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Official Discussion Thread for "ESO Subscriber Loyalty Program"

  • akcicek
    This is the official discussion thread for the blog article ESO Subscriber Loyalty Program. Thanks for spending your time with us, and we hope you'll enjoy this token of our gratitude!

    This is not nice and fair. Many person can not able to spend money to buy couple of month in order to low income .
    You are acting like other MMO's and you are giving us CARROT.
    Up my mind you have to find very extra_ordinary action for loyalty program.
    I am sorry for criticises but it is positive criticism.
    Thanks for your understanding
  • Techkey1
    I think this is great! And it would be even better when we (gamers) finally get an inventory tab for trophies and/or pets ( that doesn't take up bag space) that is just for things like this and more so that we can continue to show off all of our stuff.

    I'm glad we have the loyalty program :D Now where is my wraith?!!! lol :#
    CP 477 | Dark Elf | Dragon Knight DPS | Ebonheart Pact | Solo Player | No alts

    More of a solo player. Learning to be more guild social lol. LOVING THE MORROWIND EXPANSION!!!


    Love is what I know.
    Life is what I live.
    Death I will never see.
    Immortality awaits me.
  • DyingBreed
    You can keep the pet I would just like the guild bank fix and other stuff that is broke in the game to be fix that can be my reward being able to make a group in under 15 mins or using the group finder tool.
  • Holycannoli
    Not gonna happen unless it is just a costume for a mount you already have. They aren't going to give you any free stuff that will make your character more powerful than another's. Even if only slightly. The new players who don't qualify for rewards will complain about how it is an unfair advantage.

    Who says a loyalty mount has to be more powerful than other mounts in game? They'd have the same stats but look different.
  • GomezThePuppetmaster
    Soul Shriven
    Loyalty programm is a good idea, but pls dont make more pets...its more like enough....wants to become GW2?...unfortunatelly, arenanet makes much much prettyest pets like you for their F2P game....graphic is not your mightiness...
  • RichterVonStrid
    Not gonna happen unless it is just a costume for a mount you already have. They aren't going to give you any free stuff that will make your character more powerful than another's. Even if only slightly. The new players who don't qualify for rewards will complain about how it is an unfair advantage.

    Who says a loyalty mount has to be more powerful than other mounts in game? They'd have the same stats but look different.

    It would make you more powerful than those who have no mount. Handing someone a free mount when new players have to bust their rumps to pay a ridiculous amount of gold for one is incredibly unfair. Not really a hard concept to grasp. It would be a terrible business move since many would rage quit, and it would break the economy of the game as it stands. Why would anyone bother to save the tens of thousands of gold for a mount if they just gave you a free one after three months? Why would anyone pay real money to buy a mount on their website if there was a free one? Not gonna happen. They would be idiots to do it.
    Edited by RichterVonStrid on August 23, 2014 5:18PM
  • Nox_Aeterna
    Not gonna happen unless it is just a costume for a mount you already have. They aren't going to give you any free stuff that will make your character more powerful than another's. Even if only slightly. The new players who don't qualify for rewards will complain about how it is an unfair advantage.

    Who says a loyalty mount has to be more powerful than other mounts in game? They'd have the same stats but look different.

    It would make you more powerful than those who have no mount. Handing someone a free mount when new players have to bust their rumps to pay a ridiculous amount of gold for one is incredibly unfair. Not really a hard concept to grasp. It would be a terrible business move since many would rage quit, and it would break the economy of the game as it stands. Why would anyone bother to save the tens of thousands of gold for a mount if they just gave you a free one after three months? Why would anyone pay real money to buy a mount on their website if there was a free one? Not gonna happen. They would be idiots to do it.

    You do know that since i have the imp edt , i get as many imp horses as i want for 1 gold each right?

    To say a horse would cause all that , is to pretty much say ESO is pay to win , which is hardly the case despite all its flaws.

    PS: just getting the imp edt is much easier than waiting 6 months or more for a cheap mount.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Endenium
    Yeah, an extra 10 bank spaces or inventory spaces would be much more appreciated for 3-6 months of subscription.
  • Ophindis
    It would make you more powerful than those who have no mount. Handing someone a free mount when new players have to bust their rumps to pay a ridiculous amount of gold for one is incredibly unfair. Not really a hard concept to grasp. It would be a terrible business move since many would rage quit, and it would break the economy of the game as it stands. Why would anyone bother to save the tens of thousands of gold for a mount if they just gave you a free one after three months? Why would anyone pay real money to buy a mount on their website if there was a free one? Not gonna happen. They would be idiots to do it.

    The reason mounts cost so much is to make a gold sink. Same thing with bank spaces. Introducing free slots and horses would detract mildly from the amount of gold being sunk into those slots.

    If you were going to do a mount reward, you would want it to be like the imperial mount where it only costs 1g, but reward it after 1 year of paid subscription time. Also, you would make it so it costs more to feed that particular horse than the others, but that you can level it to 99 instead of to 50...

    Why after 1 year? well by the time a year rolls around, players will have already sunk gold into mounts. So giving them a status symbol mount would be activating another chance for gold sinking to prevent further inflation. By having it cost more to feed, and be able to feed it more, you are essentially reintroducing another gold sink.

    As a note, the imperial edition does not break the economy of the game, though it certainly reduces the effectiveness of mounts as a gold sink.
    Edited by Ophindis on August 24, 2014 12:20AM
    Half the harm that is done in this world is caused by people who have power and want to feel important. They do not mean to do harm; they are simply absorbed in the useless struggle to think well of themselves.

    The other half are trolls :s
  • Ophindis

    As I mentioned above, gold sinks are important to reduce inflation. However I do feel that pets should be able to be stored at no bank space since we do not want to throw them out to get one of those valuable spots back.
    Half the harm that is done in this world is caused by people who have power and want to feel important. They do not mean to do harm; they are simply absorbed in the useless struggle to think well of themselves.

    The other half are trolls :s
  • Sapphy24
    So.. do all these things end up having to be held in ones overstuffed bank?
  • Nox_Aeterna
    Ophindis wrote: »
    It would make you more powerful than those who have no mount. Handing someone a free mount when new players have to bust their rumps to pay a ridiculous amount of gold for one is incredibly unfair. Not really a hard concept to grasp. It would be a terrible business move since many would rage quit, and it would break the economy of the game as it stands. Why would anyone bother to save the tens of thousands of gold for a mount if they just gave you a free one after three months? Why would anyone pay real money to buy a mount on their website if there was a free one? Not gonna happen. They would be idiots to do it.

    The reason mounts cost so much is to make a gold sink. Same thing with bank spaces. Introducing free slots and horses would detract mildly from the amount of gold being sunk into those slots.

    If you were going to do a mount reward, you would want it to be like the imperial mount where it only costs 1g, but reward it after 1 year of paid subscription time. Also, you would make it so it costs more to feed that particular horse than the others, but that you can level it to 99 instead of to 50...

    Why after 1 year? well by the time a year rolls around, players will have already sunk gold into mounts. So giving them a status symbol mount would be activating another chance for gold sinking to prevent further inflation. By having it cost more to feed, and be able to feed it more, you are essentially reintroducing another gold sink.

    As a note, the imperial edition does not break the economy of the game, though it certainly reduces the effectiveness of mounts as a gold sink.

    Why did you quote what the guy i answered to said but with my name on it :P?

    Anyway , the true gold sink of mounts come from the stats they have , the 43k horses are better than the cheap horses , so even if you have a 1gold piece imp horse , chances are you will still want to pay for the 43k one for better stats.

    Ofc like anything else it really deppends on how they add it , but a mount can be well implemented in a number of waus into these rewards , you gave one idea youself , even if i think that allowing a mount get to 99 would make it just plain better than anything else we currently have, which in turn would make people just stay with it.

    And in the end , to a player that has been here for 6 month , the cost of a 43k horse is not much if the guy got to VR even now, i spent far more than that on bag upgrades and lvl 50 imp horses for all my 7 mules.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Caliya
    Soul Shriven
    It's great to receive rewards, and I appreciate it. But making them look like enemies is not the best thing, as I often mistake people's pets for enemies but worse, sometimes think it's someone's pet when it's an enemy instead. Also, I have so many pets sitting in my bank already, and with bank space a nuisance to constantly upgrade, and it takes up pack space carrying them around, I'm not sure how beneficial this is. If we had a house with a yard they could run around, that would be nice. But in a bank because we can't have every reward pet following us, doesn't entirely make the best use of our game space.
  • Sinister
    Very clever move. Normally this kind of thing is reserved to bring new and/or old players into the game (or back into it). In the typical MMO, long-time subscribers seem to be tacitly expected to consider in-game experiences "thank you" enough.

    While I do have happy memories in game, and I look forward to many more, I paid for those memories. I don't really think of what I pay for as a "thanks for your loyalty" from a game's developer - I am entitled to what I pay for.

    Here ZOS is going out of their way to do something I have not paid for. That, to me, is a "Thank you."
  • kelly.medleyb14_ESO
    Awesome! One question though, i am renuing my sub every month with paysafe (meaning i never set up a 3 month sub time). Will I be still eligible for it?
    Yes, that's fine. :)

    I love you Gina, you are fine and intelligent, but could you PLEASE give me something besides a floating chunk of ice for our 3 month anniversary?
    Edited by kelly.medleyb14_ESO on August 24, 2014 10:04AM
  • Dylipse
    Soul Shriven
    It will only be so long before they introduce pet battles. Pokemon for elder scrolls just like what happened to wow.
  • GuitarNerd
    Soul Shriven
    So I haven't been playing for 3 months yet but once i reach the 3 month mark will I still get the pet?
    Edited by GuitarNerd on August 24, 2014 7:34PM
  • Nox_Aeterna
    GuitarNerd wrote: »
    So I haven't been playing for 3 months yet but once i reach the 3 month mark will I still get the pet?

    Yes. , 3 paid months.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Threemoons
    How bout a Veteran Points system, ala Age of Conan or The Secret World? You want fun vanity skins, use em for that. It would be nice if vet points could be used for inventory space also.
    Playing on PC/NA---UserID=Threemoons--usually on nights, weekends
  • Dalori
    This makes me feel better after not getting a puppy. :#
  • Anastasia
    (*) Really love it! It is unique; thanks! (*)

  • Observant
    Observant wrote: »
    Just a thought...

    Why would other players down the road be rewarded the same when it was us who went through all the shenanigans of a failed product launch?

    I agree with a loyalty program, but these past few months have been unlike any others in the future (I hope) We were (dare I say we still are) essentially paying to TEST your product, and that doesn't seem fair.

    Something of value that can be traded 10 years down the road for all subscribers that have stuck it out through the beta and these last few months? That sounds feasible.

    I did send in a ticket because of all the errors and reports I've sent in and got a measly 3 days free ($1.25 worth) - not even close to 25% of 1 hours worth at minimum wage to put that into perspective.

    ETA: At least remove Trophies and Pets from the inventory and bank counts! having 10 pets using up 10 slots is just silly

    Did anyone read this yet?

    ** This is NOT a bump, but rather a question. Quit deleting my posts ZOS and start fixing your coding **
  • Mother_Goose
    This is very cool- however, please please PLEASE give us a pets tab and collectibles tab and costumes tab in the bank that allows us to keep all these awesome things - especially when having multiple characters. I was one of those that accidentally deleted the Imperial edition early release stuff (maps and pet) on the in game mail but I never bothered to get it corrected at the time because I was already struggling with bank space. It is really tough sharing a bank with all toons- especially when you do all crafts.

    (And if you could also see to the impossible issue of things not stacking in the guild banks correctly STILL...yeah...would also love that <3)
    ...17 toons. I promise..I won't make more....ok I may have an alt problem.
  • Hammerswarm
    Sure more pets.

    Can possibly we get a stable for our pets and maybe the ability to activate one from our stable? Like with horses?
  • Hypothek
    Soul Shriven
    I will reiterate what many others have stated:

    Please make a tab for pets, trophies and costumes that will not be counted towards pack space. These are cosmetic items and should not penalize those who like to collect them.
    Artificial Intelligence is no match for Human Stupidity.
  • forgotten_zealot9596_ESO
    i had just recently seen this article and was very excited about it... and after reading some of the post about concerns of space and power levels and what not that has been brought up, which all are very valid. my question would be, instead of getting new pets. why not be able to upgrade the pets we currently have. such as taking the monkey and going to like a chimp or oragutange to a gorilla or something.... just a thought
  • snowsong
    YAY! :) i Love the Monkey i got for participating in Beta and pre-ordering Imp. Ed. w/ Expo. Pack. i have been with ESO from the start! Maybe someday i will get a Senche Tiger Cub pet =^..^=Meoeeeooorrrw~ Thank you :)
    [Snowsong is using ROG G752VS on NA server.]
  • Excelly
    Soul Shriven
    Now what would be interesting to add for the loyality program, is to have like special titles, new dye material, loyality armour & weapon sets, a odd pet here and there, maybe even 20 more inventry/bank slots. idk they're just suggestions.
  • Damanta
    I personally would prefer dyes and/or titles over pets, unless there will be some way to get seperate bag slots for vanity items like pets, costumes and those trinkets you get from public dungeons. Make a seperate tab in the inventory and treat them like quest items which also don't count against your inventory slots.
    For now I've resorted to putting all those items on a bank character because they just take up way too much space.
    Lady Luck grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of everyone who pissed me off along the way.
  • Zuke
    Soul Shriven
    I can't help but wonder if we will trip over or otherwise get hung up on this particular pet. Especially when coming out of portals.
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