oyvind_okb16_ESO wrote: »
wow rly? why should we in ep have to defend the scrolls at the temple becouse some noobs cant play the game fair? ppl complain about lagg? well it laggs as much for ep.. so thats the same for all.
jump the walls are exploit thats a fact, keep using it this game gonna go towards ruin at some point. i prey that the devs has the balls to ban ppl that does it. atleast when they have this in their terms of service :
"Promote, upload, transmit, encourage or take part in any activity involving hacking, cracking, phishing, taking advantage of exploits or cheats and/or distribution of counterfeit software and/or virtual currency/items. In an effort to continuously improve the Services, You and other players discovering exploits, cheats, cracks or other inconsistencies are required to report them to ZeniMax"
xxslam48xxb14_ESO wrote: »Ep has no idea that, that is possible! It is absolutely disgusting that ad knows how to use lag to their advantage! WOW! Keep up the good work ep!
If the scrolls weren't meant to be picked up, why can we press e? Does it not seem like an easy fix would be to change that if the gate is closed. Or maybe it is intended that you can pick it up.
Princess_Asgari wrote: »
So many things I want to say about your post. All of which will get me banned. I'll wait to strike another day.
For posting a judge Mathis pic? B@$!# please. Eat a sweet roll and calm down young man.
Princess_Asgari wrote: »
I know you are just baiting me to try and get banned. I will politely deny you of that request and I will instead laugh at you for: a. Thinking I care what some crack head swinging a wooden stick has to say to dem white folk and b. I'm on a diet and prefer red meat.
Thank you.
If the scrolls weren't meant to be picked up, why can we press e? Does it not seem like an easy fix would be to change that if the gate is closed. Or maybe it is intended that you can pick it up.
oyvind_okb16_ESO wrote: »
the thing is that the way u get to it is an exploit. jump the wall is an exploit. that simple. hiding from when gates was open ok tho when u havent had the gates open that day how did u get inside then? jump is an exploit thats a fact u cant go around. well u would never need to worry about an exploit if u cant do it -.-
this exploit can be game breaking at longer term. if ZOS not take it srsly and dont something about it fast. cuz when its spread to far its hard to stop it.
oyvind_okb16_ESO wrote: »
the thing is that the way u get to it is an exploit. jump the wall is an exploit. that simple. hiding from when gates was open ok tho when u havent had the gates open that day how did u get inside then? jump is an exploit thats a fact u cant go around. well u would never need to worry about an exploit if u cant do it -.-
this exploit can be game breaking at longer term. if ZOS not take it srsly and dont something about it fast. cuz when its spread to far its hard to stop it.
DisgracefulMind wrote: »
Sort of like the intentional server lag caused by standing in a corner with 20+ people spamming healing springs? Oh wait...
oyvind_okb16_ESO wrote: »
well, u say that the server lagg dont affect ep??????
they get as much lagg as u do.
+ as long u cant read minds u can never prove that they do it intentionally or not.
+ tho where jumping the wall directly says its intentionally done by the player that does it. cuz if not then he wouldn't have jumped at all.
You mad brah? Truth is, that gif wasn't aimed at anyone including yourself, so why your panties in a wad?
Well you could always defend if it becomes widespread, right?
oyvind_okb16_ESO wrote: »
the thing is that the way u get to it is an exploit. jump the wall is an exploit. that simple. hiding from when gates was open ok tho when u havent had the gates open that day how did u get inside then? jump is an exploit thats a fact u cant go around. well u would never need to worry about an exploit if u cant do it -.-
this exploit can be game breaking at longer term. if ZOS not take it srsly and dont something about it fast. cuz when its spread to far its hard to stop it.
Princess_Asgari wrote: »
I'm never mad cutie patootie.. I stay getting that EP/AD sweet booty all the time.. All the time
oyvind_okb16_ESO wrote: »
if its spreads to far they would end up in a situation where they would have to ban most of the servers populace then what? the game how will it keep running? alot of gain is gone.
this kind of thing must be stopped and show that's its not allowed fast. like destroy the virus before it spreads and ruins everything.
I'm pretty sure a fix would come before a massive ban if they actually see this as a problem. How about we don't blow this problem out of proportion.
oyvind_okb16_ESO wrote: »
problem if it aint blown this problem out of proportion the devs wont do it before half the players has left the game
WraithAzraiel wrote: »
That is actually not correct. They restricted several teleportation and jumping skills to prevent them from working in unintended scenarios. We do not use Ferocious Leap, therefore we are not using a bugged Leap skill.
the lagg helps the larger zerg. nice try to be obtuse though.oyvind_okb16_ESO wrote: »
well, u say that the server lagg dont affect ep??????
they get as much lagg as u do.
+ as long u cant read minds u can never prove that they do it intentionally or not.
+ tho where jumping the wall directly says its intentionally done by the player that does it. cuz if not then he wouldn't have jumped at all.
majestic862_ESO wrote: »Lmao what? People are actually trying to justifiy their blatant exploitation of the scrolls gates by saying that EP intentionally lags the server? LOL. That's sad and hilarious at the same time. Don't blame players for ZoS's coding being megafail allowing scroll takes. What's the next excuse to come out of the Green Alliance's Big Book of Failures and Excuses? That your seducer boots were untied?
oyvind_okb16_ESO wrote: »
problem if it aint blown this problem out of proportion the devs wont do it before half the players has left the game
I got him running in circles now!
oyvind_okb16_ESO wrote: »
hmm so u defend cheating wow this servers community are dying allready
I think your language is falling apart.
oyvind_okb16_ESO wrote: »
lol. i see things in a bit bigger picture then you do as it seams. i dont want games thats good to go to ruin, so better to flag the problems real hard then leaving them be and let them ruin it