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PTS Patch Notes v1.5.1

  • Xsorus
    Tested on PTS

    Lethal Arrow on live in general does about 1400ish damage against most people with my DK

    against a friend on PTS, 1100 damage
  • tordr86b16_ESO
    Fafnisbane wrote: »
    Regarding the flaming oil nerf:


    they are removing aoe caps.
  • VileIntent
    @ZoS_GinaBruno @ZoS_JessicaFolsom I would like to say here. Leave the crit damage alone. Your hurting more than helping. It also forces the players in pvp to change up their skills and gear for pvp. You have things set in place to protect themselves from burst crits. magelight morph, impenetrable traits, etc..
    Please ignore the cries of the few whom are just to lazy honestly to think outside of standard cookie cutter builds. Nerfing from stealth crit damage also hurts Nightblade pve Dps when we rely on 1 or 2 shotting pve mobs in packs to reduce the numbers to deal with the rest after our main advantage is used. bow builds at least mine used superior single Target Dps to kill groups instead of mindless aoe spam.
  • Alyssyah
    Soul Shriven
    Re: Sanctum loot


    Coupled with the icrease to soul res. This should result in more players experiencing this content.

    Nicely done :smiley:
  • Aenra
    as always, shouting in the wind..

    but what happened to -any- skill programmed to do 'x' dmg on a mob, but 'x-y' dmg on a player?
    beyond who gets affected (or not) by nightblade nerf/buff cycles, would it not be easier to have designed MOST if not all the skills that way? You know, in advance, like most do? You have already reached the point where altering this entails re-programming that, over and implications grasped?

    rhetorical question
    Pride, honour and purity
  • Jacques Berge
    Jacques Berge
    Oh, stealth damage reduction across the board? Yep this affect everyone equally. I'm looking foutward to the next patch where burst healing, fire damage, and ranged spells get nerfed. These will also affect everyone, equally.

    I was wondering, can we get cloak changed to a skill where my toon throws glitter in the air and doesn't even try to go invisible.

    I'm sorry to all my DK friends, it's really unfair for you guys to get face rolled, even if you aren't paying attention. I know I've killed guys in one hit, totally wasn't fair... Even though he was marked and I was using camo hunter and he was a vamp with 2.5k hp, totally unfair.

    I was wondering, can I get concealed weapons changed? Have me give my enemy a wedgie or maybe a wet willie? I just figured this would be more fair. I'm sick of this game rewarding my meticulous hunting or my attention to my surroundings.

    My NB friends, guys, let's just reroll and block cast in light armor, like everyone else.
    "Shadow hide you"

    Jacques Berge - v14 NB - DC
  • VileIntent
    Oh, stealth damage reduction across the board? Yep this affect everyone equally. I'm looking foutward to the next patch where burst healing, fire damage, and ranged spells get nerfed. These will also affect everyone, equally.

    I was wondering, can we get cloak changed to a skill where my toon throws glitter in the air and doesn't even try to go invisible.

    I'm sorry to all my DK friends, it's really unfair for you guys to get face rolled, even if you aren't paying attention. I know I've killed guys in one hit, totally wasn't fair... Even though he was marked and I was using camo hunter and he was a vamp with 2.5k hp, totally unfair.

    I was wondering, can I get concealed weapons changed? Have me give my enemy a wedgie or maybe a wet willie? I just figured this would be more fair. I'm sick of this game rewarding my meticulous hunting or my attention to my surroundings.

    My NB friends, guys, let's just reroll and block cast in light armor, like everyone else.

    I all ready do... was thinking of going back to bow until I read this. I feel your pain Brother. I can only imagine what they have planned for the dark brotherhood and how it will some worthless guild skill line. Assassinations means killing people quickly, but not so apparently in Elder Stacking Online. Remove Block casting please. I can pull 5 Wamasu and 10 scorpions v13 in upper craglorn and barely break a sweat using block casting as a magicka based Nightblade. Hold Block and face plant 1 key... mucho grande skill. ok, if you don't want to remove it at least give the act of doing it a 50% damage nerf to persuade players from holding block while casting.
    Edited by VileIntent on October 21, 2014 5:20AM
  • timidobserver
    Eternal Warrior 5 piece should reduce the cooldown 5 more minutes.

    Also, I see an awesome set for stamina dps, magicka dps, and tanking. I don't really see a set that would be very appealing to a healer. Please add something for healers before launching this update.
    Edited by timidobserver on October 21, 2014 5:17AM
    V16 Uriel Stormblessed EP Magicka Templar(main)
    V16 Derelict Vagabond EP Stamina DK
    V16 Redacted Ep Stam Sorc
    V16 Insolent EP Magicka Sorc(retired)
    V16 Jed I Nyte EP Stamina NB(retired)

  • VileIntent
    Eternal Warrior 5 piece should reduce the cooldown 5 more minutes.

    Also, I see an awesome set for stamina dps, magicka dps, and tanking. I don't really see a set that would be very appealing to a healer. Please add something for healers before launching this update.

    The mage set would be nice for healers as well, as 30% of a heavy attack is used as healing. healers love crit as well.
  • The_Saint
    Does someone know which parts of this set can be found?
    Only light armour or we will get rings or/and staffs?

    Infallible Mage

    2 Piece Bonus: Adds spell critical strike
    3 Piece Bonus: Heavy attacks reduce enemy armor and spell resistance
    4 Piece Bonus: Adds spell damage
    5 Piece Bonus: Adds spell critical strike, and adds bonus damage to heavy attacks
    Samuel Crow - Nachtklinge - PC-EU-DC
    Saint_Crow Twitch / Youtube
    ESO Stream Team Partner
  • Jacques Berge
    Jacques Berge
    These sets are going to to be drop in the hard mode of the trials and likely weekly rewards. Maybe vet DSA. Getting these will not be easy.
    "Shadow hide you"

    Jacques Berge - v14 NB - DC
  • tomiffseb17_ESO
    Nice changes overall but as a nightblade i have to mention a few things. Playing as all other classes is pretty hard as an NB, most of us know this. I do agree snipe with all its rotation was powerful, but what about magicka builds. I believe there are still many of us out there, you know, using abilities scales with magicka and checks for weapon crit and so on.. i am not saying i was not being able to butst down many from stealth but its harder and less comfortable this way. I am crying without seeing the actual ammount of reduction, but i am a bit affraid. Also is this nerf was because that specific skill? The snipe? Or just overall? Because if that specific skill caused this global change how about looking at the reflect skills? I am not saying any specific skill but i am looking at you dragonknights...
  • TagaParti
    1-hit kill by NB bow users will end soon.. PVP has reach a new height in balance mode..
    good job ZOS!
    Sheliza "The Unkillable"

    Facebook Page for the Tournaments
    Elder Scrolls Online Tournaments
    Please search and hit Like to see future post and updates for the events
    youtube channel: tagaparti
  • CirithValaria
    Yes stealth attacks are totally op, I'm so happy with this change -_-
    *Sarcasm overdose*
    “What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us...
    What we have done for others and the world, it remains and is immortal...”

    About me:
    @Cirith-Valar'ia & @Lilith-Valar'ia (in-game)
    | hardcore-casual | pc-eu / ps4-eu | pve | pvp | player since early beta | subscriber since early-launch |
    | The Sanctum Sanctorum - founder & guild master |

    Cirith Valar'ia | Dunmer (F) | Lady of Light, Templar DD (stamina) | (ex)VR 16 | Aldmeri Dominion (Master Crafter - all crafts, traits & styles.)
    Nezghul Sithis | Breton (F) | Winter Ward, Warden Tank (magic) | lvl 50 | Aldmeri Dominion
    Hakrate Hecate | Orc (F) | Dying Light, Templar DD (stamina, PvP) | lvl 50 | Aldmeri Dominion
    Tummien-Vesien-Tulkki | Argonian (M) | Blood Shield, Nightblade Tank (magic) | (ex)VR 16 | Ebonheart Pact
    Valonkantaja | Argonian (F) | Healer of the Hist, Templar Healer | (ex)VR 16 | Ebonheart Pact
    Tulenvalaja | Argonian (M) | Guardian of the Hist, Dragonknight DD (magic) | (ex)VR 16 | Ebonheart Pact
    Kuolon-Raatojen-Kaitsija | Argonian (M) | Corpsekeeper of the Hist, Necromancer Tank (magic) | lvl 20 | Ebonheart Pact
    Kal-Mah | Argonian (F) | Spawn of Wamasu, Sorcerer Tank (magic) | (ex)VR 16 | Ebonheart Pact
    Puutiainen | Bosmer (F) | Horny Ravager, Sorcerer DD (stamina) | (ex)VR 16 | Daggerfall Covenant
    Musta-Surma | Khajiit (F) | Nightpawler, Nightblade DD - thief/murderer (stamina) | (ex)VR 16 | Daggerfall Covenant
    T'Sok Shiar | Altmer (F) | Touched by Daedra, Sorcerer DD (magic) | (ex)VR 1 | Daggerfall Covenant (Master Cook - all recipes.)
    S'auron | Khajiit (M) | Poison Paw, Dragonknight DD (stamina) | lvl 50 | Daggerfall Covenant

    Lilith Valar'ia | Dunmer (F) | Phœnix, Dragonknight Healer | lvl 25 | Aldmeri Dominion
    Stormpaw | Khajiit (F) | Cpt. Pirate Puss, Sorcerer DD (stamina) | lvl 25 | Aldmeri Dominion
    Iliath Valar'ia | Dunmer (F) | Storm Ward, Sorcerer Tank (magic) | lvl 25 | Aldmeri Dominion
    Haudantakainen | Argonian (M) | Pale Avenger, Nightblade DD (magic) | lvl 25 | Ebonheart Pact
    Kira Tal'Shiar | Breton (F) | Warrior of Light, Templar DD (magic) | lvl 10 | Ebonheart Pact
    Sunpaw | Khajiit (M) | Crescent Moon Guardian, Templar Tank (stamina, PvP) | lvl 40 | Daggerfall Covenant
    Shangri Shadowtusk | Orc (F) | Shadowtusk, Nightblade DD (stamina) | lvl 50 | Daggerfall Covenant

    Topaz-dar | Khajiit (F) | Mysticat, Sorcerer DD (stamina) | lvl 5 | Aldmeri Dominion
    Her-Frozen-Heart | Argonian (F) | Frozen Shield, Warden Tank (magicka) | lvl 5 | Daggerfall Covenant
    Neazgûl | Redguard (F) | Bear Matron, Warden DD (stamina) | lvl 50 | Daggerfall Covenant
  • Frenkthevile
    Fafnisbane wrote: »
    Regarding the flaming oil nerf:

    I created a forum account to make this post.

    Zenimax, please, PLEASE do not do this. This is one of the worst imaginable changes that you can make to the game. The reason that people use oil is because it's one of the only things that does not have an AOE cap. If it were possible to kill a raid of 24 people all bunched up with a three yard radius of each other in ANY other way at all, that's what we'd do, but the fact that they exploit the AOE cap to make themselves functionally IMMUNE TO DAMMAGE means that oil is our only choice. (In that scenario, 75% of the group takes ZERO damage from an AOE attack. Healers can heal through that without any difficulty at all because heals automatically target those with the lowest health.) Zerg balls won't even have to attack, just bunch up on the flag and revel in their immmunity.

    I cannot emphasize enough how terrible a decision this is. If this change to oils is implemented before the AOE caps are fixed, I personally know many, many people who will unsub. We don't want to play in Cyrodiil when zerg balls can exploit game mechanics to make themselves invincible, and we won't want to play a game where the developers show themselves so uncaring of player feedback that they ignore or keep putting on hold the fixes we've been demanding since the beginning (fix AOE caps) and implement other decisions that actually make the situation worse.

    You are exploiting oil. You should not be able to block+heal+cast+use oil in a corner, taking NO DMG from your oil pot!!!
  • Navaya
    So where is the Reflective Scale Nerf? That Dragonknight ability is way to far overpowering. To become immune to any projectile and also reflect it back with increased damage, that just doesn't seem very intended. This spell makes Dragonknight dominate PvP and able to take down groups alone, So please fix or change it.
  • Kypho
    VileIntent wrote: »
    Oh, stealth damage reduction across the board? Yep this affect everyone equally. I'm looking foutward to the next patch where burst healing, fire damage, and ranged spells get nerfed. These will also affect everyone, equally.

    I was wondering, can we get cloak changed to a skill where my toon throws glitter in the air and doesn't even try to go invisible.

    I'm sorry to all my DK friends, it's really unfair for you guys to get face rolled, even if you aren't paying attention. I know I've killed guys in one hit, totally wasn't fair... Even though he was marked and I was using camo hunter and he was a vamp with 2.5k hp, totally unfair.

    I was wondering, can I get concealed weapons changed? Have me give my enemy a wedgie or maybe a wet willie? I just figured this would be more fair. I'm sick of this game rewarding my meticulous hunting or my attention to my surroundings.

    My NB friends, guys, let's just reroll and block cast in light armor, like everyone else.

    I all ready do... was thinking of going back to bow until I read this. I feel your pain Brother. I can only imagine what they have planned for the dark brotherhood and how it will some worthless guild skill line. Assassinations means killing people quickly, but not so apparently in Elder Stacking Online. Remove Block casting please. I can pull 5 Wamasu and 10 scorpions v13 in upper craglorn and barely break a sweat using block casting as a magicka based Nightblade. Hold Block and face plant 1 key... mucho grande skill. ok, if you don't want to remove it at least give the act of doing it a 50% damage nerf to persuade players from holding block while casting.

    Not just that killing ppl fast, you NEED to kill ppl fast or you are screwed. NB is the weakest class, that dmg was the only option (not speaking of the crap light armor BS). Thats it.

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Inappropriate Content and Language]
    Edited by ZOS_UlyssesW on October 28, 2014 8:36PM
  • suycyco
    VileIntent wrote: »
    I all ready do... was thinking of going back to bow until I read this. I feel your pain Brother. I can only imagine what they have planned for the dark brotherhood and how it will some worthless guild skill line. Assassinations means killing people quickly, but not so apparently in Elder Stacking Online. Remove Block casting please. I can pull 5 Wamasu and 10 scorpions v13 in upper craglorn and barely break a sweat using block casting as a magicka based Nightblade. Hold Block and face plant 1 key... mucho grande skill. ok, if you don't want to remove it at least give the act of doing it a 50% damage nerf to persuade players from holding block while casting.

    Actually we can do it as NB and it's the most op Spec of our class.
    Playing light armor with restauration staff/1H shield like all the other classes.
    Maybe if all NB start to play like that people will see what's a real pain in the ass too bad for the variety off play styles though...
  • Kypho
    About WW, ZoS you sux big time.... Increase the time or its worthless again. at 1/4 timer you devour, 1/2 time, counting down, devour on cd. Devour again at near 1/4, time back to 1/2. So what now? Kill some mobs, then be there till no more corpse to feed on and transfom back? You sux... just that...

    Edited by Kypho on October 21, 2014 8:41AM
  • Kypho
    TagaParti wrote: »
    1-hit kill by NB bow users will end soon.. PVP has reach a new height in balance mode..
    good job ZOS!

    This man is worthless
    Yes stealth attacks are totally op, I'm so happy with this change -_-
    *Sarcasm overdose*

    But what is wrong with that? ZoS love bats and spam and all... since zos is full of trolls and has same low IQ than the ppl who call this patch balance :D

    PS.: those deathrecap tips are such a big joke lawl. more clear that ZoS is full of trolls
    Edited by Kypho on October 21, 2014 8:49AM
  • VileIntent
    Kypho wrote: »
    VileIntent wrote: »
    Oh, stealth damage reduction across the board? Yep this affect everyone equally. I'm looking foutward to the next patch where burst healing, fire damage, and ranged spells get nerfed. These will also affect everyone, equally.

    I was wondering, can we get cloak changed to a skill where my toon throws glitter in the air and doesn't even try to go invisible.

    I'm sorry to all my DK friends, it's really unfair for you guys to get face rolled, even if you aren't paying attention. I know I've killed guys in one hit, totally wasn't fair... Even though he was marked and I was using camo hunter and he was a vamp with 2.5k hp, totally unfair.

    I was wondering, can I get concealed weapons changed? Have me give my enemy a wedgie or maybe a wet willie? I just figured this would be more fair. I'm sick of this game rewarding my meticulous hunting or my attention to my surroundings.

    My NB friends, guys, let's just reroll and block cast in light armor, like everyone else.

    I all ready do... was thinking of going back to bow until I read this. I feel your pain Brother. I can only imagine what they have planned for the dark brotherhood and how it will some worthless guild skill line. Assassinations means killing people quickly, but not so apparently in Elder Stacking Online. Remove Block casting please. I can pull 5 Wamasu and 10 scorpions v13 in upper craglorn and barely break a sweat using block casting as a magicka based Nightblade. Hold Block and face plant 1 key... mucho grande skill. ok, if you don't want to remove it at least give the act of doing it a 50% damage nerf to persuade players from holding block while casting.

    Not just that killing ppl fast, you NEED to kill ppl fast or you are screwed. NB is the weakest class, that dmg was the only option (not speaking of the crap light armor BS). Thats it.

    I personally do not believe Nightblades are weak. Medium armor stamina builds are weak. It lacks spell resistance and only has slightly better armor than light (which is normal). The biggest imbalance is block casting. A person in medium with a stamina build who uses mostly stamina skills and blocks will be out of resources before a magicka based player.
    its a simple as that. if blocking would keep a player from using any of the 5 skills minus the ultimate it would put magicka based builds on a slightly more even ground to stamina builds. the damage reduction from blocking is what offsets the two styles off play. If blocking used the resource that was the highest in total then that also would put the builds on a nor even ground. ie if I had 2500 magicka and 1700 stam, blocking would use magicka instead of stamina. to give an example.

    [Moderator Note: Edited quote to match moderated version]
    Edited by ZOS_UlyssesW on October 28, 2014 8:39PM
  • Decimus
    VileIntent wrote: »
    Kypho wrote: »
    VileIntent wrote: »
    Oh, stealth damage reduction across the board? Yep this affect everyone equally. I'm looking foutward to the next patch where burst healing, fire damage, and ranged spells get nerfed. These will also affect everyone, equally.

    I was wondering, can we get cloak changed to a skill where my toon throws glitter in the air and doesn't even try to go invisible.

    I'm sorry to all my DK friends, it's really unfair for you guys to get face rolled, even if you aren't paying attention. I know I've killed guys in one hit, totally wasn't fair... Even though he was marked and I was using camo hunter and he was a vamp with 2.5k hp, totally unfair.

    I was wondering, can I get concealed weapons changed? Have me give my enemy a wedgie or maybe a wet willie? I just figured this would be more fair. I'm sick of this game rewarding my meticulous hunting or my attention to my surroundings.

    My NB friends, guys, let's just reroll and block cast in light armor, like everyone else.

    I all ready do... was thinking of going back to bow until I read this. I feel your pain Brother. I can only imagine what they have planned for the dark brotherhood and how it will some worthless guild skill line. Assassinations means killing people quickly, but not so apparently in Elder Stacking Online. Remove Block casting please. I can pull 5 Wamasu and 10 scorpions v13 in upper craglorn and barely break a sweat using block casting as a magicka based Nightblade. Hold Block and face plant 1 key... mucho grande skill. ok, if you don't want to remove it at least give the act of doing it a 50% damage nerf to persuade players from holding block while casting.

    Not just that killing ppl fast, you NEED to kill ppl fast or you are screwed. NB is the weakest class, that dmg was the only option (not speaking of the crap light armor BS). Thats it.

    I personally do not believe Nightblades are weak. Medium armor stamina builds are weak. It lacks spell resistance and only has slightly better armor than light (which is normal). The biggest imbalance is block casting. A person in medium with a stamina build who uses mostly stamina skills and blocks will be out of resources before a magicka based player.
    its a simple as that. if blocking would keep a player from using any of the 5 skills minus the ultimate it would put magicka based builds on a slightly more even ground to stamina builds. the damage reduction from blocking is what offsets the two styles off play. If blocking used the resource that was the highest in total then that also would put the builds on a nor even ground. ie if I had 2500 magicka and 1700 stam, blocking would use magicka instead of stamina. to give an example.

    A stamina build isn't supposed to hold block at all... you get passives to reduce roll dodge cost, that's what you use for survivability in PvP.

    When you use Block = Opponent controls your resources
    When you Dodge Roll = You control your own resources (and the opponent's to a certain degree)

    Or used. Stamina builds will be downright useless if these changes go live. How are you going to kill people in zergballs, if you have less burst damage than some magicka builds even?
    The stealthy "assassin" or "rogue" archetypes will be over, and this game will truly be "Elder Staves Online".

    [Moderator Note: Edited quote to match moderated version]
    Edited by ZOS_UlyssesW on October 28, 2014 8:39PM
  • venomsky
    ZOS worst devs in whole world, they are nerfing NB class patch by patch stealth speed now sneak damage, ZOS then u finally will nerf crushing shock and pulsar?u really need change job
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    So, regarding sneak damage:

    Stats with bow: 160 weapon damage 2400 stamina

    Snipe from stealth: 1100 damage (crits)
    Snipe not in stealth: 540 damage (no crit) with 810 on crit
    Heavy attack stealth: 950 damage (crits)

    Snipe vs heavy: Snipe deals more damage, has a faster base cast time, and can apply debuffs. Heavy costs no stamina.

    Now the interesting part: Greatsword (2400 stamina and 210 weapon damage)

    Greatsword heavy attack from stealth: 1870 (crit)
    Greatsword heavy attack not in stealth: 610 (no crit) 915 (Crit)

    So it would appear that greatsword sneak attack damage has been BUFFED in this patch. I personally like this, but is this intended?

    Good. Looks pretty realistic and good for PvP now. Incentive has been added for using melee vs bow.

    But question is, is that vs PC or NPC? If its PC then GS heavy attack could stand to be a bit lower than that. And how much for uppercut.
    Edited by demonlkojipub19_ESO on October 21, 2014 11:10AM
  • Lorkhan

    Combat & Gameplay
    • 1Reduced the amount of bonus damage provided by stealthed attacks against other player characters.
      • Note that stealthed attacks are still always critical strikes that stun your target.
    • 2If you have points in the following skills or skill lines, you will be receiving a skill point refund once Update 5 is published:
      • Annulment
      • Death Stroke
      • All two-handed skills
      • All one-hand and shield skills
      • All dual wield skills
      • All bow skills
    • Fixed an issue so you can no longer be knocked back and get stuck inside fixtures.

    1 - how big was the nerf? 10%? 90%?
    funny, i cant tell you how many times i used concealed weapon while stealthed, the target get stunned, i get visible, but no damage is done. LOL!

    2 - skill point refund? what about class refund?
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    Yea bowman, bring on th troLoLs. Got what was needed
  • Decimus
    So, regarding sneak damage:

    Stats with bow: 160 weapon damage 2400 stamina

    Snipe from stealth: 1100 damage (crits)
    Snipe not in stealth: 540 damage (no crit) with 810 on crit
    Heavy attack stealth: 950 damage (crits)

    Snipe vs heavy: Snipe deals more damage, has a faster base cast time, and can apply debuffs. Heavy costs no stamina.

    Now the interesting part: Greatsword (2400 stamina and 210 weapon damage)

    Greatsword heavy attack from stealth: 1870 (crit)
    Greatsword heavy attack not in stealth: 610 (no crit) 915 (Crit)

    So it would appear that greatsword sneak attack damage has been BUFFED in this patch. I personally like this, but is this intended?

    Good. Looks pretty realistic and good for PvP now. Incentive has been added for using melee vs bow.

    But question is, is that vs PC or NPC? If its PC then GS heavy attack could stand to be a bit lower than that. And how much for uppercut.

    How is you sneaking behind someone with a big heavy sword realistic in any way?

    I do agree Dual Wield (and I could probably stomach even 2H) should deal more sneak damage (since it is somewhat riskier) than Bow, but not at the expense of bows becoming downright useless.
    There is no way bow will be able to burst down someone in a zerg if these changes go live, especially since the main bow burst of Snipe->Heavy Attack->Venom Arrow was already made impossible

    1100 crit from stealth is almost the same some people hit with Crystal Frags

    With soft capped stamina/weapon dmg (gimping your survivability in the process), this would allow you to get one 1,5k crit on someone, before that someone breaks from the stun & starts spamming dmg shield or the zerg heals him up & runs you over.

    All this leads to is more zergball gameplay. Everyone loves zergballing, right?
  • reften
    Ifthir_ESO wrote: »

    "Reduced the amount of bonus damage provided by stealthed attacks against other player characters."

    ^ This is just for non-nightblades, right? You didn't nerf a class who has a signature skill based around attacking from stealth, right? Please tell me that you guys aren't that out of touch with the game.

    yeah I can't believe I just read that. Did I just read our entire class was nerfed? The only difference between my NB's stealth and a DK in heavy armor's I get bonus damage when attacking...?

    My jaw just dropped when I read this.
    Bosmer (Wood Elf)
    Moonlight Crew (RIP), Misfitz (RIP), Victorem Guild

    VR16 NB, Stam build, Max all crafts.

    Azuras & Trueflame. Mostly PvP, No alts.

    Semi-retired till the lag is fixed.

    Love the Packers, Bourbon, and of those will eventually kill me.
  • Lord Stark
    Lord Stark
    "Reduced the duration of the werewolf Ultimate."?
    You guys, what the hell are you doing?? This makes no sense.. this is the exact opposite of what you guys led us to believe you would be doing.
    In one turn you will tell us that you really want to make werewolf a toggle but the game design limits you from doing it, now you are telling us instead we get less time as a werewolf, and devour is useless in cyrodiil so don't even go there..
    Please comment on this and tell us at least what you are thinking.
    Lord Stark of Winterfell - VR14 Dk - NA server - Thornblade - Eminent Gaming
  • Kromus
    Yes stealth attacks are totally op, I'm so happy with this change -_-
    *Sarcasm overdose*

    Not sure what's the problem here. You got swarmed by FOUR different players at the same time and they swarmed you with ultimate abilities. They could easily do it with any other normal abilities and you would most certainly be dead in second when four player focus on you.

    Point is those are visible, you can counter it or evade it, which can't be said for sneak attacks dealing 3k damage in one and half second and going back to sneak. Combine that with fact that dropping down from horse takes more time than you need to burst people dead and we get a cliche of free kills without any sweat for you.

    Btw, recommendation for ZOS... consider making players immune to damage while they are falling from horse. When game calculates that amount of damage needed to bring you down from horse is filled and starts to dismount you it should also make you immune to outside damage until falling animation ends and you stand up, ready to respond.

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