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A Call to Haderus!

  • Thorjagger
    I know people in this game who have been playing from day one and that's all they do is PvE,might step into Cyrodiil long enough to get their buffs back.That's what they'll do.

    I've been on Azura's star and as soon as we touched a scroll we were literally out numbered from 9 of us against 35 of them at Aleswell. EP PvE players with ranks as high as Veteran. No further. Aside from the local PvPer's fighting to get their buffs back, right now,Azura's star stands red and giving buffs to the PvEr's out there doing what they do.

    Tyndreos Lacedion V ,Dragon Knight.

    Guild Leader Abandoned Legion.

    Former Emperor Of Haderus.

  • Ithilwenn
    Cody wrote: »
    Ithilwenn wrote: »
    Cody wrote: »
    It was nice seeing lacideon again even though he said he did not like what haderus became... he was right along side the impulse blobbers....


    You want to talk about how AD goes to 2 bars? Perhaps that because 30+ep shows up and we know what will happen. Then what happens? EP gets 3 bars in Haderus while we also fight one bar of DC....now let's do the math...thats 4 bars against 2 AD bars, AD never reached 3 bars....and you want to talk about being outnumbered? What a damn joke. As for Lacedion, of course he was there fighting. Alurvelve is in OUR guild and we back and fight for our emps. You want to talk about buff servers...for those NOT homed in Haderus, what happens when AD messes with Azuras? huh? anyone? thats right, zergball mania. EP talks a lot of crap but when will they actually fight DC? Never. Because all EP knows how to do is purple. As for the native Haderus EP, it was fun to fight you again. Vjori, looking forward to it and Galalin...sounds like christmas will be interesting :wink:
    ALL buff servers should be liberated. They are abominations and a disgrace on PvP.

    And lets be honest, AD has no room to play the victim card on Haderus. AD has constantly camped EPs(and DCs) gates. As soon as we would take farragut lumber mill, AD groups 4 times our size would show up and camp us back to our literal spawn points. even the freaking emperor would show up:( Most of the AD of Haderus are selfish people, ruining the game for others over PvE buffs, and have no right to complian when EP or DC makes pushes and actually defeats AD and acquires scrolls and keeps.

    I honestly don't know why you and every other AD person making such a big fuss are doing so to begin with. You people will simply wait until DC and EP go to sleep and cap everything back anyway, so stop complaining.

    If by the emperor you mean Ty there is a reason for that. Ty and I, and our guild, was always on had. There were virtually no pugs on back then, back before NM and LOM came in and zerged the map in like an hour. It wasn't Ty being anything but a player. Take emp out of the equation. We would go, which would usually be 4 or 5 of us and take a resource. We go to the resource because if left ignored, it means a siege starts and then we go for ap. It was never ty going as emp to demoralize ep and it wasn't to see how fast ep could be killed. Ty is a great player and if it takes a multitude of you to kill him, which it does, then learn from it and become a better player. But under no circumstances was "the emp is here to destroy you" ever a thing.
    Edited by Ithilwenn on December 23, 2014 6:28AM
    War doesn't forge character, it reveals it.

    Ithilwenn- AD Nightblade
    Tarielana- AD Templar
    Guildmistress of the Abandoned Legion
    Former Empress of Haderus, Chillrend, Axe of Belharza, & Shor (2018 Mayhem Event)
  • Thorjagger
    It never was,I was never there to see if I could set a record on "How fast can you wipe a defended resource" kinda thing. It was me being a player,I couldn't sit out of the fights or I'd fall and let an AD AP farmer come and sit on the title and never do a thing to defend it or lead.

    Look I apologize if you felt that way,but the fact of the matter is,I had to.
    Tyndreos Lacedion V ,Dragon Knight.

    Guild Leader Abandoned Legion.

    Former Emperor Of Haderus.

  • Rylana
    And lets look at this from an AD perspective thats not from your little guild.

    There are those of us that have homed Haderus since it came out, but play other campaigns most of the time.

    The reason I play other campaigns is because Haderus is always yellow. I figure, since I also PvE on occasion, why not take the buffs as well. I never saw a reason to change home campaign, but I come to Haderus at least 2-3 times a week, usually on my ganker.

    I also show up on the first day of the cycle to get tier 1 or 2 for a little cash money each week. If the map wasnt yellow 24/7 otherwise id be there all day every day, because thornblade lag SUCKS.

    Never cared about the leaderboard, never cared about the politics, but what I do care about is your little fiasco last month when you tried to play abdicate + crown with your spouse.

    Ive been on Haderus since the very first day. Hell TKO was one of the first guilds to home there (we later went to chillrend, then to thorn) when the 90 days were shut down, until we found where the population competitive was going to be.

    I was there for the beginning of Sura's reign, the end of Sura's reign 2 months later, Ezareths five or six or maybe 10 reigns (actually on my EP toon for that time span)

    You talk about playing the moral high ground, but fact is your little guild is full of zone chat warriors and egos and not much else. You pissed off so many AD with your selfish attempt to farm emperor for your guildmates under the guise of "defending the campaign" when in reality the real AP farmers on the campaign are you guys.

    Its like I said in zone when I logged in today at 630 pm "all you noobs camping their spawn better not be there in a half hour for the reset so we can actually fricken PvP"

    Cause thats what you do, I WATCHED members of your group doing it. Literally sitting out front of Farragut farming any reds that so much as tried to come through the gate.

    You want competition? No you want easy AP farm kills to stroke your own ego since youre about the only people that seem willing to kick the other two factions when they are already pushed entirely off the map.

    The moment anything resembling numbers shows up (like today when we had 2 bars to EPs two bars) you get absolutely obliterated. Ive seen it first hand on my EP sorc, you bring 30 guys to a scroll temple gate, and six to eight reds wipe you out.

    And you had the audacity to call me an emperor farmer today, you of all people...
    Edited by Rylana on December 23, 2014 6:45AM
    @rylanadionysis == Closed Beta Tester October 2013 == Retired October 2016 == Uninstalled @ One Tamriel Release == Inactive Indefinitely
    Ebonheart Pact: Lyzara Dionysis - Sorc - AR 37 (Former Empress of Blackwater Blade and Haderus) == Shondra Dionysis - Temp - AR 23 == Arrianaya Dionysis - DK - AR 17
    Aldmeri Dominion: Rylana Dionysis - DK - AR 25 == Kailiana - NB - AR 21 == Minerva Dionysis - Temp - AR 21 == Victoria Dionysis - Sorc - AR 13
    Daggerfall Covenant: Dannika Dionysis - DK - AR 21 == The Catman Rises - Temp - AR 15 (Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade)
    Forum LOL Champion (retired) == Black Belt in Ballista-Fu == The Last Vice Member == Praise Cheesus == Electro-Goblin
  • Cody
    Ithilwenn wrote: »
    Thorjagger wrote: »
    I may have camped your gates a few times,but if I had any say I would let you take resource. Half the time I wasen't even on the front line fighting you guys at a bloody resource. I still had to get my points to stay on top.

    As for you guys zerging us or should I say outnumbering us bothering me,that's not the part that bothers me,I don't mind the fact that it's a competitive server,I don't like the fact AD on this server is so divided that it's unreal. They're completely disorganized as a whole.

    I'm also not playing the victim here. Truthfully I understand why EP wants to bully us,you guys feel bullied by the rest of AD who camped your gates. So you should.

    Also if I had my way at any of those resources it would've been evenly matched every time.

    DC and EP can say we camped their gates but let us bring some real insight into this. AD PUGS camped your gates. The IV Legion was one of the only guilds that fought and defended haderus before all this crap went down. I know what goes on in our TS and what was said time and again was "stay away from the gates. let them come out. let them do something." we never wanted to camp gates. if and when it happened, was because we had emp and had to out ap the ad farmers. ask the native ep in had, we stayed away for days and we fell on the leaderboards and we could no longer stay away. As a rule though, our guild does not gate camp. I get why EP wants to complain but don't act like the same isn't done to us. In azuras, they *tried* to farm us at the gates...our gates...so it makes them no different. On had, all of our keeps are taken instead of DC and EP fighting each other. That is utter crap. Ty makes great points in this post.

    Thorjagger wrote: »
    It never was,I was never there to see if I could set a record on "How fast can you wipe a defended resource" kinda thing. It was me being a player,I couldn't sit out of the fights or I'd fall and let an AD AP farmer come and sit on the title and never do a thing to defend it or lead.

    Look I apologize if you felt that way,but the fact of the matter is,I had to.

    So you had to defend an EP home keep, that would have, in no way, took a large chunk from your PvE buffs, all because you were worried about some other AD players getting more AP than you?? are you serious.... so you basically don't even consider the fact that you demoralize EP in that instance....

    I have played since beta. I was here for the first 90 day cycle of Hopesfire. It was awful, it was 90 days of gate camping. You people on Had are no different. You can take the moral high ground all you want lacedion, but you and the rest of your friends are just as guilty as the pugs. you are like.... f*** it ill say it, rage tells and shame policy be d**** y'all are like what Alacrity from Hopesfire was: you claim you want what's best for the server, you claim you don't want your opponents camped behind the gates, yet you seem to have NO problem playing with these people.. you have no problem assulting the one lumber mill EP has then leading a large force to our gates... you have no problem with making some speech about how you are leaving haderus, then to only come back when AD is steamrolling everything.... it's just..... it really is pathetic.

    but enough. Im done talking to you. Its clear I am wasting my time. I expect to see more gate camping tommorow. Enjoy your PvE buffs and your 15 minute trial runs. If thats truely how you have fun in this game, fine, i won't argue about it here any longer. If your meaningless title is so important to you, that you would ruin the game for others, fine; i hope you enjoy it. I denounce you, and any other AD player that supports you. Have fun with your buffs.
    Edited by Cody on December 23, 2014 7:15AM
  • FluffiestOne
    These AD need to QQ less. Their buff server is going to be gone, gg get out yerbaddddd
    Senior Fluffykins, Daggerfall Liberator of Haderus, Dragonknight.
    Fliffers, Daggerfall Liberator of Hopesfire, Templar.
    Prophet Fluffy of Death, Casual of the Dominion, Sorceror.
    Nozdorumu The Timeless, Daggerfall. Dragon. Nightblade.
    All my toon names are subject to change.
    " Ignorance must be bliss because I can't imagine why anyone would live in it. " -Fluffy
  • Andferne
    Get crowned Emp. Get zerg balled out of it once again. lol

    Well thanks folks for the PvP, but I believe that I will be taking a short break from it for a while. I will most likely still pop in from time to time.

    Keep up the good fight.
  • WarrioroftheWind_ESO
    Well looks like I ended up missing alot. I had all last week on vacation to mess around most of the primetime fighting the good fight but now vacation's over and Christmas Week just makes it worse. I'm sorry I'll be missing most of the holiday shenanigans too since I'll be going home for the holiday again and internet in the country is about as fast as drying paint.

    Merry Christmas all and Happy beatings-I mean Holidays...
  • Asgari
    Why are AD such babies? It's a pvp server, not a buff server. QQ less and pvp with the big boys. There is more to this game than fighting AI all day long.
    Formerly @Persian_Princess .. Now @Asgari
    Princess Asgari | Sorc
    Asgari | NB
    -Asgari | Stamplar
    Ariana Kishi | DK | True Liberator of Haderus
    Banner Down!
    No Mercy
    Youtube: Asgari
  • FluffiestOne
    Flipped it blue. gg
    Senior Fluffykins, Daggerfall Liberator of Haderus, Dragonknight.
    Fliffers, Daggerfall Liberator of Hopesfire, Templar.
    Prophet Fluffy of Death, Casual of the Dominion, Sorceror.
    Nozdorumu The Timeless, Daggerfall. Dragon. Nightblade.
    All my toon names are subject to change.
    " Ignorance must be bliss because I can't imagine why anyone would live in it. " -Fluffy
  • saintmurray
    Made some great AP the last few hours, loving the back and forward nature of the server
    Saintmurray-V14-Bamplar-EP Former Emp Haderus
    Hans Incognito-V1 DK-EP
  • AryaWythers
    Ithilwenn wrote: »
    Thorjagger wrote: »
    I may have camped your gates a few times,but if I had any say I would let you take resource. Half the time I wasen't even on the front line fighting you guys at a bloody resource. I still had to get my points to stay on top.

    As for you guys zerging us or should I say outnumbering us bothering me,that's not the part that bothers me,I don't mind the fact that it's a competitive server,I don't like the fact AD on this server is so divided that it's unreal. They're completely disorganized as a whole.

    I'm also not playing the victim here. Truthfully I understand why EP wants to bully us,you guys feel bullied by the rest of AD who camped your gates. So you should.

    Also if I had my way at any of those resources it would've been evenly matched every time.

    DC and EP can say we camped their gates but let us bring some real insight into this. AD PUGS camped your gates. The IV Legion was one of the only guilds that fought and defended haderus before all this crap went down. I know what goes on in our TS and what was said time and again was "stay away from the gates. let them come out. let them do something." we never wanted to camp gates. if and when it happened, was because we had emp and had to out ap the ad farmers. ask the native ep in had, we stayed away for days and we fell on the leaderboards and we could no longer stay away. As a rule though, our guild does not gate camp. I get why EP wants to complain but don't act like the same isn't done to us. In azuras, they *tried* to farm us at the gates...our gates...so it makes them no different. On had, all of our keeps are taken instead of DC and EP fighting each other. That is utter crap. Ty makes great points in this post.

    Lol...hope you give the AD guy that created this thread some QQ hate mail like how your players do in zone. Was called a sad human being the other day for not allowing those poor AD PvE'rs be able to train members for trials.

    Funny how you guys call other faction players out to Had...have your bat spamming Emp camp gates for days on end with like 20+ people to fight the hand full of people that show up and now you want people to feel sorry for you. It's a shame that you finally have fights where you don't have at least triple the numbers and when you loose you have to QQ like this.

    Gratz to OP for bringing people away from Thornlag!

    Edited by AryaWythers on December 23, 2014 11:46AM
  • Rylana
    Why are AD such babies? It's a pvp server, not a buff server. QQ less and pvp with the big boys. There is more to this game than fighting AI all day long.

    I honestly dont know. After your group got pushed off of Roe and my group of 6 met your respawning group at Nikel (to my chagrin), it became completely obvious the only organized group left on the campaign was our tiny one and a somewhat larger force pinned down at Alessia.

    When we fell back to Roe after Alessia went down (for the final stand for the emp), we barely got back inside the keep in time to just die anyway.

    There was a LOT of zone chat arguing over what to do. Me and the other guys I was with just sorta went off to do our own thing, run some kinda interference between spawns, cause we didnt have enough to even be a force.

    Red zerg tonight was real, and yellow was completely disorganized, spread out, trying to defend way too many things, and basically embarassed ourselves.

    Btw did you like my oil pot I set out by the well south of nikel when you guys were riding down to fare.
    Edited by Rylana on December 23, 2014 11:48AM
    @rylanadionysis == Closed Beta Tester October 2013 == Retired October 2016 == Uninstalled @ One Tamriel Release == Inactive Indefinitely
    Ebonheart Pact: Lyzara Dionysis - Sorc - AR 37 (Former Empress of Blackwater Blade and Haderus) == Shondra Dionysis - Temp - AR 23 == Arrianaya Dionysis - DK - AR 17
    Aldmeri Dominion: Rylana Dionysis - DK - AR 25 == Kailiana - NB - AR 21 == Minerva Dionysis - Temp - AR 21 == Victoria Dionysis - Sorc - AR 13
    Daggerfall Covenant: Dannika Dionysis - DK - AR 21 == The Catman Rises - Temp - AR 15 (Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade)
    Forum LOL Champion (retired) == Black Belt in Ballista-Fu == The Last Vice Member == Praise Cheesus == Electro-Goblin
  • FluffiestOne
    Just another testament of the Undead Legion of Magnus.
    Senior Fluffykins, Daggerfall Liberator of Haderus, Dragonknight.
    Fliffers, Daggerfall Liberator of Hopesfire, Templar.
    Prophet Fluffy of Death, Casual of the Dominion, Sorceror.
    Nozdorumu The Timeless, Daggerfall. Dragon. Nightblade.
    All my toon names are subject to change.
    " Ignorance must be bliss because I can't imagine why anyone would live in it. " -Fluffy
  • yodased
    I don't pretend to understand the relationships you guys have built over the last year, nor do I really want to, but I was actually at the fare gates last night which you call gate camping I guess.

    Remember, I am a complete ESO pvp noobtasticlly fantastic suckathon, so go easy on me.

    I think I may be the reason that happened lol.

    There was nothing going on and someone said people were at the fare lumbermill, so I went there. We killed a couple of guys then I got roflstomped by a dude name VortexMan11. It was enlightening to see how fast someone who knows what they are doing can melt you from the shadows, so if you are reading this, kudos man that was cool.

    Anyway, I spawned and horsed back. There were more AD and they chased them back to the area between the gate and fare.

    This is where 12-15 of AD and I would think about 8-12 maybe 15 EP smacked each other for about 45 minutes.

    IT WAS AMAZING. lol. soooo much fun.

    so I'm sorry if I did something 'wrong', I'm not really up on the Etiquette of PvP. I did make sure that once we killed everyone that we didn't just sit at the gate though, we let them come of the gate and fought them in the open field.
    Tl;dr really weigh the fun you have in game vs the business practices you are supporting.
  • Armitas
    ^Those open field fights between faragut mill and gate are the best. I'm not sure what people mean by gate camping but I hope it's not that.
    Edited by Armitas on December 23, 2014 1:38PM
    Nord mDK
  • Asgari
    Rylana wrote: »
    Why are AD such babies? It's a pvp server, not a buff server. QQ less and pvp with the big boys. There is more to this game than fighting AI all day long.

    I honestly dont know. After your group got pushed off of Roe and my group of 6 met your respawning group at Nikel (to my chagrin), it became completely obvious the only organized group left on the campaign was our tiny one and a somewhat larger force pinned down at Alessia.

    When we fell back to Roe after Alessia went down (for the final stand for the emp), we barely got back inside the keep in time to just die anyway.

    There was a LOT of zone chat arguing over what to do. Me and the other guys I was with just sorta went off to do our own thing, run some kinda interference between spawns, cause we didnt have enough to even be a force.

    Red zerg tonight was real, and yellow was completely disorganized, spread out, trying to defend way too many things, and basically embarassed ourselves.

    Btw did you like my oil pot I set out by the well south of nikel when you guys were riding down to fare.

    Not going to lie; the EP was indeed real. I held on as long as I could at Ash at one point when EP was there for the Emp push but not much could be done against 3 organized guilds.

    The oil was pretty damn funny also!
    Formerly @Persian_Princess .. Now @Asgari
    Princess Asgari | Sorc
    Asgari | NB
    -Asgari | Stamplar
    Ariana Kishi | DK | True Liberator of Haderus
    Banner Down!
    No Mercy
    Youtube: Asgari
  • Rylana
    yodased wrote: »
    I don't pretend to understand the relationships you guys have built over the last year, nor do I really want to, but I was actually at the fare gates last night which you call gate camping I guess.

    Remember, I am a complete ESO pvp noobtasticlly fantastic suckathon, so go easy on me.

    I think I may be the reason that happened lol.

    There was nothing going on and someone said people were at the fare lumbermill, so I went there. We killed a couple of guys then I got roflstomped by a dude name VortexMan11. It was enlightening to see how fast someone who knows what they are doing can melt you from the shadows, so if you are reading this, kudos man that was cool.

    Anyway, I spawned and horsed back. There were more AD and they chased them back to the area between the gate and fare.

    This is where 12-15 of AD and I would think about 8-12 maybe 15 EP smacked each other for about 45 minutes.

    IT WAS AMAZING. lol. soooo much fun.

    so I'm sorry if I did something 'wrong', I'm not really up on the Etiquette of PvP. I did make sure that once we killed everyone that we didn't just sit at the gate though, we let them come of the gate and fought them in the open field.

    The main issue with it, comes from last month when EP pretty much quit the campaign for several weeks. Theyve always had a fairly sizeable coordinated group of 15-20 guys, but after a while of being zergbombed into oblivion by 40+ AD every time they so much as sneezed on anything (literally, every single keep, resource, outpost was yellow 100% of the time, or else) they just got fed up and quit.

    So a good lot of AD actually just stopped coming to Haderus for a while, myself included. In fact during this time period I was playing my EP toon regularly, just to try to give them one more body on the field.

    Then some more red guilds showed up, but you never know with transitionals whether its a one time/on cycle thing or if they plan to actually stay.

    My main concern was the transient red guilds that had been coming over the last week or two were done here, and all AD was going to do yesterday was crush to nothing what little fight there was.

    They did get Farragut, but we completely shut them down at Arrius until their Thornblade guesters showed up and steamrolled the map (something that was not guaranteed to happen, and shouldnt be assumed)

    Its all well and good to have a good fight, but history here has taught us that the more we push red back, the more likely they are to just give up (and rightfully so, ive felt the same way on Chillrend fighting the blue emp group there with a dozen or less people) and call it a day, which ends PvP for everyone.
    Edited by Rylana on December 23, 2014 2:12PM
    @rylanadionysis == Closed Beta Tester October 2013 == Retired October 2016 == Uninstalled @ One Tamriel Release == Inactive Indefinitely
    Ebonheart Pact: Lyzara Dionysis - Sorc - AR 37 (Former Empress of Blackwater Blade and Haderus) == Shondra Dionysis - Temp - AR 23 == Arrianaya Dionysis - DK - AR 17
    Aldmeri Dominion: Rylana Dionysis - DK - AR 25 == Kailiana - NB - AR 21 == Minerva Dionysis - Temp - AR 21 == Victoria Dionysis - Sorc - AR 13
    Daggerfall Covenant: Dannika Dionysis - DK - AR 21 == The Catman Rises - Temp - AR 15 (Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade)
    Forum LOL Champion (retired) == Black Belt in Ballista-Fu == The Last Vice Member == Praise Cheesus == Electro-Goblin
  • PenguinInACan
    Rylana wrote: »
    yodased wrote: »
    I don't pretend to understand the relationships you guys have built over the last year, nor do I really want to, but I was actually at the fare gates last night which you call gate camping I guess.

    Remember, I am a complete ESO pvp noobtasticlly fantastic suckathon, so go easy on me.

    I think I may be the reason that happened lol.

    There was nothing going on and someone said people were at the fare lumbermill, so I went there. We killed a couple of guys then I got roflstomped by a dude name VortexMan11. It was enlightening to see how fast someone who knows what they are doing can melt you from the shadows, so if you are reading this, kudos man that was cool.

    Anyway, I spawned and horsed back. There were more AD and they chased them back to the area between the gate and fare.

    This is where 12-15 of AD and I would think about 8-12 maybe 15 EP smacked each other for about 45 minutes.

    IT WAS AMAZING. lol. soooo much fun.

    so I'm sorry if I did something 'wrong', I'm not really up on the Etiquette of PvP. I did make sure that once we killed everyone that we didn't just sit at the gate though, we let them come of the gate and fought them in the open field.

    The main issue with it, comes from last month when EP pretty much quit the campaign for several weeks. Theyve always had a fairly sizeable coordinated group of 15-20 guys, but after a while of being zergbombed into oblivion by 40+ AD every time they so much as sneezed on anything (literally, every single keep, resource, outpost was yellow 100% of the time, or else) they just got fed up and quit.

    So a good lot of AD actually just stopped coming to Haderus for a while, myself included. In fact during this time period I was playing my EP toon regularly, just to try to give them one more body on the field.

    Then some more red guilds showed up, but you never know with transitionals whether its a one time/on cycle thing or if they plan to actually stay.

    My main concern was the transient red guilds that had been coming over the last week or two were done here, and all AD was going to do yesterday was crush to nothing what little fight there was.

    They did get Farragut, but we completely shut them down at Arrius until their Thornblade guesters showed up and steamrolled the map (something that was not guaranteed to happen, and shouldnt be assumed)

    Its all well and good to have a good fight, but history here has taught us that the more we push red back, the more likely they are to just give up (and rightfully so, ive felt the same way on Chillrend fighting the blue emp group there) and call it a day, which ends PvP for everyone.

    This happens on every "buff" server. If DC had the numbers that EP have right now and came onto Azuras, EP would be wondering why they are getting focused so hard all of a sudden.

    I've gotten pushed to the gates on Chillrend and Azuras. It happens. Like you said, go away until its not buff server PvP or find a new home.

    The had AD need to learn that they won't get better overwhelming anybody that shows interest on the server. You get better being the one outnumbered.
  • Rylana
    Rylana wrote: »
    yodased wrote: »
    I don't pretend to understand the relationships you guys have built over the last year, nor do I really want to, but I was actually at the fare gates last night which you call gate camping I guess.

    Remember, I am a complete ESO pvp noobtasticlly fantastic suckathon, so go easy on me.

    I think I may be the reason that happened lol.

    There was nothing going on and someone said people were at the fare lumbermill, so I went there. We killed a couple of guys then I got roflstomped by a dude name VortexMan11. It was enlightening to see how fast someone who knows what they are doing can melt you from the shadows, so if you are reading this, kudos man that was cool.

    Anyway, I spawned and horsed back. There were more AD and they chased them back to the area between the gate and fare.

    This is where 12-15 of AD and I would think about 8-12 maybe 15 EP smacked each other for about 45 minutes.

    IT WAS AMAZING. lol. soooo much fun.

    so I'm sorry if I did something 'wrong', I'm not really up on the Etiquette of PvP. I did make sure that once we killed everyone that we didn't just sit at the gate though, we let them come of the gate and fought them in the open field.

    The main issue with it, comes from last month when EP pretty much quit the campaign for several weeks. Theyve always had a fairly sizeable coordinated group of 15-20 guys, but after a while of being zergbombed into oblivion by 40+ AD every time they so much as sneezed on anything (literally, every single keep, resource, outpost was yellow 100% of the time, or else) they just got fed up and quit.

    So a good lot of AD actually just stopped coming to Haderus for a while, myself included. In fact during this time period I was playing my EP toon regularly, just to try to give them one more body on the field.

    Then some more red guilds showed up, but you never know with transitionals whether its a one time/on cycle thing or if they plan to actually stay.

    My main concern was the transient red guilds that had been coming over the last week or two were done here, and all AD was going to do yesterday was crush to nothing what little fight there was.

    They did get Farragut, but we completely shut them down at Arrius until their Thornblade guesters showed up and steamrolled the map (something that was not guaranteed to happen, and shouldnt be assumed)

    Its all well and good to have a good fight, but history here has taught us that the more we push red back, the more likely they are to just give up (and rightfully so, ive felt the same way on Chillrend fighting the blue emp group there) and call it a day, which ends PvP for everyone.

    This happens on every "buff" server. If DC had the numbers that EP have right now and came onto Azuras, EP would be wondering why they are getting focused so hard all of a sudden.

    I've gotten pushed to the gates on Chillrend and Azuras. It happens. Like you said, go away until its not buff server PvP or find a new home.

    The had AD need to learn that they won't get better overwhelming anybody that shows interest on the server. You get better being the one outnumbered.

    Over the last three months Vice, Trolls, Immortals, and I think Khans Legion have all given chillrend a good thrashing, but they blues there got smart, learned our strats (hell i even see their dks jumping onto keep walls, like ayrene and I used to do to them for massive kills and lulz).

    Its pretty much a no-go now. Azuras got wound up by TKO, Khans, and I "think" alacrity went there for a little while too (not sure, just going by what someone told me a couple weeks back)

    So right now theres really nowhere else to go, sadly, other than a hot buff campaign just waiting to mow you down at the first sign of trouble, your own buff campaign vs all of the organized red guilds occasionally guesting in, or the lagbomb of doom thornblade.

    Sucks, I wish they had never reduced the number of campaigns. Dead or not dead at least those other campaigns had potential to show up and cause ruckus that could last a whole evening.
    @rylanadionysis == Closed Beta Tester October 2013 == Retired October 2016 == Uninstalled @ One Tamriel Release == Inactive Indefinitely
    Ebonheart Pact: Lyzara Dionysis - Sorc - AR 37 (Former Empress of Blackwater Blade and Haderus) == Shondra Dionysis - Temp - AR 23 == Arrianaya Dionysis - DK - AR 17
    Aldmeri Dominion: Rylana Dionysis - DK - AR 25 == Kailiana - NB - AR 21 == Minerva Dionysis - Temp - AR 21 == Victoria Dionysis - Sorc - AR 13
    Daggerfall Covenant: Dannika Dionysis - DK - AR 21 == The Catman Rises - Temp - AR 15 (Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade)
    Forum LOL Champion (retired) == Black Belt in Ballista-Fu == The Last Vice Member == Praise Cheesus == Electro-Goblin
  • Eglath
    We need regular blues, not fixate's stacked crew from time to time. Blues who are going to fight reds, since I see a purple tendency lately in most servers.

    And you want to know why some ppl (including me) don't like had? It's not because of blues, It's not because of reds, since zergs spend less time in there Had is more pleasant. I don't like it because of AD. Yes I'm gonna complain about my own faction, during most of the time there is about 4-5 ppl who actually know what is going on around them. How can one play with ppl who can't take undefended keep in group of 15, because they are wiping on guards... I get it that there are new players and they need to be educated, but all of them... So really if you are getting owned by equal amount of pvers I have bad news for you.
    Vinyamar - AD vr14 sorc RANK: 30
    RAGE Core
    Abandoned Legion Officer
  • Rylana
    Eglath wrote: »
    We need regular blues, not fixate's stacked crew from time to time. Blues who are going to fight reds, since I see a purple tendency lately in most servers.

    And you want to know why some ppl (including me) don't like had? It's not because of blues, It's not because of reds, since zergs spend less time in there Had is more pleasant. I don't like it because of AD. Yes I'm gonna complain about my own faction, during most of the time there is about 4-5 ppl who actually know what is going on around them. How can one play with ppl who can't take undefended keep in group of 15, because they are wiping on guards... I get it that there are new players and they need to be educated, but all of them... So really if you are getting owned by equal amount of pvers I have bad news for you.

    Also this, I am trying to get away from same-faction bashing, but in our teamspeak last night our group of six (10 if you count the four guys not on TS) mused that we seemed to be accomplishing more (what little we were able to) than the whole rest of the faction on the map.

    Everywhere we went, the keep was saved, the OPFOR was wiped, or kills were had. Everyone we didnt go it seemed like people just got farmed for a half hour and then slaughtered wholesale when the AP ran dry due to diminishing returns.

    Not trying to sound elitist or like I am some kind of paragon of skill, but when either myself or sisko can pretty much solo a resource, but then watch a group of 10-20 other AD wipe on the next one (not on purpose)... it leads me to question a great many things.

    Its frustrating, especially when the loudest zone chat callers are also among the worst leaders. They "think" they know whats up or that they are the ones carrying the load, but its usually the organized group among the sea of chaos thats actually turning the fight.

    Not saying that nobody else did anything, but it sure looked that way from my perspective. (pushing the blues off of roebeck mine before red dethroned the emp was mostly us, for example, while another group actually beat us to fare earlier so i wouldnt take credit for that one)

    Unfortunately I cant lead without voice comms, nor do I really do well leading and fighting at the same time, else id volunteer up, but i do my best contributing as a soldier leading the charge my raid caller told me to do.
    Edited by Rylana on December 23, 2014 2:47PM
    @rylanadionysis == Closed Beta Tester October 2013 == Retired October 2016 == Uninstalled @ One Tamriel Release == Inactive Indefinitely
    Ebonheart Pact: Lyzara Dionysis - Sorc - AR 37 (Former Empress of Blackwater Blade and Haderus) == Shondra Dionysis - Temp - AR 23 == Arrianaya Dionysis - DK - AR 17
    Aldmeri Dominion: Rylana Dionysis - DK - AR 25 == Kailiana - NB - AR 21 == Minerva Dionysis - Temp - AR 21 == Victoria Dionysis - Sorc - AR 13
    Daggerfall Covenant: Dannika Dionysis - DK - AR 21 == The Catman Rises - Temp - AR 15 (Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade)
    Forum LOL Champion (retired) == Black Belt in Ballista-Fu == The Last Vice Member == Praise Cheesus == Electro-Goblin
  • Telel
    Om nom nom. Drama llamas taste like dunmer seasoned with orc tears.

    Also khajiit seems to have missed quite the party while setting up for Christmas. 0.0.
    Character: Telel
    Class: Night Blade-Werewolf-viking-ninja-catgirl-mallet wielder
    Past times: Refusing to go full magika spec, hitting things with a big hammer, sniping, and speaking in khajiit
    Also: Gelel the Derp Knight, Altsel the streaker, and Filafel the temp temp.

    Khajiit has a twitch stream! https://twitch.tv/telel_khajiit feel free to come see how truly unskilled Telel is.
  • Armitas
    Thorjagger wrote: »

    I've been on Azura's star and as soon as we touched a scroll we were literally out numbered from 9 of us against 35 of them at Aleswell. EP PvE players with ranks as high as Veteran. No further. Aside from the local PvPer's fighting to get their buffs back, right now,Azura's star stands red and giving buffs to the PvEr's out there doing what they do.
    I saw you guys there the 2 times I tried Azura's cause everything was dead or locked out. You guys must have made a killing. Did you guys see us raming the inner postern?

    That day I think there were 20 people in the group and only 7 willing to get in TS. You tell people "everyone needs to have 2 stone ballistas. If you can't afford it tell me and I will buy you one". One guy asks for them, head to keep, fire ballistas everywhere (even from the people you gave stone too) and people who don't have any siege. And of course the ram at the side door blocking ballista real estate. When we wipe they complain about AD picking on their buff server.

    Soon as you guys pushed us while we outnumbered you, stealthed up at chalman mine, the TS filled up with QQ in the middle of the fight, "how are they wiping us" "run" "freaking pvpers". I lost it in TS and started raging. "Shut up! and fight!, it's not over yet!" I quit an hour later before I really lost it in TS. The pvper that was leading that had the patience of a saint.
    Edited by Armitas on December 23, 2014 3:33PM
    Nord mDK
  • diskiukas
    My only problem with yesterday was huge lag that happens everytime this EP group comes to Haderus. There is reason I am playing not on Thorn , on my higher level toon, but spending my time on Haderus, since it's been always smooth experience despite that sometimes there are 2, or even 3 bars of pop. However as soon as these guys show up, everything goes down the drain, crashing, doors not working, weapon swap not working etc. I did not believe all those stories that some groups cause lag intentionally, but I am starting to.
  • Eglath
    Armitas wrote: »
    Thorjagger wrote: »

    I've been on Azura's star and as soon as we touched a scroll we were literally out numbered from 9 of us against 35 of them at Aleswell. EP PvE players with ranks as high as Veteran. No further. Aside from the local PvPer's fighting to get their buffs back, right now,Azura's star stands red and giving buffs to the PvEr's out there doing what they do.
    I saw you guys there the 2 times I tried Azura's cause everything was dead or locked out. You guys must have made a killing. Did you guys see us raming the inner postern?

    That day I think there were 20 people in the group and only 7 willing to get in TS. You tell people "everyone needs to have 2 stone ballistas. If you can't afford it tell me and I will buy you one". One guy asks for them, head to keep, fire ballistas everywhere (even from the people you gave stone too) and people who don't have any siege. And of course the ram at the side door blocking ballista real estate. When we wipe they complain about AD picking on their buff server.

    Soon as you guys pushed us while we outnumbered you, stealthed up at chalman mine, the TS filled up with QQ in the middle of the fight, "how are they wiping us" "run" "freaking pvpers". I lost it in TS and started raging. "Shut up! and fight!, it's not over yet!" I quit an hour later before I really lost it in TS. The pvper that was leading that had the patience of a saint.

    And that's how yellow side of Had looks like...

    And yes, I love Azuras, so much APPP :) Untill 100 EP shows up and wipes us, to bad I don't play there more often.
    Vinyamar - AD vr14 sorc RANK: 30
    RAGE Core
    Abandoned Legion Officer
  • Panda244
    *Sips Hot Coca and leans back in chair*
    Benefit of not being in a guild:
    - I can love, and hate, everyone.
    - <3<3<3
    Edited by Panda244 on December 23, 2014 6:41PM
    Aldmeri Dominion For Life!
    Crassus Licinius II - DK - V14 - Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade NA (The Dragonknight that refuses to go Vampire.)
    N'tel Arlena - NB - V14 - Retired Sap Tank of Haderus NA, Harasser of Many (Also, not a vampire. Goes by nickname Nutella.)


    Officially Resigned From Cyrodiil As Of 4/15/15 10:24 PM EST.
  • Subtomik
    All the people complaining about having to fight organized groups instead of the "natives" lol.

    You guys want to fight on your terms with all the extra buffs and lvl 5 guards then throw a hissyfit when people who know what they are doing show up.

    Guilds like LoM and IR have been honing their skills on real campaigns for months, while you have been farming a smaller force, while enjoying artificially Inflated stats. It's not fun because you are on the receiving end, instead of having a few outnumbered EP stuck at a resource.

    Best part? There isn't a thing you can do about it.
  • Blackclouud
    I moved Cry Havoc over to Haderus on the DC side about 2 months ago. We have been trying to get it goin better over there since then! It seems to be picking up very well at least during primetime. Good fights lag free etc! Glad to see more and more coming over. Its good to see LoM comin over to help as well! Fun running with you guys!
    Cry Havoc - Guild Leader
  • Blackclouud
    We run our scheduled PVP nights Sunday and Tuesday by the way! Always lookin for a good fight to all you EP and AD guilds out there!
    Cry Havoc - Guild Leader
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