MaximusDargus wrote: »Grinding? What grinding? Untill i reacher VR12
I love veteran rank lvls. I can finally make good gear without being afrad that in one minute ill outlevel it again.
Once you hit VR10 or 11ish you run out of quests though and just have to repeat the same quests in Cyrodiil or Craglorn on a daily basis for the last few ranks. That IS grinding, and it's poor design and planning.
MaximusDargus wrote: »Grinding? What grinding? Untill i reacher VR12
Just make sure you complete all quests in every zone. Caldwell gold and silver. Sidequests.
They give TON of exp and lot of cash, items for decon or vendoring.
It makes me laugh when people hit VR1 and start crying that they have to grind but they didnt expierence even 1/3 of whole game.
I love veteran rank lvls. I can finally make good gear without being afrad that in one minute ill outlevel it again.
Once you hit VR10 or 11ish you run out of quests though and just have to repeat the same quests in Cyrodiil or Craglorn on a daily basis for the last few ranks. That IS grinding, and it's poor design and planning.
This heavily depends on how you play. As I enjoy the VR content, I play through all of the zones, not rushing through it, as well break up my time by doing group activities such as guild events and dungeons (mostly veteran). I am sitting at VR12 in a VR8 zone. I have absolutely no doubts I will be VR14 before I hit Craglorn.There's a small minority of players who defend VR's to the end of the earth though.
Hmm.. well, I do defend them in a way that states I enjoy them, although I can also see the other side and understand why (I would say the majority) players do not like them. Really, get rid of them. I'd be a bit saddened as I love the idea of level progression, but it wouldn't kill me. Leave Caldwell's as optional and boom - everyone should be happy. (Won't be, as it is completely impossible to make everyone happy, but hey, in my opinion I think it would make the majority of players happy)
MaximusDargus wrote: »MaximusDargus wrote: »Grinding? What grinding? Untill i reacher VR12
I love veteran rank lvls. I can finally make good gear without being afrad that in one minute ill outlevel it again.
Once you hit VR10 or 11ish you run out of quests though and just have to repeat the same quests in Cyrodiil or Craglorn on a daily basis for the last few ranks. That IS grinding, and it's poor design and planning.
You want a 100% grindless experience? Would you like french fries with that? : P
You cant have 100% grindless experience. It would happen only if upon completing everything in game player gets a ban that prevents him from repeating anything that he did already before.
Grinding starts at VR10/11? Based on my experience with other MMO games, where i had to grind all the way throught lvls and quest were a minor part of game this is a great feat on ESO side. Even if as you said grinding starts at VR10/11 at that point player completed about ~80% of the content and is at ~85% of reaching max lvl
For me its pretty nice balance. And as you said there are still quests in Cyrodiil and Craglorn which can be completed once for quest achievement without need to grind them yet. That should without problem push player another VR ahead.
I did not say there is no grinding in eso, i just say the need for grind starts VERY late in ESO and most of times when i see people "oh no, im so low lvl, where do i grind" i ask them simple question "did you start caldwell gold or silver?" and they are like "what, what is this?"
Its like everyone around want everything but with 0 effort, just like real life "want fast money but preferably it should appear on account on its own"
So I did a quick search, just checking I have this right?
VR is going away and being replaced by champion points?
VR ranks make your character stronger? And there is some content that only opens up at later VR levels?
So just curious, at 50, is there end game PVE content? Or do you need to be VR x for PVE end game?
What sort of 'power' difference is there in PVP comparing a level 50 VR1 to a Vr14?
ı wanna enjoy other alliance quest in Alts ... Not in an endless grinding. Then if I start an alt on different faction I just do the same quest all over again.
So basicly once you have done a VR 11 (you cant reach vr 14 with quest) You have done almost every damn quest in the game even tho you only did 1 faction ... its stupid.
Not to mention Id rather have multiple alt then havinga noneneding grind for my vr 14.
not impressed, I had so much fun going through the questline and all the different zones and such to get to lvl 50 or vr1. I honestly didn't know what to expect from VR ranks but so far I'm heartbroken, its a wall of pure grinding to make you come back and play but frankly this is not the type of grind that I want. The only type of grind that should ever exist in an mmorpg is gear, reputations, professions etc but not lvling. This is a rant and yes I'm upset but I have no one else to blame other than myself I guess. I just don't have the time to put 8 hours a day grinding to go up a quarter of a lvl. Keep in mind that this is console, there are very few people at the vr ranks yet so there are no vr grind parties and even then there is no fun in this type of grinding. I will be going back to FF XIV for the release of Heavensward but I will return to this when they decide to make a change to the whole VR thing (if that ever happens). Please do not hate on my post, understand that this is my opinion and that I respect everyone's opinion aslong as they aren't ignorant.
not impressed, I had so much fun going through the questline and all the different zones and such to get to lvl 50 or vr1. I honestly didn't know what to expect from VR ranks but so far I'm heartbroken, its a wall of pure grinding to make you come back and play but frankly this is not the type of grind that I want. The only type of grind that should ever exist in an mmorpg is gear, reputations, professions etc but not lvling. This is a rant and yes I'm upset but I have no one else to blame other than myself I guess. I just don't have the time to put 8 hours a day grinding to go up a quarter of a lvl. Keep in mind that this is console, there are very few people at the vr ranks yet so there are no vr grind parties and even then there is no fun in this type of grinding. I will be going back to FF XIV for the release of Heavensward but I will return to this when they decide to make a change to the whole VR thing (if that ever happens). Please do not hate on my post, understand that this is my opinion and that I respect everyone's opinion aslong as they aren't ignorant.
[snip] have you even played Scions of Fate? do you have any idea how LOW the exp rate is in that game? level 1 to 70 = 1 year, level 71 to 95 = another year, 95 to 125 = another 3 years.. and guess what? there is about 4 people at the level cap! and nobody complains about the grind at all!
EDIT: got to be nice to people i guess
Funkopotamus wrote: »Cp will still be a grind.
And I agree with one of the above posters.
What would make you happier?
Grinding 6 dailies and a 1 shot dungeon for gear drops "Until you are fully geared"then you only have your 6 dailies.?
not impressed, I had so much fun going through the questline and all the different zones and such to get to lvl 50 or vr1. I honestly didn't know what to expect from VR ranks but so far I'm heartbroken, its a wall of pure grinding to make you come back and play but frankly this is not the type of grind that I want. The only type of grind that should ever exist in an mmorpg is gear, reputations, professions etc but not lvling. This is a rant and yes I'm upset but I have no one else to blame other than myself I guess. I just don't have the time to put 8 hours a day grinding to go up a quarter of a lvl. Keep in mind that this is console, there are very few people at the vr ranks yet so there are no vr grind parties and even then there is no fun in this type of grinding. I will be going back to FF XIV for the release of Heavensward but I will return to this when they decide to make a change to the whole VR thing (if that ever happens). Please do not hate on my post, understand that this is my opinion and that I respect everyone's opinion aslong as they aren't ignorant.
TequilaFire wrote: »I totally disagree with those that think they have to be VR14 to enjoy pvp.
This is self imposed, and news flash you get stomped even as a VR14.
It will be even better if ZOS goes through with the proposed new pvp battle leveling for the VR ranks.
I'm not at end game yet, but have been reading on it, and it seems the end game content is not what I expect I guess. Since I stop playing FF XIV I thought something like this would be fun for a long time, but probably not. Told myself to stop comparing it to FF XIV but I can't sadly.
If you don't mind spending hours a day doing quests and killing mobs to get very little xp and crapMany people dislike the VR levelling experience - hence ZOS is planning to remove it.
On the other hand, some (like myself) do enjoy it. I find it enjoyable because I just keep enjoying the quests and carry on, no need to rush. I honestly don't find it different from 1-50 (except that the whole zone is one level, instead of like 12 levels)Although, obviously, everyone is different.
I definitely understand where you are coming from, I just don't enjoy this type of experience, I enjoy end game. I loved questing in WoW because I felt the effort that went into a lot of the questlines but this games quests are sort of dull to me since I pretty much did the same ones just in a different faction : P
HeathenDeacon wrote: »not impressed, I had so much fun going through the questline and all the different zones and such to get to lvl 50 or vr1. I honestly didn't know what to expect from VR ranks but so far I'm heartbroken, its a wall of pure grinding to make you come back and play but frankly this is not the type of grind that I want. The only type of grind that should ever exist in an mmorpg is gear, reputations, professions etc but not lvling. This is a rant and yes I'm upset but I have no one else to blame other than myself I guess. I just don't have the time to put 8 hours a day grinding to go up a quarter of a lvl. Keep in mind that this is console, there are very few people at the vr ranks yet so there are no vr grind parties and even then there is no fun in this type of grinding. I will be going back to FF XIV for the release of Heavensward but I will return to this when they decide to make a change to the whole VR thing (if that ever happens). Please do not hate on my post, understand that this is my opinion and that I respect everyone's opinion aslong as they aren't ignorant.
...and this is why i keep rolling my eyes @ everyone on my friends list that is power grinding to level cap. skipping every last quest they possibly can along the way. I've got twice as much play time as most my friends, but half the level. I have friends that already hit cap and i just hit 17, lol. Having a blast now exploring every nook and cranny, because i know whats coming. Especially after i heard about xp potions i'm in even less of a rush to grind points for pvp..zzzzzzzz.
acolyte2475b14_ESO wrote: »I was kind of baffled by the xp pots on the crown store since the main gripe with this game is the end game/VR grind. Why would you want people to get there faster?
TequilaFire wrote: »I totally disagree with those that think they have to be VR14 to enjoy pvp.
This is self imposed, and news flash you get stomped even as a VR14.
It will be even better if ZOS goes through with the proposed new pvp battle leveling for the VR ranks.
That will make it a lot better for a PvP player; but the PvEer wanting to do end game stuff still has a ways to go. ANd really; I would advise you just enjoy your pre-end game experience as far as that goes. There is only disappointment and more grinding in the end.
acolyte2475b14_ESO wrote: »I was kind of baffled by the xp pots on the crown store since the main gripe with this game is the end game/VR grind. Why would you want people to get there faster?
TequilaFire wrote: »I totally disagree with those that think they have to be VR14 to enjoy pvp.
This is self imposed, and news flash you get stomped even as a VR14.
It will be even better if ZOS goes through with the proposed new pvp battle leveling for the VR ranks.
That will make it a lot better for a PvP player; but the PvEer wanting to do end game stuff still has a ways to go. ANd really; I would advise you just enjoy your pre-end game experience as far as that goes. There is only disappointment and more grinding in the end.
I enjoyed it until VR10-11ish when I finished Cadwell's gold, now that I've had to repeat Cyrodiil quests from VR11-VR13... I've gotten so sick of it that I just do not want to do it again.
But friends of mine who I'd love to have play this game again instead of Lord of the Rings Online that they're currently playing.. they want to be doing group content, and questing in this game with the phasing and such, is just not group friendly, so when they hit Cadwell's silver and were so tired of solo questing and they want to do end game group content but are told they really are too low level to do it, they just quit. Staring in the face of the same amount of solo content as reaching level 1-45 3 times over, and then STILL not being cap and then having to grind? They go to other games instead.
Oxford DictionaryEven if you ignore what you're doing, there's still a structure that exists. There are clearly defined goals with beginning and end points. Even if you are AFK questing while watching Netflix, it isn't grinding. There's a central purpose to what you're doing. Much in the same way that driving around my block over and over isn't the same as me spacing out as I drive 10 miles to work every day.
i'm not sure there's an oxford english dictionary definition for mmo grinding. so we're just arguing semantics and taking this thread way off course.
although the urban dictionary defines it as: Virtual Meaning: To perform repetitive tasks in a game, in order to level up the ranks.
i think: skip quest text > kill mobs > loot quest objective > skip quest text > complete quest > go to next quest > rinse/repeat, qualifies as grinding in my opinion.
there's a full wikipedia article devoted to it, but i honestly couldn't be bothered to read more than the first paragraph
edit: brackets in the link apparently breaks the link, copy and pase if you need to.
MaximusDargus wrote: »Grinding? What grinding? Untill i reacher VR12
Just make sure you complete all quests in every zone. Caldwell gold and silver. Sidequests.
They give TON of exp and lot of cash, items for decon or vendoring.
It makes me laugh when people hit VR1 and start crying that they have to grind but they didnt expierence even 1/3 of whole game.
I love veteran rank lvls. I can finally make good gear without being afrad that in one minute ill outlevel it again.
Once you hit VR10 or 11ish you run out of quests though and just have to repeat the same quests in Cyrodiil or Craglorn on a daily basis for the last few ranks. That IS grinding, and it's poor design and planning.
This heavily depends on how you play. As I enjoy the VR content, I play through all of the zones, not rushing through it, as well break up my time by doing group activities such as guild events and dungeons (mostly veteran). I am sitting at VR12 in a VR8 zone. I have absolutely no doubts I will be VR14 before I hit Craglorn.There's a small minority of players who defend VR's to the end of the earth though.
Hmm.. well, I do defend them in a way that states I enjoy them, although I can also see the other side and understand why (I would say the majority) players do not like them. Really, get rid of them. I'd be a bit saddened as I love the idea of level progression, but it wouldn't kill me. Leave Caldwell's as optional and boom - everyone should be happy. (Won't be, as it is completely impossible to make everyone happy, but hey, in my opinion I think it would make the majority of players happy)
I did every single quest, every single delve, every single public dungeon, every single dolmen, every single world boss, every single POI, found every crafting station, every skyshard, etc....
still shy of VR11 by the time I finished cadwell's gold.
I'm in the house that enjoys the vet ranks....but would love to see changes, they should not give you ANY attribute points or given increases with each level, they should NOT be a gear gate, they should only offer skill points, maybe more unique titles, and costumes, pets...maybe a gate for certain quests...i don't know. It needs to be truly horizontal, which is how they marketed vr levels. But now they are simply trying to make them regular levels that take a STUPID amount of time to level through questing. In order to play endgame content or even begin to gear up for endgame you have to be v14, there's no way around it. They could have saved SO many resources by just making level 50 the true top level, and stripping v10 gear down to level 50 a YEAR ago...instead they drug along this grind and are regretting it.