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Helpful Vampires (Get a free bite, give a free bite)

  • Lokithegrinch
    Soul Shriven
    Psn: LoKitheGrinch
    Faction: AD
    Please send me an invite I need a bite and can't find one would love to turn others also I sell alot on the guild stores because I do alot of crafting and would love to help others in anyway thank you!
  • XCouncilmanX
    Was really looking for a guild like this that want to help fellow players. I would like to join and help with this movement if you would have me. Still need a bite myself haha. Would appreciate it!

    Gamertag: XCouncilmanX

    Alliance: Daggerfall Covenant
  • Grave
    Need a vampire bite and I'm willing to do free bites after I level
    Gt: Graveward
  • SkiiBird
    Need a vampire bite on my VR14, willing to help out. Previously was a maxed vampire on PC, not sure if I still will be a maxed vampire or not. I've got the skill points ready to unlock my bite as well. GT: SkiiBird
    The Legend of the Ushnars.
  • Awolf96x
    Gt: PHD StaminNog

    I've got a main which is almost level 6 vampire and I'll be glad to help bite when it levels up but I have also got another character I'm currently trying to make a vampire.
  • epicdaggz
    Soul Shriven
    I'll join and will gladly pay it forward

    GT- Daggerwow
  • Jager
    Gt. OBoyle99
    Xbox one
    Aldemeri dominion
    Templar healer
    More than willing to return my bites to the guild if I can get bit. Been trying to do it the old fashioned way but never seems to be the right time or day. And also wiling to pay if I know I'm not gonna get ripped off again. Thanks
  • Heathenpride
    PSN Heathenpride
    MS: NA

    This is a great idea, the more that join the better and the quicker we can get more bites out there!

    Say NO to rip offs and those seeking to profit from overpriced vamparism and lycanthropy!!!
    Looking for a good NA PS4 guild that offers a bit of everything? New to the game and lost? Need some guidance and help?
    Look no further, Ebonheart Guild of Shadow has been here since launch and we got you!
    PSN message Heathenpride for an invite.
  • xllChurchllx
    Soul Shriven
    Need a bite please. Will gladly join and partake

    Xbox one NA Server

    Ebonheart pact

    Gamertag: xll church llx
  • AkumuWaffle
    Soul Shriven
    Need vampire bite. Will help others after bite and stay in guild and offer my services

    Xbox one-NA server

    Ebonheart Pact

    GT-Akumu Waffle
    Edited by AkumuWaffle on June 30, 2015 7:52AM
  • Nurros
    I need a vampire bite on my alt if anyone has one please invite me to the guild and I would love to help out after i become a vampire

    Xbox One NA Server

    Ebonheart Pact

    Edited by Nurros on June 30, 2015 5:14PM
  • DSOABones
    I'm very interested in joining your guild as well and would love to help people play the way they want without getting scammed
  • DSOABones
    And I'll give out free bites
  • ljaybe
    Soul Shriven
    I need a bite.

    G lot xx

  • ultoassassin
    Soul Shriven
    looking to become a vampire..willing to bite others once i get bitten

    GT: ultoassassin
  • DragonRebel0581
    Soul Shriven
    I've gotten scammed twice on a bite now, once was even at the right location, but i foolishly paid first.
    Lesson Learned

    This guild sounds awesome and if your still recruiting or this policy is still in effect i would love to sign up. Don't care if the wait is 7 days or 7 weeks if it means i can be a vampire at last without losing out on Cash again

    GT: DragonRebel0581
    Ebonheart pact, NA Server
  • DixieF
    Soul Shriven
    My gamertag is Dixie F. May I have a bite? I'll return the favor.
  • LordShankss
    Soul Shriven
    GT: LordShankss
    Need a bite then willing to help anyone who needs bitten. Also, which alliance is this guild based in?
  • waitingcookie37
    Soul Shriven
    Invite me
    Gt: waitingcookie37
  • DragonRebel0581
    Soul Shriven
    GT: LordShankss
    Need a bite then willing to help anyone who needs bitten. Also, which alliance is this guild based in?

    Ebonheart Pact on the NA Server
  • Nekrowsys92
    I'm looking for a bite but would be more than happy to join the guild and give free bites to as many people as possible I'm getting tired of these greedy vampires that either charge astronomic amounts of gold for a bite or just scam people, my gamertag is Abolishment13 I'm ebonheart pact on the North American server, I would greatly appreciate this opportunity to help people become vampires, thank you
  • Nurros
    do you have to be on to get the guild invite or can i get on later and accept it?
  • Macro_Gray
    Soul Shriven
    I'd like to join if you are aldmeri dominion. Gamertag: Macro Gray Thanks!
  • kendall41692
    Soul Shriven
    Id be happy to help the cause need a bite gt kendall416
    Ad alliance
  • Bloodbath019
    I am also interested in joining and will keep on helping others get bites as well. Gamer Tag is BloodbathO19 it's a capital o. Looking forward to hearing from you and thanks in advance.
  • Depredasion
    Soul Shriven
    Definitely interested in this. Just experienced the most ridiculous things trying to "buy" a bite. My gamertag is Depredasion
  • psychoticlown
    Soul Shriven
    If I get a bite I'll be happy to return the favor to any one willing, I doubt I'd be leaving the guild either for such an awesome gift. Gt psychoticlown -na servers- DC
  • Kavatchian
    Sending out invites to everyone.

    I want to let everyone reading this thread know that we only have four Vampires currently. So please don't expect a bite right when you join.I don't want to give any false pretenses here. This is a work in progress to find Vampires willing to help.
    North America | Xbox One | Prince of Evil
    -Necromancer | High Elf MagSorc
    Kavatchian | High Elf MagDK
    Xavier Vivicus | Breton Magblade
    J'zah the Khajiit | Stamblade
    -Blu | Argonian Healer
  • Heathenpride
    Kavatchian wrote: »
    Sending out invites to everyone.

    I want to let everyone reading this thread know that we only have four Vampires currently. So please don't expect a bite right when you join.I don't want to give any false pretenses here. This is a work in progress to find Vampires willing to help.

    I am happy to wait man, if I was a vamp I would be dishing out bites as often as I could.

    The more people that get on this the sooner that the scourge of "vampiric capitalism" can be eradicated from the game.
    Looking for a good NA PS4 guild that offers a bit of everything? New to the game and lost? Need some guidance and help?
    Look no further, Ebonheart Guild of Shadow has been here since launch and we got you!
    PSN message Heathenpride for an invite.
  • bobojswift
    PSN boboswift707
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