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Would You Buy A Flying Mount If They Were To Come To ESO

  • UrQuan
    LOL @ "lore breaking"! Haven't you guys ever played Skyrim?
    So I guess you didn't pay attention to any part of the story of Skyrim, huh?
    Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC)
    Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC)
    Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP)
    Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD)
    J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD)
    Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC)
    Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP)
    Manut Redguard Temp (AD)
    Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP)
    Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD)
    Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP)
    Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC)
    Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP)
    Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC)
    Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp
    Someone stole my sweetroll
  • Valen_Byte
    LOL @ "lore breaking"! Haven't you guys ever played Skyrim?


    Yes we have all played skyrim...and we obviously know more about the lore than you.

    In this era of tamriel, there are no dragons. You should go read up on the lore.
    ***Dixon Kay MagDK FORMER EMPEROR***Deca Dix MagDK FORMER EMPORER***Valonious MagPlar FORMER EMPEROR***
    GM of BYTE
    And alien tears will fill for him, Pity’s long-broken urn, For his mourners will be outcast men, And outcasts always mourn
  • Gidorick
    LOL @ "lore breaking"! Haven't you guys ever played Skyrim?

    Yes. Have you? In Skyrim you are Dragon-born and the Dragon Shout "Bend Will" is used to allow you to use a dragon as a mount.
    • In ESO you are not Dragon Born
    • In ESO you do not have Bend Will Dragon Shout
    • In ESO Dragons aren't widely accessible

    So Dragons are out

    What other mounts could be used to fly around on that can be found in Elder Scrolls lore?

    A Netch? A Wasp? Those are the only two I know of and both of those would likely be more like a "hovering" mount than a flying mount.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Gidorick
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Would You Buy A Flying Mount If They Were To Come To ESO

    If it came out you'd have to buy it or be slower then everyone else, I think most of the no votes are for zo$ adding it thou..

    Side note, this would destroy gankplay :(

    This isn't a problem for me. I don't even use way shrines when I don't have to. 2 zones away and I'm called back to the Harborage? Time to climb aboard my mount and get to it!

    can you not tp to Harborage ?

    I don't use teleportation. It's a RP choice for my main character. My alts have different feelings about teleportation.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Morduil
    The question is misleading. I voted yes because if they are introduced, then the game is going to be broadly angled towards them, so one would need to buy one.

    But first and foremost, I am deeply against them being introduced. I HATE the idea.

    But, as I say, if, heaven forbid, the devs did something so godawful, then I probably would have to end up buying it even though I loathed it.
  • Acrolas
    The maps are designed for terrestrial play, so I'd be far more interested in a Dwemer motorbike and a jacket with Hell's Welwas on the back.

    Of course there's a Hell, according to a certain Bosmer Duchess of Dementia.

    That's the rub with "lore." There's always an exception or inconsistency within continuity, which is why so many titles have to retcon in light of more recent developments. And I think most fantasy publishers limit how much of the world is ever seen, just in case they want to add something in later. Tamriel is a piece of a larger world so there's really enough wiggle room to import a number of things from unseen land masses and planes "for a limited time only."

    But because of the map limitations and the model library already established, we're going to see Horse #59 and Guar #23 and not, you know, a giant harpy where you use her chest as a head brace and for emergency landings.

    signing off
  • maryriv
    Valen_Byte wrote: »
    LOL @ "lore breaking"! Haven't you guys ever played Skyrim?


    Yes we have all played skyrim...and we obviously know more about the lore than you.

    In this era of tamriel, there are no dragons. You should go read up on the lore.

    Exactly, we already know they are in the realm and they can be ridden, it's silly to think they are lore breaking.

    ZoS could implement some really long story quest line with 3 paths which would determine what type of element and color your dragon breathed.

    This could be really fun!
  • WillhelmBlack
    Machine guns?
    PC EU
  • Cichol
    Would I buy one if they were available? Yes. Do I agree they belong in TESO? Absolutely not, unless there is a way to add them that isn't horribly lore breaking.
  • nimander99
    Seriously? What the hell does everyone have against flying in an E.S game? I remember flying around Morrowind with my levitation spells back in the day so it certainly cant be lore breaking, also gryphons exist in the E.S universe, so there ya go.

    I honestly don't see what anyone would have against it. I do recognize that there is a huge amount of people that equate flying mounts with WoW and anything WoW-like is eeeeeeeeeeeeeevil lol

    Edit: Obviously it would be a no fly zone in Cyrodiil...
    Edited by nimander99 on May 9, 2015 6:05PM

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    ∽∽∽ 2 years of Elder Scrolls Online ∼∼∼
    "Give us money" = Box sales & monthly sub fees,
    "moar!" = £10 palomino horse,
    "MOAR!" = Switch to B2P, launch cash shop,
    "MOAR!!" = Charge for DLC that subs had already paid for,
    "MOAR!!!" = Experience scrolls and riding lessons,
    "MOARR!!!" = Vampire/werewolf bites,
    "MOAARRR!!!" = CS exclusive motifs,
    "MOOAARRR!!!" = Crown crates,
    "MOOOAAARRR!!!" = 'Chapter's' bought separately from ESO+,
    "MOOOOAAAARRRR!!!!" = ???

    Male, Dunmer, VR16, Templar, Aldmeri Dominion, Master Crafter & all Traits, CP450
  • maryriv
    nimander99 wrote: »
    Seriously? What the hell does everyone have against flying in an E.S game? I remember flying around Morrowind with my levitation spells back in the day so it certainly cant be lore breaking, also gryphons exist in the E.S universe, so there ya go.

    I honestly don't see what anyone would have against it. I do recognize that there is a huge amount of people that equate flying mounts with WoW and anything WoW-like is eeeeeeeeeeeeeevil lol

    Edit: Obviously it would be a no fly zone in Cyrodiil...

    Trust me, if zenimax implemented it, everyone would buy it. Also I disagree about cyrodiil... just add SAM's.
  • Yolokin_Swagonborn
    No because I would fall off my mount screaming to my death every time it flew over a flower, sharp rock, or other terrain issue that plagues the existing mounts.
  • JKorr
    nastuug wrote: »
    Prizax wrote: »
    I will never understand those who complain about the lore...

    Spawned from single player TES games. What do you expect?

    this is not a single player game anymore though.

    times change, games change to compete with competition.

    Games change too much, lose the audience for the original, games die because people who enjoy the original setting quit when it changes too much.

    I would stop playing if they changed the lore that much.

    The dwemer had plans for an airship. Whether they ever made it or not, I don't know. In the single player game Bloodmoon an npc gets the schematics and builds one. That promptly crashes on Solstheim. You can find the remanents on Solstheim in Skyrim/Dragonborn. There was *one*. No huge flotillas or fleets of flying anything [except cliffracers. Those fill the skies in Morrowind. That alone would interfere with any kind of flying mount.]

    Any kind of flying mount wasn't necessary in Morrowind; you could use alchemy to levitate. You could use spells to levitate.

    As you said, games change, and now there is no flying, thank the Divines. It is a large enough irritation to simply ride a ground-based mount. Every few yards I'm dismounting to harvest something. How would you deal with that with a flying mount? It isn't worth it.
  • Emma_Overload
    Valen_Byte wrote: »
    LOL @ "lore breaking"! Haven't you guys ever played Skyrim?


    Yes we have all played skyrim...and we obviously know more about the lore than you.

    In this era of tamriel, there are no dragons. You should go read up on the lore.

    No, but the OP didn't ask about dragons, he asked about flying mounts. I just used dragons as an EXAMPLE of flying mounts for the doubters who are crying about lore. And my point still stands... Elder Scrolls DOES have a history of flying mounts, so why can't we have more? There is no good reason whatsoever that the ZoS creative team can't come up with a lore-friendly concept for a flying mount.
  • timidobserver
    I don't support the addition of flying mounts to ESO, but I would certainly buy if only because there would probably be content that requires a flying mount to reach. It would also be pretty hilarious in PvP.
    Edited by timidobserver on May 9, 2015 10:13PM
    V16 Uriel Stormblessed EP Magicka Templar(main)
    V16 Derelict Vagabond EP Stamina DK
    V16 Redacted Ep Stam Sorc
    V16 Insolent EP Magicka Sorc(retired)
    V16 Jed I Nyte EP Stamina NB(retired)

  • Iluvrien
    Raash wrote: »
    Iluvrien wrote: »
    Raash wrote: »
    Prizax wrote: »
    I will never understand those who complain about the lore...

    Its not even a lore problem... the vestige and his/hers adventures is like unheard of in the game history after this game already so there are ways around that. As I mentioned earlier stuff as time travel where the vestige could bring a flying creature back to the present would be easy to fit into the game, especially since time doesnt really move forward so story and lore wise it could be that the event of a flying mount was only for a few hours while for us(the players) it would be permanent.

    Except that doesn't work. In the space of a few hours for the NPCs in, for example, the whole of Cadwell's Silver and Gold they might have encountered a be-dragonbacked hero who solved all of their problems? This. Makes. No. Sense.

    This is a reach argument that attempts to side-step the impact on lore of including something that has no place in this time period just because you want it. No.... and more No.

    Come back and try again when you have decided to make an argument that is, at least, internally consistent.

    You are the one bringing "reach arguments", I provided a very straight forward suggestion on how to implement flying mounts. It would work if they want it to. Period.

    Really? You classify basic narrative causality as a "reach argument"? O.o

    So, you don't mind books where the protagonist goes from zero to hero in the space of a single hour? Or movies where the story becomes incoherent as the main character seems to be everywhere simultaneously? Because this is why your "straight forward" suggestion doesn't work.

    Hint: This isn't a "reach argument". This is basic logic. In your scenario there is not enough time for the NPCs in a zone to take the actions required by the quests that progress you through it. Unless you are no longer talking about time travel (something we have seen on occasion) but some extraordinary form for time dilation that affects only you and not the NPCs... but does seem to affect all of the other players in the game who you would see flying around on their mounts too.

    You want it to work, so you believe it can. All well and good, but please don't try pitching this particular scenario as anything other than subjective wish-fulfillment.
  • eagardh_ESO
    for all the people saying no i would give you 20 minuets after seeing the first flying mount before you went and bought one yourself. :-)

    No, I would not. I would tell you to talk to the Devs and put my resolve to the test, but with my luck you are, or know someone, in the right place to make it happen... so I will just say no I would not.

    Main reason... after seeing only part of the game world, what I have seen of it shows me this MMO was NOT made for flying mounts. It is only 10% as big as it would need to be for flying to not have a negative impact of the gameworld and immersion the original Devs tried to convey. As it is right now Tamriel is not big enough, even with just hoofing it (running).

    Edited by eagardh_ESO on May 10, 2015 1:59AM
  • eagardh_ESO
    Slurg wrote: »
    The question was not whether there should be flying mounts in ESO; the question was would you buy one if ESO had them.

    If flying mounts existed in ESO, of course I would buy one. I would be at a steep disadvantage if I did not.

    When one asks "Would you buy a flying mount?", and there are no flying mounts ingame presently, the next logical and reasonable comment/question IS "whether there should be flying mounts in ESO". One demands the other.

    Edited by eagardh_ESO on May 10, 2015 2:06AM
  • maryriv
    I'd buy 5 mounts @ 20 dollars a piece one for each family member.
  • MercyKilling
    Why is this thread still on the first page? Let it die already.
    I am not spending a single penny on the game until changes are made to the game that I want to see.
    1) Remove having to be in a guild to sell items to other players at a kiosk.
    2) Cosmetic modding for armor and clothing.
    3) Difficulty slider.
    4) Fully customizable player housing that isn't tied to anything in the game other than having the correct resources and enough gold to build. Don't tie it to PvP, guild membership, or anything at all. Oh, make it instanced so as not to take up world map space, too. Zeni screwed this one up already.
    Any /one/ of these things implemented would get me spending again, maybe even subbing.
  • Raash
    Iluvrien wrote: »
    Raash wrote: »
    Iluvrien wrote: »
    Raash wrote: »
    Prizax wrote: »
    I will never understand those who complain about the lore...

    Its not even a lore problem... the vestige and his/hers adventures is like unheard of in the game history after this game already so there are ways around that. As I mentioned earlier stuff as time travel where the vestige could bring a flying creature back to the present would be easy to fit into the game, especially since time doesnt really move forward so story and lore wise it could be that the event of a flying mount was only for a few hours while for us(the players) it would be permanent.

    Except that doesn't work. In the space of a few hours for the NPCs in, for example, the whole of Cadwell's Silver and Gold they might have encountered a be-dragonbacked hero who solved all of their problems? This. Makes. No. Sense.

    This is a reach argument that attempts to side-step the impact on lore of including something that has no place in this time period just because you want it. No.... and more No.

    Come back and try again when you have decided to make an argument that is, at least, internally consistent.

    You are the one bringing "reach arguments", I provided a very straight forward suggestion on how to implement flying mounts. It would work if they want it to. Period.

    Really? You classify basic narrative causality as a "reach argument"? O.o

    So, you don't mind books where the protagonist goes from zero to hero in the space of a single hour? Or movies where the story becomes incoherent as the main character seems to be everywhere simultaneously? Because this is why your "straight forward" suggestion doesn't work.

    Hint: This isn't a "reach argument". This is basic logic. In your scenario there is not enough time for the NPCs in a zone to take the actions required by the quests that progress you through it. Unless you are no longer talking about time travel (something we have seen on occasion) but some extraordinary form for time dilation that affects only you and not the NPCs... but does seem to affect all of the other players in the game who you would see flying around on their mounts too.

    You want it to work, so you believe it can. All well and good, but please don't try pitching this particular scenario as
    anything other than subjective wish-fulfillment.

    Spoiler alert!

    To me it does not matter much since the story of ESO is about as incoherent as it gets. just think about it:

    first things first: the other players you see in the game world = not there. They are all "the Vestige" = same character as yours.

    And as far as game story goes... The vestige fights his way onwards through the alliance of where he belongs all the way to coldharbor and then fight molag bal, kicks his ass and then travels back in time to witness the events from the perspective of the other alliances during the very same events of the game and are literally doomed to be unknown of the future history despite the fact he/she did literally thousands of heroic acts during the game.

    If therewould be problems to bring in flying mounts to the game it sure as hell is NOT due to issues with either the lore or making incoherent story telling.

    My suggestion stands. Next!

  • JKorr
    maryriv wrote: »
    nimander99 wrote: »
    Seriously? What the hell does everyone have against flying in an E.S game? I remember flying around Morrowind with my levitation spells back in the day so it certainly cant be lore breaking, also gryphons exist in the E.S universe, so there ya go.

    I honestly don't see what anyone would have against it. I do recognize that there is a huge amount of people that equate flying mounts with WoW and anything WoW-like is eeeeeeeeeeeeeevil lol

    Edit: Obviously it would be a no fly zone in Cyrodiil...

    Trust me, if zenimax implemented it, everyone would buy it. Also I disagree about cyrodiil... just add SAM's.

    No, not everyone would buy it.

    Some players, like me, haven't bought any of the mounts in the Crown store. I did buy the one motif I haven't be able to find since beta. Nothing else has been worth it. I'd never buy a flying mount. How would the devs block areas they don't want you to go? Cliffracers with signs around their necks? Birds squawking "No access permitted"? What would they sell next? Really long handled picks, axes, and grabbers so you could harvest ore, wood and flowers from your flying whatever? No thanks.
  • maryriv
    JKorr wrote: »
    maryriv wrote: »
    nimander99 wrote: »
    Seriously? What the hell does everyone have against flying in an E.S game? I remember flying around Morrowind with my levitation spells back in the day so it certainly cant be lore breaking, also gryphons exist in the E.S universe, so there ya go.

    I honestly don't see what anyone would have against it. I do recognize that there is a huge amount of people that equate flying mounts with WoW and anything WoW-like is eeeeeeeeeeeeeevil lol

    Edit: Obviously it would be a no fly zone in Cyrodiil...

    Trust me, if zenimax implemented it, everyone would buy it. Also I disagree about cyrodiil... just add SAM's.

    No, not everyone would buy it.

    Some players, like me, haven't bought any of the mounts in the Crown store. I did buy the one motif I haven't be able to find since beta. Nothing else has been worth it. I'd never buy a flying mount. How would the devs block areas they don't want you to go? Cliffracers with signs around their necks? Birds squawking "No access permitted"? What would they sell next? Really long handled picks, axes, and grabbers so you could harvest ore, wood and flowers from your flying whatever? No thanks.

    I'll bet you a million gold they would :)

    If ZoS want's to make a huge amount of money they should add flying mounts, give everyone a gryphon for gold and charge 50 bucks for a dragon.
  • schroed360
    for all the people saying no i would give you 20 minuets after seeing the first flying mount before you went and bought one yourself. :-)

    No . I did not have spend any of my crown yet. And may spend them one day for DLC and dlc only.
  • FireCowCommando
    maryriv wrote: »
    JKorr wrote: »
    maryriv wrote: »
    nimander99 wrote: »
    Seriously? What the hell does everyone have against flying in an E.S game? I remember flying around Morrowind with my levitation spells back in the day so it certainly cant be lore breaking, also gryphons exist in the E.S universe, so there ya go.

    I honestly don't see what anyone would have against it. I do recognize that there is a huge amount of people that equate flying mounts with WoW and anything WoW-like is eeeeeeeeeeeeeevil lol

    Edit: Obviously it would be a no fly zone in Cyrodiil...

    Trust me, if zenimax implemented it, everyone would buy it. Also I disagree about cyrodiil... just add SAM's.

    No, not everyone would buy it.

    Some players, like me, haven't bought any of the mounts in the Crown store. I did buy the one motif I haven't be able to find since beta. Nothing else has been worth it. I'd never buy a flying mount. How would the devs block areas they don't want you to go? Cliffracers with signs around their necks? Birds squawking "No access permitted"? What would they sell next? Really long handled picks, axes, and grabbers so you could harvest ore, wood and flowers from your flying whatever? No thanks.

    I'll bet you a million gold they would :)

    If ZoS want's to make a huge amount of money they should add flying mounts, give everyone a gryphon for gold and charge 50 bucks for a dragon.

    The first line reads as serious

    The second line shows your troll colors. Gryphon into Dragon? Clearly troll WoW reference. Im pretty sure they deeply regret allowing flying mounts into their game due to how much harder it is for them to level design now.

    Also, if they DID add something as core as a flying mount it would not be available only in the store since it would be pay2win.

    The sheer man hour it would take to retool the game to be flying mount viable would amount to the same hours to finish ESO2.
  • maryriv
    maryriv wrote: »
    JKorr wrote: »
    maryriv wrote: »
    nimander99 wrote: »
    Seriously? What the hell does everyone have against flying in an E.S game? I remember flying around Morrowind with my levitation spells back in the day so it certainly cant be lore breaking, also gryphons exist in the E.S universe, so there ya go.

    I honestly don't see what anyone would have against it. I do recognize that there is a huge amount of people that equate flying mounts with WoW and anything WoW-like is eeeeeeeeeeeeeevil lol

    Edit: Obviously it would be a no fly zone in Cyrodiil...

    Trust me, if zenimax implemented it, everyone would buy it. Also I disagree about cyrodiil... just add SAM's.

    No, not everyone would buy it.

    Some players, like me, haven't bought any of the mounts in the Crown store. I did buy the one motif I haven't be able to find since beta. Nothing else has been worth it. I'd never buy a flying mount. How would the devs block areas they don't want you to go? Cliffracers with signs around their necks? Birds squawking "No access permitted"? What would they sell next? Really long handled picks, axes, and grabbers so you could harvest ore, wood and flowers from your flying whatever? No thanks.

    I'll bet you a million gold they would :)

    If ZoS want's to make a huge amount of money they should add flying mounts, give everyone a gryphon for gold and charge 50 bucks for a dragon.

    The first line reads as serious

    The second line shows your troll colors. Gryphon into Dragon? Clearly troll WoW reference. Im pretty sure they deeply regret allowing flying mounts into their game due to how much harder it is for them to level design now.

    Also, if they DID add something as core as a flying mount it would not be available only in the store since it would be pay2win.

    The sheer man hour it would take to retool the game to be flying mount viable would amount to the same hours to finish ESO2.

    Gryphons are in ESO lore.
  • UPrime
    I don't want it, but if it was offered it would be a must.
  • maryriv
    UPrime wrote: »
    I don't want it, but if it was offered it would be a must.

    Honesty is always the best policy.
  • The_Drexill
    I voted yes, because it would be mandatory. However, it would ruin the game imo.
    Brandizzle - NB
    Drexill The Unbreakable - Sorc

    For teh covenant.
  • maryriv
    I voted yes, because it would be mandatory. However, it would ruin the game imo.

    How exactly would it "ruin the game" so are you saying that wayshrines "ruin the game"
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