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[SPOILERS] Quest choices, full list, all factions

So I've been contributing to and following some of the threads that list out the results of quest choices, but they're spread all over, and look like they're no longer being maintained. So I thought I'd create one thread where people can post, maintain, and track the long-term consequences.

I will be updating quest choices here going forward rather than posting to each of the individual threads. Eventually I'll try to consolidate all the posts into the beginning here. And yep, I'm enjoying ESO, so I'm happy to keep maintaining the thread, whereas it seems like the other thread starters have disappeared.

When posting, please use the following format:

1. [Description]
2. [Description]
1. [Result]
2. [Result]

Handy map of zone levels made by reddit poster imikorari from this thread:

Available here:

The old threads out there now are (in alphabetical order):

Aldmeri Dominion
(can't seem to find a thread)

(haven't seen a thread)

(haven't seen a thread)

Daggerfall Covenant

Ebonheart Pact
Edited by ZOS_Kevin on November 7, 2024 11:05AM
50 Bosmer Nightblade
50 Breton Sorcerer
50 Dunmer Dragonknight
50 Imperial Templar
50 Khajit Nightblade
50 Imperial Dragonknight
50 Altmer Sorcerer
50 Argonian Templar

Discussions of Interest:
Class Balance in 1.6
Quest Choices
Request to Reinstate Night's Silence and Dark Stalker stacking
  • Atarax
    Aldmeri Dominion

    Khenarthi's Roost (1-5)

    Quest: Dark Knowledge (thanks @WhiteCoatSyndrome )
    1. Destroy books
    2. Sell books
    1. --If you destroy them the spirit rewards you and gives you the expected 'good job, did the right thing, etc...' response.
    2. --If you sell them to the Khajiit, she decides to examine her new purchases afterwards and gets yanked into another dimension by a Daedra almost immediately.

    Quest: The Family Business (Thanks @SerDinadan )
    1. I found this skooma on the beach
    2. [Lie]. I don't know what you're talking about.
    1. Officer Lorin is pleased and asks you what else you found. You can tell her about the bandits, then she arrests the surviving Khajit.
    2. Officer Lorin has no evidence and thus decides to leave the Khajiit siblings to mourn their father. You give the skooma to the brother to destroy; he hopes that he and his sister can forgive each other and rebuild their plantation.

    Quest: Tears of the Two Moons (thanks @Sylene & @Ilsabet )
    1. Let Uldor claim Gathwen
    2. Let Uldor claim Rurelion
    1. Rurelion is initially upset when you choose Gathwen, though he reluctantly accepts your choice. After you've defeated Uldor, he's unhappy about Gathwen's sacrifice, saying "the young should never die for the old." He also says that "If there's a way to free her, I swear I'll find it."

    Longer term, you'll have Rurelion available as a possible companion in The Tempest Unleashed (instead of Gathwen).

    2. Rurelion praises you and seems good-humored about the whole thing. Gathwen promises to free him no matter how long it takes.

    Longer-term: By choosing to have Uldor claim Rurelion, you will be able to select Gathwen to join you in the counterattack on the Maomer during The Tempest Unleashed

    Additional info from Ilsabet: When I arrived in Elden Root, I found both Rurelion and Gathwen chilling in the Mages Guild area. They weirdly both had dialogue about how the other one had been freed of Uldor's control, with no real explanation of how it happened. But they're both safe and sound now.

    Quest: Two-Moon Sugar Medicament
    1. He fought well.
    2. He didn't help much.
    1. Zulana is pleased with her son.
    2. Zulana says that "Khari has much to learn, but that he knew Hazak's corruption must end was enough for now. Your success goads him to improve his technique. In time he will honor his ancestors."

    Quest: The Perils of Diplomacy. (thanks @Whilhelmina & @Sylenne )
    1. I'll leave you to it then. [Ulondil dies]
    2. No, this isn't justice, it's revenge.
    1. He dies and the other diplomats are a bit annoyed but somewhat respect the decision to kill him. The invasion starts unannounced but there are no less fortifications than on choice.
    2. You have to convince her again, then Ulondil walks away handcuffed. Ulondil reveals the presence of an invasion force, Knarthi's Roost signs a treaty with the Dominion, and they fortify for the impending attack.

    Later consequence of choice: In Malabal Tor, you meet Finoriell (the Green Lady) again as the quest giver for Awakening. If you chose option 2, she references it, saying "What luck. You denied me my vengeance in Khenarthi's Roost. Had my beloved Silvenar still lived, he would have approved of your mercy."

    Quest: The Tempest Unleashed (thanks @Whilhelmina )
    1. All right, come with me.
    2. Hold the gate. I might need to bring a wizard.
    1. You get a fighter hireling
    2. If Gathwen was not possessed by Uldor in Tears of the Two Moons, then she will join you in fighting back against the Maomer.

    Auridon (1-15)

    Quest: A Village Awakened (Thanks @Runefell )
    1. Tell the Canonreeve the truth
    2. Lie to the Canonreeve about Merormo's motives
    1: Didn't choose it myself, but, obviously, Merormo dies with this choice.
    2: Merormo is very grateful, and promises to never, ever deal with Daedra again.

    Quest: The First Patient (Thanks @Sylene & @Ilsabet )
    1. [Hendil Lives] Wait. You're better than that. Don't do it.
    2. [Hendil Dies] I was never here.
    1. Velatosse is angry, but goes along with your choice, saying "Fine. I won't touch him. I'll let justice be done." You then go tell Captain Netanwe that all the deaths and "plague" were Hendil's fault, because he was supplying victims for his vampire son. She's horrified and furious at Hendil, saying "I can't believe we took a contract from a damned deathlover." She promises to take him to Skywatch for justice.
    2. Velatosse thanks you for standing aside and walks into the mine, presumably to take her revenge on Hendil.

    Quest: The Veiled Choice (Thanks @Runefell & @Ilsabet )
    1. Forget duty, he's your son
    2. He's a traitor, he deserves death
    1. Eranamo lives, but his father disowns him and tells him to leave and never come back. Rolancano lamets the fact that he failed in his duty as a Marine, but admits that he probably would've regretted killing his son.
    2. 2. Eranamo begs his father for forgiveness, but Rolancano is resolved to carry out his duty and kills him. Eranamo's sister can't believe you sided with their father.

    Quest: The Toothmaul Play (thanks @Sylene )
    1. <Spare Her>
    2. <Kill Her>
    1. There is general disappointment that you did not kill her, but they're happy the bargain is ended.
    2. Pirondil is pleased to hear of Neranya's death and the end of the bargain with the goblins, saying "I knew I could count on you."

    Quest: Rightful Inheritance (Thanks @Runefell )
    Zone: Auridon
    1. Tell Lady Elenwe that her son took the crown and fled (Lie)
    2. Tell Lady Elenwe that you were forced to kill her son
    1. ???
    2. She'll be sad, but admits that she thought that this is how it would end.

    Grahtwood (16-23)

    Quest: Scars Never Fade (thanks @WhiteCoatSyndrome )
    1. Tell truth
    2. Lie
    1. You can convince her to not punish the Argonians, which she eventually accepts.
    2. "when asked where the dead Elders were, I lied and said they'd probably gone fishing. The Dominion lady accepted the Argonians into the Dominion, was happy to see them so excited about the prospect and said she'd have the barricades taken down ASAP."

    Quest: Phantom Guilt (thanks @WhiteCoatSyndrome)
    1. Tell him to wear amulet
    2. Tell him to destroy amulet
    1. ????
    2. "when the Bosmer who made the cursed amulet offered to put it on and kill himself. I told him to destroy it instead, and he did so."

    Quest: A Chief Concern (Thanks @Runefell)
    1. Try to find an alternative solution
    2. Kill Gargak
    1. You convince Gargak to rule the bandits instead. You will have to clear a mine out of trolls, though.
    2. Gargak dies. I assume you fight him.

    Quest: The Grip of Madness (Thanks @Runefell)
    Talk to Rufinus
    1: Reason with Rufinus
    2: Push Rufinus off the ledge
    1: Rufinus realizes that the person he's really angry with is himself, and that he's the source of all his own problems. He then accidentally strikes himself with lightning, much to the amusement of your companion. He later joins to help you in the quest, but dies at the end. (Can only choose this with the Persuade Skill)
    2. You kill Rufinus

    Choose between Choice and Free Will. You're Choice.
    1: Fight Sheogorath's Special friend
    2: Pull another lever

    1: You fight a monster named Free Will.
    2: You have to pull another lever.

    Confront the Mayor
    *Note: I ran through this quest twice. One time time I had these choices, the other time I didn't and had to fight. I'm not sure what triggers it, but I think it's the conversation you have with Daraneth when you first talk about the mayor. The first time I chose the first option about trying to find another way or something, the second time I agreed that I'll kill the mayor. Maybe that locks you into that choice.
    1: Kill the Mayor
    2: Convince Sheogorath to take the Mayor to the Shivering Isles to live.

    1: You fight the Mayor and kill him
    2: You talk to Sheogorath and persuade him to take the mayor to live in the Shivering Isles forever.

    Quest: Keeper of Bones (thanks @Sylenne )

    1. [Persuade] He came here to stand with his family against invaders. Is it justice you seek, or vengeance?
    2. He deserves exile. [Dringoth lives] (Note that this option is only available if you choose to hear the full tale from Olphras before deciding.)
    3. He deserves your punishment. [Dringoth dies]
    1. Olphras feels ashamed, and agrees to allow Dringoth to help fight the Worm Cult. She says that "When the invaders are repelled, he is free to decide his own fate." Note that in the ensuing battle he doesn't actually fight, just stands back and cowers, though you can use his rib to control one of the enemies if you choose. After you talk to him to complete the quest, you can ask him what he'll do next. He says that he'll probably hang around, but notes that it's a bit boring, and that he rather enjoyed having the Worm Cult show up for the excitement. He says he wants to write them a letter: "Dear Wormies! Thanks for the excitement. Sorry about that Ethruin fellow, but he was a bit of a b***ard, wasn't he? Perhaps we should catch up over some deathbell tea. Signed, Dringoth"
    2. ???
    3. ???

    Quest: The Wandering Minstrel (thanks @Sylenne )
    1. He had an affair, but it went bad. The woman killed him.
    2. [Lie] He was eaten by a troll. There's nothing left but bones
    1. She's sad to hear it, but not surprised, saying "It was only a matter of time before one of his 'true loves' objected." She says she'll miss him, and that she "did love him in spite of everything ... but [she] could not change him."
    2. ???

    Quest: Eyes of Azura (thanks @Sylenne & @theroyalestpythonnub18_ESO )
    1. <Imprison Irrai in the sigil geode.>
    2. <Kill Irrai.>
    1. You imprison Irrai. Vastarie tells you that imprisoning her was necessary because "Irrai is bound to her tablet. While she's within the sigil geode, we can use her as a tether to escape from Coldharbour." After you rescue Culanwe, Vastarie uses the trapped Irrai to open a portal back to Laeloria.
    2. Vastarie will remain stuck in Coldharbour

    Quest: Flipping the Coin (thanks @Sylenne )

    There are actually 2 red choices in this quest. The first is with Tulira. Unfortunately I forgot to write down both options for the first choice, sorry!
    1. ? (something like "I was telling the truth.")
    2. I was just covering for him.
    1. ???
    2. Tulira suspected that was the case, but is surprised that you're honest about it.

    The second is at the end, with Shan-ra.
    1. Don't call in the Thalmor. Allow the Hollow Moon to continue its operations in Redfur.
    2. Gold and glory.
    1. Shan-ra agrees to your request, saying that "I prefer not to have the Thalmor looking over my shoulder anyhow." Instead, he's going to increase the number of Jode's Chariot guards to counter the thieves. Valirr is thrilled and very grateful, saying "We would not be here without your help."
    2. ???

    Quest: The Innkeeper's Daughter (thanks @Sylenne )
    The options here aren't dialog choices, but different actions you can take to complete the quest.
    1. Bring Nellor to the authorities
    2. Bring Nellor to his stash
    1. ???
    2. Nellor hands over his stash and is grateful to you for letting him go. He says, "I promise it won't happen again. For what it's worth, I'm truly sorry for the pain I caused."

    Greenshade (25-30)

    Quest: Stone Cold (Thanks @Runefell )
    1. Tell the Bosmer to find a new home
    2. Kill the Hollow Watchman
    1. The Bosmer get ticked off, and you have to fight them. The Watchman then meets you outside and thanks you for protecting the Valewood.
    2. You have to travel through a long cave, and at the end fight the Hollow Watchman boss. The bosmer thank you for your help, and admit that they're a little worried now about harming the Valenwood, so they're going to petition the Wilderking as soon as possible to get his blessing and aid.

    Quest: The Fading Tree (thanks @RavenSkylord & @Whilhelmina )
    1. Tell Erunor that he has a duty to his village
    2. Tell Erunor that he has a duty to his family
    1. Erunor stays behind as the only link to Tameriel the village has. He agrees that it's his duty. His wife is disappointed, but says she loves his sense of honor, and promises to raise their child with stories of their father's sacrifice.
    2. He agrees with you, stating the Wilderking had blessed your arrival and trusts the Wilderking will protect the tree.And further states that the Wilderking can remake the tree if needed. You come back to the main cave to see the village gone. Erunor meets his wife and they happily leave together hoping that it'll be for the best, thinking that, at worse, they'll be stuck in paradise.

    Quest: Mourning the Lost (Thanks @Runefell & @Whilhelmina )
    1. Agree with Erinel that she has a duty to her culture
    2. Convince Erinel that she should go back to Lourosse
    1. She's happy to see you understand and asks for you to tell Laurosse that she's sorry and that she'll miss his stupid pointy face and his awful poetry. Laurosse first move is to go find her to live with her but he realises that they're too different anyway and lets her go.
    2. She will admit that you're right, she still loves Lourosse, and goes back to him.

    Quest: Falinesti Faithful (Thanks @Runefell & @shaun.krandeloy_ESO;1663778 )
    1. Tell Fenral that she's on her own
    2. Help Fenral take revenge on the orcs
    1. Refuse to help Fenral and she tells you to speak with Egannor about your decision and the mutilated bodies of her companions. She will go exact her revenge herself. Egannor wanted to help Fenral, but does not expect her to return or succeed. However he respects your choice to keep your hands clean.
    2. She has you kill the orc chief's son and wives, then mount their heads on pikes and use a dark ritual to send their souls to the 'Ooze', the Green Pact's hell, while the chief watches in horror, before you kill him. Ever see a grown orc cry?

    Quest: Beasts of Falinesti (Thanks @Runefell & @Ilsabet & @Phaedrathallassa )
    1. Let Thonoras join his wife
    2. Force Thonoras to kill his wife
    1. You leave Thonoras to his ritual. He says he'll change into a bear like his wife, and they'll hunt together for the rest of their days, though he's not sure if he'll be able to control himself once changed. You go out to find his backpack for you payment.
    2. Thonoras doesn't want to be lectured and hopes that someday you'll love someone enough to understand why he can't kill his wife. You have to use Persuade if you want to convince him to carry out his duty to the Green Pact. Thonoras sorrowfully kills his wife and then asks you to leave him to his grief. You collect your reward from the backpack outside.

    Quest: Right of Theft (Thanks @Runefell & @Wolfsong )
    1. Call upon General Margoth and his spirit army to march against Naemon's forces.
    2. Release General Margoth and his spirit army to go rest in peace.
    1. Margoth says his army is loyal and will follow his orders, even from within the Ooze, and will march against Naemon. Indaenir is surprised you commanded the general to fight on your behalf. He feels sorry for the spirits of the soldiers because they will remain bound there, but is glad that you were able to free the villagers from the Shadow Wood at least (as long as you completed the optional quest by closing the rifts). Reward: 481g + General Malgoth's War Harness.
    2. Margoth is surprised, and said that they don't deserve rest. But he disappears once more. Indaenir says you did the right thing, and that all the spirits are at rest now.

    Quest: The Flooded Grove (Thanks @Runefell & @Corbiel & @Whilhelmina & @Wolfsong )
    1. Kill Saromir
    2. Refuse to kill Saromir
    1. You then have a choice of how to get Saromir to sacrifice himself. : either through [persuade] by telling him bluntly to sacrifice himself or by telling him to restore the binding ritual. I chose the first one and he happily killed himself.
    Hermaus Mora is happy and show you a vision of the past, where, in fact, the veiled heritage forced every member of the to look into a rune, which drove them mad. You learn that they went for the Heart of Valenwood in Hectahame.
    2. Hermaus Mora is displeased, and you have to kill Orthenir, the caretaker instead. He says that the daedra have fled without him, but it's just temporary.

    Quest: Manthir's Debt (Thanks @Runefell )
    1. Intimidate Manthir into paying his debt
    2. Help him get his money back from Farwen
    1. ???
    2. Farwen says she'll give the money back if Manthir agrees to meet her conditions, as she claims Right of Theft. She wants him to marry her. Manthir laments the fact that he's left with the choice of being gutted by the Khajiit mob, or marrying Farwen. He begrudingly agrees to marry her. Farwen is thrilled that he feels the same way.

    Quest: Moonhenge's Tear (thanks @Wolfsong )
    1. [Intimidate] Force Captain Ethrel's squad to let you stay behind in Coldhabour to cast the scroll, and possibly be trapped in the process
    2. Choose one of Captain Ethrel's squad to stay behind to cast the scroll and be trapped in Coldhabour
    1. The squad escapes. You cast the spell, causing explosions, but use a portal to make it back. Sergeant Galandir is impressed with your bravery, and glad that the others made it out safely.
    2. ???

    Quest: Mist and Shadow (Thanks @Sylenne )
    1. You're right. He's too dangerous. End it.
    2. We gain nothing from his death right now. Leave him or go through me to get to him.
    1. ???
    2. Mel Adrys is angry but lets Gadinas go, saying "I can't oppose you. I don't slay the living, only the dead." Gadinas is very grateful, tells you that "The rest who opposed Faenir have already escaped", and runs off. (Note that Mel Adrys still helps you to defeat the remaining vampires, even though he disagreed with you.)

    Quest: A Tangled Knot (Thanks @Sylenne )
    1. The Wilderking was once a mortal, as were you. His name was Ostion.
    2. The Wilderking is both mortal and immortal. He is both from this land and a land far away.
    1. ???
    2. Sumiril is not surprised, saying "I felt this to be true." You then tell him that he was "the Wilderking's first creations [sic] and his most beloved." He's happy and grateful, saying "All of what you have told me, I somehow knew. I felt it to be true. I hoped it would be true. I will no longer dread the unknown. You have lifted the darkness out of me."

    Malabal Tor (31-37)

    Quest: Brothers and Bandits (Thanks @Ilsabet )
    1. Stay here, I'll get the plant sap for you.
    2. [Persuade] Your brother wants you out safely. For his sake, get out while you can.
    1. Dariel thanks you and brings his brother to the Alchemist to get cured, he promises to stick with his brother from now on.
    2. You only have to escort Dariel back to his brother, and even if you kill the boss you don't collect any sap. Dariel is mad at you for refusing to help save his brother.

    Quest: The Prisoner of Jathsogur (thanks @Wolfsong & @Ilsabet & @Sylenne )

    The Drublog clan of Wood Orcs captured the Silvenar. I must use the Runestone of Malacath to sacrifice one of his ambassadors in exchange for the Silvenar's freedom.

    1. Use the Runestone of Malacath on Raen
    2. Use the Runestone of Malacath on Sariel
    1. Raen dies in agony. Sariel is horrified, but doesn't want to waste his gift. She tells you how to rescue the Silvenar, and also invokes her spirit totem to help you fight and heal your wounds. She says she will meet you outside Jathsogur after you free the Silvenar, then leaves.
    2. Sariel dies horribly, screaming in pain. Raen says, "I'll do what I can in Sariel's memory to help you rescue the Silvenar, lest her screams echo in my ears for eternity." He summons a spectral bear that fights with you during the rest of the quest.

    Quest: Payment In Kind (thanks @Wolfsong )

    A recent conflict between the Wood Elves and Drublog Orcs of Bloodtoil Valley threatens to end in bloodshed.
    The Emissary of Z'en has asked that I dissuade Mathragor from cursing the Drublog. I must choose how to deal with him.

    1. [Persuade] Your daughter gave everything to bring an end to this. Don't let her sacrifice be in vain.
    2. There is nothing I can do to help you.
    1. Mathragor reluctantly agrees to put aside his want for revenge, and to rebuild and try to find balance again.
    2. ?????? (I assume he is killed by the Emissary of Z'en, to stop any further bloodshed)

    Quest: Arithiel (thanks @Ilsabet & @Sylenne )

    1. Use the Animus Geode on Arithiel
    2. Use the Animus Geode on a Worm Cultist
    1. Arithiel screams that she's sorry as you kill her with the animus geode. Boethiah lives up to her promise of a boon if you sacrifice Arithiel by providing a flame atronach helper. After you stop the ritual you speak with Arithiel's ghost. She's not angry about her death, saying, "Death was a just punishment for my crimes. The Animus Geode released my spirit when that barrier fell. The Worm Cult failed to summon Mauloch, thanks to you. And now, I am free."
    2. Arithiel thanks you for sparing her from a horrible death and summons a flame atronach to help you in Mauloch's shrine. After you stop the ritual she says she'll tell her companions about her past and continue journeying and atoning for her past sins.

    Quest: The Summer Site (thanks @Sylenne )
    This quest actually has several red dialog choices. The first one is choosing whether or not you're ready when Farandare's about the open the portal.
    I'm not sure if it has any real consequences other than pausing before you fight. (I said I was ready, and the boss appeared.)
    After the fight, choice 1 options:
    1. Please, do more research. You can't reach Falinesti this way.
    2. Try again, here, and you'll die alone. I won't die with you.
    1. She says that you're right, but that she's convinced that her theory is correct and Falinesti is in Oblivion. She's determined to find it.
    2. ???

    If you choose option 1, you get a second red dialog choice:
    1. Good luck with your research, Farandare.
    2. Try again, here, and you'll die alone. I won't die with you. (same as before)
    1. She says, "I was right about you. You've been strong enough to help me see my own weakness. Well. Back to work then. I'm sure I"ll be able to find a way." She then creates a portal and disappears, leaving behind her journal.
    2. ???

    Quest: Nature's Best Friend (thanks @Sylenne & @Ilsabet & @Phaedrathallassa )
    If you complete the optional goal and find Feluz's lucky pouch, you get some dialog options.
    1. Yes, here, take it.
    2. [Lie] No, I couldn't find it.
    (Note that if you used Persuade on Feluz earlier, he tells you that his lucky pouch has moon-sugar candies in it.)
    1. Feluz claims that he's learned his lesson about overdoing it on moon sugar candy, and says that he'll sell the candy once they get to Bandaari Trading Post. He says if you ever get over to the Trading Post, he might be able to hook you up with a little sum'sum.

    When you talk to Liane, you can either tell her that you gave him the pouch or lie to her. I lied but she saw through it and wasn't happy with me. If you say the first, she gets upset with you. You then have the option to say "I did what I thought was best" or intimidate her into not being upset. If you do the first, she is still furious and tells you to go away while she "cleans up after this cat."

    I saw them later in the inn at Bandaari Trading Post. Feluz was dancing, having clearly been enjoying his moon sugar candy, and Liane was sitting nearby looking grumpy and told me she had nothing to say to me.

    2. Feluz doesn't believe you, saying he "saw a glint in your eye."

    You then have the same choice again, to give him the pouch or continue to lie about finding it. If you continue to lie, he's grumpy and clearly doesn't believe you, but accepts that you won't give him the bag. He says,
    "Feluz has no choice but to trust you. I guess the bag of goods was too heavy, hmm? Talk to my wife. I'm sure she'd like to thank you for your help. More than I would, yes?"

    Liane thanks you for not giving him the pouch (which she knows was moon-sugar candy). You then give it to her, and she says she plans to destroy it. She says, "Thanks to you, I think we'll be all right."

    Quest: Blind Man's Bluff (Thanks @Sylenne )
    1. [Persuade] You're headed to Anvil anyway, right? I'm sure the captain's contacts could prove useful.
    2. I'll pay for his transport. [69gp]
    3. Then he's stranded for now.
    1. Deros agrees to follow through on his end of the bargain and take Captain Khammo to Anvil, saying:
    "I hadn't considered that. You can really sniff out gems from a dung heap." and "I'll keep my end of the bargain. Now leave me to it before I change my mind." He expects Captain Khammo to help when they arrive though. For his part, Captain Khammo is very glad to hear it, saying "I was feeling a bit parched on this beach. Ale's run dry, you see." He agrees to help Deros by speaking to his contacts in Anvil.
    2. ???
    3. ???

    Reaper's March (38-43)

    Quest: Ezreba's Fate (thanks @Ilsabet & @Sylenne )

    1. [Service] Ezreba was coerced, and the villagers will forgive her. She should stay.
    2. [Banishment] The villagers will never trust Ezreba again. She should be banished.
    1. The Treethane agrees with you and thanks you for your help. Ezreba is grateful for your kindness, and the other villagers react according to their biases. Bowenas doesn't say much about how she feels, just thanks you for your help. Ezreba is grateful though. The other villagers mostly react as you'd expect based on what they wanted to happen to her. Halindor, Lotheil, and Annarth are glad she's staying. Ganniel and Gonlas are angry at you for not banishing her.

    2. ????

    Quest: On the Doorstep (thanks @Sylenne )
    1. [Lie] No, he was just very concerned about you.
    2. Yes, he was pretty drunk.
    1. ???
    2. Bowenas is angry at Halindor, saying, "I knew it. He came back to town sloshed, and it's only dumb luck these whatever-they-are didn't get him too. I love that man, but the Green knows he tests me.
    (This choice doesn't seem to have much effect, when you complete the quest he's standing beside Bowenas drinking a mug of ale!)

    Quest: Gates of Fire (thanks @Sylenne & @WhiteCoatSyndrome )
    1. Destroy circlet.
    2. Keep circlet.
    1. Destroying the circlet does indeed cause the vault to crumble and seal off the other entrance, as Razum-dar suspected. He says "Thank you my friend. I'll see you on the other side." The walls shake as you run out of the temple. When you go back to Centurion Burri, you tell her that Razum-dar is dead, having "sacrificed himself so that the artifact could be destroyed." Burri replies that she "hopes that wherever he is, the moons shine bright upon him." (Sniff!)
    2. ???

    Later consequences: When you meet Queen Ayrenn outside Dune, you express sympathy for Raz's death. She replies, "Raz was ... he could be infuriating. Many times, my advisors told me to cut him loose. I never considered it. I and the Dominion will roll along without him, I'm sure. But it will be a little lonelier under this crown."

    Even if you destroy the circlet, Razum-dar survives. You can meet him again later in-game, and he says something about being able to climb out just in time.

    Quest: Motes in the Moonlight (thanks @Sylenne )
    1. Choose Khali
    2. Choose Shazad
    1. Khali absorbs the energy of the Dark Mane. She's resigned to her fate, saying "This is the way it must be. Sister, do not weep for me." Shazah is (unsurprisingly) upset, saying "Damn that Javad Tharn to Oblivion!" She vows to "return with the most powerful sages in Tamriel. Together we'll free my sister from this torment."
    When you get the next quest from her, Shazah wipes away a tear, saying, "Khali ... damn it. So strong, so forceful. So stupid when it comes to things like this."
    (And obviously Shazah becomes the next Mane, if you complete the Reaper's March quest line.)
    2. ???

    Later Consequences:

    1. When you meet Ayrenn outside Dune, you can ask her about Shazah. She replies, "She's a quiet woman, seems very thoughtful. But Stars above does she know a lot. We had the most fascinating discussion about the signing of the Elden Accord. And she wasn't even there!" Ayrenn also says that she believes Shazah will make a good Mane. (Though I suspect she says the same thing either way.)

    Quest: Test of Faith (thanks @Sylenne )
    1. Tell Kala the truth.
    2. Lie to Kala.
    1. Kala is naturally upset and initially disbelieving. She says, "Yenadar was such a quiet, pious man. How could someone so good, so innocent become a vessel for a dark spirit?" When you tell her that he sacrificed himself to trap the dark spirit, she accepts it, saying, "He would have rather died a thousand deaths than let his cowardice kill another." She thanks you for your honesty, saying "I know he would have wanted me to know the truth."
    2. ???

    Quest: Desecrated Ground (thanks @Sylenne )
    1. Give ring to Jurak-dar
    2. Give ring to Fihada
    1. ???
    2. Fihada is very grateful, and blesses you, saying "May the Bright Moons guard your steps until the end of your days." She tells Jurak-dar, "You see, thief? There are still good and true people in this world." He responds, "You're both idiots. At least I can sell this robe for a coin or two. Drinks for Jurak tonight!"

    Quest: A Night to Forget (thanks @Sylenne )
    1. Talk to Rollin
    2. Talk to Apprentice Meldil
    1. Rollin is very grateful. He says, "Now all that remains is to finish my last few paragraphs, and go speak to Meldil. I'm sure he'll be annoyed with me. But with the relics in-hand and my sterling prose, I'm sure this is the start of a brave new chapter in my life."
    2. ???

    Edited by Atarax on October 8, 2016 8:26AM
    50 Bosmer Nightblade
    50 Breton Sorcerer
    50 Dunmer Dragonknight
    50 Imperial Templar
    50 Khajit Nightblade
    50 Imperial Dragonknight
    50 Altmer Sorcerer
    50 Argonian Templar

    Discussions of Interest:
    Class Balance in 1.6
    Quest Choices
    Request to Reinstate Night's Silence and Dark Stalker stacking
  • Atarax
    Daggerfall Covenant

    Stros M'Kai (1-4)

    Quest: Like Moths to a Candle (Thanks @ShinChuck )
    Context: At the end of the quest, Lerisa has sneaked into Captain Helane's cabin, posing as her abused cabin girl, and poisoned Helane with the captain's own poison, a particularly brutal concoction that will eat her from the inside out, leading to a slow, painful, gruesome death. Helane stumbles, falls to the floor, and begins writhing as her eyes go blank.

    1: Give Helane the Antidote.
    2: Leave (Let Helane Die)

    1.Short-term Effect: Upon leaving the room, that step of the quest will complete, displaying "Completed: Leave (Let Helane Die)". At this point, you can't go back into the room to administer the antidote (or watch Helane die). Lerisa will be pleased, telling you that the people sailing the waters will be glad to hear Helane's dead.

    2. Short-term Effect: After giving Helane the antidote, interacting with her states <Her struggles ease as the antidote quickly takes effect. She will likely live.> followed by <Captain Helane is unconscious but still breathing.> Crafty Lerisa will berate you, warning you she'll shipwreck and kill again, but that at least Helane won't mess with Lerisa again.

    Longterm Effects: Unknown

    Quest: Moment of Truth (Thanks @Runefell )
    Dugroth was sent by his mother to prove his courage. He'd like me to help him.

    1. Tell him to man up.
    2. Tell him to follow his passion, blacksmithing
    1.He says he thinks he's learned a lot from you and will try to be brave. He hopes to see you again if he survives.
    2. He'll wholeheartedly agree. Later, in Port Hunding, one can find him happily working away.

    Betnikh (4-5)

    Quest: Tormented Souls (Thanks @ShinChuck & @Blue_Warpstar )
    Context: After obtaining the ancient orc war horn, the ghost of Warchief Targoth asks you to put it in it's rightful place at his tomb in order to release the spirits of the orcs who are chained to the place.

    Choice 1: Place the War Horn on Targoth's Tomb.
    Choice 2: Leave with the Horn
    1. Short-term Effect: Targoth thanks you, and the orc spirits can finally rest.
    2. Short-term Effect: Once outside you talk to Azlakha, who notices the souls seem less tormented, and she asks you what you did. You reply stating that you've recovered a horn you can use to control the spirits to fight the cult. She replies saying the thought sickens her, but that they may be needed. Then she says she will deliver the horn to Chief Tazgol, and he can decide to use it or not. Same rewards as option #1.

    1. Longterm Effects: Unknown.
    2. Long-term Effect: Souls continue to wander the ruins, but now they are no longer hostile.

    Quest: Daughter of Seamount (Thanks @ShinChuck & @club_restoration)

    Context: Lokra is an orc who wants to adventure, but is being pushed into an arranged marriage with the war chief from another clan. After talking to the appropriate people, you'll be tasked with going back to Lokra and advising her on a course of action.

    Choice 1: "Your marriage is vital to your clan. There is honor in doing your duty."
    Choice 2: "Your life is your own. Sail with us and see the world, if that's what you want."
    1. Lokra will be thrilled and reward you. Not sure about long term effects.
    2. Lokra is thrilled, and decides to join Captain Kaleen's crew. She promises to first tell her family, rather than just slip away in the night.

    Longterm Effects:
    1. ????
    2. hen choosing this, immediate effects will be that Lokra is equally happy with this choice and rewards you with something. Surprisingly enough I think she showed up later on (can't remember exactly where, in a later zone anyway - Rivenspire or Alik'r). I thought she was stuck with the tribe, but apparently not... (Atarax: I can confirm she does show up repeatedly later)

    Carzog's Demise (Thanks @Shinchuck & @Aeradon)

    Context: After obtaining the relic, Kaleen's ship splits into two factions. Kaleen's group wants to keep the relic, believing it can protect the Daggerfall Covenant. Lambur's party believes that it's too dangerous, having killed and enslaved the souls of numerous orcs and raised Orsinium in the past. Both groups offer compelling arguments.

    Choice 1: Keep the relic.
    Choice 2: Banish the relic into the spirit realm.
    1. Short-term Effect: Jakarn's group (w/ Lerissa and Neramo? couldn't remember) hates you for being so naive that you kept a the time bomb. Tazgul feels that it's a wrong decision but considering you helped Betnikh, he hopes he's judgement is wrong and joins the Covenant.
    2. Short-term Effect: Kaleen's group is furious with you, and Kaleen removes you from her crew. Lambur's people are relieved. Chief Tazgul is thrilled, and agrees to join the Covenant. Tazgul orders Kaleen to offer you passage to Daggerfall, while the crew will offer their opinions on the matter. Some are furious with you, some are furious with Kaleen, and others seem fairly apathetic, many going their own ways.

    Longterm Effects:
    1. Long term effects, these crew members will reappear in the game, their dialogues may differ but ultimately still provide you the quests. (e.g. I destroyed the relic and met Kaleen's group in Shornhelm, they expressed anger but still needed the Vestige's help in freeing Kaleen)
    2. ???

    Quest: Unearthing the Past (thanks @Runefell )
    You've entered King King Renwic's vision. These choices aren't game altering (as far as this one knows), but you only get one chance at each prisoner. If you choose the wrong one, they won't talk any more, and you'll have to kill them and interrogate their spirit. Here's the answers for those that wish to avoid such bloodshed.
    Queen Nurese:
    Tell me what magic your husband has planned, or you die- She refuses to talk
    Are there any Breton Knights unaccounted for?- She refuses to talk.
    Tell me what magic your husband has planned or your daughter dies- She talks

    Drago Auberdine:
    Tell me how to get to the King- Refuses to talk
    Tell me what magic the king plans- Brags about the plan
    What were the Kings last orders?- Refuses to talk

    Frederique Lynielle:
    Tell me how to reach the king, or more will die- Refuses to talk
    If you really want to end this, tell me- Confesses the plan
    Tell me who can open the door, and I won't hurt you- Refuses to talk

    Princess Visanne:
    Your father can't control what he is about to summon, help me stop him- Refuses
    Tell me about the spell, or I will hurt you- Refuses
    Tell me how to open the doors, or I will kill your mum- Confesses

    Note that you only need to uncover two truths.

    Glenumbra (3-15)

    Quest: Legacy of Baelborne Rock (thanks @ShinChuck & @Aeradon )

    Context: Athel Baelborne has inhereted some land, but it is cursed by the former lover of his father. His grandmother didn't want his father with a servant girl, Claudie. His father lied about their relationship, and so the servant girl and their unborn child were locked away to die in a tower, and the servant girl cursed both the family and the property with misfortune.
    Claudie made a pact with a daedra to curse the Baelborne family and to "save" their son, the son being saved by being made a slave to the daedra.

    1. Break the Curse
    2. Tell the Baelborne to leave
    1. Short-term Effects: After defeating the daedra, Claudie's spirit will lament her son's fate. However, upon reaching the towel, you'll find her son freed of the daedra and optimistic about the future. Athel meanwhile pledges to turn over a new leaf for the Baelbornes and not be a brutal coward like his ancestors, starting by sparing Claudie's son rather than tie up that loose end.
    2. Athel effectively threatens your life ("the guards will kill anyone who gets in their way, mother says so"). Athel runs off, and the guards attack, you kill them, then talk to the ghost, only to find that Athel ran off a cliff and died. The Ghost praises you, says you did the right thing, and that she hopes her child grew up with the same virtues."

    Quest: The Dagger's Edge (thanks @Kiralya & @Sumevala )
    1. Tell him to reveal the trechery.
    2. Tell him the gold is needed.
    1. You confront Lord Diel and kill him, and everyone is happy (except the lord). The orc gives you a bag of gems (that he stole from camp) and tells you not to say where they're from. You hand the gems over, and can either say you found them on Lord Diel, or that they were stolen from camp. If you lie, the Daggers stay together.
    2. Karma happens to Diel. Also, Bumnog has already figured things out and secretly "secured a payment" from Diel earlier. He now asks you to deliver it to Gelvin, saying you found it on Diel. Now you have two options: do as Bumnog asked (you get 228 gold and Dagger's Combat Stompers, lvl 8 medium shoes, and the team's happy) or rattle on him (no idea whether this affects your reward).

    Quest A Mysterious Curio (Thanks @ShinChuck & @Kiralya )

    Context: An Ayleid spirit has been trapped for years after opposing the Alessians. Upon freeing him, you're given two options.

    Choice 1: "You should pass on to Aetherius. The time of the Ayleids is over."
    Choice 2: "Seeing how the world has changed might interest you."
    1. Short-term Effects: "You have shown me that I am as much a relic as the objects in this vault. A thing of the past. Adrift. It is time to go. I shall find Aetherius. And, at long last, peace."
    2. Short-term Effects: The Ayleid Ghost says truer words have never been spoke and thanks you for setting him free, but warns you that "not everything you meet in ancient catacombs shall be as cordial as I" and awards you with 116 gold.

    Longterm Effects: Unknown.

    Quest: The Jeweled Crown of Anton (Thanks @Runefell & @Aeradon )

    Context: The Jeweled Crown of Anton A Daggerfall noble named Lady Laurent seems to be some kind of treasure hunter. Shes exploring the Tomb of Lost Kings to find something to add to her collection. Stibbons, Lady Laurents servant, is concerned that her ladyship hasnt returned from the tomb yet. He asked me to look for her.

    1. Take the Jeweled, uncursed crown
    2. Take the Cursed Crown
    1. Stibbons will pick it up and glumly carry it to the tent. When nothing bad happens to him, the Forgotten Seneschal will realize what you did, and cry out that you betrayed him and disappear.
    2. Stibbons will pick up the crown to take it into the tent. As it is cursed, he will die, and his ghost will appear, and glumly remark on that fact, though not terribly alarmed or upset. He will then ponder the mysterious pull the tomb seems to have, and go into it. The Forgotten Seneschal will cheer at the fact that he is free, but then starts to wonder what he will do now. He then unhappily realizes that serving is the only thing he knows how to do, and goes into Stibbon's body. Lady Laurent, not realizing what had happened, chides him for 'fooling around', and the Forgotten Seneschal, now assuming Stibbon's identity, glumly carries the crown into the tent.

    Long-term Effect:
    1. Stibbons will have many adventures to come.
    2. Replacing Stibbons with the spirit will unlock future dialogue options where Stibbons will tell you that "you know who I really am". This option does not affect Coldharbor however. I suspect such options lasts for 1-2 sequels of the quest, and the next choice would affect the latter.

    Quest: Memento Mori
    Context: You have to choose the fate of Westtry

    Choice 1: Use the sword to slay the angry spirits.
    Choice 2: Use the gem to free the innocent spirits.
    1. Short-term Effect: The town is made safe (skeletons and wraiths no longer attack), and Leon states he hopes that Roslind will speak to him again in time.
    2. Short-term Effect: The skeletons remain, and Westtry is unsafe for settlers, but the spirits of the innocent villagers are free.

    Longterm Effects: Unknown.

    Quest: Cutting off the Source
    Context: Save Tamien's father, or stop the Bloodthorn cultists

    Choice 1: You're on your own, I'm going after the Bloodthorns.
    Choice 2: I'll help you save your father.
    1. Short-term Effect: You burn the boats, rescue some villagers, then get congratulated for a job well done, only Tamien's father dies. The Dame says she and her guards will kill the remaining cultists and zombies.
    2. Short-term Effect: You save dad, but get scolded for letting the bloodthorn cultists get away. The Dame says she and her guards will kill the remaining cultists and zombies.

    Longterm Effects: Unknown.

    Quest: Lineage of Tooth and Claw
    Context: You have to choose to save Gloria or the Duke

    Choice 1: Kill Gloria for her blood in hopes you can save the Duke
    Choice 2: Tell Gloria you won't kill her
    1. ????
    2. When you get back to town, the Duke looks ill. You have the choice of letting him say goodbye to his family (which results in them getting killed) or capturing him immediately.

    Longterm Effects: Unknown.

    Quest: A Step Through Time

    Choice 1: Tell King Laloriaran Dynar you don't know what he means.
    Choice 2: Tell King Laloriaran Dynar he's right, you don't belong.
    1. He seems skeptical and promises to bring it up again.
    2. He appreciates your honesty.

    Longterm Effects:
    1. When you see him much later in the game, he remembers your conversation.
    2. ???

    Quest: The Nameless Soldier

    Choice 1: "Take the soldiers and kill Faolchu. I'll rescue Alana."
    Choice 2: "I'll kill Faolchu. Go rescue Alana."
    1. You save Alana, but all the soldiers die. You then continue on to kill Faolchu. Note, you change history by doing this, and meet Alana's child when you return to the present.
    2. ????

    Longterm Effects: Unknown.

    Quest: Lineage of Tooth and Claw (Thanks @Maialun )
    Context: You have to choose to save Gloria or the Duke

    Choice 1: Kill Gloria for her blood in hopes you can save the Duke
    Choice 2: Tell Gloria you won't kill her
    1. You save the Duke and he sends you on another quest to "The Glenumbra Moors"
    2. When you get back to town, the Duke looks ill. You have the choice of letting him say goodbye to his family (which results in them getting killed) or capturing him immediately.

    Long term Effects: Unknown.

    Stormhaven (16-23)

    Quest: Revenge Against Rama (Thanks @ShinChuck & @Runefell )
    Context: Rama provoked the goblins into attacking, which resulted in numerous deaths when they took over the city, and then fled when it came time for justice. It's hinted by a nearby book that he may have obtained a Daedric sword that corrupted his mind. His cousin gives you two options, the second one involving taking the fake sword and lying to Watch Captain Ernard about having killed Rama.

    Choice 1: Confront Rama.
    Choice 2: Collect Rama's sword.
    1. Short-term Effects: You will have to fight and defeat Rama. His cousin says he'll miss Rama, and Watch Captain Ernard will express sadness that it had to come down to that. There's a lorebook in the cave after you kill Rama, if you so choose that path like Runefell did, that mentions the ebony blade and how it twists your desires. This one is now wondering if the sword caused him to go mad. Runefell wishes she had seen that this quest was already half explored, as she would've picked the other half.
    2. Short-term Effects: Captain accepts the sword and expresses regret that it had to come to this.

    Longterm Effects: Unknown.

    Quest: Sir Hughs Fate (thanks @Runefell )
    After murdering Duchess Lakana, Sir Hughes fled to Firebrand Keep. I've come to confront him and if necessary, bring him to justice for his crimes. Sir Hughes has fallen into a deep sleep in the infirmary beneath Firebrand Keeps Great Hall. I need to go down and speak with the healer, Odette, about Sir Hughes condition.

    1. Let him live
    2. He should pay for his crimes
    1. The Duke agrees that there has been enough bloodshed, and agrees to let Hughes go. Instead, he strips him of his job and titles, and banishes him from the town. Hughes is completely broken and horrified by what he has done, and says it would've been better if you had killed him. The healer and other knight think that you made the right choice. The Redguards say that they will go back to their king, and hopefully everybody can just grieve for their loss, and put the whole thing behind them.
    2. ???

    Long term effects:
    1. Her sister, Queen Maraya, comments that if the murder had happened in her homeland, the murderer would be dead already. But, as he was not in his right mind at the time, she wonders if this was more civilized, and it gives her something to think about.

    At the end of the Stormhaven quest area, while in the throne room with the king and several high ranking members of the court, the Duke will be there, and mention that he's glad you chose to save Sir Hughs, who is currently doing penance at an Abbey.

    Also, as a side note, when trying to get into the library, if you take the longer route and let Sir Gregory know that his wife is cheating on him so you you can get past him, he'll show up in the tavern in wayrest, having left his wife. He's pretty mad at her, but has a good job now and thanks you for revealing the truth to him.

    Quest: One Last Game (Thanks @Runefell )

    In the Wayrest graveyard, I found the last Will and Testament of a scholar named Frodibert Fontbonne. Frodibert challenged his son Donel to solve a riddle to claim his inheritance. Donel gave up, but maybe I can solve the riddle.

    1. Keep the Inheritance
    2. Find the rightful owner
    1. ????
    2. You go to a guard, and find that Donel is out on the battlefields. The guard promises to get the inheritance to him, is impressed by your honesty and wit, and gives you a bit of gold.

    Long term effect unknown.

    The Sower Reaps (thanks @Runefell )
    Decide Baron Sorick's fate, after he planted the eggs to exterminate the dreaughsiders.

    1. Take the money and say nothing
    2. Refuse the money and state that you're going to expose him
    3. (Intimidate) Threaten him into making things right
    1. ??? This one assumes you get money, and he remains unpunished.
    2. He runs out of the building claiming "you'll never catch me fool" but you go outside, and he's on the ground with a broken leg. You speak to the constable, and you can either let the crowd lynch the Baron, or state that he was responsible for the draugh, and that he should be taken into custody. The latter choice results in the constable arresting him and saying the Baron will pay for his crimes.
    3. He admits that you're pretty tough looking, and agrees reluctantly to compensate the villagers for this 'minor inconvenience', then declares he's leaving this mudpit, the king will have to find somebody else to rule this pigpen. You get 185 gold and Lord Sorick's Pauldrons

    Quest: The Gate to Quagmire (Thanks @Runefell )

    The Supernal Dreamers performed a ritual on Muzgu that infused a Daedric spirit into his body. Hes contained it for now, but its gaining strength. If the spirit takes control of him, it will combine its powerful magic with his own. Many will die. Muzgu asked me to kill him. He thinks thats the only way to prevent the Daedric spirit from being unleashed. Maybe theres a way to save him, but the longer we delay, the greater the risk of the spirit taking over.

    1. Kill him
    2. Try to find another way

    1. ??? This one assumes you kill him. Since you ask how you should do so, Runefell is assuming it's going to be in some convoluted fashion.
    2. He'll direct you to take a scroll, which allows you to take control of a sleeping cultist. You then lead the somewhat confused cultist back to Muzgu, where he expels the Daedric Spirit into the trapped cultist, killing the chap. You then have to step into a portal and kill the Daedric Spirit. When you come back out, Muzgu congratulates you on your victory, and thanks you for saving his life.

    Quest: King Aphrens Sword (Thanks @Runefell & @sagesourceb16_ESO )

    The mage Blaise Pamarc asked me to recover the artifact, King Aphrens Sword, from the ruins. Theres just one problem: the spirits have awakened and block my path. I must find and recover the three pieces of the sword.

    1. Give the sword to Princess Mira
    2. The King doesn't deserve forgiveness/ take the sword back to the mage.
    1. Mira realizes her father is sincere, and goes up to him. They have a touching reunion, the sword is broken forever, and they find peace. Amusingly enough, if you're a sorcerer and you have summoned creatures, they will both parrot the 'I forgive you... father' line in the chatbox, if you have NPC chat enabled.
    2. If you tell the king that the sword is yours now and that you have promised it to the mage, he will be horrified but will admit there is nothing he can do about it and that he might not deserve any consideration in any case. He reforges the sword and gives it to you, pleading that you at least consider visiting his daughter's tomb before you go. If you leave then and offer the sword to the mage, the mage speaks with a good deal of contempt about the King's repentance, and says he does not deserve anything (this mage, to be frank, is an arrogant jerk). At this point, you have one last chance to tell the mage that you are going to return the sword to the daughter's tomb. If you persist in giving it to him, he rewards you with the ring King Aphren's Seal and 196 gold (I was level 23), and remarks that you'll probably never meet again.

    Rivenspire (24-30)

    Quest: Under Siege (Thanks @ShinChuck & @Sylenne )
    Context: At the end of the quest, your companion Heloise is clearly turning into a vampire, having already killed some innocent people without knowing it. She begs for you to spare her.

    Choice 1: "No, I can't let you go. You have to die."
    Choice 2: "All right. I'll let you go."
    1. Short-term Effect: Heloise will agree that it's the safest way and ingest poison, instantly killing herself.
    2. Short-term Effect: Heloise will promise to control herself and live in the wilderness off animals. She hops up and runs off before disappearing.

    Longterm Effects: If you spare Heloise, she can later be found in Count Verandis Ravenwatch 's castle, where she claims he's helped rehabilitate her. After you finish The Lightless Remnant, you'll meet up with Heloise in Shornhelm Castle, talking to Lt. Fairfax. She says Verandis was helping her, and is sad that he's gone.

    Quest: Rusty Daggers
    Context: The Daggers (who you may recall from Glenumbra as the harpy hunters), are back at it as hired guns hunting harpies again. They've been hired by a local tribe to address a Harpy Infestation. You have to aid them in getting the harpy situation under control.

    Choice 1: "To tell the truth, I helped them a lot."
    Choice 2: "[Lie]. This was part of their plan all along."
    1. She refuses to pay the Daggers and runs them out of the area.
    2. She rewards the Daggers and says their praises will be sung far and wide.

    Longterm Effects:
    1. I do not recall seeing another Dagger's-related quest after this
    2. ???

    Quest: The Blood-Splattered Shield (Thanks @ShinChuck )
    Context: Captain Janeve, the Countess's sister, was bitten by a vampire and will turn into one. She begs to be spared.

    Choice 1: "I agree with the Countess. We can't take the chance. You have to die."
    Choice 2: "I agree with the Captain. You deserve a chance to prove yourself. We should let you live."
    1. ???
    2. Short-term Effect: The Countess berates you, saying that she might not be able to accept "this vampire" as Janeve, but agrees to spare her for now.

    Longterm Effects:
    1. ???
    2. Janeve shows up at Ravenwatch Castle later on

    Quest: A Change of Heart (Thanks @Runefell & @Sylenne & @Melilotta @knifeinthedark @Ilsabet )
    1. Tell Fredrick to go and Dulkhi to stay
    2. Tell Dulkhi to go and Fredrick to stay
    3. Tell both of them to go
    4. Tell both of them to stay

    The reward doesn't seem to change with the choices.
    1: Immediate consequence: Federik tells Arlie he feels compelled to go off and learn how to fight so he can defend her, but promises to eventually return. Dulkhi is excited to have a chance with Arlie, and Arlie decides she's not willing to wait around for Federik, so she'll try a relationship with Dulkhi.
    2: If you tell Dulkhi to go and Federic to stay, you do not see Dulkhi at the Shornhelm castle after the fight at the Doomcrag. You do however, encounter Federic with Arlie. Arlie has a wandering eye for women, and makes it very clear she intends to pursue a fling with Countess Tamrith, commenting on her looks several times. When asking Federic if Arlie is happy, he says after all the work that had to be done to make it work, "she damn well better be."
    3: They both leave to find their fortunes, and Arlie is left alone. She decides to see if she can't join the mage's guild. Later, at the end of the Rivenspire questline, she can be found in the castle, bemoaning her loneliness.
    4: They both come out and start demanding that Arlie choose one of them. Arlie starts stuttering and panicking, but then they laugh and tell her they were only joking, that she doesn't have to choose between them. At least, not right away. Arlie is relieved and very happy to have everybody she loves around her. At the end of the Rivenspire questline, all three of them can be found in the castle. Arlie still hasn't made up her mind, as she is enjoying the attention she gets from both of them and is starting to get something of an inflated ego. Fredrick is getting frustrated, and Dulkhi's eyes are starting to wander (I'm a female and she hit on me, not sure if she does with males as well), though she claims she's still interested in Arlie.

    Long-term effect:
    1. Longer term, after The Lightless Remnant, you'll meet Dulkhi and Arlie in Shornhelm Castle, both very happy and in love. (Though Arlie says Dulkhi needs to bathe more often, and that she's "molding her into the perfect lover.") Also, "I met Federik in Shornhelm Castle, he seemed quite happy with his life and said he wasn't so sure anymore he really liked Arlie."
    2. ???
    3. If you got to the 3rd choice tree, and chose option 2 (That's the option where you tell Julien to go for Khalisah instead of Guendeline.) After the Lightless Remnant, you can talk to Julien in Shornhelm Castle, and he's happy with Khalisah, saying, "Now that's the woman of my dreams!"

    Quest: A Spy in Shornhelm (Thanks @Runefell )
    1. Promise Edouard Celd's wife that you'll let him off the hook
    2. Turn Edouard Celd in to the authorities

    1. Edouard Celd's wife promises that she'll keep him far away from any criminal activity in the future. Adusa-daro is surprised that you couldn't find the spy's identity, but is content with the codebook.
    2. Edouard Celd is apparently arrested and tortured for information, and is sentenced to be hanged.

    Quest: The Crown of Shornholm (Thanks @Runefell )
    1. Make Tamrith Queen
    2. Make Dorell King

    1. Countess Tamrith becomes queen.
    2. Count Dorell becomes King.

    Honestly, that's it. I don't think there's any long-term effects. Just a matter personal preference. Do you want a kind, just, inexperienced and deeply religious ruler, or a cold, calculating, experienced military ruler for this country.

    Quest: The Lovers (Thanks @Sylenne & @ZheinLevin )
    Context: You are helping recruit Shornhelm guards. Your task is to help one of the prospective soldiers win the heart of the woman he loves.

    Choice 1: "Give her flowers."
    Choice 2: "Recite a poem."
    Choice 3: "Give her jewelry."
    1. ???
    2. You have a choice of having her recite an orcish poem, to buy a book from a wandering poet, or to have him compose his own poem. I bought the book and she agreed to be married.
    3. Triggers quest to get 3 stolen gems from Bitterhand Bandits, which you take to Khalisah to have jewelry made. This in turn can trigger even more choices because Khalisah is in love with Julien - see below.
    Context: If you chose jewelry initially, after you have Khalisah make the necklace, you can choose to either tell Julien about Khalisah's feelings for him, or lie about it.

    Options for 3:
    Choice A: "[Lie] Yes. She's really happy for you and Guendeline.
    Choice B: "Did you know that Khalisah has feelings for you?"

    Results of 3 A & B:
    A. ???
    B. Julien is surprised to learn of Khalisah's feelings, and wonders if maybe he should give Khalisah a chance instead. This triggers yet another choice, advising him on whom to court! See below.
    Context: If you chose to tell Julien about Khalisah being in love with him, you can then advise him on whether to go with Guendeline or Khalisah.

    Note that both options in the first (non-red) dialog after you choose to tell him the truth lead to the same set of red choices below.

    Options of 3 B:
    Choice I: "Let's not complicate matters. I'll give the necklace to Guendeline."
    Choice II: "I think you should give Khalisah a chance."
    Choice III: "If you can't decide, maybe you need more time."

    Results of 3 B:
    I. Julien thinks its probably for the best and that he can always ask Khalisah if he gets turned down by Guendeline. Guendeline likes the necklace, thinks Julien must be rich and asks you to tell Julien she loves him and will wait for him. Julien agrees to enlist.
    II. Julien asks you to give the necklace back to Khalisah. After a bit of back and forth between the two, he agrees to enlist.
    III. ???

    Quest: Crimes of the Past
    Context: Bring King Ranser's spymaster to justice.

    Choice 1: Bring Althen to the Ring of Daggers
    Choice 2: Help Althen escape.
    1. Marisette thanks you and says it's a good thing that you turned him in, or she'd have had to track you both down. She says you're a friend to the Daggers, and that she'll see you again. She then locks Althen into the stockades.
    2. He thanks you, one of his subordinates shows up (indicating you were duped), and he disappears.

    Quest: A Lucky Break (Thanks @Sylenne )
    1. Nedras joined a gang of bandits, and died trying to rob someone.
    2. Nedras joined a group of adventurers. You'll probably never see him again. [Lie.]
    1. Gendinora is upset that Nedras died, and that he turned to thievery.
    2. Gendinora is angry that Nedras "abandoned" her.

    Both options lead to a second choice, whether to give her money or not, ostensibly from her brother.

    1. I'm sorry.
    2. I'm sorry. But he sent a bag of coins along with me. I hope this will help. [give 234gp]

    1. ???
    2. She's grateful to you for telling her about her brother, and feels confident that he loved her.

    Quest: Last Words (Thanks @Sylenne )
    1. Tell the truth about Klaandor's fate, and give her the journal and amulet.
    2. Lie and say that Klaandor is still alive but sent her an amulet.
    1. Vyctorelle gets angry that Klaandor became a vampire and is now dead, saying she plans to get drunk and then join the guard.
    2. ???

    Quest: Love Lost (Thanks @Sylenne )
    1. Tell Giran the truth, that his wife left him.
    2. Lie to Giran, telling him that a vampire killed her.
    1.Giran is a bit bitter, but not surprised, he asks you to leave him alone.
    2. He seems sad, and thanks you for telling him of her fate.

    Quest: Dream-Walk Into Darkness (Thanks @WhiteCoatSyndrome & @TheWhiteDarkness )
    [Intimidate] Vampires are evil! I must destroy you!
    Nothing happens really. He talks you out of it anyway and the quest continues as normal.

    Alik'r Desert (31-37)
    Quest: Seize the Moment (Thanks @Runefell )
    1. Tell the guard you spoke with IIdani
    2. Ask the guard if he's the only one guarding the contraband.
    1. The guard is eager to catch Ildani, and asks you if you'll help him set up a sting operation for the buyers. You'll take the contraband and deliver them for Ildani, so the guards can swoop in and catch them.
    2. You tell him there's a suspicious khajiit downstairs. He thinks it may be the smuggler they're after, and runs off to catch her, leaving you with the now unguarded contraband to take at your pleasure. You'll then have to deliver the contraband for Iidani.

    Quest: A marriage in ruins (Thanks @Runefell )
    1. Side with Adeena
    2. Side with Izzara
    1. It turns out that Izzara was the one who was possessed, but unfortunately, as they're twins, the blood is still enough to complete the ritual. You have to fight a Spider Daedra named Anexiel, then afterwards you take Adeena back to her husband, where she yells at him for her sister's death, and he angsts over his foolishness.
    2. Adeena dies, and the daedra Anexiel gloats over her deception, and how you just killed five innocents. She goes off to reclaim her body, and Izzara, weakened, begs you to go after her. You kill her, and take Izzara back to her brother-in-law, where she yells at him and threatens to kill if she ever sees him again.

    Quest: Badwater Mines (Thanks @Runefell )
    1. Help the ghost get revenge, don't tell Samsi about the curse on the gems
    2. Revenge is wrong, warn Samsi about the curse.
    1. Samsi is thrilled at the gems, and happily proclaims that at last her luck is turning around. Then she falls over and dies.
    2. On the way out of mine you will be attacked by Haidar spirit. Samsi will deny any accusations though, but is clear she's guilty. Later you meet her in Kozanset, enchained.

    Quest: Lady Laurent's Favor (Thanks @Runefell & @mra4nii )
    1. Give the tools to Stibbons
    2. Give the tools to Tamien
    1. Stibbons is thrilled, and gets back in her Ladyship's good graces. Tamien isn't very impressed. (sorry, it's been a while since I've run this quest with my khajiit, so I can't remember the details.)
    2. Tamien gives you half the cut of what he's getting paid. He also promises that if he meets you again, he'll pay back the favor.

    Quest: Master of Leki's Blade (Thanks @Runefell)
    1. Master Fadalia shouldn't die just because she's a vampire
    2. Respect Master Fadalia's wishes, and let her atone with her death
    1. Eh, sorry, this is another one where it's been a while. If I remember correctly, Master Fadalia isn't very happy about it, but abides by your decision. I do remember there being an Ash'abah on the wall, who was surprised that, as a fellow Ash'abah, you let her live, and hopes you haven't made a mistake.
    2. Master Fadalia accepts her fate, and the curse is lifted off her as she dies. Her second in command takes over.

    Quest: Crawling Chaos (Thanks @Runefell)
    1. Let Seqbar take Shagora's place
    2. Leave both of them to the Spider Daedra
    1. Seqbar is willing to take his love's place. The Spider Daedra releases Shagora, who is left in a daze, and overtakes Seqbar instead. He cries out at first, but then relaxes and is left under her spell. Shagora runs outside, and when you meet up with her, she's quite confused. She has no memory of her encounter with the Daedra, and has completely forgotten who Seqbar is.
    2. Both of them start talking to one another, they can't remember what happened to them, but they now seem to think they're at home. They're both trapped under the spider's influence, but unaware of the fact, and are happily together in paradise in the daedra's illusion.

    Quest: Warship Designs (Thanks @Runefell & @Helluin )
    1. Keep the designs, but let the spy go
    2. Let the spy go with the designs
    3. Kill the spy
    1. You keep the designs, and the spy lets you know that the deaths of her and her children are on you hands before she runs off. She also mentions you might want to watch your back.
    2. You keep two designs, the female Dunmer can't believe it, she thanks you and she keeps the one stolen. She also mentions that she will remember this, then she runs away.When you deliver the quest, the quest giver blames the workers because he knew there were spies around, so he thanks you.
    3. Obviously, you kill the spy, and keep the designs safe.

    Just for more informations, for the ones who don't know it, I add that House Telvanni didn't join EP: 26/11/2012 - Ask us anything - EP part 2 - TESO official site.

    Quest: Past in Ruins (thanks @medusasfolly )
    1. Take the sword to Sword-Swinger Navid
    2. Take the sword to Hermenius Sophus
    1. Navid objects at first, then acknowledges his responsibility and takes the sword back; you return to Hermenius and tell him you didn't find it, he says he's not surprised and rewards you anyway.
    2. Hermenius Sophus thanks you in his obnoxius way, ignores all your suggestions, makes a comment about hearing something and then rewards you. Was kinda hoping to watch spirits ravage him, but no such luck.

    Quest: Trouble at the Rain Cachers (Thanks @Sylenne )
    1. Jahi owns rain catchers
    2. Almur owns rain catchers
    1. Jahi takes ownership and accepts her duty, and pledges to mend her family. The brother and wife will stay, but she says she's going to sell the johads.
    2. Alnur takes ownership, and immediately decides to sell the johads and move everyone (both wife and sister) to the city, hoping to repair relations with his sister. Jahi seems happy about this, saying "It's best this way."

    Quest: The Initiation (thanks @Ilsabet )
    1. No, I will strike him down. It is my duty.
    2. Your sacrifice will be remembered.
    1. Haqmir becomes king, Samir is exiled.
    2. Sameer becomes king, Haqmir is exiled and becomes the founder of the Ash'abah.

    Quest: Gone Missing (Thanks @Sylenne & @Yunga)
    1. No. I'm turning you in.
    2. Yes. I will keep your secret.
    1. Sulma says she'll turn herself in, but she's angry at you, saying "You've doomed Bergama."
    2. Sulma accepts your choice, but tells you that The Withered hand is now going to wipe out Bergama.

    Quest: Past Due (Thanks @Sylenne )
    1. That's right. I've come to collect your debt.
    2. I'm here to give you this note actually, the man you owed is dead.
    1. ???
    2. Joroh at-Nazdar is very relieved. Note that he gives you 133gp reward (non-vet) even though you forgave the debt!

    Quest: The Real Snake (Thanks @Sylenne & @josh.lackey_ESO )
    1. No. You must face justice.
    2. Go. And never come back.
    1. You must lead Fadeel to Constable Ebarah. She mentions there have been several people missing lately, but she naturally suspected harpies. Fadeel comments that whatever the constable does to him will be better than being eaten by a snake.
    2. Fadeel is very grateful, and promises to never help feed man-eating snakes again. He runs off, leaving a last letter from Mirudda demanding "fresh meat" for her snake.

    Quest: Imperial Incursion (Thanks @Sylenne )
    1. You can go, but don't ever come back.
    2. No. You betrayed the Covenant. You die.
    1. Magnifico Korshad runs off without another word.
    2. ???

    Bangkorai (37-43)

    Quest: Mistress of the Lake (Thanks @Runefell )
    1. Side with the Daedra (Primeval Seekers)
    2. Side with the Nereid (Rain Disciples)
    1: Side with the Daedra: You'll help the Daedra stop the Nereid from creating a Water Stone from people's memories, first by creating a distraction (burning food crates), then you'll then go looking for the Nereid. She'll act innocent at first, then she'll reveal that she fused the memories into herself, and will now flood the temple, killing everybody inside including her disciples, as they've outlived their usefulness. You have to run all the freaking way back across the temple (water temples suck!), and, of course, kill her. Hermaeus Mora will appear, chat for a bit, and reward you.

    2. Side with the Nereid: The Nereid thanks you and Bangkorai will remain lush as it is instead of wasting away into desert.

    Quest: Will of the Woods (Thanks @Runefell & @bakkims )
    1. Help Elara become the Sentinel, saving her life, but enslaving nature
    2. Destroy the bud, ending the Sentinel line and freeing nature, but killing Elara.
    1: Elara lives. She is awed by the power flowing through her, and vows to live in stay in the woods and tend it. She states that there won't be a lot of love lost between her and the wyrd, but there will be understanding.
    2: After you make the choice, you go to Wyress Demara where she thanks you for making a tough choice and allowing the forest to grow to its full potential. Unfortunately, the Wyrd don't know what will happen to the forest now, but they look forward to seeing the rite of predator and prey restored. She then gives you the Sentinel's Longbow and a fair amount of gold.

    Quest: Imperial Infiltration (Thanks @Selene & @Crazyworm & @Linet & @Sethren )
    1. You're right. We'll lock you up. [Let the Duke Live]
    2. Sorry. The penalty for treason is death. [Kill the Duke]
    3. It's up to you, Your Majesty. [Let Queen Arzhela Decide]
    1. Duke Renchant is arrested. Queen Arzhela says that you're right to let the Duke live, though she still wants him dead.
    2. You kill Duke Renchant. Queen Arzhela states that, now that the problem has been dealt with, the real work can begin; and she asks you to meet her outside. Once there, she thanks you; admits that she should have put her personal feelings aside for the good of the kingdom; and admits that she should never have let Renchant rule.
    3. The Queen kills the Duke herself and is glad that the matter has been dealt with. (She will kill him while saying that her son and husband died for the country so she wont let a traitor like him live)

    Quest: Claim to Fame (Thanks @Selene & @Sethren )
    1. It's Clan Morkul.
    2. It's Clan Agluk.
    1. You give Maaga the letter from Clan Morkul. Maaga states that Clan Morkul can add this to their list of achievements, and he says that their outlawry has put them at odds with the Covenant in the past, but he hints that maybe they'll become more endeared to the Daggerfall Covenant with this new information. He rewards you with a necklace and some gold, and he states he just wants to go home.
    2. Maaga the historian is surprised, saying "They're all but extinct." and "This may be just the thing to bring them back." But he doesn't seem to care one way or the other.

    Quest: Freedom's Chains (Thanks @Sylenne & @Sumevala )
    1. Help Renoit break the spell and free Draven.
    2. Help Arienne Kerbol save the town from turning.
    1. You end up killing Arienne in werewolf form, and presumably other townsfolk as well (also in werewolf form), as the town is empty afterwards. Draven turns back into a wolf, but doesn't attack anyone. Renoit is happy, and says that they'll find a way to be together.
    2. You find Draven and kill him, thus breaking the connection between him and the rest of the town. Renoit witnesses the fight, and runs off in tears. The main long-term difference between the choices is with Option 1 the town is emptied of inhabitants (as they all turn and must be dealt with), while Option 2 results in a town that continues to be full of NPCs.

    Quest: The Charge of Evermore (Thanks @Sylenne )
    1. Medya should stand trial for what she's done.
    2. Medya should die.
    1. You have the chance to change your mind and condemn her to death instead. If you continue to choose a trial, Theo agrees to take her back to Evermore, saying "Whatever her fate, as it comes through my decisions, she deserves to look me in the eyes as it happens."
    2. ??? (Presumably, Squire Theo Rocque kills her.)
    Edited by Atarax on October 8, 2016 1:34PM
    50 Bosmer Nightblade
    50 Breton Sorcerer
    50 Dunmer Dragonknight
    50 Imperial Templar
    50 Khajit Nightblade
    50 Imperial Dragonknight
    50 Altmer Sorcerer
    50 Argonian Templar

    Discussions of Interest:
    Class Balance in 1.6
    Quest Choices
    Request to Reinstate Night's Silence and Dark Stalker stacking
  • Atarax
    Ebonheart Pact

    Bleakrock (1-3)

    Quest: Evacuation at of town in Bleakrock (forgot the exact name) (thanks @Mix & @Tekalynn)
    1. evacuate immediately OR
    2. continue looking for missing townsfolk
    any townsfolk not found before evacuation will be "dead". If you want the achievement make sure to find them all before choosing to evacuate.

    Long-term results:
    1. Anyone not rescued is dead.
    2. "I rescued all the Bleakrock villagers and fought at Fort Zeren. Not only did I save a good chunk of the villagers, I've been meeting them at every major town in Stonefalls ever since. Darj mentioned taking his "irregulars" to Deshaan, so I look forward to seeing if they have their own little character arc throughout the Ebonheart questline. Such a neat little detail. I love hearing how they've been doing."

    Bal Foyen (3-8 )

    Quest: Crossroads (thanks @Epkemon & @Lalaeith & @LadyDestiny & @Sakiri )
    1. Either help Captain Rana at the docks or
    2. Darj the Hunter at Fort Zeren.

    1.Helping Captain Rana at the docks will make sure she, her lieutenant from Bleakrock and the Earth-turner girl survives. However, when you go to Fort Zeren, everyone there is dead (aside from one mourner). It's quite the carnage.Later on, for her actions and defending the docks, Captain Rana is promoted. I don't know what happens if you pick the fort.
    2. Choosing the Fort over the docks will allow the people there to survive, but the docks will be slaughtered in turn and Rana, her lieutenant and the Earth-turner girl will die. They are later honoured for their sacrifice in Davon's Watch (they are lying on stones northeast of the bank, almost perfectly diagonally, with the survivors in mourning around). ***** Note, choosing this path leads to Aera Earth-Turner showing up in the Rift and granting you the quest "The Troubleshooter."

    Long-term consequences:
    Your choice seems to get important again at a level 39 Quest called Concealed Weapons in the Rift
    1. ???
    2. You meet Aera Earth-turner again and as the quest progresses come to a point where she has gone mad because of the death of her girl at the docks. She joined the Worm Cult who promised her to reunite her with her daugther if she gives them information on the Pact. And you get to choose again. Kill her or tell her to go away and never return. I haven't decided yet

    She's still a cultist, her daughter, who lives, is too busy with the guard, never visits, never talks to her, and she's despondent at missing her boys.

    I killed her, since she wouldn't come for justice.

    Stonefalls (1-15)

    Quest: Quieting a Heart (thanks @Epkemon & @columbineb14_ESO & @Soulless_God )
    1. After discovering the truth from Eanen, you can tell Bala that he was either playing with her, is buried somewhere else,
    2. or that he's waiting for her.
    1. She'll exclaim that it isn't true and will later kill herself (you can interact with her spirit on the road).
    2. She, once again, says the opposite but this time says she will look for him forever (this time, also killing herself). She'll kill herself regardless of what you tell her: it's a no-win situation, so she's probably been reading Twilight or some similar crap.

    Long-term consequences:
    If you chose the truth, look carefully: down in the river near ebonheart, you'll find her lifeless body washed up against a rock as well.

    Quest: This One's A Classic (thanks @Epkemon & @Runhent )
    Zone: Stonefalls
    1. Tell the Ancient Joke to Laughs-At-All and risk the wrath of the Mirthless Order or
    2. Don't tell him.
    1. Results in Laughs-At-All's demise, but in a rather humorous fashion.
    2. Not telling him let's him live.

    Quest: A Son's Promise (Crow's Wood) (thanks @Ilsabet & @Runefell )

    Speaking with the Crow Mother:

    1. You shouldn't be alone. I'll make Rulantaril honor his agreement.
    2. You're a foul, malicious deceiver. I will destroy you.
    3. It's clear you both deserve to die.
    1. You fight Rulantaril, who is raging in his chamber beneath the tower, and once he is subdued he grudgingly agrees to stay. He's not happy about it, but the Crow Mother is delighted to have her "love" by her side. Telbaril says he'll go see his father and expects him to have a hard time explaining all of this.
    2. You fight the Crow Mother and free Rulantaril.
    3. ???

    Quest: Through the Aftermath (thanks @Ilsabet & @Kiralya & @Ysne58 )

    1. Choose Furon's plan
    2. Choose Reesa's plan
    1. Freeing the spirits will lead you to quest "Giving for the Greater Good", where Reesa wants you to bring her a mushroom cap to help restore the plant life in the area. The spirits become neutral to you, they seem to grow fewer and the next time I passed by there was green grass there. The quest reward is "Spiritmender's Staff", a lvl 5 green weighted healing staff with health absorption charge.
    2. You have to obtain three relics and then defeat the spirits' commander to bring peace to the spirits. They remain in the area but become passive. Enslaving the spirits will lead you to quest "Wayward Son" where Furon wants you to fight your way through a cave of cultists to find out whether his brother Giron, who came up with the necromancic plan, is involved with something too sinister. No idea what happens to the landscape. The quest reward is a green destruction staff.

    Quest: An Unwanted Twin (thanks @Ilsabet )

    1. Ra-Shadda must pay for his crimes.
    2. I know Ra-Shadda genuinely mourns his wife.
    1. ???
    2. Ruvali is skeptical but decides that there has been enough death. She tells you to follow Ra-Shadda's instructions to use the totem at an altar and then kill the monster. After you defeat the monster, Ruvali reluctantly lets Ra-Shadda go and realizes that enslaving other races will only lead to more uprisings and death.

    Deshaan (16-24)

    Quest: Bad Medicine (Thanks @Runhent & @Epkemon )
    1. Ask Aerona to leave her afflicted brother (All right, I'll talk to her) or
    2. Leave Aerona with her brother Dethisam Berendas (No. There's still time to try to help you)
    Ask Aerona to leave her brother Dethisam Berendas: she will grudgingly do so. Dethisam thanks you and then willingly drinks poison, dying where you found him. Aerona becomes the new town consul.
    Leave Aerona with her brother Dethisam Berendas: after destroying plague materials and leaving the Quarantine Dethisam Berendas is very ill, but alive. Aerona starts quest chain to help town alchemist with the cure for all afflicted.

    Quest: The Soldier's Alibi (Thanks @Tekalynn & @MartyVendetta27 )

    1. Give book
    2. Refuse to lie
    1. The sergeant seems a bit skeptical of the soldier's "heroism", but says the book seems to be proof. The soldier says he's grateful, but sounds a bit blase about it.
    2. The sergeant praises you for being honest, while Sarvyn tells you he hops you fall into a pit of guar dung.

    Quest: What Lies Beneath

    1. Let retainer live
    2. Kill retainer
    1. I haven't seen any ramification yet, Captain Valic takes over and promotes Ragna.
    2. ????

    Quest: Fighting Back (thanks @Tekalynn & @Ilsabet & @Runhent & @Laurelinde & @Runefell )

    1. Take Madras' side (I'll help you.)
    2. Try to save peasants' lives and take guards' side (Peasants going up against the Maulborn? That's suicide. You'll alll die. Let me deal with this.)

    1.Take Madras' side: You steal weapons from the Hlaalu armory and give them to the smith while the townsfolk distract the guards. When you get to the abandoned house, Madras is still alive, and deeply remorseful that his pride got his friends killed (clearly they weren't strong enough to defeat the Maulborn). He has, however, saved the life of the Hlaalu counselor.
    2. The rebels decide you're a jerk and kick you out of their secret meeting. You meet up with a sympathetic guard outside, and she helps you gain entry to the place where the hostages are being held. You defeat the traitor, but by the time you reach the abandoned house many of the villagers have died. Councilor Ralden is mortally wounded and dies after speaking with you. Some of the villagers are saved, and the Hlaalu guard sets about cleansing the lake of the plague.

    Quest: Nothing Left to Waste (thanks @Ilsabet & @Runhent & @MartyVendetta27 )

    1. Give the treasures to Kotholl, telling him to make sure the money goes toward feeding his children.
    2. Tell Kotholl to give the treasures to the families of the deceased merchants and ask them for his back pay.
    1. He thanks you and rewards you.
    2. Kotholl protests that the spoiled children of wealthy merchants don't deserve more treasures, but then he agrees to do as you say and apologizes for lying.

    Quest: Mechanical Murder (thanks @Ilsabet )

    1. I'm afraid not. You either face the constructs or face me.
    2. I'm turning you over to the Hlaalu. They'll decide what to do with you.
    1. ???
    2. Omalor reckons it's better to deal with the Hlaalu than the "walking buzzsaws." You lead him to the exit of the ruin, and when you fight with the Dres enemies he remarks on how they're still fighting. (Every single time. Like, shut up dude.) Outside, he's humiliated to be tied up (but at least he's alive), and Defender Maera is looking forward to humiliating him further on the way to Mournhold.

    Quest: Vengeance of the Oppressed (thanks @Ilsabet & @Runhent & @Runefell & @xFoRc3XV )

    1. Don't tell Betina about the ambush.
    2. Tell Betina about the ambush.
    1. She'll ask you to meet you by her family farm. Once there, you do have a second chance to warn her. If you continue on with the deception, she'll reveal that she knew about the ambush all along, and you'll have to fight and kill her, with the Argonians' help. Afterwards, the Argonians thank you for your help. The male is glad that nobody will own his family again, while the female mourns the fact that they're as bad as the Volaks.
    2. Betina is already aware that the two Argonians want to kill her like they killed her parents. She asks you to meet her at her house. She says that the Argonians have already had their revenge and she doesn't intend to let them have her life too. When you enter the house, the Argonians attack you and you help Betina and her taciturn Nord bodyguard kill them. Afterward, Betina isn't really looking forward to having to run the farm by herself, but she expects that the "unnatural" Pact will fall apart soon and she can go back to doing things the old way.

    Quest: A Family Divided (thanks @Runhent & @bareheiny )

    1. Leave Sela in the camp (You'll be safe here. I'll find you husband.)
    2. Ask her to wait outside the crypt (You're not safe here. Get out now.)

    1. Leave Sela in the camp: she will be eaten by kind refuges.
    2. Ask her to wait outside the crypt: she will be alive after all.

    Both choices result in you ultimately getting a cosmetic item that makes you vomit.

    Quest: A Bitter Pill (thanks @Runhent & @Snowfaerie )

    1. You're sick. I'm putting the end to this madness!
    2. I understand. You had no choice.

    1. Burn the meal: 1) if Sela is alive - it'll be all right eventually. Danus will agree to lead his people out of the crypt; if Sela was eaten - Danus will become very angry and attack you. And will die, of course.
    2. If you agree with Danus after sparing Sela in the first quest (A Family Divided), he will thank you for understanding, and tells you to go and take Sela with you since she has "a delicate taste, cinnamon to be spesific, and they all get so very hungry". This option will end with Sela alive and meeting you at the bridge as she would if you burned the meat. You will tell her that Garil is dead, and she will end up believing that he was killed by the plague like Danus said.

    Quest: For Their Own Protection (thanks @Runhent )

    1. I'm working for Councilor Ralden and this looks rather suspicious.
    2. You're the one who should leave, before we have a problem.

    1. Tell the truth: all will be OK, Naryu will help.
    2. ???

    Quest: Carving Cuttle (thanks @Runhent & @MartyVendetta27 )

    Options: It seems that the choice will appear if you talk with strange Dunmers sitting in the upper level of Deepcrag Den - after taking the quest. They told you about real aid of Orona. So, the choice:
    1. Agree with Orona and give her collected cuttle (That makes a certain amount of sense.) or
    2. Tell her return this cuttle to Boril (I think you should give it to Boril instead of selling it.)

    1. She rewards you with 109 gold.
    2. Tell her return this cuttle to Boril: she won't be happy, but agree and pay you some gold:

    Quest: A Favor Returned (thanks @Runhent & @Runefell )

    1. Do all by yourself.
    2. Persuade Naryu to do all herself.


    1. You have to go down to the basement and 'modify' the bottle of wine. Then Naryu pretends to flirt with you while the Dres takes the wine and goes outside. You have to shadow him without him seeing. He'll run through the city for a while, then find a secluded corner, drink the wine, and collapse. As a note, stay on the path behind him. At first, I tried staying above him, but I then failed the quest and got a sharp rebuke from Naryu. Fortunately, you get to try again, so you don't fail it permanently.
    2. [Persuade] Naryu to do all herself - request you a Mage Guild skill, and Naryu will send you to the basement for a bottle of wine. And she will flirt with Thauravil Dres, lure him upstairs and stun. So you will be able to grab a key and go to the Dres farm.




    Quest: Trial of the Ghost Snake

    1. Give the Totem to Raston
    2. Burn the Totem
    3. Suggest something else
    1. ??? I assume the Mabrigash begin trading with the outside world
    2. ??? The Mabrigash stay isolationists. I assume Raston is forced to stay in the village
    3. Raston will be released if he agrees to keep the village a secret.Tevynni Hedran will act as a middleman for trade, so they can keep somewhat hidden.

    Shadowfen (25-30)

    Quest: Will of the Broken
    1. Keep potion for yourself
    2. Allow him to drink the potion
    1. ????
    2. He drinks the potion, thanks you, then dies. After you turn in the Urn to Vaudrie, you are able to return to her whenever you like for a Blessing of Arkay, which gives you 5% damage resistance versus Daedra for 5 minutes (these kinds of buffs should be 24 hours IMO).

    Quest: Strength Of the Father (thanks @MartyVendetta27 )
    1. Make Xthari Elixir for Mozgosh
    2. Make Seriweed Elixir
    1. Cures her, but leaves her weak. She says that the others were right and she was not worth saving. She stays and hopes she'll be strong enough to leave again someday.
    2. Giving Mozgosh the Seriweed elixir is the better option. she says "i feel strong again, fully healed. Where's my father? I must go to him." you tell her he's dead, she gives you 233 gold and Chieftain's Greaves

    Quest: A Life of Privilege
    Talking to Suriel
    1. You're wrong, I don't work with slavers
    1.a. This should be enough to buy your freedom (give gold)
    1.b. How did you come to be a slave? -> 1.a or 2.b
    2. You admitted to stealing, I'm not sure I can't trust you.
    2.a. Calm Down. Tell me how you became a slave. 1.a or 2.b
    2.b. This is between the two of you, leave me out of this.

    Talking to Aldyna
    3. Here, have a look at what she stole.
    3.a. You're just going to take her and leave? --> 3.b and 4.b.
    3.b. This is none of my business. Here, take you're things. I'll be on my way
    4. I don't work with slavers.
    4.a. You're just going to take her and leave? --> 3.b and 4.b.
    4.b. [Intimidate] Take your trinkets. Suriel stays.
    Turns out she was sold into slavery at 15. It also turns out that Aldyna claims her family has fallen on hard times and "what you see here is everything I own."

    1.a. Suriel gives the gold and items to Aldyna to buy her freedom, then runs off. Aldyna has a pity party but rewards the player anyway.
    2.b. ???

    3.b. ???
    4.b. Aldyna reluctantly agrees, but threatens Suriel if she ever sees her again. Suriel is grateful and rewards the player, then talks about stowing away to escape.

    Quest: The Skin-Stealer's Lair
    1. Agree to help free Lyranth
    2. Refuse to help Lyranth
    3. Agree to free Bijots friends
    4. Choose to stick to Lyranth's plan
    1. Apparently Lyranth kills the prisoners at the end, making the final fight easier.
    2. --->3. Bijot tells you it's a good thing you didn't release Lyranth, you then go into the room and distract her and get her information while she threatens you before Bijot opens the door anyway. Once inside, you can talk to Bijot and he offers to free the prisoners, you can either ask him to, or tell him not to as you're afraid he'll get killed. If you ask him to free the prisoners, he lives anyway and asks you not to report his involvement.
    4. ????

    Quest: Shadowfen Smorgasbord
    1. Give Meat to the Chef
    2. Give Meat to the Hunter

    In both cases, they make each other dance and sing their praise.

    Quest: Into the Temple (Thanks @Runefell & @Melilotta & @WhiteCoatSyndrome )
    1. Allow Drillk to give you the keystone, at the cost of his own life
    2. Say that you'll just deal without the keystone, and Drillk lives
    1. Drillk thanks you and says that this way his long life has had some meaning after all, and he can finally join his people. Then he performs a short ritual, you absorb the stone and Drillk disappears.
    2. You have another chance to take the second option. If you persist, Drillk sadly says that you should've let him die and join his people. Then he walks around, talking to statues and obviously mad from his years of solitude. When you go back to the original questgiver, Lodyna, she says that she wouldn't want the death on her conscience either, and as far as she's concerned, the keystone is lost in the swamp.

    Further info: When speaking to the Ayleid ghost, I asked her if they made the Knahaten Flu and she told me she didn't answer to me and attacked. I ended up re-doing that quest, and for the 'Drillk sent me' option she'll gripe that he sent you to steal more treasures and complain that the flu didn't work.

    Quest: The Keystone (thanks @Deefje )
    1. Absorb Keystone
    2. Destroy Keystone

    1. Absorbing it will make all the prisoner's hostile. You'll find Gernt inside the prisoners camp tied up. You get the option to kill the General (do this before untyin Gernt or the option and the general will disappear). I didn't kill the general. Gernt was pleased that the power of the keystone remained accessible for the pact.
    2. All I know at this point is it will set the prisoner's free and I read somehwere that some guards would be killed or such.

    Quest: Schism (Free our Goblin Brothers decision part) (thanks @cagansuleb17_ESO )

    1. Agree with Mihail.
    2. Agree with "other guy"

    1. If you agree with the argonian Mihail to drive the goblins back to their swamp he won't survive.If you go back you will find his dead body that has a "E" to interact with his body but nothing is offered.(not sure they fix it)
    2. If you agree with other guy (don't remember the name) he will hand the totem to Suuri Dreth.She will enslave goblins and make the mine work again.She will give you some gold and Stonegrinder's Dagger (green lvl 25 weapon).Also that decision will make the agronians -who work in mine- mad.They keep saying that slavery is not a part of the Pact and you dishonored the Pact.

    Quest: A Poisoned Heart (thanks @cagansuleb17_ESO )

    1. Give Rhea the poison
    2. Give Marius the poison

    1. If you give Rhea the poison she gives you 223 gold and Strap of Mist Evasion (lvl 30 green heavy armor belt).She casts a spell on Marius and stuns him.Also she disappears. Quest line ends.
    2. If you give Marius the poison he gives the same reward.After completion he kills Rhea and runs away.Quest line ends.

    Quest : Pull the Last Fang (thanks @cagansuleb17_ESO )
    Options :
    1. Give the fangs to Sharava
    2. Give the fangs to Looks-Under-Rocks

    1. If you give the fangs to Sharava she will thank you and give your reward.Quest line ends.
    2. If you give the fangs to Looks-Under-Rocks everyone in the area will cover in fear and Aspect of Sithis appears.You need to talk to her.She wants you to give 1 fang to her and keep it the other one.Also she says you will meet someday.After you complete conversation with her Shadowscales and she disappears.When you talk to Looks-Under-Rocks he thanks to you and you get your reward.Quest line ends.

    You get the same reward in both situations.

    Eastmarch (35-40)

    Quest: A Right to Live
    1. [Intimidate] If you lie to me, I'll hunt you and your clan down.
    2. No, she seems fine. I can't risk her life.
    3. All right. Try to cure her.
    1. Leads to choices 2 & 3.
    2. ????
    3. He agrees to try to save Scales and watch over her. Then asks you for further assistance.

    Quest: The Better of Two Evils
    1. Agree to meet with Majorn or
    2. Refuse to meet with Majorn
    1. Gives you the option of talking to Majorn or ignoring him and seeking out hunters if you talk to Majorn he explains that he's less dangerous than his son because his son is creating the bloodfiends
    1.a "You just expect me to take your word for it and kill your son" -> He explains that he could simply crush you, and the others Valeric tried to save but failed went into a frenzy and had to be put down. leads to ->
    1.a.i. "Fine. I'll help you" (Majorn)
    1.a.ii. "I can't help you. Those monsters out there, you did that." ---> leads to same path as choice #2 below
    1.b "Very well. Valeric could do more harm than he realizes"
    1.c. "You're a monster. You have to be stopped."
    2. Turus says you've made an enemy and Majorn will know of your choice.-->
    You then go into the manor and find Rala feasting on the thrall.
    2.a "[Persuade] This isn't you Rala. You have to control yourself." ---> Rala eventually agrees and gives you a key to Wittestadr Crypts. You kill Majorn, then Valeric takes his friends to go somewhere "safe" where they won't be a danger to others.
    2.b. Tell Rala to "Stop. Now."--->???

    Quest: Kireth's Amazing Plan (thanks @nerdywife & @Trosski )
    1. Support Kireth
    2. Support Raynor
    1. Raynor is a little mad at first but comes around.
    2. Kireth is understanding, and agrees that Reynor deserves some recognition.She also accepts that she doesn't have the best track record for delving, and wonders if the Mage's guild will teach them the skills they need to be come great adventurers.

    Quest: Our Poor Town
    1. "I'll let you go after you tell me where the reagents are."
    2. "You let hungry trolls destroy an entire village." My name is Inigo Montoya, prepare to die.
    1. You let him live, then find the reagents, and save the argonian.
    2. "You will not find the ingridients and the argonian will die at the ritual." (thanks Kego)

    Quest: Bath Time
    1. All right. If you insist.
    2. No. The salts are too dangerous.
    1. "he'll add them (salts) to the water. The woman dies and the two men stand there going 'ow, ow, ow'–I think they were supposed to die too. (thanks WhiteCoatSyndrom)
    2. The quest giver is upset, but the skantily-clad woman nearby thanks you. Which is always a good thing.

    Quest: Songs of Sovangarde
    1. Spare him.
    2. Kill him.
    1. You have the option to spare the brother by persuading the King.
    2. ????

    The Rift (41-48)

    Quest: All's Fair
    1. Plant illegal items.
    2. Tell him the scheme.
    2. If you tell him the plot, he forgives Sarisa and gives her gold and supplies, Sarisa accepts the items, but is shamed and claims she'll "never forgive him."

    Quest: The Thunder Breaks (Thanks Maialun)
    1. Save the Thane.
    2. Chase after the Housecarl.
    1. The thane lives, gives you Bonebane, and a peice of Wuuthraad.
    2. You kill the Housecarl. The old Thane dies. Hallfrida becomes Thane.
    Reward: Bonebane, Shard of Wuuthrad

    Quest: Blood Upon the Soil (thanks @Snowalker)
    1. I'm listening.
    2. You're Crazy! You Murdered Her Family!
    1. Rilyn wants you to give Frirhand's ring to Guard Jorald and claim you found it on bandits so that Raerana and Rilyn can run away together. Jorald takes ring and gives Lamellar War Belt and 263 gold. Quest complete.
    2. Rilyan runs to tell Raerana thinking she'll go with him. She panics and tries to run away, you kill Rilyan. Raerana expresses regret that she didn't notice the signs sooner, then says she'll stay with her Aunt & Uncle in Riften.

    Edited by Atarax on September 26, 2016 8:45PM
    50 Bosmer Nightblade
    50 Breton Sorcerer
    50 Dunmer Dragonknight
    50 Imperial Templar
    50 Khajit Nightblade
    50 Imperial Dragonknight
    50 Altmer Sorcerer
    50 Argonian Templar

    Discussions of Interest:
    Class Balance in 1.6
    Quest Choices
    Request to Reinstate Night's Silence and Dark Stalker stacking
  • Atarax
    Quest: Wisdom of the Ages
    1. Side with the scholars
    2. Side with the warriors
    1. You have to convince the warriors to accept your decision, then destroy the vampiric shard. Thereafter, the scholars will support you and there will be an argonian enclave in town.
    2. You have to convince the scholars of your decision, and the warriors will support you. The warriors also hint that "if you succeed, then perhaps the Hist will be freed."

    Quest: Into the Woods
    1. Ask the Lamia for Help
    2. Ask the Wood Elf for Help
    1. You have to slaughter the elves, then the Lamia will help you and move into the city.
    2. Starts quest "the Shadow's Embrace." You have to slaughter Lamia and the Lamia champion, but you can persuade Faraniel to just let you kill the champion, then the Elves will help you and move into the city.

    Quest: Special Blend
    1. You need to forgive Bernt. He's the only family you have left.
    2. Bernt needs to be punished. He can remain here.
    1. Nelhilda takes the others to the Hallow City and says she'll try to forgive her father.
    2. ???

    Quest: The Soul-Meld Mage
    1. Choose Gadris.
    2. Choose Zur.
    1. Gadris lives, Zur dies. Gadris appears as an NPC in the Dark Alchemy Lab in The Hollow City.
    2. Zur lives, Gadris dies. Zur appears in the Dark Alchemy Lab in the Hollow City.

    Quest: Between Blood and Bone (thanks @Sethren & @nerdywife )
    1. All right, here.
    2. Absolutely not.
    1. You give One-Eye the Crown. She cautions you that if she turns on you, you know what to do. She becomes a skeleton, and she is the new leader of the skeletons. They're still there, but they are friendly to you. All the skeletons in the area become neutral, and they join in the final push against Molag-Bal's forces.

    2. You destroy the crown, the skeletons remain as-is and the Captain says she'll try shaman tricks to free them.

    Quest: God of Schemes
    1. So be it.
    2. I could release you if you wish.
    1. ????
    2. Manimarco disappears while calling you a fool. Lyris thinks you'll regret releasing him later.



    Quest: Stolen Banner
    1. Burn Banner
    2. Return Banner
    1. You are rewarded and thwart the evil elf's schemes to have Vlestarus declare for the Dominion.
    2. ???


    Quest: Placeholder
    1. [Option]
    2. [Option]
    1. [Result]
    2. [Result]
    Edited by Atarax on September 26, 2016 7:31PM
    50 Bosmer Nightblade
    50 Breton Sorcerer
    50 Dunmer Dragonknight
    50 Imperial Templar
    50 Khajit Nightblade
    50 Imperial Dragonknight
    50 Altmer Sorcerer
    50 Argonian Templar

    Discussions of Interest:
    Class Balance in 1.6
    Quest Choices
    Request to Reinstate Night's Silence and Dark Stalker stacking
  • Atarax
    Fighter's Guild

    Quest: Will of the Council (Thanks Yunga)
    Zone: Halls of Submission (Fighter's Guild quest)
    1. The Guild has spoken: you must die.
    2. Your quest ist just. Let's finish, and go.
    1. [???]
    2. Aelif traps Sees-All-Colors in a magic prison and sics Molag Bal's daedric minions on you.

    Option #2 leads to another choice later on:

    1. [Sees-All-Colors stays] She did what she felt she had to. Let her serve the Guild.
    2. [Sees-All-Colors Leaves] You're right, we can't allow a Daedric worshiper so close to the council.

    1. Countess Hakruba strips Sees-All-Colors of her title as Guildmaster and names her Light of the Guild instead, making her oversee all matters regarding the hunt for Daedric Anchors. Merric becomes the new Guildmaster.
    2. [???]

    Mage's Guild

    Quest: The Mad God's Bargain
    1. [Valaste Stays]
    2. [Valaste Goes]
    1. Valaste is cured, and you receive a staff, no skill points.
    2. Valaste stays with Shegorath and you receive a skill point reward.

    Thieves Guild / Hew's Bane

    Quest: Partners in Crime
    1. Return the Giovessen Skull
    2. Fight the Iron Wheel
    1. ?
    2. You kill the guards, when you finally get to the Thieves Guild, Zeira is pleased you were able to bring in the skull. You get an armor box, a skill point, and Thieve's Guild armor as a result. However, longer term, you will confront Chief Inspector Rhanbiq at a key moment. He uses this choice as a reason not to trust you. So one of your companions has to knock him unconscious. The thieves then proceed to rob the Iron Wheel blind. You run into the Chief Inspector again much later, and he again says he can't trust you because of this choice. You have the opportunity to persuade him otherwise.

    Quest: The Long Game (thanks @Ilsabet )
    1. You were desperate. You made a mistake. But only Quen can forgive you.
    2. You betrayed Quen. You don't deserve a second chance.
    1. Quen readily forgives Lady Sulima, who is grateful for your intervention. Since Lady Sulima's money is all gone, Quen invites her to live with her at the Thieves Den. Lady Sulima later appears in Quen's rooftop retreat. You can find a letter in the Thieves Den from Saroldo to Quen wherein he states that his "greatest treasure" was the chance for Quen to find Lady Sulima and create a family with her.
    2. Quen tells Lady Sulima she'll get nothing, Lady Sulima begs, but then acknowledges she deserves such cruelty. Quen says the choice isn't easy, but she feels like you made the right one.

    Quest: His Greatest Treasure (thanks @Ilsabet )
    1. Don't blame Velsa. It was my choice to infiltrate the Iron Wheel's headquarters.
    2. The Iron Wheel doesn't scare me.
    3. You want to be a leader? Stop whining and lead.
    1. ?
    2. Zeira acknowledges your bravery and admits that you pulled it off well, and then asks what you've learned.
    3. Zeira says, "You just... ha! You have a knack for telling people what they need to hear." She then asks what you learned.

    Quest: Everyone Has A Price (thanks @Snowfaerie )
    1. Leave her here and teach her a lesson.
    2. You have to set her free and make this right.
    1. Walks-softly tells Anais she needs to learn a lesson about what it's like to be a slave. Anais promises she'll get away, then she'll find you and make you pay. The pirates demand a ransom from her family, who hesitate to pay, but Walks is sure they'll pay eventually. Also, Pimsy is set free.
    2. Walks agrees to free Anais and tells her she will let her go. Anais swears that she will make both of you pay for what you have done, even if you did persuade Walks to free her. When you meet Walks back in the Den, he tells you that he escorted Anais back to her mansion, where she is no doubt plotting against you even as you speak. Still, Walks says that the letters you planted worked perfectly and Pimsy was set free.

    Quest: Forever Hold Your Piece (thanks @Ilsabet )
    1. Choose Quen a. You have the best chance of reaching the upper levels. b. You're important to me Quen
    2. Choose Walks-Softly a. You're the best choice for mingling at the wedding b. You're important to me Walks-Softly.
    3. Choose Silver-Claw
    4. Choose Velsa a
    1. a. ?? b. You meet Quen outside the wedding location and can comment on her dress i. You're quite right, you look ridiculous results in a response of "Thanks for rubbing it in partner" ii. Actually, it looks good on you to which she says that's nice of you to say, but we both know it suits her as well as a month-long sea voyage. iii. I was wondering if you'll be able to climb in that to which she replies "not without showing the wedding party a third moon in the sky." I chose iii. of course.
    2. a. Walks is mostly looking forward to the food at the party. At the palace, I told him his outfit looked good on him and he was miffed that I didn't use stronger words of praise. b. ???
    3. ??
    4. ??

    Quest: Prison Break (thanks @Ilsabet )
    1. If you tell us where to find Zeira, you'll get a lockpick.
    2. You don't get a lockpick. You don't get anything.
    1. He tells you Zeira is on a ship at the docks and if you hurry you can reach it in time. You are able to rescue Zeira. Nicolas apparently doesn't use the lockpick to escape, and is later loaded onto a prison ship to be taken to Taneth to stand trial.
    2. ???

    Quest: The One That Got Away (thanks @Ilsabet & @Cryptical )
    1. [Persuade] The Iron Wheel Killed Many Good People. Is their blood on your hands, or is it on Nicolas?
    2. Tell me what you know. Why do you care what happens to him?
    1. He says he thought Abas Landing full of bandits. When he realized the Iron Wheel was being used he pulled them out. He then gives you the key to his strongbox. He then says he's done with the case.
    2. ???

    Later you run into Nicolas.

    Conversation with Nicolas (N):
    N1. You don't get to have a happy family. Your wife should know who you really are.
    N2. Zeira wants you to stay away from Abah's Landing
    N3. She didn't want you to beg. She wanted you dead. [Nicolas dies.]

    N1. Nicolas protests that he loves his wife, but sees that Zeira wants you to take away what is important to him. You speak to Volunidai and tell her who her husband really is. She doesn't believe you until you show her his wanted poster. She asks what she should do, and you get three more options:
    N1A. Protect yourself. Keep him as far away from your money as you can.
    N1B. Seek out a man named Rhanbiq. He wants Nicolas brought to justice in Taneth.
    N1C. Make him pay. He could have stolen your fortune.

    N1A. Volunidai says "I have a relative at the bank. I'll ensure my funds are protected. Whatever he's called, he won't leave here with a single coin."
    N1B. Volunidai says she'll find Rhanbiq and expects her "soon-to-be-ex-husband" to be tried in Taneth within a month. She runs into the house to confront him, and he says that he can explain, but when you follow her the house is empty. When you tell Zeira that you found Nicolas and ruined his marriage, she is surprised that he sweet-talked his way into someone's life so quickly and says you did his unlucky spouse a favor. She trusts your judgment and is looking forward to restoring the guild.
    N1C. ???

    N2. He says "Truly? You shall never hear from me again. I swear it upon the love I hold for my dear wife. This home, my wife... it's all I shall ever want." When you depart the house, you hear him saying that his unexpected guests are leaving and they should share some wine. When you talk to Zeira, she trusts your judgment and says you both need to focus on restoring the guild.
    N3. Presumably, Nicolas dies.

    Dark Brotherhood / Gold Coast

    Quest: The Sweetroll Killer (thanks @D3F1ANC3)
    This quest has multiple possible choice points with different characters.
    Choice 1 Tuindal (the baker):
    1. Tell him to keep doing what he is doing and remain in plain view.
    2. Tell Him to alter his routine.
    1. He is murdered.
    2. He travels to Anvil and survives.
    Choice 2 Dobias Sophus (the merchant):
    1. Tell him to keep doing what he is doing and continue wandering in the market.
    2. Tell him to hide.
    1. He survives and ends up travelling to Anvil.
    2. He is murdered.
    Choice 3 Yarmia (the apprentice):
    1. Tell her she can't have a weapon.
    2. Tell her she can have a weapon.
    1. She survives and travels with Razum-dar to Anvil.
    2. She is murdered.
    Choice 4 The Sweetroll Killer.
    1. Let them live.
    2. Kill them.
    1. Razum-dar agrees it is for the best as the surviving victims will now be safe. Naryu is angry as she fears the killer will now wreak havoc in another region.
    2. Naryu is pleased as she believes more lives were saved in the long run. Razum-dar is angry as this is not how an Eye of the Queen should do things and instead likens it to a Dark Brotherhood killing.

    Quest: Pious Intervention
    1. You're obviously dangerous, so I suppose I have no choice.
    2. Why does the Grand Chanter fear the words of Boethiah?
    3. Help! Someone! They're going to make me disappear!
    1. ???
    2. Lieutenant Mervial says, "the Grand Chanter fears nothing, least of all a pathetic Daedra who pales in comparison to the mighty Dragon God!" Then sends you to meet the Grand Chanter. The Grand Chanter threatens to behead you, then Josseline steps forward to protest, the Grand Chanter threatens her, then Crafty Larissa shows up and you all flee together. Larissa sends you to find Josseline. You eventually find her and she brings up the Boethia thing and you ranting about it. She then asks if you are a Daedra (Sheogorath) out to prove a point. To which you can respond:
    2.A. No, just a friend.
    2.B. [Lie] Yes! I'm Sheogorath. You discovered my clever ploy.

    Which results in:
    2.A. ???
    2.B. She doesn't believe you and calls you on your lie. Larissa shows up and they talk, Larissa rewards you with a Sithis' Touch armor crate.

    3. ???
    Edited by Atarax on October 7, 2016 9:55PM
    50 Bosmer Nightblade
    50 Breton Sorcerer
    50 Dunmer Dragonknight
    50 Imperial Templar
    50 Khajit Nightblade
    50 Imperial Dragonknight
    50 Altmer Sorcerer
    50 Argonian Templar

    Discussions of Interest:
    Class Balance in 1.6
    Quest Choices
    Request to Reinstate Night's Silence and Dark Stalker stacking
  • Atarax
    Imperial City

    Quest: Placeholder
    1. [Description]
    2. [Description]
    1. [Result]
    2. [Result]


    Quest: Invitation to Orsinium (Thanks @Sylenne )
    Options (Gulug):
    1. I'll tell the Guard about this. Don't try to leave the city.
    2. If you're truly doing this to help the city, I won't report you to the Guard.
    1. Kulug is angry, but won't stop you. He says even though he may not be able to enjoy his gold, at least his tonics are out doing good in the city.
    2. ???

    Options (Solgra): (not sure if these are different depending on your choice for Gulug)
    1. Report Gulug.
    2. Don't name Gulug.
    1. Solgra is grateful for your aid, saying, "You located the stolen supplies and uncovered our betrayer? Trinimac surely sent you to us in our time of need!"
    2. ???

    Quest: Of Sentimental Value (thanks @anghara & @nurrtibub16_ESO )
    1. Give the pendant to Azeeda.
    2. Give the pendant to Youss.
    1. Azeeda thanks you for your belief, and returning the one remaining connection to her home and parents. Youss has nothing to say to you or that conniving witch Azeeda. He vows never to dally with another sea trollop again, no matter how beautiful or good smelling. Just Alani, from now on.
    2. Youss thanks you for believing in him and says that now he can propose to his betrothed Alani. Azeeda is disappointed that you listened to that "lying dog" and says she feels sorry for Alani (if she even exists), because Youss has been cheating on her in every port.

    Quest: The Truly Favored (thanks @Darlgon & @MaxB )
    1. Bring the Vengeful Eye to Orsinium
    2. Bring the Vengeful Eye to the Shrine of Malacath
    3. Destroy the Vengeful Eye
    1. The quest giver, Dagahar, in the room in the house at the end of the Living area, says she could tell I had it.. Malacath told her to kill me and take it. I say i would just rather turn it over to her.. She Explains historical claims on Vengeful Eye of warriors of Reach Winterborns and Malacath's followers. She gives a leveled "Ring of the Furious One" (+Weapon Dmg, +Max Sta) and XP.
    2. ?
    3. Kyrtos is pleased that it could be destroyed and says it shows Malacath that you're not a plaything. He also will answer questions about his briarheart.

    Quest: A Question of Succession (thanks @Sylenne )
    1. Replace Laurig's Sword
    2. Replace Ushaka's Sword
    1. Ushruka wins. Yazara says, "I convinced our clan that Ushruka's victory would test our faith in Malacath's favor. They'll accept her...for now." She also intends to advise Ushruka, saying, "She'll need all the help she can get." Also, Ushruka supports King Kurog wholeheartedly, telling her clan, "At King Kurog's side, we shall lead Tamriel to greatness!"
    2. Laurig wins, Yazara says the clan will accept the outcome, and she will advise Laurig while keeping an eye out for weakness.

    Quest: Blood Price (thanks @anghara )
    1. [Persuade] It's clear you both loved Chief Ogzor. If Shatul must survive, you should support her - not accuse her.
    2. I'll help. Tell me what must be done.
    3. I can't help you. Glagosh wasn't responsible for Chief Ogzor's death.
    1. She admits you're right and says she was just angry and will speak with Glagosh.
    2. You are asked to collect the blood price. You can Intimidate Glagosh, pay for her, or fight her.
    3. ?

    Quest: Sorrow's Kiss
    1. Grant Relic to Kharsthun
    2. Grant Relic to Lady Laurent
    1. Kharsthun is pleased, Laurent displeased. Stibbons then equips the relic and is frozen in place. After which, Laurent gets the idea to call the shrine an annex and is pleased; she also says she'll get someone from the Mage's guild to thaw Stibbons out.
    2. Laurent is pleased, and portals you back to Orsinium, thereafter the relic appears in the museum.

    Quest: Thukhozod the Eternal
    1. Sell the Amulet to Meram Farr
    2. Find Khoruzoth's Mother
    1. ?
    2. Yazoga is saddened by the news, but thanks you for bringing her the news, letting you keep the amulet.

    Quest: Forcing the Faith (thanks @D3F1ANC3 )
    1. Save Gahar
    2. Save Unsulag
    1. Gahar laments the loss of Unsulag, and promises to use his magic to aid you. At the end of the quest he promises to make it up to Unsulag's family somehow.
    2. Unsulag says that she has a family that needs her and while saddened by Gahar's death, she is glad that you spared her life. She assists you with her healing magic as you fight your way out.

    Quest: Draugr Dilemma (Atarax's new favorite quest in the game)
    1. I think I hear another dragon priest! Quick, hide! <Trick Narsis>
    2. You should tell the villagers the truth.
    1. Narsis runs into a sarcophagus and tells you to deal with the dragon priest. You then shut him into the sarcophagus. Narsis pleads for help, but you leave to speak with Mazgroth. You tell her what happened, and about him being trapped. She says he'll have to figure it out for himself, and thanks you for helping stop the draugr. You receive the same reward as the other options.
    2. Narsis runs off and says he's going to tell the villagers "how Narsis Dren saved the day." When you return to the village, Narsis is telling a story about how he vanquished the draugr. When you speak to him, you have the option to persuade him to give the villagers some gold for the trouble he caused (2.a), or to tell Mazgroth the truth (2.b).
    2.a If you persuade him, he agrees, but says he won't be mentioning you in his next book. He then gives Mazgroth gold. You then speak with Mazgroth and she says she knows that Narsis isn't that generous, and shares the gold with you.
    2.b ?

    Quest: The Hand of Morkul
    1. Morkul Clan's strength came from here. Embrace your past.
    2. Your clan's greatest strength was leaving. You don't need this place.
    1. Convince Ashaka to embrace the old ways, but she believes that Clan Morkul had spent generations forging with 'clean hands' untainted with blood magic. So she believes there is a better way to use the forge. By using the crafter's own blood to forge the weapons and armor rather than murdering others for it.
    2. Ashaka agrees with you and says she needs to inform her clan. She also thinks there's a better way to use the forge. By using the blood of spiders instead of their enemies.

    Quest: Tinker Trouble (Thanks @D3F1ANC3 & @GraveD )
    1. Talk to Raynor Vanos
    2. Talk to Kireth Vanos
    1. Raynos pulls out the rod and the construct runs off. Kireth says your plan to fix the construct was foolish, but it happens all the time, so she'll take care of it.
    2. Kireth destroys the construct. Raynor is upset that all of his work was destroyed but Kireth assures you that he will get over it soon enough.

    Quest: Thicker than Water
    1. Sure. Why Not?
    2. No.
    1. ?
    2. She tries to convince you to try it, but you can refuse. You still get rewarded.

    Quest: To Save A Chief
    1. <Drink the Potion>
    2. <Refuse the Potion> No thanks. I'll take my chances.
    1. Frilan informs you of traps, particularly a spike trap, and tells you to turn the valve outside the room before the other three to prevent the spike trap from resetting.
    2. ?

    Quest: The Anger of a King
    1. Kill the Vosh Rakh
    2. Sacrifice Talviah
    1. You save Talviah's life, and find a note that tells you about the plan anyway.
    2. ?

    Quest: Blood on a King's Hands
    1. I've had enough of cultists and assassins. <Kill>
    2. Let her escape.
    1. You proceed on to confront Kurog.
    2. ?

    Quest: A Heart of Brass
    1. Close Auditorial Valve to Kill Harmonic Auditor
    2. Return to Glurbasha and Leave Harmonic Auditor Alive
    1. Harmonic Auditor says "Free at last" You go back to Glurbasha and she is a sad panda.
    2. [Result]

    Quest: The Durzog Whistle (thanks @Sylenne & @Phaedrathallassa )
    1. Tell the truth about the whistle.
    2. Lie about the whistle
    1. Fedar Githrano is upset that the whistle doesn't have any magical powers. He says, "You're joking, right? I spent my last gold piece getting to this Three-forsaken wasteland! Bah! A pox on these Orcs and their stupid beasts!" He still pays you, though, saying, "I suppose you've earned your cut, such as it is. I'll need to find a new opportunity now."
    2. Fedar Githrano is very excited about the whistle. He says he's hired an intense young lady who's good with wild animals. She's standing next to a Durzog near him. After giving you your reward, he attempts to use the whistle on the Durzog. It predictably doesn't work, and the durzog kills him. The young woman remains silent. When you talk to her, she is grumpy about cleaning the mess up.

    Quest: One Ugly Mug (thanks @Sylenne )
    This quest has multiple possible choice points.
    Choice 1 (after finding stolen item):
    1. Talk to Zabani.
    2. Sell loot to Astilme.
    1. You tell Zabani you found the stolen item, and can prove her innocence. She's thrilled, and tells you to talk to Warden Oorg.
    2. ???
    If you choose option 1, you get a second choice point.
    Choice 2 (after talking to Zabani):
    1. Talk to Warden Oorg.
    2. Sell loot to Astilme.
    1. You tell Warden Oorg that Zabani is innocent, and Agolas was the thief who stole the mug. He recognizes it immediately, exclaiming, "The king's lucky mug!" You then ask him to release Zabani, since she's innocent and the mug is back. He agrees to do so, and tells you to "ignore what I said about the mug, all right? Here's a little something to help you forget."
    Zabani tells you that she's headed to the Greedy Gut, and indeed she can be found standing by the fire on the lower level.
    2. ???
    Edited by Atarax on September 26, 2016 7:00PM
    50 Bosmer Nightblade
    50 Breton Sorcerer
    50 Dunmer Dragonknight
    50 Imperial Templar
    50 Khajit Nightblade
    50 Imperial Dragonknight
    50 Altmer Sorcerer
    50 Argonian Templar

    Discussions of Interest:
    Class Balance in 1.6
    Quest Choices
    Request to Reinstate Night's Silence and Dark Stalker stacking
  • Atarax
    Reserved for future content.
    50 Bosmer Nightblade
    50 Breton Sorcerer
    50 Dunmer Dragonknight
    50 Imperial Templar
    50 Khajit Nightblade
    50 Imperial Dragonknight
    50 Altmer Sorcerer
    50 Argonian Templar

    Discussions of Interest:
    Class Balance in 1.6
    Quest Choices
    Request to Reinstate Night's Silence and Dark Stalker stacking
  • Atarax
    Post away, I'll consolidate the information from the other threads into this one over time, and add new quests as I come across them.
    Edited by Atarax on August 10, 2014 8:34AM
    50 Bosmer Nightblade
    50 Breton Sorcerer
    50 Dunmer Dragonknight
    50 Imperial Templar
    50 Khajit Nightblade
    50 Imperial Dragonknight
    50 Altmer Sorcerer
    50 Argonian Templar

    Discussions of Interest:
    Class Balance in 1.6
    Quest Choices
    Request to Reinstate Night's Silence and Dark Stalker stacking
  • Runefell
    Favorited. Thank you so much for doing this! I did contribute a bit to the Daggerfall thread, but as nobody else seemed to be using it, I stopped. I will continue again here, though sadly I've missed a bunch since I left off.
    Rune Fell- Dunmer Mag Sorcerer (DC)~The Adventurer
    Runed Claws- Khajiit Stam Dragonknight (DC) ~The Tank
    Rain Fell- Argonian Mag Templar (EP)~ The Healer
    Dragon Talon- Bosmer Stam Nightblade (AD) ~ The DPS

  • WhiteCoatSyndrome
    For "Bath Time" if you give him the salts, he'll add them to the water. The woman dies and the two men stand there going 'ow, ow, ow'–I think they were supposed to die too.

    In Khenarthi's Roost there's a quest ("Dark Knowledge" I think it's called) to collect three books of forbidden lore and either destroy them or sell them to a Khajiit woman who shows up at the end.
    --If you destroy them the spirit rewards you and gives you the expected 'good job, did the right thing, etc...' response.
    --If you sell them to the Khajiit, she decides to examine her new purchases afterwards and gets yanked into another dimension by a Daedra almost immediately.


    "Scars Never Fade"—when asked where the dead Elders were, I lied and said they'd probably gone fishing. The Dominion lady accepted the Argonians into the Dominion, was happy to see them so excited about the prospect and said she'd have the barricades taken down ASAP.

    "Phantom Guilt"—when the Bosmer who made the cursed amulet offered to put it on and kill himself. I told him to destroy it instead, and he did so.
    Edited by WhiteCoatSyndrome on August 10, 2014 3:14PM
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
    A useful explanation for how RNG works
    How to turn off the sustainability features (screen dimming, fps cap) on PC
  • Cody
    I was disappointed with how you could not side with vox:( lore breaking as it may have been.
  • Kego
    Quest: Our Poor Town
    1. "I'll let you go after you tell me where the reagents are."
    2. "You let hungry trolls destroy an entire village." My name is Inigo Montoya, prepare to die.

    With 2: You will not find the ingridients and the argonian will die at the ritual.
  • Blooddancer
    The first quest in Bleakrock - I am annoyed that there is an achievement associated with this and have no way to fix it. Choices that cannot be revered and give achievements should be account based. Reminds me of SWOTR where you could choice to force one of your apprentices to go darkside or lightside - you could do both by playing through with another character to gain the achievement.
  • Atarax
    Thanks for the enthusiasm all, great to see people contributing. Updated to here.
    50 Bosmer Nightblade
    50 Breton Sorcerer
    50 Dunmer Dragonknight
    50 Imperial Templar
    50 Khajit Nightblade
    50 Imperial Dragonknight
    50 Altmer Sorcerer
    50 Argonian Templar

    Discussions of Interest:
    Class Balance in 1.6
    Quest Choices
    Request to Reinstate Night's Silence and Dark Stalker stacking
  • Tekalynn
    I rescued all the Bleakrock villagers and fought at Fort Zeren. Not only did I save a good chunk of the villagers, I've been meeting them at every major town in Stonefalls ever since. Darj mentioned taking his "irregulars" to Deshaan, so I look forward to seeing if they have their own little character arc throughout the Ebonheart questline. Such a neat little detail. I love hearing how they've been doing.
  • Runefell
    Quest: Mistress of the Lake
    Zone: Bangkorai
    1. Side with the Daedra (Primeval Seekers)
    2. Side with the Nereid (Rain Disciples)
    1: Side with the Daedra: You'll help the Daedra stop the Nereid from creating a Water Stone from people's memories, first by creating a distraction (burning food crates), then you'll then go looking for the Nereid. She'll act innocent at first, then she'll reveal that she fused the memories into herself, and will now flood the temple, killing everybody inside including her disciples, as they've outlived their usefulness. You have to run all the freaking way back across the temple (water temples suck!), and, of course, kill her. Hermaeus Mora will appear, chat for a bit, and reward you.

    Side with the Nereid: ???
    Edited by Runefell on August 13, 2014 12:52AM
    Rune Fell- Dunmer Mag Sorcerer (DC)~The Adventurer
    Runed Claws- Khajiit Stam Dragonknight (DC) ~The Tank
    Rain Fell- Argonian Mag Templar (EP)~ The Healer
    Dragon Talon- Bosmer Stam Nightblade (AD) ~ The DPS

  • Hurbster
    The first quest in Bleakrock - I am annoyed that there is an achievement associated with this and have no way to fix it. Choices that cannot be revered and give achievements should be account based. Reminds me of SWOTR where you could choice to force one of your apprentices to go darkside or lightside - you could do both by playing through with another character to gain the achievement.

    The one you get when you save all the villagers ? Well that's on you if you don't do it.

    So they raised the floor and lowered the ceiling. Except the ceiling has spikes in it now and the floor is also lava.
  • Atarax
    Updated to here, brought in the Daggerfall Covenant info from the other thread, and added a few quests.
    50 Bosmer Nightblade
    50 Breton Sorcerer
    50 Dunmer Dragonknight
    50 Imperial Templar
    50 Khajit Nightblade
    50 Imperial Dragonknight
    50 Altmer Sorcerer
    50 Argonian Templar

    Discussions of Interest:
    Class Balance in 1.6
    Quest Choices
    Request to Reinstate Night's Silence and Dark Stalker stacking
  • Tekalynn
    Quest: The Soldier's Alibi
    1. Give book
    2. Refuse to lie
    1. The sergeant seems a bit skeptical of the soldier's "heroism", but says the book seems to be proof. The soldier says he's grateful, but sounds a bit blase about it.
  • Runefell
    Quest: Will of the Woods
    Zone: Bangkorai
    1. Help Elara become the Sentinel, saving her life, but enslaving nature
    2. Destroy the bud, ending the Sentinel line and freeing nature, but killing Elara.
    1: Elara lives. She is awed by the power flowing through her, and vows to live in stay in the woods and tend it. She states that there won't be a lot of love lost between her and the wyrd, but there will be understanding.

    2: Unknown
    Rune Fell- Dunmer Mag Sorcerer (DC)~The Adventurer
    Runed Claws- Khajiit Stam Dragonknight (DC) ~The Tank
    Rain Fell- Argonian Mag Templar (EP)~ The Healer
    Dragon Talon- Bosmer Stam Nightblade (AD) ~ The DPS

  • Atarax
    Updated to here, thanks both!

    50 Bosmer Nightblade
    50 Breton Sorcerer
    50 Dunmer Dragonknight
    50 Imperial Templar
    50 Khajit Nightblade
    50 Imperial Dragonknight
    50 Altmer Sorcerer
    50 Argonian Templar

    Discussions of Interest:
    Class Balance in 1.6
    Quest Choices
    Request to Reinstate Night's Silence and Dark Stalker stacking
  • Runefell
    Quest: A Change of Heart
    Zone: Rivenspire
    1. Tell Fredrick to go and Dulkhi to stay
    2. Tell Dulkhi to go and Fredrick to stay
    3. Tell both of them to go
    4. Tell both of them to stay

    The reward doesn't seem to change with the choices.
    1: ?
    2: ?
    3: They both leave to find their fortunes, and Arlie is left alone. She decides to see if she can't join the mage's guild. Later, at the end of the Rivenspire questline, she can be found in the castle, bemoaning her loneliness.
    4: They both come out and start demanding that Arlie choose one of them. Arlie starts stuttering and panicking, but then they laugh and tell her they were only joking, that she doesn't have to choose between them. At least, not right away. Arlie is relieved and very happy to have everybody she loves around her. At the end of the Rivenspire questline, all three of them can be found in the castle. Arlie still hasn't made up her mind, as she is enjoying the attention she gets from both of them and is starting to get something of an inflated ego. Fredrick is getting frustrated, and Dulkhi's eyes are starting to wander (I'm a female and she hit on me, not sure if she does with males as well), though she claims she's still interested in Arlie.
    Edited by Runefell on October 11, 2014 7:58PM
    Rune Fell- Dunmer Mag Sorcerer (DC)~The Adventurer
    Runed Claws- Khajiit Stam Dragonknight (DC) ~The Tank
    Rain Fell- Argonian Mag Templar (EP)~ The Healer
    Dragon Talon- Bosmer Stam Nightblade (AD) ~ The DPS

  • Runefell
    Quest: A Spy in Shornhelm
    Zone: Rivenspire
    1. Promise Edouard Celd's wife that you'll let him off the hook
    2. Turn Edouard Celd in to the authorities

    1. Edouard Celd's wife promises that she'll keep him far away from any criminal activity in the future. Adusa-daro is surprised that you couldn't find the spy's identity, but is content with the codebook.
    2. Edouard Celd is apparently arrested and tortured for information, and is sentenced to be hanged.
    Edited by Runefell on October 4, 2014 5:25PM
    Rune Fell- Dunmer Mag Sorcerer (DC)~The Adventurer
    Runed Claws- Khajiit Stam Dragonknight (DC) ~The Tank
    Rain Fell- Argonian Mag Templar (EP)~ The Healer
    Dragon Talon- Bosmer Stam Nightblade (AD) ~ The DPS

  • Atarax
    Thanks much Runefell, updated to here.

    50 Bosmer Nightblade
    50 Breton Sorcerer
    50 Dunmer Dragonknight
    50 Imperial Templar
    50 Khajit Nightblade
    50 Imperial Dragonknight
    50 Altmer Sorcerer
    50 Argonian Templar

    Discussions of Interest:
    Class Balance in 1.6
    Quest Choices
    Request to Reinstate Night's Silence and Dark Stalker stacking
  • Runefell
    Just a heads up, I found some more after-effects for one of the choices in 'A change of heart' quest. I edited my post.

    Quest: The Crown of Shornholm
    Zone: Rivenspire
    1. Make Tamrith Queen
    2. Make Dorell King

    1. Countess Tamrith becomes queen.
    2. Count Dorell becomes King.

    Honestly, that's it. I don't think there's any long-term effects. Just a matter personal preference. Do you want a kind, just, inexperienced and deeply religious ruler, or a cold, calculating, experienced military ruler for this country.

    Quest: Seize the Moment
    Zone: Alik'r Desert
    1. Tell the guard you spoke with IIdani
    2. Ask the guard if he's the only one guarding the contraband.
    1. The guard is eager to catch Ildani, and asks you if you'll help him set up a sting operation for the buyers. You'll take the contraband and deliver them for Ildani, so the guards can swoop in and catch them.
    2. You tell him there's a suspicious khajiit downstairs. He thinks it may be the smuggler they're after, and runs off to catch her, leaving you with the now unguarded contraband to take at your pleasure. You'll then have to deliver the contraband for Iidani.

    Quest: A marriage in ruins
    Zone: Alik'r Desert
    1. Side with Adeena
    2. Side with Izzara
    1. It turns out that Izzara was the one who was possessed, but unfortunately, as they're twins, the blood is still enough to complete the ritual. You have to fight a Spider Daedra named Anexiel, then afterwards you take Adeena back to her husband, where she yells at him for her sister's death, and he angsts over his foolishness.
    2. Adeena dies, and the daedra Anexiel gloats over her deception, and how you just killed five innocents. She goes off to reclaim her body, and Izzara, weakened, begs you to go after her. You kill her, and take Izzara back to her brother-in-law, where she yells at him and threatens to kill if she ever sees him again.
    Edited by Runefell on October 12, 2014 4:34PM
    Rune Fell- Dunmer Mag Sorcerer (DC)~The Adventurer
    Runed Claws- Khajiit Stam Dragonknight (DC) ~The Tank
    Rain Fell- Argonian Mag Templar (EP)~ The Healer
    Dragon Talon- Bosmer Stam Nightblade (AD) ~ The DPS

  • Atarax
    Thanks again Runefell. I've added these in along with the updated comments and added a couple more quests too.

    50 Bosmer Nightblade
    50 Breton Sorcerer
    50 Dunmer Dragonknight
    50 Imperial Templar
    50 Khajit Nightblade
    50 Imperial Dragonknight
    50 Altmer Sorcerer
    50 Argonian Templar

    Discussions of Interest:
    Class Balance in 1.6
    Quest Choices
    Request to Reinstate Night's Silence and Dark Stalker stacking
  • navra1ub17_ESO
    Can you anyone please tell me where/how to find House Dorell Key?
  • Runefell
    Can you anyone please tell me where/how to find House Dorell Key?
    If you're talking about the 'Crimes of the Past' Quest, it (and the Tamrith Key as well) is in one of two underground caves, inhabited by trolls. You need to find both caves to get both keys. The quest marker should point the way.

    Quest: Badwater Mines
    Zone: Alik'r Desert
    1. Help the ghost get revenge, don't tell Samsi about the curse on the gems
    2. Revenge is wrong, warn Samsi about the curse.
    1. Samsi is thrilled at the gems, and happily proclaims that at last her luck is turning around. Then she falls over and dies.
    2. ???

    Quest: Lady Laurent's Favor
    Zone: Alik'r Desert
    1. Give the tools to Stibbons
    2. Give the tools to Tamien
    1. Stibbons is thrilled, and gets back in her Ladyship's good graces. Tamien isn't very impressed. (sorry, it's been a while since I've run this quest with my khajiit, so I can't remember the details.)
    2. Tamien gives you half the cut of what he's getting paid. He also promises that if he meets you again, he'll pay back the favor.

    Quest: Master of Leki's Blade
    Zone: Alik'r Desert
    1. Master Fadalia shouldn't die just because she's a vampire
    2. Respect Master Fadalia's wishes, and let her atone with her death
    1. Eh, sorry, this is another one where it's been a while. If I remember correctly, Master Fadalia isn't very happy about it, but abides by your decision. I do remember there being an Ash'abah on the wall, who was surprised that, as a fellow Ash'abah, you let her live, and hopes you haven't made a mistake.
    2. Master Fadalia accepts her fate, and the curse is lifted off her as she dies. Her second in command takes over.
    Edited by Runefell on November 2, 2014 8:54PM
    Rune Fell- Dunmer Mag Sorcerer (DC)~The Adventurer
    Runed Claws- Khajiit Stam Dragonknight (DC) ~The Tank
    Rain Fell- Argonian Mag Templar (EP)~ The Healer
    Dragon Talon- Bosmer Stam Nightblade (AD) ~ The DPS

  • Runefell
    Second Post, as I can't seem to continue editing that one.

    Quest: Crawling Chaos
    Zone: Alik'r Desert
    1. Let Seqbar take Shagora's place
    2. Leave both of them to the Spider Daedra
    1. Seqbar is willing to take his love's place. The Spider Daedra releases Shagora, who is left in a daze, and overtakes Seqbar instead. He cries out at first, but then relaxes and is left under her spell. Shagora runs outside, and when you meet up with her, she's quite confused. She has no memory of her encounter with the Daedra, and has completely forgotten who Seqbar is.
    2. Both of them start talking to one another, they can't remember what happened to them, but they now seem to think they're at home. They're both trapped under the spider's influence, but unaware of the fact, and are happily together in paradise in the daedra's illusion.

    Quest: Warship Designs
    Zone: Alik'r Desert
    1. Keep the designs, but let the spy go
    2. Let the spy go with the designs
    3. Kill the spy
    1. You keep the designs, and the spy lets you know that the deaths of her and her children are on you hands before she runs off. She also mentions you might want to watch your back.
    2. ???
    3. Obviously, you kill the spy, and keep the designs safe.
    Edited by Runefell on November 3, 2014 1:31AM
    Rune Fell- Dunmer Mag Sorcerer (DC)~The Adventurer
    Runed Claws- Khajiit Stam Dragonknight (DC) ~The Tank
    Rain Fell- Argonian Mag Templar (EP)~ The Healer
    Dragon Talon- Bosmer Stam Nightblade (AD) ~ The DPS

  • Helluin
    Runefell wrote: »

    Quest: Warship Designs
    Zone: Alik'r Desert
    1. Keep the designs, but let the spy go
    2. Let the spy go with the designs
    3. Kill the spy
    1. You keep the designs, and the spy lets you know that the deaths of her and her children are on you hands before she runs off. She also mentions you might want to watch your back.
    2. ???
    3. Obviously, you kill the spy, and keep the designs safe.
    2. You keep two designs, the female Dunmer can't believe it, she thanks you and she keeps the one stolen. She also mentions that she will remember this, then she runs away.
    When you deliver the quest, the quest giver blames the workers because he knew there were spies around, so he thanks you.

    Just for more informations, for the ones who don't know it, I add that House Telvanni didn't join EP: 26/11/2012 - Ask us anything - EP part 2 - TESO official site.
    Edited by Helluin on November 19, 2014 3:25AM
    "... and the blue fire of Helluin flickered in the mists above the borders of the world, in that hour the Children of the Earth awoke, the Firstborn of Ilúvatar."
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