Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Post Release Console Poll: Gamertags/PSN ID's or Character Names be shown?

  • Averya_Teira
    The current system is horrible, I want to always see charcter names and not Gamertags/PSN names in proximity, group, etc.
    lsneakl wrote: »
    Current system IS HORRIBLE! But i really dont understand why the fans and devs cant COMPROMISE.

    Make it OPTIONAL, every 1 wins.

    But same could be said for chat logs, we all know how that went. Lol.

    Never got a response to this over the last couple weeks but is there any game on Xbox/PS that has user created names just for that game?

    I always feel that it would cause issues with user reporting on consoles.

  • Averya_Teira
    The current system is horrible, I want to always see charcter names and not Gamertags/PSN names in proximity, group, etc.
    They said during their reddit AMA the other day that Live requires gamertags to be shown. They had no option because those are rules set forth by Microsoft. What sucks is that PSN also have to put up with it because ZOS probably can't be bothered to write separate code for PSN.

    For those wondering, you don't need to use PSN names with online games on Playstation, there have been a few games such as MGO2 which didn't even make it possible to see someones actual PSN name unless they gave it to you. All you could see was their metal gear online name.

    Here are some highlights, and what they said specifically about the issue.

    Gamer ID Instead Of Character Name

    This was a hard one for us internally. As you know XBOX has standards which have to be met when using their Live network. They very much want a service which is consistent and delivers quality. For instance, if you have a friend logon to XBOX Live come online they want to make sure you are notified about it. For this reason, many of the features that are expected to be working for their services overlapped with what are normal services for ESO on the PC. Friends list, ignore lists, muting, etc. all had counterparts active on our service. If you ignored someone in our game, it was expected that you meant to ignore them on the XBOX live service. So originally we had some places where we needed to show you a XBOX gamertag to be compliant, but otherwise you could see a character name.

    Even though this was possible, through testing, it became very confusing. It was also a very complex thing to keep implemented on our end, sometimes requiring a doubling up of code for what was essentially duplicated functionality. In order to eliminate the confusion for our players and reduce points of failure due to the complexity of the system we chose to simply show the XBOX gamertags. Though it does, admittedly, hurt some of the roleplaying and immersion elements, the social benefits and clarity made this decision the one we chose.

    Except this is bull**** because Neverwinter uses character names and not Xbox ID...
  • Kaitona
    The current system is horrible, I want to always see charcter names and not Gamertags/PSN names in proximity, group, etc.
    They said during their reddit AMA the other day that Live requires gamertags to be shown. They had no option because those are rules set forth by Microsoft. What sucks is that PSN also have to put up with it because ZOS probably can't be bothered to write separate code for PSN.

    For those wondering, you don't need to use PSN names with online games on Playstation, there have been a few games such as MGO2 which didn't even make it possible to see someones actual PSN name unless they gave it to you. All you could see was their metal gear online name.

    Here are some highlights, and what they said specifically about the issue.

    Gamer ID Instead Of Character Name

    This was a hard one for us internally. As you know XBOX has standards which have to be met when using their Live network. They very much want a service which is consistent and delivers quality. For instance, if you have a friend logon to XBOX Live come online they want to make sure you are notified about it. For this reason, many of the features that are expected to be working for their services overlapped with what are normal services for ESO on the PC. Friends list, ignore lists, muting, etc. all had counterparts active on our service. If you ignored someone in our game, it was expected that you meant to ignore them on the XBOX live service. So originally we had some places where we needed to show you a XBOX gamertag to be compliant, but otherwise you could see a character name.

    Even though this was possible, through testing, it became very confusing. It was also a very complex thing to keep implemented on our end, sometimes requiring a doubling up of code for what was essentially duplicated functionality. In order to eliminate the confusion for our players and reduce points of failure due to the complexity of the system we chose to simply show the XBOX gamertags. Though it does, admittedly, hurt some of the roleplaying and immersion elements, the social benefits and clarity made this decision the one we chose.

    Someone said earlier that Neverwinter, which is also on Xbox, uses character names - not account names. If they got permission to do it, why can't ESO?
    You go on these Internet blogs and people say the meanest things. - Hayden Panettiere
  • EQBallzz
    Even PC doesn't show character names without addons. You get the stupid account @name instead. Considering consoles have to contend with console accounts on top of that and the fact that there are no addons for console I wouldn't hold my breath that this is changing.
  • Dahkoht
    The current system is horrible, I want to always see charcter names and not Gamertags/PSN names in proximity, group, etc.
    They said during their reddit AMA the other day that Live requires gamertags to be shown. They had no option because those are rules set forth by Microsoft. What sucks is that PSN also have to put up with it because ZOS probably can't be bothered to write separate code for PSN.

    For those wondering, you don't need to use PSN names with online games on Playstation, there have been a few games such as MGO2 which didn't even make it possible to see someones actual PSN name unless they gave it to you. All you could see was their metal gear online name.

    Here are some highlights, and what they said specifically about the issue.

    Gamer ID Instead Of Character Name

    This was a hard one for us internally. As you know XBOX has standards which have to be met when using their Live network. They very much want a service which is consistent and delivers quality. For instance, if you have a friend logon to XBOX Live come online they want to make sure you are notified about it. For this reason, many of the features that are expected to be working for their services overlapped with what are normal services for ESO on the PC. Friends list, ignore lists, muting, etc. all had counterparts active on our service. If you ignored someone in our game, it was expected that you meant to ignore them on the XBOX live service. So originally we had some places where we needed to show you a XBOX gamertag to be compliant, but otherwise you could see a character name.

    Even though this was possible, through testing, it became very confusing. It was also a very complex thing to keep implemented on our end, sometimes requiring a doubling up of code for what was essentially duplicated functionality. In order to eliminate the confusion for our players and reduce points of failure due to the complexity of the system we chose to simply show the XBOX gamertags. Though it does, admittedly, hurt some of the roleplaying and immersion elements, the social benefits and clarity made this decision the one we chose.

    They lied.

    Neverwinter , an mmo on the PC and Xbox One , uses character names.

  • Zazaaji
    I want an optional toggle to switch between Gamertags/PSN names and character names at will to be displayed.
    EDIT: No one seems to be commenting on this post, so I'll delete it. Rather risky posting it anyway.
    Edited by Zazaaji on June 13, 2015 4:53AM
    English is not my first language, Finnish is.
    Please don't heap on me for grammar problems.
  • Odinslefteye
    Soul Shriven
    The current system is horrible, I want to always see charcter names and not Gamertags/PSN names in proximity, group, etc.
    First ever post. Be gentle. My one hesitation in sharing what was an amazing single player experience with the elder scrolls games, to an online experience, was the immersion disturbing i.d. tags. If I had a vote, I'd vote for the option to be able to switch to and from at least.
  • Korah_Eaglecry
    I want an optional toggle to switch between Gamertags/PSN names and character names at will to be displayed.
    Keep it simple. I want to know who I'm playing with on console which is why I play on console.

    If I want to be confused I'll go back to PC

    If you dont know who your friends are because their character name isnt the same as their Console Gamertag, maybe check your friendslist?
    Penniless Sellsword Company
    Captain Paramount - Jorrhaq Vhent
    Korith Eaglecry * Enrerion Aedihle * Laerinel Rhaev * Caius Berilius * Seylina Ithvala * H'Vak the Grimjawl
    Tenarei Rhaev * Dazsh Ro Khar * Yynril Rothvani * Bathes-In-Coin * Anaelle Faerniil * Azjani Ma'Les
    Aban Shahid Bakr * Kheshna gra-Gharbuk * Gallisten Bondurant * Etain Maquier * Atsu Kalame * Faulpia Severinus
    What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
  • Funkopotamus
    The current system is horrible, I want to always see charcter names and not Gamertags/PSN names in proximity, group, etc.

    Except this is bull**** because Neverwinter uses character names and not Xbox ID...
    So we are left having to live with the idea that PerfectWorld found a better group of programmers to port their game to console than Bethesda?

    I am going to cry..
    Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!" Sallington
  • dlepi24
    I want an optional toggle to switch between Gamertags/PSN names and character names at will to be displayed.
    I'd like to be able to access both, honestly. I really like seeing characters names however, it's kind of cool to be in Cyrodiil with my Sorc and then jump on with my DK later and people still know you're the same person. That might just be me though.
  • Korah_Eaglecry
    I want an optional toggle to switch between Gamertags/PSN names and character names at will to be displayed.
    ZOS is not always truthful. They can be deceitful whenever it suites them. Especially in regards to poor Game Design. They struggle with admitting mistakes and think by lying to us theyll save face.

    Im not a fan of Microsoft but Im not an idiot. I dont believe for a moment that every poor UI/Game design change made for Console is due to Microsoft being THAT intrusive when there are plenty of examples of Microsoft being the complete opposite in regards to that particular subject.

    ZOS decided to go the route of Gamertags. Not Microsoft.

    Because Console Players are DUMB and need to have everything watered down for them. /sarcasm. Its the same reason we dont have Text Chat. Because it would be too hard to read...

    Its a reflection of what the developers think of their now largest demographic.
    Penniless Sellsword Company
    Captain Paramount - Jorrhaq Vhent
    Korith Eaglecry * Enrerion Aedihle * Laerinel Rhaev * Caius Berilius * Seylina Ithvala * H'Vak the Grimjawl
    Tenarei Rhaev * Dazsh Ro Khar * Yynril Rothvani * Bathes-In-Coin * Anaelle Faerniil * Azjani Ma'Les
    Aban Shahid Bakr * Kheshna gra-Gharbuk * Gallisten Bondurant * Etain Maquier * Atsu Kalame * Faulpia Severinus
    What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
  • Neirymn
    The current system is horrible, I want to always see charcter names and not Gamertags/PSN names in proximity, group, etc.
    Anyway, I won't shut my mouth on this matter. xD They had a prototype of displaying char's names, so this is possible and a lot of us want them along with ID's so I'll keep posting for it. o:)
  • mdhammond
    The current system is horrible, I want to always see charcter names and not Gamertags/PSN names in proximity, group, etc.
    Ya this is something I will keep bringing up bc it really is pure stupidity in an rpg to use gamer tag
  • mdhammond
    The current system is horrible, I want to always see charcter names and not Gamertags/PSN names in proximity, group, etc.
    This isn't a shooter game, it's a freakin rpg. Have some sense Z
  • Ace_of_Destiny
    I want an optional toggle to switch between Gamertags/PSN names and character names at will to be displayed.
    Gronk like snu-snu...and options!

    ~MegaServer~>PS4 (NA) ~PSN~>Ace-of-Destiny
    I don't care what platform it is MMORPG without Text Chat is NOT an MMORPG!
  • Yukian
    The current system is horrible, I want to always see charcter names and not Gamertags/PSN names in proximity, group, etc.
    Change it. Or I cry like a little baby. I don't enjoy seeing psns from idiots such as SexyMan407. :l
    PSN- Caleo95
    Devout follower of Sithis
  • Omnilegion
    Soul Shriven
    The current system is horrible, I want to always see charcter names and not Gamertags/PSN names in proximity, group, etc.
    Have devs mentioned anything about this? It really is killing my vibe for the game. Wehn i play RPGs i like to be immersed and everytime i see a gamertag it completely destroys my mood for the game.

    Why make us make a name? I just dont get it.
  • NewBlacksmurf
    I like seeing Gamertags/PSN names instead of character names, do not change it or add an optional toggle.
    The thing that's silly is that a character can be named the gamertag based on the naming rules so all of this back n forth doesn't resolve the issue.

    The issue is that some of you want to force a role play only naming limitation.
    It's not the gamertag that's the issue.
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • Korah_Eaglecry
    I want an optional toggle to switch between Gamertags/PSN names and character names at will to be displayed.
    The thing that's silly is that a character can be named the gamertag based on the naming rules so all of this back n forth doesn't resolve the issue.

    The issue is that some of you want to force a role play only naming limitation.
    It's not the gamertag that's the issue.

    And some of you wish to force vulgar names down our throats.
    Penniless Sellsword Company
    Captain Paramount - Jorrhaq Vhent
    Korith Eaglecry * Enrerion Aedihle * Laerinel Rhaev * Caius Berilius * Seylina Ithvala * H'Vak the Grimjawl
    Tenarei Rhaev * Dazsh Ro Khar * Yynril Rothvani * Bathes-In-Coin * Anaelle Faerniil * Azjani Ma'Les
    Aban Shahid Bakr * Kheshna gra-Gharbuk * Gallisten Bondurant * Etain Maquier * Atsu Kalame * Faulpia Severinus
    What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
  • FancyTuna8
    I want an optional toggle to switch between Gamertags/PSN names and character names at will to be displayed.
    I voted for the toggle option, but I would be fine with 100% character names. Please get rid of the gamertags, it is stupid looking.
    Slightly tangential to gamertags, could you please make it easier to invite someone to your game by giving us the option to look at our friends list and just invite them. The only thing I can seem to easily do with friends is send them mail in the game. I know if we are in chat party together it is easy to invite, but why not something on the social link so that we can quickly invite friends we can see online (who we know play eso.)
    Last, when it comes to trolls in chat, can we use "xbox record that" and pick up all the audio that people just said in chat? because there are some people being very rude and offensive and it would better curb these behaviors to be able to prove their jerkiness. I know kids shouldn't be on this game, but I listened to a bunch of adults start calling a 13 or 14 year old a bunch of slang gay names and verbally attack him. It is disgusting to listen to what should be adults lower themselves so much.
  • Yattaq
    I like seeing Gamertags/PSN names instead of character names, do not change it or add an optional toggle.
    The thing that's silly is that a character can be named the gamertag based on the naming rules so all of this back n forth doesn't resolve the issue.

    The issue is that some of you want to force a role play only naming limitation.
    It's not the gamertag that's the issue.

    And some of you wish to force vulgar names down our throats.

    Do you really believe there wouldn't be vulgar character names? Blatant offenses are screened automatically by their naming system, but it's still really easy to make a character name most people would find offensive.

    The issue really is what NewBlacksmurf suggested; people want names to be more in-line with the style of the game. You're not going to get that with gamertags obviously, but you aren't going to get it with character names either. With a game of this scale, I could only see that happening if the open-entry naming system were replaced with having to pick from a list of Tamrielic names.

    FancyTuna8 wrote: »
    Slightly tangential to gamertags, could you please make it easier to invite someone to your game by giving us the option to look at our friends list and just invite them. The only thing I can seem to easily do with friends is send them mail in the game. I know if we are in chat party together it is easy to invite, but why not something on the social link so that we can quickly invite friends we can see online (who we know play eso.)

    You should be able to invite people using the contacts list in the game (which is essentially a copy of your xbox/ps4 friends list). It seems like the in-game friends list takes some time to update with new friends, but existing ones who have played the game should be there. If you there isn't an invite option for them, they probably aren't the same alliance as you.

    Edited by Yattaq on June 13, 2015 7:42PM
  • Enodoc
    I want an optional toggle to switch between Gamertags/PSN names and character names at will to be displayed.
    EQBallzz wrote: »
    Even PC doesn't show character names without addons. You get the stupid account @name instead. Considering consoles have to contend with console accounts on top of that and the fact that there are no addons for console I wouldn't hold my breath that this is changing.
    @EQBallzz It does show character names on PC on the nameplates, which is primarily what this is about.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • karmamule
    I want an optional toggle to switch between Gamertags/PSN names and character names at will to be displayed.
    For a company that seemed to very much care about immersion as a quality their games should have, I was absolutely shocked that Zeni made this decision. What on earth were they thinking?!?!?

    In general when it comes to anything like this I prefer it to be an option so for those (few in this case) who prefer the alternative can still be happy as well as me.

    But, if it has to be only one or the other I really wish they'd go with character names. Otherwise there's almost no point to your character's having names at all.
  • Btharrison
    I like seeing Gamertags/PSN names instead of character names, do not change it or add an optional toggle.
    I Like the current system, easily recognizable btwn characters under same account.
  • karmamule
    I want an optional toggle to switch between Gamertags/PSN names and character names at will to be displayed.
    EQBallzz wrote: »
    Even PC doesn't show character names without addons. You get the stupid account @name instead. Considering consoles have to contend with console accounts on top of that and the fact that there are no addons for console I wouldn't hold my breath that this is changing.

    The PC version shows account names in guild rosters and such, but when running around in the world you DO see character names without an addon, and that's where it matters most.
  • Ace_of_Destiny
    I want an optional toggle to switch between Gamertags/PSN names and character names at will to be displayed.
    I Like the current system, easily recognizable btwn characters under same account.

    And you should most deffinitely have the option to see them that way.
    And the "Role Players" should have the option to see the character names.

    ~MegaServer~>PS4 (NA) ~PSN~>Ace-of-Destiny
    I don't care what platform it is MMORPG without Text Chat is NOT an MMORPG!
  • Tennetty
    The current system is horrible, I want to always see charcter names and not Gamertags/PSN names in proximity, group, etc.
    I hate the PSN gamer tags thing... Hate hate hate
  • Dahkoht
    The current system is horrible, I want to always see charcter names and not Gamertags/PSN names in proximity, group, etc.
    The thing that's silly is that a character can be named the gamertag based on the naming rules so all of this back n forth doesn't resolve the issue.

    The issue is that some of you want to force a role play only naming limitation.
    It's not the gamertag that's the issue.

    Why do you hate allowing others to have options so much ? How would it hurt you if they allowed others to see character names instead ?

    What is it about a certain , very small , minority of players who don't want to be given options like this or others ?

    It just seems odd and illogical to me to prefer no options vs options.
  • Zazaaji
    I want an optional toggle to switch between Gamertags/PSN names and character names at will to be displayed.
    Dahkoht wrote: »
    The thing that's silly is that a character can be named the gamertag based on the naming rules so all of this back n forth doesn't resolve the issue.

    The issue is that some of you want to force a role play only naming limitation.
    It's not the gamertag that's the issue.

    Why do you hate allowing others to have options so much ? How would it hurt you if they allowed others to see character names instead ?

    What is it about a certain , very small , minority of players who don't want to be given options like this or others ?

    It just seems odd and illogical to me to prefer no options vs options.

    .... You do realize that you voted for not having an option either, right? You voted to always see character names only. :/
    Edited by Zazaaji on June 13, 2015 10:58PM
    English is not my first language, Finnish is.
    Please don't heap on me for grammar problems.
  • Dahkoht
    The current system is horrible, I want to always see charcter names and not Gamertags/PSN names in proximity, group, etc.
    Zazaaji wrote: »
    Dahkoht wrote: »
    The thing that's silly is that a character can be named the gamertag based on the naming rules so all of this back n forth doesn't resolve the issue.

    The issue is that some of you want to force a role play only naming limitation.
    It's not the gamertag that's the issue.

    Why do you hate allowing others to have options so much ? How would it hurt you if they allowed others to see character names instead ?

    What is it about a certain , very small , minority of players who don't want to be given options like this or others ?

    It just seems odd and illogical to me to prefer no options vs options.

    .... You do realize that you voted for not having an option either, right? You voted to always see character names only. :/

    Because it exactly describes how I would set it for me. I don't take the first choice as saying it wouldn't allow others to have the option to have always the gamer tag or taking it out.

    I've posted multiple times that options for people , be it text chat , character names , remapping controls and so on are always good.

    I would never choose to see the gamertags thus that was my choice , no where does it say to take it away for others.

    If that was the purpose of the first choice then I wouldnt have chosen it.
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