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Would You Buy A Flying Mount If They Were To Come To ESO

  • Vicodine
    Thaometh V16 Altmer Templar AD/EU
    Thaometh Ashbringer V10Altmer Dragonknight AD/EU
  • Gidorick
    the dev did say he wants to fly this is fact go to the end of the live stream. go to 2:00:49 in the video and listen for yourself


    Underwater mounts. Flying mounts.... terrible ideas. Just terrible.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

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  • granty2008cyb16_ESO
    Gidorick wrote: »
    the dev did say he wants to fly this is fact go to the end of the live stream. go to 2:00:49 in the video and listen for yourself


    Underwater mounts. Flying mounts.... terrible ideas. Just terrible.

    underwater mounts ? did they say that

  • Sunver
    A few arguments against:
    -Skyrim was fine without flying mounts.
    -There are invisible walls in the game - for a reason.
    -Talos didnt use one
    -Thamlor likes the idea

    When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained;
    What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?
    For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour.
    O LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth!
  • dafox187
    there needs to be some rules noflying above ten feet

    don't get mad at my spelling, autocorrect doesn't cover fantasy.
    Why couldn't the Khajiit go to the party? She had to be Elsweyr.
  • granty2008cyb16_ESO
    dafox187 wrote: »
    there needs to be some rules noflying above ten feet

    or they could make it so you could fly around 20-25ft and when you are going towards boundary wall the mount will slowly start to turn so you don't face plant the invisible wall, something like that i still think this would be a real cool feature to have in eso and i hope they will add it in the future, i would love be able to see the zones from above :-)
  • AH93
  • Deome
    Yes, but ONLY if I could shoot down other flyers while in Cyrodiil. I could hide on top a tower and just one-shot entire groups with fall damage.
    Loremonger, Addon Developer (DataDaedra, etc.), Ministry Malcontent

    "I am alive because that one is dead. I exist because I have the will to do so." --Now-Last, "Boethiah's Proving"
  • Naivefanboi
    nastuug wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Cernow wrote: »
    Would wreck the game. The game world isn't designed for it.

    It's worth noting that the MMO that made flying mounts popular, WoW, backed away from them in their latest expansion and don't seem to be keen on allowing flying mounts to be used in the WoD expansion zones anytime soon. This speaks volumes.

    devs said after swimming under water is developed they want to be able to fly :-)

    i 100% agree with them and i want to fly to.

    No they didn't say that. There was an offhand comment about if they develop underwater environments players will want the sky to be accessible also. It was a joke and a comment about underwater being a slippery slope and was likely also a passive aggressive justification for not working on underwater content.

    How dare you rebut with factual information!

    the dev did say he wants to fly this is fact go to the end of the live stream. go to 2:00:49 in the video and listen for yourself


    Ahaha eso live strikes again.
    Id totally spend money in corwn store for that!
  • Zhoyzu
    Silt Strider or netch plz
    Zhoyzu - Nightblade Alchemist (v15) RETIRED
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    Ambadassador - Dragon knight (v1) Naked with no future (returned from the naked realm to tank PvE)
    Sakis Tolis - Sorceror (v10 in progress) Living Legend!

    Xuhl'Xotuun - Warden Current Main as im starting the game over essentially with this character aside from crafting.

    Creator of Khajiit fall dmg reduction racial passive concept.

  • Forestd16b14_ESO
    Why both when Dwemer air ships are much more cozy.

  • granty2008cyb16_ESO
    Why both when Dwemer air ships are much more cozy.


    i would love this as-well im easy :-)
  • granty2008cyb16_ESO
    Heromofo wrote: »

    flying carpet why didn't i think of that XD
  • Heromofo
    Heromofo wrote: »

    flying carpet why didn't i think of that XD

    I feel bad because if they had one in eso i would pay 50 bucks for it lol just so i can play that song ahha.
    Edited by Heromofo on May 18, 2015 12:25PM
  • MissyMad
    Would You Buy A Flying Mount If They Were To Come To ESO

    NO NO NO

    Come on.
    You have your way shrines, your transition shrines in Cyro.

    Where in lore - Besides 800-1000 years down the road in Dragonborn do you see people riding around mythical flying creatures. Tell me you're going to go capture a wasp and jump on it's back with your "wasp voice" powers with out it impaling you through the chest. Better yet let's just evolve the races instantly to grow magical fairy wings and flutter around Tamriel.

    2. They don't want you to just skip content/mobs/exploration to drop in on some mats or a chest on the ground.
    3. Go play WoW
    4. Enjoy Elder Scrolls for what it is. Elder Scrolls.
    You stink of death my friend, I salute you.
  • granty2008cyb16_ESO
    MissyMad wrote: »
    Would You Buy A Flying Mount If They Were To Come To ESO

    NO NO NO

    Come on.
    You have your way shrines, your transition shrines in Cyro.

    Where in lore - Besides 800-1000 years down the road in Dragonborn do you see people riding around mythical flying creatures. Tell me you're going to go capture a wasp and jump on it's back with your "wasp voice" powers with out it impaling you through the chest. Better yet let's just evolve the races instantly to grow magical fairy wings and flutter around Tamriel.

    2. They don't want you to just skip content/mobs/exploration to drop in on some mats or a chest on the ground.
    3. Go play WoW
    4. Enjoy Elder Scrolls for what it is. Elder Scrolls.

    im sure they could add the lore
  • AngryNord
    They could add pink tentacles to the lore too. That doesnt mean they should.
  • granty2008cyb16_ESO
    AngryNord wrote: »
    They could add pink tentacles to the lore too. That doesnt mean they should.

    i think pink tentacles would be quite cool :-)

  • granty2008cyb16_ESO
    lets see what the console players think
    A mount that flew just a few feet off the ground. Hell yes I would get it.
  • RedTalon
    Just cause it would bug some people and be fun like always wearing a wedding dress
  • Zusia211
    I wouldn't mainly cause I see a "flying" mount really end up being a hovering mount.
    PSN: blinkgirl211 - if try adding me send message first cause lots of random people always tries to add me...
  • BigM
    NO go back to WOW for that, not in stars for ESO. Now maybe where you are killing a dragon and get on his back till you kill him. :smiley:
    “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”
    ― Stephen Hawking
  • Korah_Eaglecry
    Flying Mounts would cause all sorts of issues in PvP. The current setup allows you to be vulnerable like everyone else in Cyrodiil. Flying Mounts would be the first actual sign of P2W as players would be able to maneuver out of the reach of enemy players with ease.
    Penniless Sellsword Company
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  • granty2008cyb16_ESO
    BigM wrote: »
    NO go back to WOW for that, not in stars for ESO. Now maybe where you are killing a dragon and get on his back till you kill him. :smiley:

    they said after swimming was implemented they would like to add flying mounts :-)
  • Solid_Metal
    no no and no, i will strongly denied it
    "i will walk through the fog, as i welcome death"
  • Zorrashi
    Ok I know I posted something here. Now where did I...
    Oh here we go!
    Zorrashi wrote: »
    From the lore-breaking to the very probable mechanic abuse, flying mounts should not be included in the game.

    Most people will just use it to fly over the required NPC and drop down instead of fighting/stealthing through the mobs. Permit it in PvP then it could be even worse as people sky-dive into keeps and resources.

    Even the practical use of faster travel is somewhat negated by the fact that we have other mechanics that help with the issue (i.e. wayshrines and horses). By that point flying mounts are just to get to point A to point B with minimal threat/effort. There is a reason Blizzard said they regretted implementing flying mounts.

    That being said though, if the 'flying' mounts instead referred to mounts that merely hovered above ground (like the mighty netch) then I'd be ok with that.

  • SinisterAgonian
    Yes i need a dragon
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