danno816_ESO wrote: »danno816_ESO wrote: »KrisButtar wrote: ». If balance is an issue balance the skill lines.
not possible to do, ESPECIALLY with an open skill system, so sorry, balance breaks when you have an open skill system.
Archeage does it very well. Won't comment on the rest of the game, but the 16 skill lines allowing you to choose 3 only at a time (you can switch it up at any time) has created a possible 120 different "classes".
Sure some will suck and others will dominate, but there is no "1 perfect build" for every situation, so you acyually wind up with more diversity than just DK=Tank, Templar=Healer scenario you get with rigid classes.
The best part of this system is you never get the "oh no I chose x class at character select and now I am stuck being terrible until they get around to balancing it" problem you get with rigid class selections.
if you think this, you must not have actually played Archage, or ANY RPG, that much...........
there might not be 1 perfect build, but there are definitely only a handful of them, compared to how many you can actually make.
so thanks for proving my point.
I played Archeage for 4 months, taking a break from ESO to do it. I left because in order to play the game at a certain level you have to be absolutely glued to your property, never taking more than 1-2 days off at a time or risk losing everything.
At 38 years old I have played more RPG than most people who are playing ESO I would wager to bet. All the way back to original NES Dragon Warrior, with a dozen consoles and dozens of RPG's in between. So you are wrong in your assumption.
My point is that in Archeage, you do not need classes to have an open system and it works. At the very worst, it is as good and open as ESO, with as many viable builds, so why have classes at all?
Was that your point? If so you are welcome.
olaf_fairshield wrote: »The Elder Scrolls has taught me one thing. It's that there are no limitations. ESO has been going in the right direction, but I still feel that my character is biased by the class he chooses. I shouldn't have to heal just because I chose Templar or I shouldn't have to tank because I chose Dragonknight. I propose that classes be removed all together in lieu of a system where skills/spells are taught by the different guilds of ESO i.e. Fighter skills are taught by the Fighter's Guild and spells are taught by the Mage's guild. We are no longer "Race X Class Y" we are simply, "Race X." Do you like this idea?
Revenant_Spartan wrote: »Use the lock-out mechanic. Everyone has access to all the skill lines but the moment you spend a point in a class' skill line, you are locked out of the other classes' skill lines untill you respecc. Simple as that. That way, you are still a "class" but you can swap if you want to without having to reroll a character. And that way it is no extra work for ZOS for balancing as you can still only play one of the classes at a time.
This would be a compromise between "doing away with classes" and the "keep the classes unique" argument.