Septimus_Magna wrote: »
All points into health? Only tank builds can pull that off imo. Your resource pools will be very small making healing or dps on a competitive level nearly impossible.
I have 42 points into magicka and only 25 points into health and Im not getting one-shot by any siege weapons.
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »Lol @AbraXuSeXile for voting "All siege is bad and you should feel bad" XD
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »Lol @AbraXuSeXile for voting "All siege is bad and you should feel bad" XD
Tintinabula wrote: »Im on a fireballista at full health 24000 and I get hit and drop dead in an instant and my death recap reads 24333. Are you trying to tell me I dont know what a one shot is?..I do have a damage meter as well.
It was awesome yesterday as I was flanking a zerg of Reds as they came upon a zerg of Blues. The reds sorta hung back by this wall for cover as the blues approached and they were completely unaware as I opened up on them with my fire ballista from the side. I felt like I, as a single person, made a huge difference on that encounter and it was all because I had advantageous positioning. If I were in a coordinated and advanced guild group I'd even be sending scouts out (NBs or Sorc) in front of our posse to get flanking siege shots on any heavy resistance the large group faces.
AbraXuSeXile wrote: »
So? Where was the actual PvP? You left clicked a few times and hit some players. Why are you writing about this in a positive note?
AbraXuSeXile wrote: »
What's so funny? Have you ever seen me or any of my guild use siege weapons?
PvP for me is not being at max range shooting a siege weapon and hoping i kill something, Anyone who agrees with these changes is not a real PvPer. Just bad players or archer scrubs scared to get dirty hands and make a difference with real PvP.
i agree with you and you have a good point, its true that seige wepon should take out 80% of your health, but to one shot us? i dont agree with one shot from seige.
Isn't any attack a "left click"?
Why you godda be so tough, tough guy?
Would you rather go back to being able to stand in siege AOE's indefinitely? That clearly took substantial amounts of skill...
dwemer_paleologist wrote: »i agree with you and you have a good point, its true that seige wepon should take out 80% of your health, but to one shot us? i dont agree with one shot from seige.
Game is so much better now. Feels epic again like it did in the beginning (which is amazing). Feels like a war again.
People need to adapt their play styles and will after some time. Vampire signing out!
Feels epic again? In the beginning when everyone had crap builds, and leveling up right. Now people should adapt their play style, but before no one was having that.
Excellent update on siege damage. I will now pvp more often. Siege imo should be very strong now players need to dodge roll. Pvp looks more now like a real war.
Exactly my thought, its hilarious people who are like hey its like the beta! I just think to myself, oh that time where everyone sucked and didn't know the game so everyone just ran around like headless chicken? O.o Its very telling seeing what people want.
I'd expect you not to be able to carry around 100s of 1 ton flaming boulders in your backpack. This is realism we're going for, right?