crewman_guyb14_ESO on July 10, 2015 2:14AM
  • stuhog
    Soul Shriven
    Hey guys been wondering where to find a vamp cabal! I would love to join and will happilly hang around and bite some peeps (and other guildie activities ofc).

    GT: Beast of Hog

    Ebonheart US Server.
  • kyleweber5683b14_ESO
    I'd love to join! Gamer Tag is Kyle Weber

    Hopefully you guys are still recruiting send me an invite I'll accept it when I log on!
  • deaththegod6
    Soul Shriven
    Gt deaththegod6

    Im looking for a guild to run with on pvp and dungeons. I currently on run with two friends and we do ok but we want to have more fun. Im looking for a bite to be a vampire if u wanna start werewolf my friend is one and can help with that as well
  • YoungChaplin
    Hey could I get a bite please? I'll bite anyone when I can if I get it
    Gamertag: KoolAidMan132 active player :)
    Soul Shriven
    sounds like a good group Gt NSG WARHAWK
    Alliance is Daggerfall noticed you seem to have limited members on this alliance so im willing to help change that If able too
  • Lordklinger
    I'm posting this for my friend:

    GT: Macrophage29

    Alliance: DC

    I have been trying to get a bite for a while now. I am willing to stay in the alliance and pay it forward. Please invite me.
  • loldawg21
    Soul Shriven
    Can i get an invite to the guild? GT: loldawg21. would love to get a bite as well.
  • Kaztiael
    Soul Shriven
    Kaztiael invite please
  • Kavatchian
    Will be sending invites later today. Apologies for the wait.
    North America | Xbox One | Prince of Evil
    -Necromancer | High Elf MagSorc
    Kavatchian | High Elf MagDK
    Xavier Vivicus | Breton Magblade
    J'zah the Khajiit | Stamblade
    -Blu | Argonian Healer
  • Kaztiael
    Soul Shriven
    Sorry accidentally left the guild could I get a reinvite gt kaztiael
  • HistoricPizza3
    Soul Shriven
    I wanna be a vampire. Bite people real good like.

    GT: Historic Pizza3
  • hallettnr
    Soul Shriven
    I want to become a vampire! I have no problem staying in guild until I can hand out a few free bites!

    G3t Bent LOL
  • Mina019
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for a free bite on my ebonheart character already a vampire on my main aldemiri dominion character

    Gt: MinaShy
  • darklight
    Soul Shriven
    I got scammed trying to get a bite ( only lost 600) and when I manged to get bitten I though hell in going to give it out for free. But after spending so many days trying to level to level 6 (I'm about to reach it today when the servers are back on) and to think I only get a single bite every week. I'm not sure I want to. It's a lot of effort to go to fighting the guilds who come and kill any vamps and wolfs that spawn to try and stop people getting the bite. Basically I have gone through the trails of getting a vamp against all odds to bite me then slowly levelled my skillsovwr many days of playing to get to this point. And then you have these people saying its to hard I want you to just bite me and skip all the issues you have. And then you say what you want me to pay to get this thing you spent all this time on? Hell no I want it for free. Look I get that scammers are out there but complaining because you got screwed trying to take a short cut really?

    Keep in mind there are those that try to get a bite first and then run as well. I would sell a bite no issue but only if it was money upfront. And I would never ask the amount others seem to want to get. 15,000 for a bite? Seriously? Like half that is more like it your not the bank or pack upgrade guy. Why should I give you all my gold?
    Ya'll need talos
  • DrDingleBerri
    GT Dr Dingle Berri
  • darklight
    Soul Shriven

    So I did manage to jump on and make it to lvl6 last night. As soon as I did I wernt to the pact vamp shrine. Only to see a good 20 to 30 people.

    Decided to bite a random free of charge. Though after discussion with the wife I think it's going to be a once a month thing. I'll get say 4 or so a month and one of those will be a freebie. Only thing is the next person won't know if it's free or not. And we spoke about price I thought 7,000 she thought 5,000. I think I'll make it in the middle and say 6,000. To those who are not the monthly freebie.

    Oh and my gt is begottenlamb

    Completely forgot to say that last time.
    I'm looking for a crafting buddie. I'm smith23 cloth25 wood23 enchant16. I have all the standard motifs.
    And I'm a dark elf sorcer in the pact at lvl38.
    Ya'll need talos
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