@BambooScramble No. All Crown Store purchases are server-locked. If you are an ESO Plus member though, then that would work, as ESO Plus applies account-wide.BambooScramble wrote: »I'm sorry I couldn't find this answer elsewhere, but does the Imperial City dlc transfer across NA and EU servers? Will I have the dlc available on both servers after purchase? Thank you.
BigMac_Smiley wrote: »Is it possible to add some kind of buff effect to the attribute bars for drinks? Food gets larger bars, but drink don't have any effect indicting that you have a buff. Anything to make it stand out and not look like normal attribute bars.
That's already in game, if you have a regen buff arrows will pulse through the bar.
Numidium, also known as Walk-Brass, is a gigantic Dwemer Animunculi constructed by Tonal Architect Lord Kagrenac. The Almsivi have possession of Numidium during the Second Era. Since Numidium was directly related to the disappearance of the Dwemer, it probably holds all of their secrets.
It went away on latest update.
@ZOS_GinaBruno Is there a discussion on whether console players (specifically for me on the PS4) will have an option to toggle on damage numbers, health, magicka, stamina numbers, and experience numbers on the screen? If already being discussed is there a timeline as to when we can expect something like this?
If it will be discussed in the next broadcast could you please reply so I can clear my schedule to watch. Thank you.
If your group is bigger than 6 members gain 75% damage reduction.
Kemosabe2point0 wrote: »mjsegaline wrote: »Frenkthevile wrote: »I think they put so many spells in the game...because, honestly, they cannot do proper combat moves: look at the animations we have got for 2handed or dual-wield!
I think they are not the moves that a master assassin would do, they're just...dunno...swinging swords like a farmer does with a pitchfork.
But fireworks...evryone can create fireworks, yay!
Honestly, they should have just kept it simple. If they insisted on making classes at all, which I think was a dumb idea to begin with, they should have just made generic templates. Mage, thief, and warrior and let players expand upon their characters from there. You want to play a warrior who dabbles a bit in the magical arts? Great, pick your warrior class which has various passive to support your broadsword skills and tanking, and take some training at the mages guild to learn some magic. Become a battlemage if you wish. But there should be some investment in any skill lines that you choose.
Forcing everyone into these terrible unimaginative classes with boring skills, and forcing them to play a magic class is ridiculous. I don't care that my mage can use a bow, who the hell really wants to do that? JimBOB86 who doesn't give a rats ass about the lore or the character he is playing and just wants to be LEET? Just make it make sense. The battlefield is riddled with the same attacks on every single player you come across. The idea of using whatever weapon you want is just an illusion to try and take you away from the fact that you are forced into these ridiculous classes that make zero sense.
So much lore to support character progression through this method. Every game since Arena has had a skill based progression and mostly used classes as a progression guideline. Not a shoehorn. Seemed like such a no brainer after the constellation system was introduced in Skyrim.
Heavy Armor
Two Hand
Dual Wield
One Hand
Medium Armor
Light Armor
Pick three starting skill lines from among the three starting constellations at creation. Every skill levels upon use. Add in the racial, crafting, and world skill lines. You could even add the class skill lines for further customization once you meet certain requirements or quest lines. Keep the action bars but let us progress as we like and create our own builds and play styles. You could even add stamina/magicka morphs that are dependent on skill level in another class line for more customization. Would it be tough to balance? Probably. Doubtful it would be more difficult than the class system in place though.
Sorry for the long post and yeah that was pretty rough draft of skill lines mostly based off the last three Elder Scrolls titles. I'm sure someone could do a much better job than me.
Well actually both, as "You want to play a warrior who dabbles a bit in the magical arts? Great, pick your warrior class which has various passive to support your broadsword skills and tanking, and take some training at the mages guild to learn some magic" is great.
What should we do to have THIS in game? It's lore friendly, it's fun, and in the long way everyone can specialize in the Dragonknight, Templar, Sorcerer or Nightblade. Nothing less, just a clear simple start for who want to be a classical adventurer, or who like me doesn't really care to be that powerful. Outside of Dungeons PVE is more fun without a power-build, If I could be a non-magical adventurer I would gladly pay the double of the ESO PLUS every month.
It would be the greatest mmo-TES ever for me.
Actually my Orc DK Vet4 is equiped with white equipment of level 50 and making quests in Vet 6 areas. Is that normal? I had to remove every magic skills from my actionbar and use old useless equipment to have fun. This is a mess for a non-powerplayer, and I'm not the only one out there who doesn't like the current class system. I don't care if then the other players specialize in skills that make them the current Class, but give me the choice to be a normal lore-friendly warrior.
I'm posting this almost everywhere, first of all sorry for my bad English.
Where can we get rid of classes and specialize to the current class during the progress? I'm tired to be a DK, Templar etc, I just want to be a wandering warrior, adventurer, rogue or thief. Right now every character is a mage.
ps: I would gladly pay double ESO PLUS to be able playing the character I really want.
Long post here:SpoilerKemosabe2point0 wrote: »mjsegaline wrote: »Frenkthevile wrote: »I think they put so many spells in the game...because, honestly, they cannot do proper combat moves: look at the animations we have got for 2handed or dual-wield!
I think they are not the moves that a master assassin would do, they're just...dunno...swinging swords like a farmer does with a pitchfork.
But fireworks...evryone can create fireworks, yay!
Honestly, they should have just kept it simple. If they insisted on making classes at all, which I think was a dumb idea to begin with, they should have just made generic templates. Mage, thief, and warrior and let players expand upon their characters from there. You want to play a warrior who dabbles a bit in the magical arts? Great, pick your warrior class which has various passive to support your broadsword skills and tanking, and take some training at the mages guild to learn some magic. Become a battlemage if you wish. But there should be some investment in any skill lines that you choose.
Forcing everyone into these terrible unimaginative classes with boring skills, and forcing them to play a magic class is ridiculous. I don't care that my mage can use a bow, who the hell really wants to do that? JimBOB86 who doesn't give a rats ass about the lore or the character he is playing and just wants to be LEET? Just make it make sense. The battlefield is riddled with the same attacks on every single player you come across. The idea of using whatever weapon you want is just an illusion to try and take you away from the fact that you are forced into these ridiculous classes that make zero sense.
So much lore to support character progression through this method. Every game since Arena has had a skill based progression and mostly used classes as a progression guideline. Not a shoehorn. Seemed like such a no brainer after the constellation system was introduced in Skyrim.
Heavy Armor
Two Hand
Dual Wield
One Hand
Medium Armor
Light Armor
Pick three starting skill lines from among the three starting constellations at creation. Every skill levels upon use. Add in the racial, crafting, and world skill lines. You could even add the class skill lines for further customization once you meet certain requirements or quest lines. Keep the action bars but let us progress as we like and create our own builds and play styles. You could even add stamina/magicka morphs that are dependent on skill level in another class line for more customization. Would it be tough to balance? Probably. Doubtful it would be more difficult than the class system in place though.
Sorry for the long post and yeah that was pretty rough draft of skill lines mostly based off the last three Elder Scrolls titles. I'm sure someone could do a much better job than me.
Well actually both, as "You want to play a warrior who dabbles a bit in the magical arts? Great, pick your warrior class which has various passive to support your broadsword skills and tanking, and take some training at the mages guild to learn some magic" is great.
What should we do to have THIS in game? It's lore friendly, it's fun, and in the long way everyone can specialize in the Dragonknight, Templar, Sorcerer or Nightblade. Nothing less, just a clear simple start for who want to be a classical adventurer, or who like me doesn't really care to be that powerful. Outside of Dungeons PVE is more fun without a power-build, If I could be a non-magical adventurer I would gladly pay the double of the ESO PLUS every month.
It would be the greatest mmo-TES ever for me.
Actually my Orc DK Vet4 is equiped with white equipment of level 50 and making quests in Vet 6 areas. Is that normal? I had to remove every magic skills from my actionbar and use old useless equipment to have fun. This is a mess for a non-powerplayer, and I'm not the only one out there who doesn't like the current class system. I don't care if then the other players specialize in skills that make them the current Class, but give me the choice to be a normal lore-friendly warrior.
Riko_Futatabi wrote: »I agree that there's an abundance of the wrong type of magic. By wrong I mean there's not enough magic in terms of fire, ice and shock spells or even other elements and other types of magic. Just a little bit here and there depending on what class you pick or if you wish to use a staff. I honestly wish we could equip a spell in our hand and level it up or something like that. I won't get into it because I'm hopeful that Spellcrafting will be what I think it'll be.
RenhardtESO wrote: »Will we ever have the ability to custom keybind our controller for PS4 and Xbox? I play on PS4 and would love to exchange the swap weapon bar button on the left directional pad to be on the touch pad in the middle. I feel it would be so much faster and efficient for me to weapon swap when I am healing a dungeon if I could just quickly reach down with my right thumb and hit a giant touch pad than to fumble around trying to hit the left directional button and instead accidently hit the down button which sends me into first person or the up button and accidently consume a potion or food... And I barely use the map, so I wouldn't mind having that on the left button instead of the giant touch pad that could be used for way more useful things!
I don't like nerfing monsters but [snip] is up with Wispmothers!!! I have abandon ANOTHER Wispmother quest because of the utter cluster [snip] that these things are. Am I missing some secret spell or ability? I attack... She sends four to six wisps at me at a time... Then she triplicates and KICKS MY [snip]!!! No matter what character I have, it's always like this! It's frustratingly difficult! What am I missing?
Wicked_Wolf wrote: »1.
5. Would you guys be open to providing us with a method to retain the look of armor sets we like and apply them to other sets like a costume? This way we would still have to work to earn the set we like, but can use the look on another set once we have "outgrown" them. Obviously armor restrictions would apply like heavy to heavy, medium to medium, light to light etc.
6. Could we dye costumes at some point?
Thank you in advance for taking the time to read and address!
I don't like nerfing monsters but [snip] is up with Wispmothers!!! I have abandon ANOTHER Wispmother quest because of the utter cluster [snip] that these things are. Am I missing some secret spell or ability? I attack... She sends four to six wisps at me at a time... Then she triplicates and KICKS MY [snip]!!! No matter what character I have, it's always like this! It's frustratingly difficult! What am I missing?