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ESO should allow for cross faction PVE/Dungeons?

  • Ysne58
    I think Coldharbour and Craglorn should also be cross-faction.
  • Master_Fluff
    The main quest part that takes part on Stirk/in Coldharbour involves Fighters/Mages guild NPCs from all tree alliances.
    Halcyon Black
  • Rox83
    Earelith wrote: »
    Rox83 wrote: »
    Tankqull wrote: »
    no compleatly destroys my immersion.

    Honestly Factions should be limited to Cyrodiil. Not everyone is into PvP and from RP perspective your character could just a civilian/neutral adventurer.

    I am not into pvp too, but lore wise and RP it doesn't make sense to fight alongside with the enemy...

    You already do unless you are refusing to group with players that have the explorers pack...
    This is Elder Scrolls, where the races are spread out all over.
    And it makes as much sense as Bretons & Orcs joining together and Argonians & Dark Elves
  • ThatHappyCat
    If the guild system is cross-faction then so should grouping for PvE content.
  • Heromofo

    I am not into pvp too, but lore wise and RP it doesn't make sense to fight alongside with the enemy...


    You already do unless you are refusing to group with players that have the explorers pack...
    This is Elder Scrolls, where the races are spread out all over.
    And it makes as much sense as Bretons & Orcs joining together and Argonians & Dark Elves[/quote]

    This and remember our guilds are cross faction and mage and fighter guild is neutral so throw in the explorers pack it makes sense to fight a common enemy outside of pvp.
  • Tankqull
    Rox83 wrote: »
    Tankqull wrote: »
    no compleatly destroys my immersion.

    Honestly Factions should be limited to Cyrodiil. Not everyone is into PvP and from RP perspective your character could just a civilian/neutral adventurer.

    yeah and thats the reason i fight 50 lvls to overcome those scumbags from the two other alliances, while contesting molag baal ... yeah well ....
    Edited by Tankqull on May 24, 2015 11:50AM
    spelling and grammar errors are free to be abused

    Sallington wrote: »
    Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"

  • The_Sadist
    From a pure 'we're at war!' sort of stance I'm against it.
    leshpar wrote: »
    As far as immersion goes: my character doesn't care about the war. I know this isn't true for everyone, but for me I just don't.

    And yet you've actively been involved via quest lines and whatnot! But seriously, I can understand where you're coming from.

    That being said, it's a no for me purely because it defeats any purpose of the faction system.

    "Each event is preceded by Prophecy. But without the hero, there is no Event." ― Zurin Arctus, the Underking.
    Tragrim - How do I work this thing?
    Casually stalking the forums
  • kevlarto_ESO
    No do not want to quest with my enemies.
  • Zet-7
    No do not want to quest with my enemies.

    But you are helping the other factions by doing dungeons located in their area and when doing cadwell silver and gold.

    This is an empty space.
  • Psychobunni
    I'd like to know how the ability to cross faction dungeons truly effects anyone. People keep saying "immersion" and "I don't want to quest with enemies".....but can anyone explain what 4 people (guess 12 for trials) doing in an instanced location, that you have to choose to even be a part of can effect your game?

    How does people you can't even see, interact with anymore than you already do via guildchat effect your game exactly???

    If options weren't necessary, and everyone played the same way, no one would use addons. Fix the UI!

  • glak
    Earelith wrote: »
    Rox83 wrote: »
    Tankqull wrote: »
    no compleatly destroys my immersion.

    Honestly Factions should be limited to Cyrodiil. Not everyone is into PvP and from RP perspective your character could just a civilian/neutral adventurer.

    I am not into pvp too, but lore wise and RP it doesn't make sense to fight alongside with the enemy...
    The lfg tool should have a checkbox to let someone queue for cross faction. Else, go ahead and wait.

    Lore wise, the Prophet states that Molage Bal is using Cyrodiil to blind the factions and they should be fighting Molag Bal instead.

    Lore wise, Cold Harbour should be cross faction. Letters Across Tamriel anyone?
  • glak
    This was one of the things Paul Sage said they would be doing but found technical limitations.

    The DLCs, Craglorn, and Cold Harbour will probably become cross-faction as they age anyways. Gotta save money on zones and instances where they can to keep customers happy.
    Edited by glak on May 24, 2015 2:16PM
  • UrQuan
    Earelith wrote: »
    Rox83 wrote: »
    Tankqull wrote: »
    no compleatly destroys my immersion.

    Honestly Factions should be limited to Cyrodiil. Not everyone is into PvP and from RP perspective your character could just a civilian/neutral adventurer.

    I am not into pvp too, but lore wise and RP it doesn't make sense to fight alongside with the enemy...
    So @Earelith I take it that for RP purposes you don't do any group dungeons located in the territory of other factions? And that you didn't do Cadwell's Silver or Gold? And that you didn't do the quest that leads you to Coldharbour after completing your last faction zone? Because all of those involve either working with members of other alliances, or directly aiding members of other alliances...

    And frankly, lore wise and RP wise it makes perfect sense to temporarily fight alongside an enemy (even though grouping up for group dungeons would actually mean fighting alongside fellow members of a guild that is neutral in the alliance war, and that has members across all of Tamriel) in order to defeat a mutual threat. History books are littered with real life examples of enemies fighting alongside each other in the face of such a threat.

    Your point of view on this matter is what doesn't make sense.
    Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC)
    Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC)
    Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP)
    Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD)
    J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD)
    Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC)
    Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP)
    Manut Redguard Temp (AD)
    Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP)
    Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD)
    Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP)
    Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC)
    Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP)
    Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC)
    Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp
    Someone stole my sweetroll
  • Earelith
    @UrQuan I do the dungeons on the other faction territories to fight a greater threat and prevent him expand to my territories but that doesn't mean that I need to fight these enemies with my enemies or that I totally agree with how the game function right now..I would prefer to not go to other faction too..

    If the game has a "mistake" does not mean that we should expand on that mistake..if I miss 2 teeth, doesn't meant that is ok to go and extract all my teeth..

    There is a bad design and a very bad design...just because I can tolerate some bad design decisions doesn't mean I am ok with everything..

    Anyway, that is my opinion m8. It may be a stupid one or it may does not make sense to you. Different people have different priorities and play the game differently. At the end is the developers decision and their game to decide what they want.
  • drogon1
    Yes, it may make the group finder tool viable for running dungeons. Currently, not enough players per faction make use of it to catch on.
  • UrQuan
    Earelith wrote: »
    @UrQuan I do the dungeons on the other faction territories to fight a greater threat and prevent him expand to my territories but that doesn't mean that I need to fight these enemies with my enemies or that I totally agree with how the game function right now..I would prefer to not go to other faction too..
    So you didn't do any of the Coldharbour questline or finish the main story then, right? Because that was all about fighting alongside people who you could equally (and equally inaccurately - fellow members of a guild that's neutral in the alliance war are your allies) call your enemies. Unless you're RPing a jingoist there's no RP reason to not want to do Undaunted missions alongside other members of the Undaunted who just happen to be from another alliance.
    Edited by UrQuan on May 24, 2015 7:23PM
    Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC)
    Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC)
    Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP)
    Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD)
    J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD)
    Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC)
    Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP)
    Manut Redguard Temp (AD)
    Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP)
    Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD)
    Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP)
    Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC)
    Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP)
    Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC)
    Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp
    Someone stole my sweetroll
  • RazzPitazz
    Let's call a spade a spade; if you are playing in another factions area, it would make sense to at least see players from that faction.
    PC NA
    VR1 - Jar'eed - Khajiit Dragon Knight - AD
    VR1 - Broad Tail - Argonian Templar - EP
    All-Star Crafter Guild
  • Erelah
    Earelith wrote: »
    I rather wait longer until I find a group than team up with the enemy :) It would break immersion for sure. Not worth it in my opinion.

    In the storyline of Elder Scrolls Online both the Fighters Guild, Mage Guild, and the Undaunted are neutral guilds. These guilds do not serve any factions. Adventurers who dive into dungeons searching for items to sell are not doing this for any faction either, rather for profit. As this is the case a neutral faction allowing all of its members to complete their missions with one another does not break immersion it reinforces it.
  • Deome
    I'd love to see it, if only for players who have Cadwell's silver or gold factions unlocked.
    Loremonger, Addon Developer (DataDaedra, etc.), Ministry Malcontent

    "I am alive because that one is dead. I exist because I have the will to do so." --Now-Last, "Boethiah's Proving"
  • Wicked_Wolf
    I really don't understand the "breaks my immersion" argument. How does three factions being forced to work together for something like a common enemy not make sense? It's the same thing as the Nords, Dunmer, and Argonians but on a large scale. Do you remember the trailers for this game? The three factions were beating the hell out of each other until ...... Daedra appeared. Then what did they do? They stopped fighting immediately and faced the same enemy. Why can't this extend into the game for dungeons?

    And besides; at the end of the day this is a game. It's an MMO trying to do well in a flooded extremely harsh and competitive market. Splitting your playerbase in such a way where you can NEVER co op is a bad idea. Don't limit the people you can play with, expand it.
  • NovaMarx
    I voted yes, but for one reason only: My boyfriend's main is DC and mine is AD. We have characters that we use when we want to play together, but it would be fun for our mains to meet :tongue:

    "Feet are for walking. Hands are for hitting. Or shaking. Or waving. Sometimes for clapping."
    - M'aiq the Liar
  • glak
    I really don't understand the "breaks my immersion" argument. How does three factions being forced to work together for something like a common enemy not make sense? It's the same thing as the Nords, Dunmer, and Argonians but on a large scale. Do you remember the trailers for this game? The three factions were beating the hell out of each other until ...... Daedra appeared. Then what did they do? They stopped fighting immediately and faced the same enemy. Why can't this extend into the game for dungeons?

    And besides; at the end of the day this is a game. It's an MMO trying to do well in a flooded extremely harsh and competitive market. Splitting your playerbase in such a way where you can NEVER co op is a bad idea. Don't limit the people you can play with, expand it.
    Agreed on a different bent. The faction locks are breaking my immersion as stated by countless others (fighter's guild, etc)
  • Wicked_Wolf
    glak wrote: »
    I really don't understand the "breaks my immersion" argument. How does three factions being forced to work together for something like a common enemy not make sense? It's the same thing as the Nords, Dunmer, and Argonians but on a large scale. Do you remember the trailers for this game? The three factions were beating the hell out of each other until ...... Daedra appeared. Then what did they do? They stopped fighting immediately and faced the same enemy. Why can't this extend into the game for dungeons?

    And besides; at the end of the day this is a game. It's an MMO trying to do well in a flooded extremely harsh and competitive market. Splitting your playerbase in such a way where you can NEVER co op is a bad idea. Don't limit the people you can play with, expand it.
    Agreed on a different bent. The faction locks are breaking my immersion as stated by countless others (fighter's guild, etc)

    Great point. Hadn't even thought of that

  • Xender
    Look at this: Mages Guild and Fighter guild are neutral, if you belong to those guild why you aren ot neutral too? Members of that guild should be able to go to dungeons with other members of this guilds...
  • pitkanencomplexeb17_ESO
    Splitting the playerbase in three is a crazy idea anyway. Many more succesfull games can barely pull off two.
  • Xender
    I think the story content can be separated but ESO should allow to cross faction Dungeon or Trials. All story is single player content so you can make it allone. But I can't see reason to not allow to play dungens cross-faction.

    Also I see no technical issues with putting players in to one dungeon instance.

    When this topic grow a bit I will send it to Zenimax and ask them about their opinion/plans.
  • Robo_Hobo
    Earelith wrote: »
    Rox83 wrote: »
    Tankqull wrote: »
    no compleatly destroys my immersion.

    Honestly Factions should be limited to Cyrodiil. Not everyone is into PvP and from RP perspective your character could just a civilian/neutral adventurer.

    I am not into pvp too, but lore wise and RP it doesn't make sense to fight alongside with the enemy...

    I don't get the lore/RP reasons against this - don't get me wrong, I love the lore of Elder Scrolls and I have high respect for people who RP, although I'm not very good at myself - but to say it would not make sense to fight alongside the enemy would be assuming that everyone is a loyal devout member of one of the alliances. That would be like saying no one is allowed to RP as a civilian/unaffiliated member of any of the alliances. There are a lot of NPC's who don't care about the war going on, some who even try to stay out of it specifically - members of any race, why should every player have to RP as a pro-war member of the alliances?

    I don't see how it would be immersion breaking, unless of course you see those Argonians hanging around the Grey Mire in Valenwood as immersion breaking or those Khajiit in High Rock Daggerfall. If this were to take place, how difficult would it be to accept that those players aren't affiliated with the war such as those NPC's we see?
  • Zhoyzu
    Iselin wrote: »
    Also, this wouldn't break immersion as there really isn't any to begin with. Those who bought the pre-order or bought in crown shop can be any race in any alliance anyway. We grind through the other alliances' content once we finish our own. Cyrodiil no one cares about the 'war'. People just make alts and swap to the alliance that is owning the map so they can get their 'rewards'.

    You're just telling us how you play. Lots of us do care and play it as designed... we don't try to ruin it for ourselves by asking for the game to be turned into yet another lobby MMO.

    This isn't how I play in Cyrodiil. This is how the majority does. Also my statement is in reference to how there really isn't any immersion in ESO, so allowing people to extend their reach to form groups to run dungeons would not hurt anything.

    than your statement is false and entirely baseless. you arent 'majority' and i know of very few people who have done as you describe.
    Edited by Zhoyzu on May 25, 2015 8:12AM
    Zhoyzu - Nightblade Alchemist (v15) RETIRED
    Has-No-Heart - Templar Enchanter (v4) FUBAR
    Ambadassador - Dragon knight (v1) Naked with no future (returned from the naked realm to tank PvE)
    Sakis Tolis - Sorceror (v10 in progress) Living Legend!

    Xuhl'Xotuun - Warden Current Main as im starting the game over essentially with this character aside from crafting.

    Creator of Khajiit fall dmg reduction racial passive concept.

  • SirCritical
    Iselin wrote: »
    Yeah. Let's have even less faction identification and pride... cross-faction guilds and trading is bad enough.

    I feel this isn't true, because guilds are bound to you account, not your character, and you can't expect others to have characters only in one faction; that is why the whole game is "cross-factioned".
  • PBpsy
    Tankqull wrote: »
    Rox83 wrote: »
    Tankqull wrote: »
    no compleatly destroys my immersion.

    Honestly Factions should be limited to Cyrodiil. Not everyone is into PvP and from RP perspective your character could just a civilian/neutral adventurer.

    yeah and thats the reason i fight 50 lvls to overcome those scumbags from the two other alliances, while contesting molag baal ... yeah well ....

    Actually if you really look at the 3 alliance storyline you are very rarely fighting the other factions.
    Things you are usually fighting:
    -traitors of your faction and puppets of MB.(all factions).
    -people in the faction that do not agree with the alliance and it's members.
    -enemies that are not even related to the other factions.
    -cults and some ancient evil thingies they unleash.(Maomer,Reachman, etc)
    -renegades that are not sanctioned by their factions.

    The only place where the war and the other factions appear considerable is in EP at the begging after it devolves into internal stuff caused by MB . In AD and BC you can hardly find references to the other factions until the end and most of it is internal stuff.

    The entire point of Cadwell's silver and gold is to experience and understand that the conflict is really a ploy of Molag Ball and maybe the war is not in everyone best interest.Most people of course didn't bother understanding that point though.

    Edited by PBpsy on May 25, 2015 9:53AM
    ESO forums achievements
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