ZOS_BrianWheeler wrote: »Battle leveling is applied to all characters that are not VR1 or higher. We have been working on getting it applied to Vet players that are under the Battle level stats so they can close that gap between VR1 and VR14 players, but this isn't slated for a while still.
Also note that you do start to outpace the individual Battle level stats with your gear and stat picks in some degrees by level 48-50 so if you're specializing in getting one stat maxed. Granted you'll lag behind in the other 2 when compared to B level stats, but around that 48-50 mark, it doesn't hurt to pop out of Cyrodiil and compare your stats to the Battle level stats and see if you still want to use them.
ZOS_BrianWheeler wrote: »We did think about making it go to Vet 14, but it was desired to keep Cyrodiil at 12. Also the delves in Cyrodiil will be Vet 12 too. I saw that question a while back before 3 hours of meetings...
ZOS_BrianWheeler wrote: »Battle leveling is applied to all characters that are not VR1 or higher. We have been working on getting it applied to Vet players that are under the Battle level stats so they can close that gap between VR1 and VR14 players, but this isn't slated for a while still.
Have you ever PvP'd unexpectedly in a delve? It's one of the most awesome experiences in Cyrodiil. I hope that it does drive people underground...
ZOS_BrianWheeler wrote: »We are still aware of the performance issues and our engineers are still digging through code to resolve those issues.
Any chance I could get a reply on the Cyrodiil death bug while you're looking at this thread? I've been reporting this bug through every avenue possible since Beta and it is 100% reproducible.
Log into Cyrodiil.
Die somewhere.
Don't release.
Alt-F4 (or Crash).
Log into Cyrodiil.
Your jewelry enchants like Cost reduction are no longer working until you relog or zone into another zone.
ZOS_BrianWheeler wrote: »We are still aware of the performance issues and our engineers are still digging through code to resolve those issues.
Maybe you need a whip? It's good for work productivity and morale!!!
Seriously, if you need a whip just ask, I think there are lot of people who are ready to buy one for you!
ZOS_BrianWheeler wrote: »We are still aware of the performance issues and our engineers are still digging through code to resolve those issues.
dwemer_paleologist wrote: »
I would like to know this as well....and maybe a rough estimate as to when they'll be removed....
The PvP community are actually an easy customer base to look after. Just give us a place where we can play whack-a-rat with other people online while giving us an acceptable level of XP while whacking off....so we can improve our characters. Oh, and we want to be able to whack off, in a lag free environment.
That's it, nothing else.
Your half way there ZOS, I know you can do it.
ZOS_BrianWheeler wrote: »I'll state again that while these changes and the Siege changes are nice, they still pale in comparison to fixing the performance issues. We have engineers on it and we'll be adding in fixes when they get some coded up.
ZOS_BrianWheeler wrote: »I'll state again that while these changes and the Siege changes are nice, they still pale in comparison to fixing the performance issues. We have engineers on it and we'll be adding in fixes when they get some coded up.
ZOS_BrianWheeler wrote: »We have engineers on it and we'll be adding in fixes when they get some coded up.