No, they can't both be referred to as grinding.
if you're not reading/listening/paying any attention to the quest text/storyline and are literally just going from objective to objective killing things along the way, that is grinding. no 2 ways about it.
over the course of 1000 quests, each may tell a different story, but if you dont pay any attention to the story you'll go from mob kill quests > talk to people quests > collect object quests > kill named mob quests > kill deadra > kill undead > kill beasts > click on item.
eventually it turns into grinding.
the story blurs the edges and tranforms it but if you're not paying any attention to the story and are busting through 20 quests an hour, it's grinding.
Even if you ignore what you're doing, there's still a structure that exists. There are clearly defined goals with beginning and end points. Even if you are AFK questing while watching Netflix, it isn't grinding. There's a central purpose to what you're doing. Much in the same way that driving around my block over and over isn't the same as me spacing out as I drive 10 miles to work every day.
The only type of grind that should ever exist in an mmorpg is gear, reputations, professions etc but not lvling.
I have played many MMOs, including true grind feast of the beat that is games from Korea...
with that said, this grind is not bad at all.
MMOs are games that are ment to be played over the course of years. This isnt a FPS game where you join a lobby and unlock something within 10 min.
It may seem daunting now, but when there is a true grind (not so much in this case) then one must remember these two things
1. The longer it is, the more epic your accomplishment will be
2. The playing of the game should be the fun part, we all remember what is it like to play a game just for the fun of it. Sadly some people tend to forget!
Even if you ignore what you're doing, there's still a structure that exists. There are clearly defined goals with beginning and end points. Even if you are AFK questing while watching Netflix, it isn't grinding. There's a central purpose to what you're doing. Much in the same way that driving around my block over and over isn't the same as me spacing out as I drive 10 miles to work every day.
Jessica Folsom wrote:It's a very grey area.
Huckdabuck wrote: »Even if you ignore what you're doing, there's still a structure that exists. There are clearly defined goals with beginning and end points. Even if you are AFK questing while watching Netflix, it isn't grinding. There's a central purpose to what you're doing. Much in the same way that driving around my block over and over isn't the same as me spacing out as I drive 10 miles to work every day.
Defined Goal and Personal Central Purpose for playing ESO - Hit VR14 to do the highest level PvP and PvE in game.
Beginning point - Level 1
Ending point - Vet 14
Actions to be taken - Must get the XP needed via dungeons, dolmens, quests, mobs. points of interest.
Side bar - I'm not a story driven person and just play games for the fun to be had at the end destination and NOT the journey....I just want to zap, shoot, whip, bludgeon, blah blah blah, kill all the low level stuff and complete the quests/zones so I can get to the highest level to zap, shoot, whip, bludgeon, blah blah blah the highest level stuff with my guildies.
Discovery - Since I don't give a flip about any of the content prior to "end game" it becomes a GRIND for people like me to get to our defined goal and personal central purpose for playing ESO. Just my $.02 and another perspective on what constitutes grinding.
Huckdabuck wrote: »Even if you ignore what you're doing, there's still a structure that exists. There are clearly defined goals with beginning and end points. Even if you are AFK questing while watching Netflix, it isn't grinding. There's a central purpose to what you're doing. Much in the same way that driving around my block over and over isn't the same as me spacing out as I drive 10 miles to work every day.
Defined Goal and Personal Central Purpose for playing ESO - Hit VR14 to do the highest level PvP and PvE in game.
Beginning point - Level 1
Ending point - Vet 14
Actions to be taken - Must get the XP needed via dungeons, dolmens, quests, mobs. points of interest.
Side bar - I'm not a story driven person and just play games for the fun to be had at the end destination and NOT the journey....I just want to zap, shoot, whip, bludgeon, blah blah blah, kill all the low level stuff and complete the quests/zones so I can get to the highest level to zap, shoot, whip, bludgeon, blah blah blah the highest level stuff with my guildies.
Discovery - Since I don't give a flip about any of the content prior to "end game" it becomes a GRIND for people like me to get to our defined goal and personal central purpose for playing ESO. Just my $.02 and another perspective on what constitutes grinding.
Discovery - Since I don't give a flip about any of the content prior to "end game" it becomes [boring] for people like me to get to our defined goal and personal central purpose for playing ESO. Just my $.02 and another perspective on what constitutes{ something i don't want to do.}
The problem is that people have this concept that is so medieval when it comes to MMOs now-a-days where they think they have to be the max level to take part in the most enjoyable content in the game. That's absolutely not the case.
I've heard of VR4's doing Trials and I've personally witnessed a VR1 lay the smack down on a VR14 1v1 in PvP. This game is way more about skill and knowing what you're doing than about stats and gear. Having those additional CPs and better gear certainly makes you stronger, but it is in no way a prerequisite to enjoying the game or being good at it.
Alphashado wrote: »The problem is that people have this concept that is so medieval when it comes to MMOs now-a-days where they think they have to be the max level to take part in the most enjoyable content in the game. That's absolutely not the case.
I've heard of VR4's doing Trials and I've personally witnessed a VR1 lay the smack down on a VR14 1v1 in PvP. This game is way more about skill and knowing what you're doing than about stats and gear. Having those additional CPs and better gear certainly makes you stronger, but it is in no way a prerequisite to enjoying the game or being good at it.
Just because it's possible doesn't make it a good idea.
You may be fortunate enough to be in a guild that allows you to participate in Trials and DSA etc as a lower ranked Vet player, but most aren't.
And for every V14 that V1 player kills in Cyrodiil, 20 will stomp his face in. There is a huge difference in stats between a V1 player and a V14 player. Especially considering gear.
So just because it's possible to do all this stuff w/o being V12+, doesn't make smart or competitive. It's also possible to race a Mustang with a Pinto. The pinto driver might even get a lucky break or even occasionally win due to pure skill and lack of skill on the Mustang driver.
But the Mustang is going to win 99% of the time.
Many people dislike the VR levelling experience - hence ZOS is planning to remove it.
On the other hand, some (like myself) do enjoy it. I find it enjoyable because I just keep enjoying the quests and carry on, no need to rush. I honestly don't find it different from 1-50 (except that the whole zone is one level, instead of like 12 levels) Although, obviously, everyone is different.
Also this isn't first time for consoles to have something similar to VR. The extra content after main story on Destiny is what people stopped playing it for cause you actually had to work in order to get to the next level.
not impressed, I had so much fun going through the questline and all the different zones and such to get to lvl 50 or vr1. I honestly didn't know what to expect from VR ranks but so far I'm heartbroken, its a wall of pure grinding to make you come back and play but frankly this is not the type of grind that I want. The only type of grind that should ever exist in an mmorpg is gear, reputations, professions etc but not lvling. This is a rant and yes I'm upset but I have no one else to blame other than myself I guess. I just don't have the time to put 8 hours a day grinding to go up a quarter of a lvl. Keep in mind that this is console, there are very few people at the vr ranks yet so there are no vr grind parties and even then there is no fun in this type of grinding. I will be going back to FF XIV for the release of Heavensward but I will return to this when they decide to make a change to the whole VR thing (if that ever happens). Please do not hate on my post, understand that this is my opinion and that I respect everyone's opinion aslong as they aren't ignorant.
MaximusDargus wrote: »Grinding? What grinding? Untill i reacher VR12
Just make sure you complete all quests in every zone. Caldwell gold and silver. Sidequests.
They give TON of exp and lot of cash, items for decon or vendoring.
It makes me laugh when people hit VR1 and start crying that they have to grind but they didnt expierence even 1/3 of whole game.
I love veteran rank lvls. I can finally make good gear without being afrad that in one minute ill outlevel it again.
MaximusDargus wrote: »I love veteran rank lvls. I can finally make good gear without being afrad that in one minute ill outlevel it again.
MaximusDargus wrote: »Grinding? What grinding? Untill i reacher VR12
Just make sure you complete all quests in every zone. Caldwell gold and silver. Sidequests.
They give TON of exp and lot of cash, items for decon or vendoring.
It makes me laugh when people hit VR1 and start crying that they have to grind but they didnt expierence even 1/3 of whole game.
I love veteran rank lvls. I can finally make good gear without being afrad that in one minute ill outlevel it again.
Once you hit VR10 or 11ish you run out of quests though and just have to repeat the same quests in Cyrodiil or Craglorn on a daily basis for the last few ranks. That IS grinding, and it's poor design and planning.
There's a small minority of players who defend VR's to the end of the earth though.
Alphashado wrote: »You are the first in an army of many that will grow daily.
Us PC players have been trying to warn ZoS for over a year about the ramifications of their current Vet System. We also tried to warn them not to launch consoles with the current system. We tried to warn them that as soon as console players start to reach V1, there would be a fresh new crowd of unhappy customers.
Their best answer? -- Create a massive XP booster to sell in the Crown Store.
Do a search on "vet ranks" in the forum search bar and you will see how hard and long we have been fighting this battle.
Sadly I do not foresee them changing anything now. Once they realize what a cash cow these Ambrosia potions are going to be, they will have realized how much they can profit from their own mistake because people are going to pay handsomely to get through vet ranks as fast as possible. Especially alternate characters.
I have to admit that I can't help but imagine some executive sitting in an office somewhere rubbing his hands together in anticipation of all the console players about to hit V1.... coincidentally the same time Ambrosia potions hit the Crown Store.