Whoaa guys, hold your horses! First of all I like the fact that pvp has come to Haderus, what I don't like is being zerged to oblivion by EP, and yes we AD zerged you few times, but usually you had bigger numbers then we did (Surprise! Surprise!) And our guild was fighting against more EP then we had, ofc we had pugs and rarely pvers, so I admit that you were getting outnunmered at times but not always.
Conserning [snip], he wasn't gate camper, he was the one saying both in /zone and ts, to leave gates alone and give you some breath. Yes we were fighting at gates, but we refused to camp them.
And honestly he's tired, of constantly defending server against opponents with little help. He barely had any sleep during his emperorship, and even after he got dethroned, so you'd better stop ***-talking about ppl you don't even know.
I might stick to this server but after today tides have turned, I know all EP is happy to zerg the whole map in few hrs, agains like 15 AD at the end. I dearly hope that they will be fair competition between all 3 factions, without bringing Thorn zerg blobs. Campaign with great fights, respect between players, and no zerging others to Oblivion.
But that's just my dream...
If Telel's many (and incredibly closesly spaced) deaths has taught them anything it is persistence. Incidentally today's persistence comes out to 14 hours on and off.
Well that, and to not flail so wildly that they fall out of their chair after they are yet again stunlocked and unable to do their happy dodge dance for just a few seconds longer. >:
Oh also hydration and stretching. Both key factors especially due to my issue with muscle spasms.
WarrioroftheWind_ESO wrote: »
Lots of snacking of jerky and candy. Getting up to refill the drink. Coming back to see the cat has jumped into your warm seat. Avoiding sitting on the cat. Having the cat try to give you kisses on your ear. Having the cat stepping on the keyboard as it tries to find a place to plop down and sleep, resulting in accidentally moving you out of stealth while you're waiting for a AD zerg to move past. Saying you're going to cook chicken soup then forgetting about it because you're busy trying to fend off a 100+ AD zerg.
Yup, that's pvp in a nutshell.
To be fair most of us fighting the last few days weren't hoping to lock things up like that.
OTOH after that incident with the invincible scroll runner. A group of ap farmers taking scrolls just to gank newbs, and then folks from other buff servers coming over just for LOLs...ya kind of gotta expect some push back.
Hopefully things will stabilize and the blob squads will go back to thorn, or settle on Azura to talk poopy about each other, and let us friendly murderers get back to ripping each apart in a mature manner.
Agree with what u said bro but... I haven't seen u on Thornblade (ever) so please don't talk on OUR behalf to other guys
--(the EP peeps who won it)
Well thank you AD it was fun while it lasted.
To EP/DC thanks for putting the P in our PvP.
EP just bent over and pounded AD's *** on Azuras and Haderus, my PvE guild is in flames, and tbh I have to agree with him. All this *** about buffs, it just shouldn't exist, give everyone in Cyrodiil a flat HP and crit bonus, and leave the pvp buffs in pvp. No more buff servers needed.
1. i have been to thornblade multiple times. I just did not stay because i refused to put up with all the cheating and the blobing and the lag.
2. i will talk about who i want however i want. Iv PvPed since hopesfire, and i will talk about whoever i want in whatever manner i want. Iv dealt with too much crap in this game to be told what i can and cant talk about.
3. EP HAS turned thornblade into a buff server; or it may as well be. dang right im going to call out the EP that did it. Its for the good of the game, nothing against EP as a faction. I am far to concerned with the state of the game to excuse some people from disgraceful actions simply because they are in the same faction as me. If you do something that is detremental to the game, i will call you out.
Its mainly a certain guild/group of people doing it though, not EP as a faction, so i wont make that much of a fuss about it. they will simply move to DC at some point and start the process all over again.
hopefully this post was not too drama queenish
Lowering the pop locks just means EP can simultaneously overrun like 3 campaigns at once lol.
It was like had 3 bars, thorn locked, azuras 2 lol
Lowering the pop locks just means EP can simultaneously overrun like 3 campaigns at once lol.
It was like had 3 bars, thorn locked, azuras 2 lol
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »
All hail your new red overlords?
Yaaaaay to us for being the new zergball.
What the heck happened to AD's huuuuuge population it used to have? One guild of 12 dudes moving does not change that.
Ya I have no clue it's crazy though and I for one welcome our new overloads.
It was completely red this morning.
I for one welcome DC. Was fun fighting a few at Nikel Outpost and yet again seeing fixate roll through a breach I opened up. Last two times they wiped us with that tactic. Not anymore!
Nothing more scary than thinking you got a keep and turning around to see Grunt, fixate, and Ariana Kishi's bats wiping you.
WarrioroftheWind_ESO wrote: »
If you're talking about the DC's nabbing of their scrolls, you notice how they were conspicuously absent from tonight's mayhem. All the AP to be had kind of strange they didn't even go after the ring...
But this is part of the argument alot of us have been railing about for weeks if not months: there should BE no buff servers. You have people complaining unceasingly how bad lag is in Thornblade and it took reducing the pop cap to get people to try fighting elsewhere. And when they do you have those who want the buffs all the time making a fuss about it. Populations need to spread out more. If they refuse to, then we'll keep doing our thing. If AD want the buffs, they gonna fight for them like they supposed to.but was happy to see some of the natives rolling along with the sieges. Told you you guys needed to just persist.
Darklord_Tiberius wrote: »
We squished fixate and his group again at Alswell. He talks a lot in the forums about how great they are, which makes us laugh in PR, but at least they are on Haderus playing. Need the AD population to actually come out and PvP, not just zerg the map with a locked pop until they control it all again. Soon enough they wont be able to zerg the map even with a locked pop
Darklord_Tiberius wrote: »We squished fixate and his group again at Alswell. He talks a lot in the forums about how great they are, which makes us laugh in PR, but at least they are on Haderus playing. Need the AD population to actually come out and PvP, not just zerg the map with a locked pop until they control it all again. Soon enough they wont be able to zerg the map even with a locked pop
Let's keep this clear I am not in any way telling you who or what you can talk about, I'm just saying it's ok with me if you want to talk about the guild who did it. They did something detrimental to the game and deserve to be bashed in.
But you can't just talk about bad actions in Thorn if u weren't there 80% of the time
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »
All hail your new red overlords?
Yaaaaay to us for being the new zergball.
What the heck happened to AD's huuuuuge population it used to have? One guild of 12 dudes moving does not change that.
This morning was like every 8 year old who couldn't get past the 1st goomba in Super Mario Bros. decided to come PVP on my side. It was like Dawnbreaker all over again with 'geniuses'(who wanted to capture the scroll...that we couldn't capture) luring every scrub they could get to be farmed at BRK while a handful of us tried to do something effective.
I don't think khajiit has ever come closer to rage quitting than today. XD
Telel also swears they're going to start muting people who won't deploy siege, but also don't carry restoration staves.
Anyways time to unplug, paint some miniatures, and hit the gym.