Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

FPS Bug still not Fixed: Edited After Patch 1.2.5

  • Cogo
    Grim13 wrote: »
    As mentioned earlier, we absolutely will push a fix sooner if it is at all possible.

    Compensation really is in order. I'm amazed you haven't already offered it, tbh.

    This is the most broken I've ever seen this game... and it's lasted almost 2 weeks.

    It may even save you some subs.


    Being RUDE to our com manager who works to give us info, does nothing.
    They provide us with information. A thank you is more fitting.
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
    Cogo wrote: »
    Grim13 wrote: »
    As mentioned earlier, we absolutely will push a fix sooner if it is at all possible.

    Compensation really is in order. I'm amazed you haven't already offered it, tbh.

    This is the most broken I've ever seen this game... and it's lasted almost 2 weeks.

    It may even save you some subs.


    Being RUDE to our com manager who works to give us info, does nothing.
    They provide us with information. A thank you is more fitting.

    Hes not being rude really with this.

    Either way, the whole way this has been handled is what is rude. They cannot possibly have a grasp on how debilitated their product is at this point. Ive relogged upwards of 60-80x in the last 3 days and will be well over 100 relogs when the weekend is over.

    Despite all of that, I spend a majority of the time in siege fights lagging unbearably still. The game is broken, and theyre responding in threads about veteran updates on July 3rd and not a single mention of this issue.

    This is something you see within the first hour or two and immediately bring the servers down after the patch and either fix the issue then and there, or take more extreme measures and revert things if needed.

    The alternative has been us suffering with the game being so laggy I forgot it can actually run smooth.
  • Cogo
    I would agree, but some of us do not have these problems. We do get less fps in cyro, yes. It might even make the debugging harder...since works and some dont?

    I'll wait.

    Note: just because it works for me, I am as concerned as everyone else.
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Columba
    Sadly, this game will go down in history as the buggiest game every. The sheer incompetence of the coders working on this game is risible. I think they all got programming training in prison. It's just so laughably awful.
  • Grim13
    The FPS "issue" comes with a whole host of other problems as well:

    -unrendered, therefore invisible, and thus non-combatable enemy
    -keyboard input completely failing to function until relog
    -siege placement, due to rendering, memory, idk, taking a very long time

    I'm not sure if it's solely a graphical optimisation issue, rampant memory leaks, or what!?

    What I do know is that I just used a stopwatch to time how long it took some siege equipment to become usable after placing it... and it didn't. It actually ran down until it vanished after 5 full minutes.

    For ZOS to be so flippantly cavalier about the whole thing is mind blowing!

  • Grim13
    Cogo wrote: »
    Grim13 wrote: »
    As mentioned earlier, we absolutely will push a fix sooner if it is at all possible.

    Compensation really is in order. I'm amazed you haven't already offered it, tbh.

    This is the most broken I've ever seen this game... and it's lasted almost 2 weeks.

    It may even save you some subs.


    Being RUDE to our com manager who works to give us info, does nothing.
    They provide us with information. A thank you is more fitting.

    Not sure how what I wrote is rude?

    ..And whom better to address than the community manager?

    I've already reported this in game many, MANY times.
  • Morticielle
    Columba wrote: »
    Sadly, this game will go down in history as the buggiest game every.
    Nope, this title was secured for all eternity by Funcom's "Age of Conan" 6 years ago, which was way worse.
    Grim13 wrote: »
    -keyboard input completely failing to function until relog
    Have that too once or twice a day.
    Edited by Morticielle on July 5, 2014 8:55AM
    Lady Morticielle d'Aragòn |VR12| Sorcerer | PvP Rank 21 (Major Grade I) | EU-Megaserver | AD

    Subscription cancelled due to the following facts:

    - Zenimax implements more bugs from patch to patch
    - Zenimax does not care about the increasing instability of the game. People have more and more crashes Fix of memory bug decreased number of crashes considerably
    - Zenimax has still not fully fixed the fps drops they (!) implemented with patch1.2.3
    - Zenimax does nothing to fix the massive ability lags in PvP
    - Zenimax gives more attention to unnecassary 'content' like dyes for armors than fixing issues
    - In patchnotes Zenimax lies about bugs allegedly fixed
    - Zenimax has no plan as to how balance population in Cyrodiil campaigns
    - Support is ineffective and does not even speak in a way one can linguistically understand

  • Teargrants
    Grim13 wrote: »
    Not sure how what I wrote is rude?
    It's Cogo, the most infamous white knighter on these forums if I do recall.
    EP ※ Teargrants ※
    EP ※ Kissgrants ※
    DC ※ Kirsi ※
    Vehemence Council
    ~Teargrants YouTube~
  • Cogo
    Sorry, the worst launch was Anarchy Online, lol. Old though.

    Wow is a good second. took them 6 months before people could log in properly :-p
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Xsorus
    Kira_Night wrote: »
    While everyone is waiting for the FPS drop fix, let's remember how fun was it to play 1.2.2 version. Enjoy!

    How to desintergrate 50 people with 16 people in 2 seconds (1 minute movie):

    How we dominate each server where we play (long but full of good battles):

    That was not 50 people..

  • NerZhulen89
    I know its a doubblepost, but I want it to be in this thread too.

    Just now, I did this test. GTX 760, up-to-date driver


    GPU is going 100% untill I meet big group, than it goes to 50-60% and fps goes deep down, they all died -> it went back to 100%, then new group came and the drop again.

    When I went near Ash, where siege was going on:


    GPU went to 12% and fps went to 10-12...
    So, the fps is low simply because our GPUs are not working from some reason.
  • ThyIronFist
    Cogo wrote: »
    Grim13 wrote: »
    As mentioned earlier, we absolutely will push a fix sooner if it is at all possible.

    Compensation really is in order. I'm amazed you haven't already offered it, tbh.

    This is the most broken I've ever seen this game... and it's lasted almost 2 weeks.

    It may even save you some subs.


    Being RUDE to our com manager who works to give us info, does nothing.
    They provide us with information. A thank you is more fitting.

    Rude, lol. Too bad, cause what he stated is the sad truth.
    The Elder Zergs Online
    Sainur Ironfist - DK - EU - Ebonheart Pact
  • r.jan_emailb16_ESO
    I know its a doubblepost, but I want it to be in this thread too.

    Just now, I did this test. GTX 760, up-to-date driver


    GPU is going 100% untill I meet big group, than it goes to 50-60% and fps goes deep down, they all died -> it went back to 100%, then new group came and the drop again.

    When I went near Ash, where siege was going on:


    GPU went to 12% and fps went to 10-12...
    So, the fps is low simply because our GPUs are not working from some reason.

    So that's they mean you can play ESO on older machines as well? Because they don't use the hardware anyway... clever.
    Lairgren | DC Dragonknight - August Palatine
    playing for eXile

    I'm done, CU somewhere else.
  • morf87
    Grim13 wrote: »
    As mentioned earlier, we absolutely will push a fix sooner if it is at all possible.

    Compensation really is in order. I'm amazed you haven't already offered it, tbh.

    This is the most broken I've ever seen this game... and it's lasted almost 2 weeks.

    It may even save you some subs.

    It really is, i have been able to play mayb an hour over the past 2 weeks due to this, im amazed that they didnt roll back the patch after a few days then work on pushing it out when it doesnt cause huge issues.
    sub is up in a few days and im not gona keep paying for something i cant play.
    just to add i made a support ticket explaining this fps issue and if i could be credited some game time as it is a fault on zenimax end, i was basically told it was a fault on my end and they cant credit extra game time, nice work zenimax you sure do know how to lose customers.
  • Grim13
    morf87 wrote: »
    Grim13 wrote: »
    As mentioned earlier, we absolutely will push a fix sooner if it is at all possible.

    Compensation really is in order. I'm amazed you haven't already offered it, tbh.

    This is the most broken I've ever seen this game... and it's lasted almost 2 weeks.

    It may even save you some subs.

    It really is, i have been able to play mayb an hour over the past 2 weeks due to this, im amazed that they didnt roll back the patch after a few days then work on pushing it out when it doesnt cause huge issues.
    sub is up in a few days and im not gona keep paying for something i cant play.
    just to add i made a support ticket explaining this fps issue and if i could be credited some game time as it is a fault on zenimax end, i was basically told it was a fault on my end and they cant credit extra game time, nice work zenimax you sure do know how to lose customers.

    I asked for basically the same thing in a report I sent... still waiting on the response, though.

    ..yours, and a couple of others, replies from Zeni aren't encouraging.

    Don't let that stop you, though, people. Send more reports. Unsub (even if it's just until it's fixed). Make more support tickets. Demand compensation for this mountainous BS.

    They may not be legally obligated to provide us with a properly functioning product...

    Don't believe me? Just check the terms of service:

    ZeniMax has no obligation to make available any patches, updates or modifications or correct any errors or defects in the Services



    ..but consumer power is alive and well.

    It's in their own best interest to ameliorate the situation, amicably, and with as much community satisfaction as possible.

    Otherwise, they're irreparably damaging the little customer goodwill they have left.

  • bitaken
    I bet we are destroying the authentication server - so they are looking at it as an even swap? Auth server debilitation for FPS bug?

    PvP Lead Officer for Einherjar

    Member of Einherjar and associated guilds since 2001

    A multi Gaming community of players.
  • AreoHotah
    Just great
    Hota'h, Dual-wield/bow full medium armor NB Khajiit from day 1.

  • frankuguzzb16_ESO
    Fix or free gametime, tnx.
  • ferzalrwb17_ESO
    Grim13 wrote: »
    Cogo wrote: »
    Grim13 wrote: »
    As mentioned earlier, we absolutely will push a fix sooner if it is at all possible.

    Compensation really is in order. I'm amazed you haven't already offered it, tbh.

    This is the most broken I've ever seen this game... and it's lasted almost 2 weeks.

    It may even save you some subs.


    Being RUDE to our com manager who works to give us info, does nothing.
    They provide us with information. A thank you is more fitting.

    Not sure how what I wrote is rude?

    ..And whom better to address than the community manager?

    I've already reported this in game many, MANY times.

    You spoke at them and didn't get your nose brown. In the eyes of the hardcore fanboys that is unforgivable.

  • bitaken
    Game is unplayable right now. Every single battle requires a relog - just not worth it. I can manage playing at 10 FPS...at 1.2 its not playing - its waiting for someone with decent frames at that moment to jack me up.

    Sad - but that's the truth. I hope it's fixed on Monday Sub runs out Tuesday - no intentions of reupping or buying time if its not fixed.
    PvP Lead Officer for Einherjar

    Member of Einherjar and associated guilds since 2001

    A multi Gaming community of players.
  • LrdRahvin
    bitaken wrote: »
    Game is unplayable right now. Every single battle requires a relog - just not worth it. I can manage playing at 10 FPS...at 1.2 its not playing - its waiting for someone with decent frames at that moment to jack me up.

    Sad - but that's the truth. I hope it's fixed on Monday Sub runs out Tuesday - no intentions of reupping or buying time if its not fixed.

    There once was a game called ESO
    It was so full of bugs it got the heave-hoe
    Along came the fanboys
    Protecting their scam toy
    Now they're all alone acting emo

    Edit: Had to edit and intentionally misspell h o as it's filtered >.<
  • InvictoNZ
    This is without a doubt the most *** up bug I have ever seen in ANY game I have ever played.
  • bruceb14_ESO5
    It is consistent. Even getting choppy screens and tearing outside of Cyrodiil. Red flags are up, warning flags are past, do we get the all clear soon?
  • Seanymph
    PFS drop not only in Cyrodiil but also in trial fight
  • bitaken
    bitaken wrote: »
    Game is unplayable right now. Every single battle requires a relog - just not worth it. I can manage playing at 10 FPS...at 1.2 its not playing - its waiting for someone with decent frames at that moment to jack me up.

    Sad - but that's the truth. I hope it's fixed on Monday Sub runs out Tuesday - no intentions of reupping or buying time if its not fixed.

    There once was a game called ESO
    It was so full of bugs it got the heave-hoe
    Along came the fanboys
    Protecting their scam toy
    Now they're all alone acting emo

    Edit: Had to edit and intentionally misspell h o as it's filtered >.<

    How does my post or my factual statements make me an emo fanboy.

    I am one of the games biggest critics since the 1.2.3 patch came out. I have slammed them all over the forums. From customer service to general to here I have slammed ESO for this craptastic job they did. I even got Jessica on here defending all their job postings for QA leaders....
    PvP Lead Officer for Einherjar

    Member of Einherjar and associated guilds since 2001

    A multi Gaming community of players.
  • Perphection
    I really hope this radio silence that's going on with Zenimax is an indication of them working tirelessly to fix this...otherwise where is our update on wtf is going on?
  • Mojomonkeyman
    Radio silence is prolly more due to them celebrating holiday weekend with barbecue & swimmingpool shenanigans...
    Koma Grey, Chocolate Thunder, Little Mojo, Dagoth Mojo & Mojomancy
  • Aeaeren
    My 2 cents, the FPS bug isn't gone so I spent the weekend watching House of Cards and catching up on stuff on the DVR and this is becoming more and more typical, soon I won't bother with logging into the game at all. One can only take so much before they are sick to death of it. Typical PvP night requires no sound, low graphics, and a lot of restarting the game. I spend more time catching up to my group because I have to restart the game then I do fighting.
  • LrdRahvin
    bitaken wrote: »
    bitaken wrote: »
    Game is unplayable right now. Every single battle requires a relog - just not worth it. I can manage playing at 10 FPS...at 1.2 its not playing - its waiting for someone with decent frames at that moment to jack me up.

    Sad - but that's the truth. I hope it's fixed on Monday Sub runs out Tuesday - no intentions of reupping or buying time if its not fixed.

    There once was a game called ESO
    It was so full of bugs it got the heave-hoe
    Along came the fanboys
    Protecting their scam toy
    Now they're all alone acting emo

    Edit: Had to edit and intentionally misspell h o as it's filtered >.<

    How does my post or my factual statements make me an emo fanboy.

    I am one of the games biggest critics since the 1.2.3 patch came out. I have slammed them all over the forums. From customer service to general to here I have slammed ESO for this craptastic job they did. I even got Jessica on here defending all their job postings for QA leaders....

    It was a comment about your unsubbing...I.E. MANY people unsubbing...I.E. no one left but the...you get the idea...

    it was agreeing with you...

    Also, lighten up Francis.
    Edited by LrdRahvin on July 6, 2014 1:02PM
  • SwampRaider
    I had to relog so many times to temp fix the FPS.

    I eventually quit playing in cyrodiil because all of the good DC left, and i was left with the AP farmers who would rather farm AP than make any keep capture progress
    Character: Eros, Eros I I, The Paw of Woe
    Class: Templar Healer/MagWarden/ Stam Sorc
    Alliance: DC
    Campaign: Vivec (pc/na)
    Guardians of Daggerfall
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