You didnt pvp before because you were terrible, and show signs of a quitter. But now that you magically became good you gonna pvp again.
Glad you know why I did not pvp before thanks for the guess but your wrong. I am a pve player working on 4th vet character so I will have one of every class for pve and pvp.
Exactly my thought, its hilarious people who are like hey its like the beta! I just think to myself, oh that time where everyone sucked and didn't know the game so everyone just ran around like headless chicken? O.o Its very telling seeing what people want.
Groups of 4/5/6 holding of waves of enemies is epic. Excellent update on siege damage.
Personally, I love the change. Yes, as a vamp, I've suffered the rare one shot when I haven't been paying attention...
..But, I think the main source of ire with this change is that there seems to be an occasional bug in Cyro where all of the dot is being added immediately.
I've noticed this with Meteors and Siege, among other skills, where I'll be hit for 2-3 times the games tooltip description of the attack, instantaneously.
I suppose that this could also be lag related... but I've had it happen when there was very little lag occurring... so...
Several times I've been hit with a ballista and saw no red circle, they should look into that.
It's a player skill issue. Every time I get killed by siege, I realize I just failed a Situational Awareness check.
This is one area where PvE players may have an advantage. They're used to red circles signifying imminent instagib, and they're quick to move. Now, everyone needs to treat any large skirmish or keep fight like an endboss raid encounter.
If you don't like it, play better
xDOVAHKIINx wrote: »
This is what i dont understand many players who like the siege damage all pull the L2P card, but when the siege was not so relevant to your victories and you were actually playing were getting rolled. So who here actually needs to pull the L2P card? it certainty is not people who are for the siege damage.
The new siege is glorious!
More, more more. How do you like it, how do you like it!
It does keep me dancing on the receiving end though. Thank god for Siege Shield and Dark Cloak.
xDOVAHKIINx wrote: »
This is what i dont understand many players who like the siege damage all pull the L2P card, but when the siege was not so relevant to your victories and you were actually playing were getting rolled. So who here actually needs to pull the L2P card? it certainty is not people who are for the siege damage.
Exactly. Now we see the learn and adapt cards. It's hilarious
L2P or L2Adapt means learn to play the game as it is right now, not learn to play the game as it once was or how you want it to be. To adapt means embracing change.
If everybody who now like the changes where the same ones that always cried for "nerf this and taht" before and you responded "L2P" then you might have had something resembling a point, but ive yet to see any proof thats the case.
xDOVAHKIINx wrote: »
This is what i dont understand many players who like the siege damage all pull the L2P card, but when the siege was not so relevant to your victories and you were actually playing were getting rolled. So who here actually needs to pull the L2P card? it certainty is not people who are for the siege damage.
I'm fighting four DC on Arrius farm flag last night. It's just me and one guard. I'm doing fine for resources and pretty sure I can stay alive until help arrives, possibly even kill a couple. A fifth DC comes up behind me and sets up a fire treb. I hear it fire and see the red circle but it's too close to even bother trying to get out of it, I'm just praying it's friendly. Boom, instadead.
Why even bother trying to fight when the most effective thing you can do is nuke people with siege? I could have ran into that resource and just bombed them with my own siege. The thought did cross my mind and maybe i should have, but it just isn't fun or challenging in any way.
It baffles me that the majority of people in this poll think this is a perfect balance. I sat above a front door breach yesterday and slaughtered countless people with 2 oil pots and a fire treb. No skill, or skills needed just set up your siege of choice, stand there and press right mouse button. Your gear doesn't matter, level doesn't matter, choice of skills don't matter.
Next time someone asks me for a build, I'm just going to link them a fire treb.
I think the only way I MIGHT be okay with this, is if siege use was limited to an area around a keep. Even with a change like this, I think the damage would have to be scaled down. I put little to no thought into this idea.
Tintinabula wrote: »Im not against a siege increase..I want to see siege be relevant..a slight decrease of a few K in dps would suffice for me. But this one shotted stuff is just dumb.
Tintinabula wrote: »
and this. I wondered if it was just me..Its happened two or three times.