Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

Official Discussion Thread for "ESO Subscriber Loyalty Program"

  • Sunrock
    God damn it. I think "vanity pets" is the most stupid idea when it comes to "fluff" MMO rewards that has been invented. I would rather have had a special emote or a costume I could put on then a *peep* pet.

    Next time you give us something for subscribing X amount of time do not give us a pet for peats sake.
  • Cybert
    Soul Shriven
    Well... I appreciate idea to reward loyal subscribers (which I am) but another vanity pet? why not give us something of real value? like actual damage dealing or healing follower or even sale for subscription?
    Edited by Cybert on August 22, 2014 6:49AM
  • Raiigen
    Soul Shriven
    Awesome job on the Loyalty Program
    yes vanity pets are cool but it would be better if you gave us something more useful ie limited edition Horse or pet that actually dose something useful ie buff or attacks your target but hey that's just my opinion
    Palidon wrote: »
    ESO is turning into a Pet Zoo. Enough of these pets. Want to reward loyalty then give a set of armor or award skill points. Everywhere I go now I see pigs, dogs, crabs, monkey's etc following players. Not to mention, they take up bank and inventory space of those fools who think it is cool to sport a stupid pet behind them. Now soon a High Hrothgar Wraith pet Well when the reward comes out you can bypass me I don't want the darn thing.

    While I do agree that the pets are a bit of a spacetaker, I also see ZOS' stand into rather giving a 'useless' pet than a set of armour, weapons or a special horse that can fly; it would simply be unfair towards other players who DON'T have the whole loyalty requirements. They're thankful for the gamers that have been sticking around for 3 months in a row and for those who have been 6 months taking up their stuff, but that doesn't mean you should be treated like a king while the rest has to kiss your feet.

    I would love to have the dog, though and it would be awesome if they would attack mobs as well, not give too much damage (like take 1 point for every bite/scratch lol), but alas, they're not programmed nor designed for that. Maybe in the near future, who knows.
  • Jofish
    Big deal....
  • Hurbster
    While I think the idea of a new pet is quite nice, it's the way pets and trophies are implemented in game that is causing the mainly negative opinion in this thread. Especially if you consider the way pets are treated in certain other games.

    My self, I would have been happy with a title or something similar.
    So they raised the floor and lowered the ceiling. Except the ceiling has spikes in it now and the floor is also lava.
  • Bleakraven
    Pets are awesome! Just wish they didn't take inventory and bank space so most of them wouldn't be sent to my treasure map and pet caretaker alt.
  • captainbeautiful
    Soul Shriven
    Also, to the people complaining about free stuff, get a life. It is a nice gesture. If you don't like the pets then delete them. They have absolutely NO impact on gameplay. If you don't want to use a slot for them... don't. Quite simple really.

    "...NO impact on gameplay..."

    Guess you've never come through a portal only to appear on top of someone's stupid mudcrab and have to wait till they weren't AFK so you could move again... well that was until I read in zone chat that hitting "ESC" twice will drop you down through the pet so you can move again.

    They still get in the way!
    They still make a stupid noise!

    Turn OFF pet collision, and make it so only the pet's owner can hear the stupid monkey "ooh-ooh-ooh" or the mudcrab "fart"!

    That would be worth the server going down for a bit, even a long bit.
  • starvrgnb14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Drazhar14 wrote: »
    Also a question about the pet.

    Does it come with it's own bank slot so i have the space to keep it rather than destroy it to make way for more useful items?

    There should be a separate collectibles tab next to the achievement tab where all our vanity pets and useless quest trinkets are stored.
    But other than getting in the way in Battle, does it help you?

  • murtugo
    Now, how do you claim the reward?
  • Maura_Bosch
    Soul Shriven
    How about a special dye color. NEXT time, for whatever reward. I like costumes or some of the trophies that "do things". I LOVE that smoke bomb btw.

    ... or have a merchant that sells things for reward points, or sells customer rewards, have a choice in what we can get.
    Nightblade Browser Signature Active: Press ALT+F4 to View
  • archangel978
    Soul Shriven
    There is nothing good about this pet, and ESO should be ashamed to act as if the customer is getting anything good.

    ESO: To show our the loyalty from customers we will be giving them a useless pet that does absolutely nothing in any way shape or form.

    Vanity Pets are for little 12 year old girls and boys.

    How about you allow people to change there appearance hair/facial Hair, or maybe stop bounding everything to players. Problem is what dumb ass exec thought a vanity pet would be nice.

    ESO: Lets give players nothing and give it a name. Ow how about we call it a vanity pet. We sell the customer on these useless items as if it's a reward.

    Edited by archangel978 on August 22, 2014 2:36PM
  • AVCN
    An Ice Wraith pet as reward? That was lame. What about a trophy room so I can have some more empty bank slots? A pack with some raw materials, a treasure map, retexturing or armour for horses, temporary boosts for crafting or faster ultimate build up, exclusive emotes, c'mon, there are better rewards...
  • madfeldoreb17_ESO
    There is nothing good about this pet, and ESO should be ashamed to act as if the customer is getting anything good.

    ESO: To show our the loyalty from customers we will be giving them a useless pet that does absolutely nothing in any way shape or form.

    Vanity Pets are for little 12 year old girls and boys.

    How about you allow people to change there appearance hair/facial Hair, or maybe stop bounding everything to players. Problem is what dumb ass exec thought a vanity pet would be nice.

    ESO: Lets give players nothing and give it a name. Ow how about we call it a vanity pet. We sell the customer on these useless items as if it's a reward.

    Well, I'm 44 and I like vanity pets and the more variety you have, the better. You have your opinion and that's fine, but keep it that way.
    I've been doing a lot of other things than playing ESO lately, like for a month or even more, but have kept paying still. I like the whole idea and to me, at least for a start, the pet thing is just great. There can and probably will(?) be other rewards, we will see.
    I do agree with someone there that the pet collison should be set to off, but I disagree with the same person that the sounds would be irritating - but it was a funny comment :) Sorry didn't get another quote here but you can see the post if you read above a couple of posts.

    Anyway, what is usefull and fun to some, can be useless and even irritating to others, shrug.

  • VycDarkshadow
    Still don't get the whining over vanity pets bank slots. You can buy more slots and delete the pets if you don't want them. Problem solved.

    I wonder if some of these whiners, if given a $20, would complain that it's too wrinkly and hand it back, instead of being appreciative that you're receiving anything at all.
    Edited by VycDarkshadow on August 22, 2014 4:04PM
    Vyc Ðarkshådøw
  • Night_Watch
    Oooh! Shiny!

    A loyalty system is, I think, a good thing in the long term.

    I agree with others though that, while a nice token to loyal players, 'awarding' a vanity pet is not necessarily good.

    The main problem some players have with vanity pets ,it seems, is the inventory or bank space such pets take up. It would be nice to give the players a separate character, inventory or bank 'tab' to hold vanity pets in that frees up space from the character inventory and the account bank. Whether such a tab would be character or account bound would be an interesting question!

    Unfortunately, it seems to me unlikely that such a 'vanity pet tab' will be implemented.

    I have another thought on this loyalty scheme too. Is it really so great to have introduced a loyalty scheme at this point in the game history when there are so many people complaining about bugs, broken content or other faults? I'm sure most players would agree that bug fixes take time and fixing is an ongoing task though and that it is great to have a loyalty scheme. Also, having such a loyalty scheme does suggest that the 'devs' and / or 'suits' have been paying at least some attention to the disgruntled players (citation for or evidence of disgruntled players can be found all over this forum and elsewhere on the net). Sadly, the introduction of a loyalty scheme at this time has brought out the sceptic in me.

    The reason for my thoughts on this are down to my imagination I'm sure. I can just picture the conversation between the 'devs' and the 'suits' in my mind;

    Dev: "Hey! Suit! The game is full of bugs and the players want them fixed.".

    Suit: "Nah! What we want is a short term 'award' of something shiny that takes the player away from thinking about the bugs.".

    Dev: "No! I'm pretty sure we need to fix the bugs to keep our players loyal.".

    Suit: "No. No. No. Shiny is good. Give the players a vanity pet - it is bound to keep them quiet.".

    Dev: "So we give the players another vanity pet? What about the inventory or bank space it will take up? Players are already complaining about that.".

    Suit: "You just don't get it! We give more vanity pets, the player has to spend more in game money on bags or bank space. Where's the problem?".

    Dev: "I see what you mean. However, do you really think adding more shiny vanity items is really the way to keep players loyal as opposed to actually fixing the core product they are paying for?".

    Suit: "Hey! So long as they keep paying ...".

    Dev: "Sigh!".

    Of course, this is my imagination I'm writing about and I'm sure that conversation or one very like it, probably, did not take place.

    Edit: Minor tidy up.
    Edited by Night_Watch on August 22, 2014 4:28PM
    "If there is an underlying oneness of all things, it does not matter where we begin, whether with stars, or laws of supply and demand, or frogs, or Napoleon Bonaparte. One measures a circle, beginning anywhere."

    Charles Fort - Lo! (1931)
  • dannyyull_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Edited by dannyyull_ESO on September 11, 2014 12:23AM
  • Observant
    Just a thought...

    Why would other players down the road be rewarded the same when it was us who went through all the shenanigans of a failed product launch?

    I agree with a loyalty program, but these past few months have been unlike any others in the future (I hope) We were (dare I say we still are) essentially paying to TEST your product, and that doesn't seem fair.

    Something of value that can be traded 10 years down the road for all subscribers that have stuck it out through the beta and these last few months? That sounds feasible.

    I did send in a ticket because of all the errors and reports I've sent in and got a measly 3 days free ($1.25 worth) - not even close to 25% of 1 hours worth at minimum wage to put that into perspective.

    ETA: At least remove Trophies and Pets from the inventory and bank counts! having 10 pets using up 10 slots is just silly
    Edited by Observant on August 22, 2014 4:48PM
  • zittylolb14_ESO
    I got a kick out of the first few comments from the fan boys?....really the REWARD?... is so great a reward I have to tell the whole world?..NOT.

    I would rather see the pvp mess cleaned-up were you take 3k damage and die instantly!!!

    And I only have 1500 health. And your full group of 24 ppl get wiped by paltry OP group of 11ppl who are all vampires stacking Devouring Swarm with a few DK standards also stacking to sometimes do 5k damage?....

    AND this has been a ongoing problem since the last update and the main reason I am not playing this game....so I am suppose to come running back with a renewal sub just so I get a lame pet that takes up valuable bank space that Zinimini doesn't give us for each characters banks?

    Oh did I fail to mention the LAME reward for helping our faction win the 14 campaign....REALLY just 4500 gold...that is not even 1/4 of what I got for second place on the 30 day campaign!!!

    I disagree with Angry Joe...this game isn't just average...It is below average and dropping all the time...I would like to see a DIS-satisfied gamer program were I can get my subscription fee back because Zinimini hasn't lived up to 1/10 of all of its promises.

    First big example of the lame promises:

    1. Play Elder Scrolls On-going-lies with your friends online?....not

    2. fill-in the blanks with your own promises denied.
    6. ......etc, etc..etc
    7. I am going to watch Angry Joe's review again...and have more fun!!
    Edited by zittylolb14_ESO on August 22, 2014 5:25PM
  • edolsianub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Nestor wrote: »
    Or give us a 'pet token' (if it really has to be a pet) and let us choose one.

    This is a great idea. Let me choose the pet.

    I want a pet Banekin!!

  • Ophindis
    From what I could see on the first page, this is going to be based off of total paid game time taken, correct? Meaning that if I was involved from the beginning, but had a one or two day lapse at the end of the first paid month, that my total time would be the same as a player who had not let his or her subscription lapse, minus the one day?

    Ex. Player one has 1 day that has not been subscribed to compared to player 2. Player 2 has been subscribed for 180 days. That means that player 1 would receive the 6 month loyalty pet one day after player 2.

    Is this correct?
    Half the harm that is done in this world is caused by people who have power and want to feel important. They do not mean to do harm; they are simply absorbed in the useless struggle to think well of themselves.

    The other half are trolls :s
  • wllstrt75b14_ESO
    WTH...why do we need or do people want another vanity pet? They are useless and take up bag space as well. Give people armor sets or something nice considering all the crap you put your players through the first 3 months. A vanity pet is a slap in the face if ya ask me.
  • wllstrt75b14_ESO
    Still don't get the whining over vanity pets bank slots. You can buy more slots and delete the pets if you don't want them. Problem solved.

    I wonder if some of these whiners, if given a $20, would complain that it's too wrinkly and hand it back, instead of being appreciative that you're receiving anything at all.

    wow just wow.....this dude must work for zeni...

    newsflash zeni should be happy anyone plays their game or played their game through the first few months of their on the job training program. And to show their appreciation they give another useless item to their loyal subs...

    And your response is to spend more gold to buy additional bank slots? Well for the PvP players gold is a hot commodity earned by doing pve crap which puts most PvP players to sleep within 5 mins in this game.

    Between the boring cut scenes the utterly lame dialogue and the lazily developed vet areas I am astonished people even made it to vet 12 without shooting themselves in the head. I have been playing for 3 months and still cant get through he super boring pve content and leveling up in cyrodill just takes forever.

    And he says hey buy more bank slots so you can add another useless item to your collection..news flash I already deleted all my previous pets and useless trophies and I still don't have enough space.....please just slap me in the face and call it a day zeni please don't give me another ill-thought out, useless pile of garbage to put in my bank.

    If you want to give something in appreciation of your loyal fans give them choices or armor, or free game time or something that actually means something.
  • Nox_Aeterna
    Still don't get the whining over vanity pets bank slots. You can buy more slots and delete the pets if you don't want them. Problem solved.

    I wonder if some of these whiners, if given a $20, would complain that it's too wrinkly and hand it back, instead of being appreciative that you're receiving anything at all.

    wow just wow.....this dude must work for zeni...

    newsflash zeni should be happy anyone plays their game or played their game through the first few months of their on the job training program. And to show their appreciation they give another useless item to their loyal subs...

    And your response is to spend more gold to buy additional bank slots? Well for the PvP players gold is a hot commodity earned by doing pve crap which puts most PvP players to sleep within 5 mins in this game.

    Between the boring cut scenes the utterly lame dialogue and the lazily developed vet areas I am astonished people even made it to vet 12 without shooting themselves in the head. I have been playing for 3 months and still cant get through he super boring pve content and leveling up in cyrodill just takes forever.

    And he says hey buy more bank slots so you can add another useless item to your collection..news flash I already deleted all my previous pets and useless trophies and I still don't have enough space.....please just slap me in the face and call it a day zeni please don't give me another ill-thought out, useless pile of garbage to put in my bank.

    If you want to give something in appreciation of your loyal fans give them choices or armor, or free game time or something that actually means something.

    And that is your opinion.

    I got to vet12 , granted the solo content ended at vet10 so i had to repeat quests in cyro and do other things like that , but in the end , i for sure didnt feel like shooting myself in the head. I actually enjoy questing alone in the PvE content , if anything i wish it went all the way now to the vet14.

    I also prefer the pet to free game time for example , which would be quite the lame reward if anything. I could understand them giving special costumes and such also.

    I kept my pets/trophies/special rewards... in one of my mules.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • gibous
    Palidon wrote: »
    ESO is turning into a Pet Zoo. Enough of these pets. Want to reward loyalty then give a set of armor or award skill points. Everywhere I go now I see pigs, dogs, crabs, monkey's etc following players. Not to mention, they take up bank and inventory space of those fools who think it is cool to sport a stupid pet behind them. Now soon a High Hrothgar Wraith pet Well when the reward comes out you can bypass me I don't want the darn thing.

    Fully agree. It's one thing too with the pets that run around on the ground. You can at least partially ignore them because they are low down. But a flying pet? They're going to be everywhere and going to really degrade the graphical experience of the game. Also can't something be done about those summoned pets? I understand people don't want to have to re-summon them - but can they just be hidden in towns? Or at least around crafting stations and indoors. I mean c'mon - winged twilight creature flying around in the Shornhelm 10 sq ft bank?

    When two players are on different steps of a quest in the same area, they are invisible to each other - why can't the pets be phased out in select places to reduce the ridiculousness?

    Reddington James — Magsorc & Magplar (NA PC)
  • Endenium
    Can I get some customer loyalty appreciation Dreugh Wax, Tempering Alloy, and Rosin?
  • arkansas_ESO
    Cybert wrote: »
    Well... I appreciate idea to reward loyal subscribers (which I am) but another vanity pet? why not give us something of real value? like actual damage dealing or healing follower or even sale for subscription?

    All of those ideas would be horrible. Giving out bonuses to long-time subscribers would cripple newer players, and basically make it to where they could never compete with those who have been on ESO since day one.

    Vanity pets are nice. They're strictly cosmetic things that don't affect gameplay. All ZOS needs to do is add a seperate tab for pets and quest items that's shared throughout your account and turn off their collision, and all will be well.

    Grand Overlord 25/8/17
  • petteyg359
    5 and a half pages of posts from people who didn't even read the email, article, or top post... why am I completely unsurprised?
  • RichterVonStrid
    Also, to the people complaining about free stuff, get a life. It is a nice gesture. If you don't like the pets then delete them. They have absolutely NO impact on gameplay. If you don't want to use a slot for them... don't. Quite simple really.

    "...NO impact on gameplay..."

    Guess you've never come through a portal only to appear on top of someone's stupid mudcrab and have to wait till they weren't AFK so you could move again... well that was until I read in zone chat that hitting "ESC" twice will drop you down through the pet so you can move again.

    They still get in the way!
    They still make a stupid noise!

    Turn OFF pet collision, and make it so only the pet's owner can hear the stupid monkey "ooh-ooh-ooh" or the mudcrab "fart"!

    That would be worth the server going down for a bit, even a long bit.

    Sorry, i meant that they aren't an advantage like a unique weapon would be like some people on here said they would rather have. Using a pet doesn't make you character more or less powerful. It is purely aesthetics and\or rp.
  • RichterVonStrid
    Garwulf wrote: »
    I always laugh when I see someone running around with 'crabs'.
    Personally these pets are really pointless unles you are going to give them fighting capabilities.
    The option for something special like a different mount would be more appreciated IMHO.

    That's quite possibly a future loyalty reward.

    Not gonna happen unless it is just a costume for a mount you already have. They aren't going to give you any free stuff that will make your character more powerful than another's. Even if only slightly. The new players who don't qualify for rewards will complain about how it is an unfair advantage.
    Edited by RichterVonStrid on August 22, 2014 11:14PM
  • JKorr
    This is the official discussion thread for the blog article ESO Subscriber Loyalty Program. Thanks for spending your time with us, and we hope you'll enjoy this token of our gratitude!

    Nice to know loyal subscribers are appreciated. I do hope there will be some other way to show that besides a pet. I was in the beta, I was in early access. I bought the imperial edition. Due to my personal opinion about having pets running around everywhere every one of mine was deleted. Out of any possible rewards, whether its a white/brown/purple/orange/puce dog or a wraith, its just going to get deleted. I'd rather have the inventory or bank space.

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