How do you feel about the recent increase to siege damage?

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  • cozmon3c_ESO
    Great change, the current siege damage strikes just the right balance
    use siege shield if you are having trouble, not that hard.
    Guild UMBRA Chapter Lead
    ~Leper Si -V14 Sorcerer~
    Youtube Channel - Leper
  • Samadhi
    Great change, the current siege damage strikes just the right balance

    All points into health? Only tank builds can pull that off imo. Your resource pools will be very small making healing or dps on a competitive level nearly impossible.

    I have 42 points into magicka and only 25 points into health and Im not getting one-shot by any siege weapons.

    7 Light (4 Martial Knowledge 4 Magnus), 2 Cyrodiil's Light jewelry -- enough Spell Power to make up for low resource pool (17k Magicka and 24k HP).
    V10 Drink buff.
    Almost 100% uptime on Detection + Spell Power + Magicka Regen potion.
    Spam Dark Cloak constantly, so any Siege that does manage to hit me does not land any DoT ticks.

    Play as a mix of healing and dps on a dual resto Nightblade, and it works great for me.
    If I was using Food instead of Drink, would probably split my points as well; however, my current setup is hitting a pretty perfect balance for me.
    "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion." -- the 14th Dalai Lama
    Wisdom is doing Now that which benefits you later.
  • narf911
    Great change, the current siege damage strikes just the right balance
    Seige damage makes my biscuit moist. I love listening to the AD screaming as they burn, then they realize 'DURRR DEM RED CIRCLES ARE OUCHIES!'
  • Joy_Division
    Siege damage needed an increase, but not nearly this much
    Needed a boost, but It's a bit much.
  • Maulkin
    Lol @AbraXuSeXile for voting "All siege is bad and you should feel bad" XD
    EU | PC | AD
  • Agrippa_Invisus
    Great change, the current siege damage strikes just the right balance
    I love it. Totally sold on it.
    Agrippa Invisus / Indominus / Inprimis / Inviolatus
    DragonKnight / Templar / Warden / Sorcerer - Vagabond
    Once a General, now a Citizen
    Former Emperor of Bloodthorn and Vivec
    For Sweetrolls! FOR FIMIAN!
  • NukeAllTheThings
    Great change, but I'd like to see siege damage bumped up even more!
    I LOVE the new siege damage. It forces me to move, it forces me to attack angles, it forces me to use different skills in different situations, it forces me to identify the biggest threat and try to eliminate it. I love it even though I died 3 straight times to a barrage of fire ballista/fire pot treb. Die, get rezzed....die....get rezzed....die again. It wasn't the siege's fault I went brain dead and didn't wait until the defenders were reloading before I accepted the rez. Lesson learned, I either adapt or get ready to do a lot more respawning and riding.

    I had to vote for more damage because that choice looked lonely

    Edited by NukeAllTheThings on March 25, 2015 3:45PM
    "it's important to state that our decision to go with subscriptions is not a referendum on online game revenue models. F2P, B2P, etc. are valid, proven business models - but subscription is the one that fits ESO the best, given our commitment to freedom of gameplay, quality and long-term content delivery. Plus, players will appreciate not having to worry about being "monetized" in the middle of playing the game, which is definitely a problem that is cropping up more and more in online gaming these days." - Matt Firor
  • Sylvyr
    Good change, but I'd like to see siege damaged reduced a tiny bit
    I like siege being powerful but it seems just a little too much. Just a little. I know, move out of circles...

    The fire damage is causing a mass exodus of vampires that don't like getting one shot (can't really heal or deal with it when you go from full to zero...)

    Here's an idea. I like how armor doesn't mitigate the power of siege, but secondary effects or damage types should be addressed differently. Elemental resists should still partially mitigate elemental portions of damage, anti-snare should mitigate snaring effects, etc.

    That would make some sense.
    Badge: Wall-of-Text GRANDMASTER

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    ZoSence (n.):
    1) What is reasonable or comprehensive using ZoS logic. "That makes ZoSense"
    2) Making zero sense. "That makes ZoSense"
  • Mojomonkeyman
    All siege is bad and you should feel bad.
    Lol @AbraXuSeXile for voting "All siege is bad and you should feel bad" XD

    I did, too. Haven`t met any mechanically decent PvP player who would enjoy trading the skills, timings and combos he learned for standing still just to press the same button every 5-10 seconds. That`s not PvP. Individual PvP qualities are always measured by mechanical capabilities (speed, precision, timings) which just can`t be appied standing on a trebuchet.

    It`s actually very funny, the guys I consider good PvPers in this game all seem to share the same opinion:"Only 12 Buttons is already limiting enough, who would trade that for one?" But they are being called out by players I never met or recognize for being bad because they complain about siege being absurdely powerful...

    Guess all the legolases found a new toy to play with.

    Koma Grey, Chocolate Thunder, Little Mojo, Dagoth Mojo & Mojomancy
  • EdTerra
    The old siege damage was fine and should have been left alone
    fire treb : instant kill (even if u'r not a vamp) -> "oh it's balanced."
    Oil on the ground : CAN kill you in 3s if you'r vamp -> "ZOOOOooos pleease NEEEEERF"

    I don't understand...
    Edited by EdTerra on March 25, 2015 4:47PM
    [EU] AD - Erdril v16 N(oo)B | AR40
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    Still a solo player in this zergfest

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  • AbraXuSeXile
    All siege is bad and you should feel bad.
    Lol @AbraXuSeXile for voting "All siege is bad and you should feel bad" XD

    What's so funny? Have you ever seen me or any of my guild use siege weapons?

    PvP for me is not being at max range shooting a siege weapon and hoping i kill something, Anyone who agrees with these changes is not a real PvPer. Just bad players or archer scrubs scared to get dirty hands and make a difference with real PvP.
    Grand Overlord Rank 50 [First EU]
    Clan Leader of eXile
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  • Erock25
    Great change, the current siege damage strikes just the right balance
    It was awesome yesterday as I was flanking a zerg of Reds as they came upon a zerg of Blues. The reds sorta hung back by this wall for cover as the blues approached and they were completely unaware as I opened up on them with my fire ballista from the side. I felt like I, as a single person, made a huge difference on that encounter and it was all because I had advantageous positioning. If I were in a coordinated and advanced guild group I'd even be sending scouts out (NBs or Sorc) in front of our posse to get flanking siege shots on any heavy resistance the large group faces.
    You earned the 500 LOLs badge.
    You received 500 LOLs. It ain't no fluke, you post great stuff and we're lucky to have you here. +50 points
  • phreatophile
    Great change, the current siege damage strikes just the right balance
    If we didn't get the huge red circle screaming "incoming" it would be to much.

    Seige engines were/are lethal. That's kind of the point.
  • IcyDeadPeople
    Im on a fireballista at full health 24000 and I get hit and drop dead in an instant and my death recap reads 24333. Are you trying to tell me I dont know what a one shot is?..I do have a damage meter as well.

    It's the DoT that killed you. It happens very fast, but if you had efficient purge on your bar there is a split second after the initial impact where you could have purged. (Although it sounds like you might have been trying to exit the siege menu at the time.)

    I imagine there are few people in Cyrodiil that can be one-shotted by a fire ballista at full health. It only does 14-16K damage, but the DoT ticks three times very quickly for 8k each.

    Perhaps ZOS should display DoTs a little differently on the death recaps, as currently it rolls everything up into one number for these siege weapons.

    Not to say this damage isn't perhaps a bit too extreme, of course!
    Edited by IcyDeadPeople on March 25, 2015 5:42PM
  • AbraXuSeXile
    All siege is bad and you should feel bad.
    Erock25 wrote: »
    It was awesome yesterday as I was flanking a zerg of Reds as they came upon a zerg of Blues. The reds sorta hung back by this wall for cover as the blues approached and they were completely unaware as I opened up on them with my fire ballista from the side. I felt like I, as a single person, made a huge difference on that encounter and it was all because I had advantageous positioning. If I were in a coordinated and advanced guild group I'd even be sending scouts out (NBs or Sorc) in front of our posse to get flanking siege shots on any heavy resistance the large group faces.

    So? Where was the actual PvP? You left clicked a few times and hit some players. Why are you writing about this in a positive note?
    Grand Overlord Rank 50 [First EU]
    Clan Leader of eXile
    Gaming Community - Est. 1999
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  • Observant
    Good change, but I'd like to see siege damaged reduced a tiny bit

    So? Where was the actual PvP? You left clicked a few times and hit some players. Why are you writing about this in a positive note?

    Isn't any attack a "left click"?
    Why you godda be so tough, tough guy?

    Would you rather go back to being able to stand in siege AOE's indefinitely? That clearly took substantial amounts of skill... :trollface:
    Edited by Observant on March 25, 2015 5:14PM
  • Gilvoth
    The old siege damage was fine and should have been left alone
    i understand it was supose to break up zergs and it does "Kind-of" break them up yes BUT,
    honestly i think its not cool because we nightblades are allready weak, and die easily.
    we had our sneak speeds removed and we depend on stamina alone for 80% of all our actions as stamina nightblades. so when we are out of stamina and we are also slowed down and have about 5 balista red circles all around us it is completely imposible to escape that red circle.
    and thats in both pvp and pve.
    some times the red circle is not even load untill i only have 1 second to see it. <- that part does not happen alot but it does happen.
    Edited by Gilvoth on March 25, 2015 5:16PM
  • Maulkin

    What's so funny? Have you ever seen me or any of my guild use siege weapons?

    PvP for me is not being at max range shooting a siege weapon and hoping i kill something, Anyone who agrees with these changes is not a real PvPer. Just bad players or archer scrubs scared to get dirty hands and make a difference with real PvP.

    We'll have to agree to disagree.

    There's a time and place for siege, which is when you're defending keeps, breaches, chokepoints and it's an important part of PvP. Especially when you're outnumbered. I don't think anyone here gets to say what "a real PvPer" is, whoever they are. I might think that people who duel are the only "real PvPers" (and I haven't seen you in duels) but that doesn't make it so.

    There's more than enough people here who agree with the changes that are neither bad players, nor archers scrubs.

    You already make good use of line of sight when you're fighting outnumbered. Just continue to do so and you'll be fine.
    EU | PC | AD
  • Gilvoth
    The old siege damage was fine and should have been left alone
    i will admit tho it has made pvp last longer and to me is much more exciting.
  • Gilvoth
    The old siege damage was fine and should have been left alone
    Observant wrote: »

    Isn't any attack a "left click"?
    Why you godda be so tough, tough guy?

    Would you rather go back to being able to stand in siege AOE's indefinitely? That clearly took substantial amounts of skill... :trollface:
    i agree with you and you have a good point, its true that seige wepon should take out 80% of your health, but to one shot us? i dont agree with one shot from seige.
  • Agrippa_Invisus
    Great change, the current siege damage strikes just the right balance
    i agree with you and you have a good point, its true that seige wepon should take out 80% of your health, but to one shot us? i dont agree with one shot from seige.

    I haven't gotten one shot once.

    And I've taken direct hits from fire trebs (not on purpose).

    So, how glass cannon is your build?
    Agrippa Invisus / Indominus / Inprimis / Inviolatus
    DragonKnight / Templar / Warden / Sorcerer - Vagabond
    Once a General, now a Citizen
    Former Emperor of Bloodthorn and Vivec
    For Sweetrolls! FOR FIMIAN!
  • c0rp
    Great change, the current siege damage strikes just the right balance
    Game is so much better now. Feels epic again like it did in the beginning (which is amazing). Feels like a war again.

    People need to adapt their play styles and will after some time. Vampire signing out!
    Force weapon swap to have priority over EVERYTHING. Close enough.
    Make stamina builds even with magicka builds.
    Disable abilities while holding block.
    Give us a REASON to do dungeons more than once.
    Remove PVP AoE CAP. It is ruining Cyrodiil.
    Fix/Remove Forward Camps. They are ruining Cyrodiil.
    Impenetrability needs to REDUCE CRIT DAMAGE. Not negate entire builds.
    Werewolf is not equal to Vamps/Bats.
  • krim
    Great change, but I'd like to see siege damage bumped up even more!
    Should be bumped up more I still dont have to use purge someone in the giant tidal wave will for me.
  • krim
    Great change, but I'd like to see siege damage bumped up even more!
    c0rp wrote: »
    Game is so much better now. Feels epic again like it did in the beginning (which is amazing). Feels like a war again.

    People need to adapt their play styles and will after some time. Vampire signing out!

    Feels epic again? In the beginning when everyone had crap builds, and leveling up right. Now people should adapt their play style, but before no one was having that.
    Edited by krim on March 25, 2015 5:44PM
  • Huntler
    Siege damage needed an increase, but not nearly this much
    krim wrote: »

    Feels epic again? In the beginning when everyone had crap builds, and leveling up right. Now people should adapt their play style, but before no one was having that.

    Exactly my thought, its hilarious people who are like hey its like the beta! I just think to myself, oh that time where everyone sucked and didn't know the game so everyone just ran around like headless chicken? O.o Its very telling seeing what people want.
  • King Bozo
    King Bozo
    Great change, but I'd like to see siege damage bumped up even more!
    Excellent update on siege damage. I will now pvp more often. Siege imo should be very strong now players need to dodge roll. Pvp looks more now like a real war.
  • Huntler
    Siege damage needed an increase, but not nearly this much
    King Bozo wrote: »
    Excellent update on siege damage. I will now pvp more often. Siege imo should be very strong now players need to dodge roll. Pvp looks more now like a real war.

    Cuz *** magicka builds
  • krim
    Great change, but I'd like to see siege damage bumped up even more!
    King Bozo wrote: »
    Excellent update on siege damage. I will now pvp more often. Siege imo should be very strong now players need to dodge roll. Pvp looks more now like a real war.

    You didnt pvp before because you were terrible, and show signs of a quitter. But now that you magically became good you gonna pvp again.
    Edited by krim on March 25, 2015 5:57PM
  • krim
    Great change, but I'd like to see siege damage bumped up even more!
    Huntler wrote: »

    Exactly my thought, its hilarious people who are like hey its like the beta! I just think to myself, oh that time where everyone sucked and didn't know the game so everyone just ran around like headless chicken? O.o Its very telling seeing what people want.

    Its my first MMO man give me a break.
  • Davadin
    Great change, the current siege damage strikes just the right balance
    it's awesome.
    jaebdub wrote: »

    I'd expect you not to be able to carry around 100s of 1 ton flaming boulders in your backpack. This is realism we're going for, right?

    in a world where i can fight evil gods and carry thousands of stacks of ingots in my bag?

    August Palatine Davadin Bloodstrake - Nord Dragon Knight - PC NA - Gray Host
    Greymoor 6.0.7 PvP : Medium 2H/SnB The Destroyer
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