Maintenance for the week of March 3:
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

ESO Live - Ask Us Anything!

  • Enodoc
    Pulling this question from the Gold Edition announcement thread:

    Will there be a bundle pack available on the Crown Store containing the four DLCs (and the horse) that are included with the ESO Gold Edition, for current players to get the content at a reduced price?
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO
    Taken from the discussion thread. @ZOS_GinaBruno‌ @ZOS_JessicaFolsom

    For @Wrobel

    - Why are certain races being changed into must have for example Khajiit for stam and Argonian for healers. What process and metrics do you go through as a the combat team when designing changes like these?

    - Any plans for Root immunity/cooldown?

    - Why was impen trait removed from PVE item drops? If pvpers want to farm an item they can't if they want it in a desirable trait. Also things like worm set have never dropped in impen.

    - Has an increase in the amount of people you can damage with full damage (commonly known as AOE cap) been considered to be raised. NOT an increase in the number of people you can hit above 60. Just an increase in the damage you can do past the first 6 players making it for example full damage to the first 24 players hit

    - Are you happy the the current performance of purge in a pvp environment with the introduction of poisons? (And will purge be fixed?)

    - Can you explain why training and prosperous were added to the gold key drop tables? I'd much rather save up my gold keys and buy the exact piece I want than get a prosperous dusk shoulder every time I open the chest.

    Possibly for @ZOS_BrianWheeler‌ (if he can send across some answers)

    - The original plan was to make the villages in cyro some sort of battleground or arenas with interesting game modes. This has now been replaced by yet more flags. Are battlegrounds or arenas still on the cards or has that plan been swapped with the introduction of the flags? If so are we likely to see them within the year?

    - Is there a reason why the Cyro monster set vendor can't be improved to cycle gear in a better manor? For example helm and shoulder being available would help so that a different set could be obtained in impen each week. Rather than Maw set for multiple weeks in a row.

    - is it feasible to see dynamic population locks come into place based on the amount of enemy population?

    - will we ever see the introduction of competition servers for pvp (where no buffs are given from scrolls and emp) or perhaps a prime time only server etc.. something to give variation to pvp without the need for extra content to be added.
    NA ~ Izanerys: Dracarys (Videos | Dracast)
    EU ~ Izanagi: Roleplay Circle (AOE Rats/ Zerg Squad / Banana Squad)
  • rootimus
    PC launch day bugs & issues (2014)
    • When can we expect a fix for the guild bank frequently not loading?
    • When can we expect a fix for being left in combat for a considerable time after killing goats, sheep, bambi, etc?
    • Follow-up: how did it take over 2 years for you to learn about this bug?
    • When can we expect a fix for the guild bank duplication bug and a subsequent return of the stack button?
    • When can we expect a proper in-game mail client?
    • When can we expect an API system with granular controls so that the community can produce neat apps and more wonderful websites? Just look at some of the cool stuff Eve players have produced with such a system. This would be a huge asset to character build sites and Personally, I'd kill many NPCs to be able to integrate my guild forum, teamspeak and jabber servers this way.
    • When can we expect the RSI-inducing click-fest of mass production / de-construction / refining to be addressed?
    • When can we expect improvements to the chat system?
    • When can we expect any guild management tools at all; when can we expect those to be followed up with excellent tools?
    • Why do you kick inactive clients after what seems to be a varying amount of time; wouldn't you agree that it would be better to stop doing this; when can we expect you to stop doing it? It'd be nice if I could go AFK to watch a movie and catch up on guild chat when I get back.

    • Why does an elevation of a few inches prevent us from using the Blade of Woe?
    • Why does my horse get slowed almost to a to almost a halt by stray snowflakes or blades of grass in Wrothgar?

    • Please can we have a button to take all items currently in our mailbox, rather than having to go through a lot of hireling mails every day and take each attachment separately? Perhaps throw a few $ at the developer of the mail looter mod in exchange for using his code?
    • Until you give us a proper mail client, can you please add a reply button and a mail to guild (based on guild privileges!) option?
    • I know I've reached VR16 and 160CP. When will you stop sending me multiple mails every day to tell me about it?
    • Why can't we keep mail indefinitely?

    • Are you ever going to add better functionality to the guild store? Perhaps throw a few $ at the developer of the awesome guild store mod in exchange for using his code?
    • Given that plenty of people have quit the game since it game out and many of those may have been Guild Masters, will you consider removing the restriction of only allowing an account to be the GM of one guild?
    • Follow-up: in a situation where I'm the Guild Master of a guild and the Guild Master of our sister guild has been gone for over a year, as by far the most active player, can a Game Master make me Guild Master of the second guild? The next most active player has been logged off for a few months.
    • Follow-up: would you agree that we really need a different name for either Guild Masters or Game Masters so that GM has one clearly defined meaning?

    • You stated that the recent changes to rune stone nodes were to address the fact that enchanting is the red-headed stepchild of crafting, and to streamline the process for making glyphs. Have the changes had the desired result, and can we have gratuitous graph-*** showing the result of the changes either way?
    • Follow-up: if, as I suspect, the changes didn't achieve the desired effect, will you consider keeping potency runes available through NPC vendors whilst also a) fixing that which you broke and b) doing what the player base told you would get more people into enchanting - give greater inspiration for making and de-constructing glyphs?
    • When an enchanting node gives up potency runes in the orginal zones, why can't we be guaranteed that it will be of the correct level for that zone rather than based on our enchanting skills? The current system is great in the expansion zones but there's often a need for a crafter to keep lower level stuff in their bag.
    • Why do legendary VR15 and VR16 glyphs give exactly the same inspiration for de-construction? (Tested June 2016)

    • Please can you add thousand seperators to all relevant tooltips? It's really hard to read without them.

    • Why can't most crown store content be accessible in-game? For example, why not tie mounts and costumes to achievement points? People who want it right naow! can buy it in the store, and those of us who will never, ever buy those things (you know who we are) in the store can still earn them.
    • Can we have a dev blog about the tools available to your Game Masters?
    • Can we have a dev blog containing all the hot, dirty, nerdy details about the hardware and software you're using to run the game server on?
    • Can we have a dev blog about your QA team?

    Community-related questions for @ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    • In September 2015 I messaged ZOS_MaryB, twice, about an issue and was ignored. I escalated it to ZOS_GinaBruno in October and still haven't had a reply. Would you agree this is unacceptable and when can I expect a reply (preferably from you, given how long your staff have let this drag on)?
    • On the rare occasion that you answer questions from this thread on ESO Live, why don't you also post the answers in this thread (or, in the alternative, have a separate locked thread for your answers)? Some people aren't able to watch the show and others find it poorly produced. I'm sure there are other reasons for not watching it, too.
    • Follow-up: what is your criteria for deciding what to answer? We now know about toilet facilities in Tamriel, but we don't seem to be able to get any information about important things, like bugs and issues that have been around for years.
    • Follow-up: given the extensive backlog of questions in this thread, do you intend to make answering them a priority for your team, together with staying on top of future questions?
    • How many of those 7 million copies @ZOS_MattFrior recently mentioned have logged in within the last month? #DareYouToAnswer :p
    • How many devs (including the community team, etc) play ESO regularly? What's the average time per week you guys play? Do the decision makers play more or less often than the people who work for them?
    • @ZOS_AlanG suggested I ask in this thread why there isn't a media pack available that contains all the icons for abilities, items, weapons, armour, etc? Please can we have one, and please can you commit to keeping it updated when you add new content. This would be very helpful for fansites, wikis and, if you give us an API system, apps.
    • Do you have any plans to address the fact that ZOS are frequently seen as unhelpful, unknowledgeable, unprofessional and generally disdain the player base? Are you perceived this way because you have different expectations from the players and, if so, do you think this needs to be addressed? Case in point: I expected AlanG, as a member of the community team, to be able to answer my question about a media pack rather then suggesting I post it here in order for it to possibly be answered one day by... the community team.

    • Now that you've implemented broken SSL on the forum, when can we expect it to be fully armed and operational?
    • When you do you expect to have a solution rolled out so that we know when you've actually replied to a thread, as opposed to posting copypasta about forum rules and not being mean to people?
    • Can you add some kind of indicator to show we've already clicked one of the buttons below someone's post?

    Humourously important questions
    • How is it that we have chicken, beef and game yet, despite pigs being present and killable, no bacon? What in the name of Sheogorath is going on with this? It's an outrage, I tell you!

    Answers to questions
    • None

    Not answered but information found or issue addressed
    • Broken SSL added to forum in April

    Disclaimer: you said "Ask Us Anything".
    Even on the internet, clear communication is important; it can be the difference between "helping your Uncle Jack off a horse" and "helping your uncle jack off a horse"; the difference between "knowing your s***" and "knowing you're s***".
    Greybeards & Gals - Civilised, laid-back, mature gamers. Beards optional. |
  • Nifty2g
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_GinaBruno
    Any chance or plans for magic damage passive to be added?
  • pipelighter
    Please could you acknowledge there are server problems - thousands of people are experienceing kick-outs since the last patch yet you sit there and say nothing and apparently do nothing.
    ^ cp 549 characters - best game ever playerd ( actually the ONLY game ever played so who am I to judge others).:D
  • Shadesofkin
    I don't believe I'm alone when I say that it would be nice to see the City of Ash exclusive sets scaled to the current gear cap and future caps. Is there any chance this could be done?
    @shadesofkin -NA Server.
    Tier 2 Player.
    MagDK Main forever (even in the bad times)
  • Grunim
    Could you tell us if you plan to raise the gear cap above CP160 this year?

    ( Please don't take this as a request to raise the gear cap, I find it stressful and not enjoyable to find enough materials to replace all my equipment for all my characters )
    Am a whimsical Generation Jones gamer. Online RPGs hooked me since '94 and no sign of stopping soon...

  • TheSpaceWhale
    Can we get a "hide indicator" toggle for the new blocking indicator, or revert it to where it is hidden in first person view (as it was in PTS 2.4.0 patch)? Its immersion-breaking and covers up the ground in first person, making it even more difficult in that view to see red circles of death.
  • NewBlacksmurf
    When specifically are you all going to actually ask Microsoft to fix ESO plus and add the sku into the actual store?

    Right now and since launch, it's still hidden and the out poor of customer missing benefits and crowns continues.

    You're now suggesting to call Microsoft for a refund but have offered not timeframe or suggested fix

    Should we just assume it's going to remain a problem I definately?
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom and @ZOS_KaiSchober
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • lhaynes
    Soul Shriven
    Will there ever be flying mounts added to ESO?
  • GCypher87
    What will be the price of name/appearance/race change?


    When are we getting the Stibbons Mount?
    PC: @Cyffr
  • GreatWhite000
    Why were khajiit racial passives reverted? I was looking forward to being competitive in PvP.
  • xomnigul
    Do you have any plans to nerf or adjust stam nightblade in pvp? its soooo op
  • shannona
    Soul Shriven
    The more patches ESO does the more random quests I run into that just hang!!. I've been with you guys since the beginning and I've already previously completed these specific storyline quests-so I know that there is something bad going on here-please advise thx
  • shannona
    Soul Shriven
    One in particular is the Hound failing to arrive at the Arena to take the Green Lady away-after taken out the 4 anchors he just never shows up.
  • Whatzituyah
    I only have two for now.

    What are chances of seeing a new weapon skill line?

    What are the chances of seeing a new class or just bringing Warden back?
  • nathan_bri
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_GinaBruno, thank you so much for addressing the screen shake issue that I experience! I am sure many other players who get headaches and slight nausea like me after a while will appreciate it.
  • Tobius
    You guys keep dropping new dungeons and factions, how about new races or classes to play? Would love a hunter class or necromancer class, for races maybe Giant.
    "Remember: Sometime the Dragon wins."
  • Donum-Dei
    LordDragos wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JanS @ZOS_GaryA @ZOS_TristanK @ZOS_AlanG

    Dear ESO,

    my friends and i are disappointed with how easy you have made dungeons, there aren't any left that are challenging now that white gold and prison are a joke. we understand that you might want to make it easier for casual or low skilled players but for those of us that enjoy challenges, we are running out of content to entertain us. please introduce more 4 player dungeons but more importantly can you please release a difficulty above veteran like elite or something so those of us seeking a challenge in group content can still enjoy this game. the casual players may be a decent size of your player base but it is us hardcore players that stick around and if there is not enough challenging content then we will move on to more challenging games.

    also the new blocking animation that shows that we are blocking is corny, how bad do you have to be at this game to need help to see that someone is blocking.

    also shadow barrier is supposed to last for 19.25 seconds with 7 piece heavy armor and it still even after the patch lasts for 11 seconds, i have sent in multiple tickets on this and no answer, fix your game please.

    from one gamer to another, nerfing content is how you lose players. we already cake walk every dungeon in this game and then you made it easier.....

    I second this. (if nobody have done it already)

    The one thing I was happy or better yet, satisfied when I was active and became a casual gamer and then never log on to this game at all, was the fact that the dungeons where very challenging. Being in low level or at V rank. This is no good if they have done this. To the upcoming dungeons.

    Decide to come back and going trough the "ask live" forum and seeing that many things haven't been improved and others have been improve. But then, this stuff is happening towards dungeons are kind of no good.
    Edited by Donum-Dei on July 9, 2016 4:28PM
  • DRXHarbinger
    Are you going to pull out of the console market?
    PC Master Race

    8 Flawless Toons, all Classes.
    Master Angler
    Dro-M'artha Destroyer (at last)
    Tamriel Hero
    Grand Overlord
    Every Skyshard
    Down With BOP!
  • Whatzituyah
    Are you going to pull out of the console market?

    @DRXHarbinger I hope not! I would really feel bad to see this go.
  • AmberLaTerra
    Are there any plans to revamp fishing anytime in the future?

    I personally greatly enjoy it and just finished my Master Angler achievement the other night, but it was a bit disappointing to see just how few bother only having come across one or two other players fishing as well during the trek through completing the achievements in every zone.

    The only place I saw a decent number of people fishing was in the gold coast and that was right after it launched when everyone who has all the other fishing achievements was getting them there.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    CP 365 Nord DK DPS EP
    CP 365 Imperal DK Stam Tank EP
    Level 9 Imperial Stam Templar EP
    Cp 365 Khajiit Stam Blade EP

    For the glory of the Pact
  • xXDanteCrossXx
    Soul Shriven
    Are you any closer to fixing the problems with the Activity Finder (Dungeon Finder) on the PlayStation 4? Currently have no success after 3+ hours of queuing and waiting on many attempts.
  • altemriel
    ZOS, are you planning on adding more skill slots in the skill bars, at least one or two more to each bar in the near future?

    I mean variability of builds!!

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @Wrobel @ZOS_KaiSchober @matt_firror
  • Nuntjako
    Would it be possible if we could juggle the list of the guilds we are in, so that we can place our main guild at the top of the list? For us playing on consoles it would help a lot since we don't have a cursor like on pc.
  • KramUzibra
    If you ever do decide to introduce interchangeable mount armor it would be pretty cool if you make the stable the go to place to customize your mounts armor.
  • KramUzibra
    I'm a master of all trades and it would be incredibly convenient if I can turn my writes in at any location kinda like how I can pick them up at any location.
  • Essiaga
    Whats with the load screens in cyro? How much progress did i just loose sitting in this load screen?

    I died 30 mins ago with others in my party. They've been playing (i hear them in TS) and i'm staring at the same load screen forever.

    I have no add ons.
    TS is the only other program that's running.

    I'm not having fun.
  • silky_soft
    Vamp and Scourger set are currently overpowered. Are you going to bring back the real camo hunter and change scourger to major mending?
    I have no will left to help with lag until high action per minute devs play via a vpn from Asia or Oceania to NA and live stream thier experience of thier actions being declined by the server because they are out of frame.
  • Nuntjako
    Have you considered adding a cooldown effect for buffing abilities on consoles? Since we don't have addons and it can be difficult watching all the visual cues .I could be like the cooldown timer for potions.
    Edited by Nuntjako on July 11, 2016 5:10PM
This discussion has been closed.