Siege damage is perfect as is, it actually looks like a war now. The only people complaining are those who only know how to zerg bomb keeps and don't know how to dodge red circles while standing in massive clumps. Of course you will die if you don't use siege bubbles, purges, and adapt to the game.
Using siege definitely doesn't require any skill. Defending from sieges requires skills. And anyone complaining in this thread about siege is either an inexperienced player who has no clue whatsoever about how to defend against sieges or is a player who refuses to adjust and change his glass cannon build to survive against siege damage.
And nothing against you Tripe, you're doing work out there and you're a great player overall but stating that someone deployed a 6meters high fire treb right next to you and you didn't see it happening does sound like a lack of observation there.
Siege damage is perfect as is, it actually looks like a war now. The only people complaining are those who only know how to zerg bomb keeps and don't know how to dodge red circles while standing in massive clumps. Of course you will die if you don't use siege bubbles, purges, and adapt to the game.
Ah yes, the only people who are complaining are those who fight in zergs and trains. Yes of course, that's why this solo player (and virtually everyone I know who enjoys small-scale pvp) can't stand it.
Same here. No red circle. Several times I got a rez and went instantly down and the person rezzing me claimed they didn't see a red circle either. I am tired of seeing "get out of the red circle". With all the glitches this game is burdened with why would it come as a surprise the red circles are inconsistent as well? You can't even open doors half the time Ffs!
7 Light (4 Martial Knowledge 4 Magnus), 2 Cyrodiil's Light jewelry -- enough Spell Power to make up for low resource pool (17k Magicka and 24k HP).
V10 Drink buff.
Almost 100% uptime on Detection + Spell Power + Magicka Regen potion.
Spam Dark Cloak constantly, so any Siege that does manage to hit me does not land any DoT ticks.
Play as a mix of healing and dps on a dual resto Nightblade, and it works great for me.
If I was using Food instead of Drink, would probably split my points as well; however, my current setup is hitting a pretty perfect balance for me.
Anyone who is good is not complaining about something that is available to everyone. Good players are complaining that now it doesnt matter if your good or not.
Septimus_Magna wrote: »
I have 23k health in Cyrodiil so we have about the same. As sorc Im forced to have a decent magicka pool to increase my shields. Im currently around 28k magicka and 2k spell damage with entropy active. I would recommend going 5LA/1HA/1MA to gain 6% health, magicka and stamina from the undaunted mettle passive.
So eventhough the majority thinks its great or just little bit too high but not much. They are still going to nerf it...
Do you have a source on this?
Brian Wheeler stated in his recent interview that they are fixing an issue with excessive damage scaling caused by outside skills buffing Siege, but said that he is happy with the current state of Siege Weapons otherwise. Did not get the impression that any changes to the base damage were inbound.
Tintinabula wrote: »yea Im supposed to be able to cam around me and get a 360 degree view of what I'm doing at all times while I kill four's my responsibility to catch the one hidden guy setting up a firetreb not engaging..if I don't..I'm bad bad bad bad..
/sarcasm off
Maybe they should make it so siege cant be set up out in the middle of nowhere..only within a certain radius of resources and keeps..finito
I feel very bad about it, and here's a screenshot that shows why:
And there are plenty more around us, but I didn't want to post a huge screenshot. 12+ VRs one-shotted. We pretty much gave up and stopped PVPing at this point. That's not much fun...not for us, at least...and I assume probably not for our enemies either, because PVP is boring if you've got nobody to play against.
There is nearly unavoidable death EVERYWHERE in Cyrodil. Horse-ride gankers, really good players, getting out numbered by well organized groups or stacked on crown blobs, falling from high places, siege... Now all we need is traps we can set that will explode doing massive aoe damage, and I think we're good
Yesterday as an estimate I died 15 times to gankers, 15 times being outplayed, 25 times being outnumbered or run-over by the zerg, and 3 times to siege...
I don't mind "zergs", it's a valid tactic. What I can't stand is the "blobs" of players, who pack in small buildings or rooms, and spam abilities, lagging the server. They used to get a free runout being able train-wreck solo players, pugs, smaller, or even larger less "blobbed" groups, not necessarily less organized groups.
Well, they are finally getting fire ballistas to the face. Quite a few times now, so far, instead of the train farming AP - we just blow the building down with all of them screaming inside. I LoL, server lags less, and they are mad because their blob tactics got nerfed. Sure they still work because of the group synergies in this game, but they can now be more readily countered, with siege.
Thank the Divines! (and whoever came up with the siege damage increase)
I feel very bad about it, and here's a screenshot that shows why:
And there are plenty more around us, but I didn't want to post a huge screenshot. 12+ VRs one-shotted. We pretty much gave up and stopped PVPing at this point. That's not much fun...not for us, at least...and I assume probably not for our enemies either, because PVP is boring if you've got nobody to play against.