Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Post Release Console Poll: Gamertags/PSN ID's or Character Names be shown?

  • tallenn
    I want an optional toggle to switch between Gamertags/PSN names and character names at will to be displayed.
    more options are always better
  • Dahkoht
    The current system is horrible, I want to always see charcter names and not Gamertags/PSN names in proximity, group, etc.
    Walked into class last nite (teach Cisco/MS courses couple nights a week as 2nd job) , youngest student I have is 21. He gets there early with his portable PS4 Gaem case to play for while. He's mainly a console player.

    He's playing ESO , I check it out , he likes it and begins to tell me about his first character leveling experience .

    I say cool , walk off to prep for class , he pipes up , "Only that that really sucks is it doesn't show character names , pretty f-ing stupid for a fantasy game."

  • Shadesofkin
    The current system is horrible, I want to always see charcter names and not Gamertags/PSN names in proximity, group, etc.
    I would really prefer we not be assaulted with gamer tags, it breaks the little immersion I actually care about.
    @shadesofkin -NA Server.
    Tier 2 Player.
    MagDK Main forever (even in the bad times)
  • Jedaii_Knight
    The current system is horrible, I want to always see charcter names and not Gamertags/PSN names in proximity, group, etc.
    No wonder I kept seeing player after player's name tags with numbers. Mostly strange, unrelated to an RPG. Dumb idea.
  • amatic
    I have a mate called bkd4lyfe lol..i wish we could change psn gamer tags..they are like a bad tattoo.
    Zazaaji wrote: »
    Never thought I would be playing an ElderScrolls game and sex666, or luvdahoes45 anywhere near my screen

    MMaahhhnnn how far they have fallen lol.

    xSwagMasta420x is a real Gamertag on XBL.

  • Elyons_Strength
    Soul Shriven
    I want an optional toggle to switch between Gamertags/PSN names and character names at will to be displayed.
    I think having the option to toggle which name is shown would be awesome. I get a lot of friend requests, and messages from random people. It gets pretty annoying after awhile.
  • Neirymn
    The current system is horrible, I want to always see charcter names and not Gamertags/PSN names in proximity, group, etc.
    My very first post on ESOTU forums is definitly for this.

    I like the name I've chosen for my character, it's a shame no one else can see it.
  • Dahkoht
    The current system is horrible, I want to always see charcter names and not Gamertags/PSN names in proximity, group, etc.
    Tomorrow they have and AMA on Reddit for consoles , someone needs to not only ask the devs about this , but point to this thread.

  • Khaim
    Soul Shriven
    The current system is horrible, I want to always see charcter names and not Gamertags/PSN names in proximity, group, etc.
    There are not many things that destroy your immersion in Tamriel as much as fighting alongside brave warriors like xxXannihilator69Xxx or BiG_DoNnG_GER.
  • Stalwart385
    The current system is horrible, I want to always see charcter names and not Gamertags/PSN names in proximity, group, etc.
    I believe this is a console issue and not a ZoS issue. In other words they didn't want to have it that way but had to.

    I hope for console players some good will comes from it. That is leader boards will be by account, not character. People won't take up 3 or more leader board spots running with their alts.
  • ERaege
    Soul Shriven
    The current system is horrible, I want to always see charcter names and not Gamertags/PSN names in proximity, group, etc.
    So all in all, it seems pretty obvious that people do not want to see PSN names/Gamertags.

    They should really consider changing this. I believe they mentioned they made it the way it is currently due to the ease of adding someone as a friend on your particular console. To be honest, changing the game to display character names wouldn't make it particularly any more difficult.

    All having the PSN name/Gamertags does is break immersion.
  • Phaoryx
    I want an optional toggle to switch between Gamertags/PSN names and character names at will to be displayed.
    What are you talking about? Nothing like seeing a tall high elf chick with maximum settings (if you know what I mean) and the name YOUGOTBEEF420. Just makes my game that much better.

  • mdhammond
    The current system is horrible, I want to always see charcter names and not Gamertags/PSN names in proximity, group, etc.
    I want all character names not gamer tags, it dosnt even make any sense, gamer tags are for live, why in the world would I want my high elf named mdhammond07? So stupid
  • Zusia211
    I want an optional toggle to switch between Gamertags/PSN names and character names at will to be displayed.
    I think be best to have an optional toggle or have it so if you view them you can see their PSN/gamertags. It makes it somewhat pointless to make other characters if everyone is just going to see them as your username...
    PSN: blinkgirl211 - if try adding me send message first cause lots of random people always tries to add me...
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Where is the poll to not see threads that have absolutely nothing to do with PC players?

    Edited by eventide03b14a_ESO on June 11, 2015 8:40PM
  • pecheckler
    The current system is horrible, I want to always see charcter names and not Gamertags/PSN names in proximity, group, etc.
    Every single person, LITERALLY EVERYONE I have talked to about this topic is strongly in favor of using character names. Guild chat is the only place it makes sense, and even there it is preferable to use character names.

    Fellow players I implore you to not drop this topic. Do not accept that this is the way it has to be.

    This is a FANTASY game. We should not have to see GOATSMAKEMEHAWT and JIZCAPTAIN420xXx running around.
    End the tedious inventory management game.
  • Cherry
    I want an optional toggle to switch between Gamertags/PSN names and character names at will to be displayed.
    While I would like to tell who's running an alt at a glance my PSN ID does not fit my character in the slightest... (it's kind of fanciful and girly and he's...down to earth and masculine. Thanks for messing with my RP, guys.)
  • Mirra_Halfelven
    The current system is horrible, I want to always see charcter names and not Gamertags/PSN names in proximity, group, etc.
    Talk about a landslide poll ...

    92% for Playernames

    8% for Gamertags

    WOW! ZOS I hope you are seeing this & not just blowing it off like everything else.
    Mirra Halfelven, Templar Troublemaker
    Daggerfall Covenant - PS4 NA
    PSN: Scooby_609
  • Dahkoht
    The current system is horrible, I want to always see charcter names and not Gamertags/PSN names in proximity, group, etc.
    This poll pretty much shows Zenimax just how wrong they were on this decision.
  • Dahkoht
    The current system is horrible, I want to always see charcter names and not Gamertags/PSN names in proximity, group, etc.
    BTW it's the Xbox's fault , again.

    They said so in the reddit AMA , that is was due to Xbox regulations.

    I see more and more reasons why the PS4 outsells the Xbox by so much.

    Edit: Whelp I'm wrong , this was Zenimax ***. Neverwinter on the Xbox uses character names instead , so apparently it is easily possible. Sorry Xbox , this was Zenimax trying to blame you when it was actually their own laziness.
    Edited by Dahkoht on June 11, 2015 9:13PM
  • Zazaaji
    I want an optional toggle to switch between Gamertags/PSN names and character names at will to be displayed.
    Dahkoht wrote: »
    BTW it's the Xbox's fault , again.

    They said so in the reddit AMA , that is was due to Xbox regulations.

    I see more and more reasons why the PS4 outsells the Xbox by so much.

    Edit: Whelp I'm wrong , this was Zenimax ***. Neverwinter on the Xbox uses character names instead , so apparently it is easily possible. Sorry Xbox , this was Zenimax trying to blame you when it was actually their own laziness.
    Exactly. Microsoft CLEARLY will allow it due to Neverwinter, and Sony clearly allows it also due to FFXIV.
    There's no excuse.
    English is not my first language, Finnish is.
    Please don't heap on me for grammar problems.
  • God-eater
    The current system is horrible, I want to always see charcter names and not Gamertags/PSN names in proximity, group, etc.
    RPG = Character names. So it has been since our character sheets were written on actual paper.
    "M'aiq is glad he has a compass. Makes it easy to find things. Much better than wandering around like a fool." - some cat I met on the road
  • Zazaaji
    I want an optional toggle to switch between Gamertags/PSN names and character names at will to be displayed.
    We're now at 96% wanting at least the option to see character names, if not force them. Only a measly 4% approve of the current method as it stands.

    ZoS, the crowd is VERY clear here, I'm not sure there has ever been a feature-change/request that has been this clear-cut one sided on these forums.

    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_JasonLeavey @ZOS_GinaBruno
    Can I at least get a confirmation from one of you that this thread/poll has been noticed by development?
    Edited by Zazaaji on June 12, 2015 12:39AM
    English is not my first language, Finnish is.
    Please don't heap on me for grammar problems.
  • Neirymn
    The current system is horrible, I want to always see charcter names and not Gamertags/PSN names in proximity, group, etc.
    I don't know and don't want to know who's fault it is, Sony, Microsoft, ZOS, Sheogorath... whatever. :* I won't blame anyone but I want character names to display when I target at them one way or another. It ruins the goal of this game that is to be immersive and a fantasy role playing game with friends and other players or solo if you like it so (That's one reason they keep the UI so minimalistic by the way... Or so I heard.).

    Sure ID and tag are helpful when it comes to social purposes but not when it comes to role playing! How can I call to someone named by an unspeakable robot name that looks like a code of some sort in the first place? xD "1_gaZousiDaDAxXXXXXXX? Nice to meet you elf, my name is super_HOT_Momy34, let's go kill some bad guys! They call themselves Atronachs, what a stupid name eh?" And if that guy makes another character it's the same stupid name that displays. ZOS said they find it confusing to display characters names along with gamertag or PSN ID, but is it not confusing to see very different characters named the same way? I want to play with a friend that is lvl15 and I run into him but don't notice he's not a tank type anymore and that he's lvl5...

    I've never seen that in any rpg or MMORPG on consoles I've ever played and I don't want ESOTU to be the first. lol I love the lore, I love immerssion and role playing (In my head or with others xD). Character names is an important feature, for example there was a thread on FFXIV official forums where players wanted to be able to change their character's name and they were willing to PAY for it... to pay! xD Some months later Square Enix made an optional service that allows players to rename their characters to fit the lore or their mood, and you have to pay real money to do so. That's just an example to show how important character names can be for players, some of them don't care but a lot of us do care. So just not seeing them display in game is insane. lol

    Why can't we see names in game and gamertag or ID on the radial menu when interacting with others? :) Please fix this ZOS, I believe in you! ;) I know, it's not a high priority compared to login issues and so on, but still. :/

    PS: Sorry if my English is not always very understandable, that's not my native language. ^^
    Edited by Neirymn on June 12, 2015 3:38PM
  • Kaitona
    The current system is horrible, I want to always see charcter names and not Gamertags/PSN names in proximity, group, etc.
    At first it was just annoying, but now it's becoming a real turn off for me wanting to play the game. They need to fix this ASAP.
    You go on these Internet blogs and people say the meanest things. - Hayden Panettiere
  • Saggittare
    The current system is horrible, I want to always see charcter names and not Gamertags/PSN names in proximity, group, etc.
    Seeing 30 xXxX420xXxYoLoSwAGg0dQuICkScOPeFazeOptic420 in one place makes me really happy
  • BigM
    I like seeing Gamertags/PSN names instead of character names, do not change it or add an optional toggle.
    I like it how it is!
    “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”
    ― Stephen Hawking
  • JarekReanimated
    The current system is horrible, I want to always see charcter names and not Gamertags/PSN names in proximity, group, etc.
    They said during their reddit AMA the other day that Live requires gamertags to be shown. They had no option because those are rules set forth by Microsoft. What sucks is that PSN also have to put up with it because ZOS probably can't be bothered to write separate code for PSN.

    For those wondering, you don't need to use PSN names with online games on Playstation, there have been a few games such as MGO2 which didn't even make it possible to see someones actual PSN name unless they gave it to you. All you could see was their metal gear online name.

    Here are some highlights, and what they said specifically about the issue.

    Gamer ID Instead Of Character Name

    This was a hard one for us internally. As you know XBOX has standards which have to be met when using their Live network. They very much want a service which is consistent and delivers quality. For instance, if you have a friend logon to XBOX Live come online they want to make sure you are notified about it. For this reason, many of the features that are expected to be working for their services overlapped with what are normal services for ESO on the PC. Friends list, ignore lists, muting, etc. all had counterparts active on our service. If you ignored someone in our game, it was expected that you meant to ignore them on the XBOX live service. So originally we had some places where we needed to show you a XBOX gamertag to be compliant, but otherwise you could see a character name.

    Even though this was possible, through testing, it became very confusing. It was also a very complex thing to keep implemented on our end, sometimes requiring a doubling up of code for what was essentially duplicated functionality. In order to eliminate the confusion for our players and reduce points of failure due to the complexity of the system we chose to simply show the XBOX gamertags. Though it does, admittedly, hurt some of the roleplaying and immersion elements, the social benefits and clarity made this decision the one we chose.
  • Zazaaji
    I want an optional toggle to switch between Gamertags/PSN names and character names at will to be displayed.
    EDIT: Edited out this post. I'd rather not risk it.
    Edited by Zazaaji on June 13, 2015 12:15AM
    English is not my first language, Finnish is.
    Please don't heap on me for grammar problems.
  • Elvent
    The current system is horrible, I want to always see charcter names and not Gamertags/PSN names in proximity, group, etc.
    I thought something was funny when I was noticing so many stupid names with numbers and [- -] faces in their, talk about immersion breaking. Other games like FFXIV are able to allow names but this game can't...I don't even feel like playing anymore especially if everybody is going to see my gamertag instead of a name....

    Also what's the reasoning behind naming your character? I'm sure I missed something but what's the point? And why does it matter if somebody else has the name if nobody is even allowed to show their name? Everybody sees why bother with names? Why not just show all our character names as gamertags? It doesn't seem to matter since names aren't allowed.

    For a role playing game, I would expect some role play type names but I never see them, it's all gibberish with numbers, this is pretty sad. I was having fun but started noticing the names and turned me off after realizing it's our gamertags.

    Whatever, I'm sure they'll do just fine with one less subscription and yes I like to role play and I like being immersed in a role playing game so this is worth quitting over.
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