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Skimpy armors

  • Diaboli
    Why are people always bringing up women in this thread?! Skimpy armor is a part of fantasy. Conan wore pretty much nothing but boots and enough cloth to cover his junk. I could see justification in taking SOME liberties in the Barbaric Motif. I am not saying go "Nexus-crazy" with it though.

    Let me tell you something, if I could run around as an argonian in a breechcloth, I would! I don't even understand why Argonians and Khajiit wear pants!!!

    If it was good enough for all the others, like Yogi bear (Only wore a hat and tie), Donald Duck(ing it, means no pants), Rocko from Rocko's modern life (Only wore a hawaiian print shirt).

    On the real, put aside your discrimination and understand that your freedom ends where the next person's freedom begins. Plus, being offended empowers trolls.
    Edited by Diaboli on May 26, 2014 5:43AM
    If I throw a dog a bone, I don't care to know how it tastes... - Brick Top
  • jazon1972_ESO
    heck they can even ad a bonus to there "skimpy armor" vs male combatants due to distraction....
  • Bhakura
    Milanna wrote: »
    I´m sorry, but I will not even try to answer with quotes, you will probably know who you are.

    Structures in society tends to sexualize women more than it sexualizes men (but men are sexualized as well, just not in absurdum). Not all of us are at all comfortable with that, since people like me would like to be viewed as a human being, not a pair of walking boobs.

    I do understand that some females might want to play the sexy character in a fantasy setting, but you have to understand that they are in no way, shape or form a majority. How do I know this?

    I am female. I have female friends. In fact, the majority of my friends are female. We talk about everything. In detail. So I know their feelings on this.

    I have said it before on this topic, if the same applies on male characters, that I can flaunt their stuff as well, I am not against slooty armor. But only if it applies to male characters in the same extent. But considering they look like someone did a good job cutting of some vital parts, I guess thats off the table.

    Im probably the first in line to agree that females are sexualised in media and society as a whole way to much.
    And it would come over for someone who is against this that asking for skimpy armors is only amplifying that, or utilizing it.
    For me personally it has nothing do with what you describe here. It doesnt turn me on, its not to drool over a pair of boobs or because i think females are just here to sexually please men and certainly most definitely not ment in any demeaning way, far from it, quite the opposite. my english is limited wish i could explain better.
    Again, my idea when i created this thread was for both female and male armors that have more skin, creating 99% skin and 1% clothing was NOT the idea, but it seems thats the general idea when someone mentions skimpy and its more the general idea that wearing a skimpy armor is proof of having issues of some sorts.
  • Milanna
    HandofBane wrote: »
    Milanna wrote: »
    I have said it before on this topic, if the same applies on male characters, that I can flaunt their stuff as well, I am not against slooty armor. But only if it applies to male characters in the same extent. But considering they look like someone did a good job cutting of some vital parts, I guess thats off the table.

    A suggestion, then. Actually go back and read through the thread, especially posts by folks with that little red box with a Yes next to it. There are quite a few of us in favor of such clothing/armor options for both genders. Yeah, you have to make it through much of the arguing against a handful of people who refuse to believe that either some female players want this too, or that players of either gender would want this kind of thing available as options for *all* characters.

    Well, that and getting through the idea that there could actually be a happy medium of more "skimpy" armor all around that doesn't involve cutting everything down to a Victoria's Secret catalog page.

    I do understand that some females might want to play the sexy character in a fantasy setting, but you have to understand that they are in no way, shape or form a majority.
    Solipsism. Look it up. Nobody here on either side can truthfully claim their opinion represents a majority. Nobody, not even a "female with a lot of female friends". Unless all those female friends are playing this game as well, they exist solely as an anecdote to provide moral support for your own personal opinion, just as the long list of females I know who enjoy having a wide variety of clothing/armor options ingame, including skimpy stuff, only offer support for my own opinion, while failing to provide proof for anyone that the stance I take could be an actual majority or not.

    I´m sorry, but I really don´t have it in me to argue with you.
    Mila the True (Aldmeri Dominion)
    Milanna the Cold-hearted (Aldmeri Dominion)
    Raphael the Cunning (Ebonheart Pact)

    Cassius Tanicius (Daggerfall Covenant)

    I just found garlic, you blood-suckers better stay clear
  • Singular
    fiachsidhe wrote: »
    Singular wrote: »
    fiachsidhe wrote: »
    Asasinka wrote: »
    18 more and we have a draw :D
    c'mon girls, let's show them we love to look sexy even in games :)

    That's the saddest thing I've read this week.

    First, for the notion that for you as a woman, to be "sexy" you need skimpy clothing.
    Second, that as a woman your ego is so fragile that you need sexual representation in video games among strangers.

    Who are you to tell her what's best for her life or personality?

    Who is she, to be immune to scrutiny when expressing those things in public?
    Who are you to tell me what opinions I can and can't have?
    I didn't tell her what's best. I told her how I feel about them. I didn't tell her to think like me. I told her I thought her statement was ridiculous. She can feel however she likes, and I'm free to tell her how I feel about it.
    Or does your stance only work one way?

    Whoa, talk about projection!

    I didn't tell you what you can or cannot do. I asked you one single question.

    No, you didn't tell her you "thought her statement was ridiculous." You told her what she wrote was "the saddest thing I've read this week" and that "your ego is so fragile you need sexual representation in video games..." etc. It's all up there in your words.

    You were highly accusatory and ego-centrically based all your accusations on your own biased belief system. So dial down the defensive position, own up to your words and apologize to the lady.
    War, give me war, give me war.
  • Singular
    Singular wrote: »
    Those that say "this is fantasy, the rules don't apply" don't understand fantasy. There are rules to this world, and those rules clearly say that armor protects you from attacks, otherwise armor wouldn't exist in the first place.

    Magic also protects you from attack.

    The game does not, in any way, mirror reality. No one in history ever had to "level up" so they could wear better armor. You either paid lots of money for good armor or made do.

    Unlike reality, this game ties everything to your level - not to the quality of armor that anyone can afford - and, wow, again unlike reality armor is imbued with magical attributes. So...why can't my skinny bikini be magically as armored as your full plat?

    Guess what? It can. Magic.
    Please read the thread, we've already gone over why this argument doesn't work.

    It works. You are simply incorrect and mistakenly believe that your argument has validity.
    War, give me war, give me war.
  • Singular
    Singular wrote: »
    That you can't see past the female body when it's outfitted to highlight femininity is a your problem thing. My characters exude personality. It's not my fault that you are so focused on the apparel you can't see the person within.
    Ignoring for a moment that that's not what I said... since you're all about the character within, wearing the armor the game already provides shouldn't be a problem, yes?

    Fashion goes hand in hand with personality. My character wants to accessorize! And in an attractive way, since she's a sexy sorceress - with my other main being a seductive vampiress. How else is she going to feed?
    War, give me war, give me war.
  • SharranAes
    Don't care
    Options are always nice though - The key word being option
  • ers101284b14_ESO
    TicToc wrote: »
    I never understood the whole less is more thing. I think as a gamer we need to get away from the juvenile T&A thoughts and focus on gameplay and immersive entertainment over jiggley parts. Things like skimpy outfits and fear of an uknown medium are what make the media blame video games for everything.

    Who are you to decide what people should get away from? The idea that people can't focus on gameplay and immersion entertainment because they are wearing something skimpy, is ridiculous. It may make the game more immersive for some. Skimpy outfits are what make the media blame video games for everything? What? I would think that the violence and killing in games do far more to that end. Of course the media sensationalizes everything and they would find something even if there was nothing to find.

    Quit telling other people how to live and play. And if animated characters showing a little skin bothers you so much, maybe you are the one that needs to grow up a little. Play how you want, dress your character how you want, do tell others how they should play.

    It is also kind of sad that skimpy = T&A to you. Quite the prude aren't you? We aren't talking about wearing bikinis (sorry if that offends you), we are talking about armor that shows some skin.

    The character creator has a whole tab for creating how you want your body to look, including muscles, scars, tattoos, and other markings on various parts of the body, 90% of which you will never see with the current armors. The devs sure wasted a lot of programming time if they didn't actually want people to see it.

    If you don't want me to tell you how to play or think then why are you doing it to me?

    No I'm not prude if you knew me or anything about me you would know that. But why does every video game have to have skimpy or sexualized content? How is that making a game about war, evil gods and warring factions any better? I could have muscles and tattoos in single player elder scrolls games but was covered most of the time. With this art and the look/ feel of the game skimpy flesh showing armor makes absolutely no sense what so ever.

    And no skin and flesh dont offend me but being all derr derr boobies duh derr derr is not making games be seen as an actual artistic medium. If your going to have sex and sexualized characters it needs to be done the right way and for a reason not just for the crap of it.
    Edited by ers101284b14_ESO on May 26, 2014 6:29AM
  • Maverick827
    Singular wrote: »
    Singular wrote: »
    Those that say "this is fantasy, the rules don't apply" don't understand fantasy. There are rules to this world, and those rules clearly say that armor protects you from attacks, otherwise armor wouldn't exist in the first place.

    Magic also protects you from attack.

    The game does not, in any way, mirror reality. No one in history ever had to "level up" so they could wear better armor. You either paid lots of money for good armor or made do.

    Unlike reality, this game ties everything to your level - not to the quality of armor that anyone can afford - and, wow, again unlike reality armor is imbued with magical attributes. So...why can't my skinny bikini be magically as armored as your full plat?

    Guess what? It can. Magic.
    Please read the thread, we've already gone over why this argument doesn't work.

    It works. You are simply incorrect and mistakenly believe that your argument has validity.
    No it doesn't, and now you've proven that you can safely be ignored in this thread, so thanks for that.
  • Sarenia
    Elaboration on "skimpy" should be made. My vote for Yes is for classy, slightly revealing clothing, not sex-appeal armor. Also, armor itself I think is fine as is -- In my post, I'll be discussing clothing specifically. Leather and cloth "armor" is a different discussion than metal armor.

    I'm a female gamer. I enjoy playing characters that are obviously female, and (in a classy way) showing feminine assets off.

    There are limits though. Pointless armor that serves no purpose beyond sex appeal doesn't interest me. By the same token, "granny armor" and "granny clothes" don't interest me either. A balance is ideal.

    I wouldn't say ESO is heavy on "granny clothes", but it is quite conservative. A little more spice couldn't hurt. Things need not be Black/White or 1/0, there's a happy-medium to be found. I would say compromise, but that denotes two sides taking a loss which is inaccurate. "Tera" would be on the extreme side of the scale, with ridiculously over-sexualized characters -- I doubt most people here want that, extremes are called such for a reason.

    On a sidenote, a friend and I had an interesting discussion awhile back. They were perusing various threads on this subject on the net, and came to an entertaining observation. They claimed that the majority of people who were vehemently against showing of skin in games almost universally had masculine names, and were most likely males, whereas those in support of such outfits were quite often likely women, given their feminine names and the way they wrote. These are generalizations of course, but generalizations are called such because they're generally true.

    The "trope" is that the only people who like reasonably revealing armor in games is fat men living in their basement, but our observation was that the reverse is true -- that many women want to have the freedom to play female characters that aren't afraid to show a little skin, while men are quite often quick to play the "White Knight" role and try to protect the virtue of the female gender in games.

    I'm a very conservative person in reality. I'm too shy to go around wearing skirts and high heels. I'm happy with my body, but basically I'm a computer geek! So I like to do this in fantasy games instead -- just like a lot of guys like to run around in bulky armor with oversized weapons in games. It's all about having fun.
    Edited by Sarenia on May 26, 2014 6:44AM
  • KeynesAlley
    Choice is always good.
  • Anex
    No. What do they protect? Jack squat. This is something I have loved about Elder Scrolls games is that for the MOST part, armor looks like armor even on females.

    I'm maybe more lenient for cloth and leather, but not plate. I've seen a few "boob windows" but they are few and far between at least.

    Assassination/ Dual Wield Specced Stamina-based Nightblade, because I like Hardmode apparently
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  • Zarkaz
    No boob slot-check

    That is what armor should be, even ESO have boob slot.


    I can agree that maybe light armor could be skimped to some proportion, it cloth anyway, may be leather revealing upper chest or belly but not heavy, dont even touch my mighty armor, my female want to crush skulls with fist.
  • Jim_McMasterub17_ESO
    Holy backlash of the "I'll never be laid in real life so don't force me to see skin in my fantasy world.." crowd!

    I'm one of the FIRST to laugh my a** off at unrealistic armors..but wow people; some of these posts border on puritanism. The games for their history, (this one included) have had a mature rating, mostly for their sexual inferences; as well as their rampant drug use.

    I'm NOT calling for exposed breasts & absolutely unrealistic Frank Frazetta artwork;

    ...But I WOULD like my female characters to look like they weren't outfitted by "Ork-canz-r-us" from Warhammer 40k;

    That's for the most part WHY I play a female character. (If I'ma run around for five hours looking at somethings' backside...It'll be female.)
    Edited by Jim_McMasterub17_ESO on May 26, 2014 6:58AM
  • Jogi1
    Laura wrote: »
    Third option - optional

    I'm female but I'm not so prudish as to think others can't wear what they like. Should there be skimpy outfits that you can put on that aren't actual gear and are 100% optional? Yes.

    Objectification and sexism arguments aside (come on guys we don't need you white knighting for us) its not really sexism if it goes BOTH ways and should be optional BOTH ways.

    Should I be forced to wear skimpy armor - NO. that is where I draw the line.

    And I agree that there is a big difference of cultural skimpiness, as mention before.
    "Anon us most soon again, for sooth."
    Lord Rugdumph gro-Shurgak
  • bean19
    I'm really surprised that people aren't more in favor of skimpy armor (for boys and girls). One of the few things I really enjoyed in FF XIV was some of the insanely skimpy armor - especially that they had it for men instead of just women.
  • Preachan
    Choice is always good.

    Usually, I would agree with that.
    Even if some outfits of other players ruin my immersion, but who cares - I can always choose to not help them, if they are in trouble. Allright, I can live with that.

    But other MMOs made me rather pessimistic about choice etc. - there may come a time, when the choice is:
    Male toon gets cool outfits - female toon gets the all slutty clothes.

    Saw this happening too much in another game - and it made me sad to look at cool outfits I really would have loved to wear - but not the female version.
    Which was the *** version of the "real", male outfit.
  • Rosanna_Foxfire
    For a setting based somewhat in at least physical realism to delve into armor that protects you better, but covers less... No. Just no.

    I even find the VR 2/6 Golden Saint and Dark Seducer costumes to be almost too much. There's even a heavy armor motif that has cleavage.

    I think that's plenty.
  • Nyxx
    Laura wrote: »
    Third option - optional

    I'm female but I'm not so prudish as to think others can't wear what they like. Should there be skimpy outfits that you can put on that aren't actual gear and are 100% optional? Yes.

    Objectification and sexism arguments aside (come on guys we don't need you white knighting for us) its not really sexism if it goes BOTH ways and should be optional BOTH ways.

    Should I be forced to wear skimpy armor - NO. that is where I draw the line.

    My thoughts exactly.
    The Psijic Order
  • kieso
    No, I enjoy how the ES game make you wear armor to cover up and protect yourself.
  • Vorkk8383
    NakedSnake wrote: »
    With the female Skimpy Outfits, what I've noticed is that it's mostly males playing them. Women laugh at it in most cases. This is an MMO and you kill stuff. You need to wear armor and be covered. Who'd go to war wearing a bra and panties? If it turns you on, join the army and go fight in your skivvies, boys!

    I'd love to know the gender of those saying yes and what gender they will play in those skimpy outfits. I'm pretty sure that they won't be females playing male toons in their undies.

    It doesn't make sense to me to have skampy outfits. You're FIGHTING. If you need to see toons dressed like skanks, there are websites for that. I'm a guy but also a feminist. There's tons of different kinds of feminism and mine is about equality. Women who play this game and remember that we have teenagers as well, should know that they are equal fighters. They have the same skills, the same opportunities. Watching skanky dressed characters mainly played by males as their fantasies isn't my idea of equality. We may as well not have any female heroes and have them stay inside and make you a sandwich while dressed like a nurse. A LOT of women play video games. You'd be surprised by the stats. A lot of them need to feel good about themselves. Stay at home moms who have time to kill before the kids come home. Business women who need to relax after a long day at the office. They are just like us, guys. They want to come on here and kick some ass. They don't want to be skanks. If you need to be one so badly, ask for them to give you male assless chaps.

    Your wrong. Women love skimpy outfits just as much as men do. Want proof? just open your eyes.
    You like everyone else who has a problem with this are trying to push your sexist view of the world onto others.

    Yes we are fighting but who says we are all fighters.
    "Im an archer so I must wear restricting robes". "Im a magician so I must wear a heavy plate set". Ridiculous. The truth is you people know nothing about armor or combat.

    A sorcerer

    looks like the bosmer armor

    yeh skimpy

    Sai Sahan

    more bosmer style

    Most of these actually already have similar counterparts in this game. I simply want more choices.

    When I open my eyes lately, I see women covering up more. There's a difference between showing a bit of skin and being almost naked. Also, giving women options isn't sexist and trust me, most women here don't want the option to have skimpy clothing. Why? It will mostly be males playing them and making sexual comments like it's been in EVERY other MMO that has skimpy clothing. There may be the few female exception but as a whole, women tend to hate it. They feel sexualized and used. Why don't you start a thread for skimpy outfits just for men? See how that goes? You'll likely get a lot of gay support, the few women and those that are shocked! A man doesn't dress skimpy! He's a man...Roar roar....sexism sexism....

    There needs to be more options in the clothing at some point...once the bugs are fixed. I don't disagree with that. However, there is a huge difference between options and almost naked so there may as well not be an option. Run around in your undies I guess. The game allows for that.

    Do you currently know any army where the women have skampy outfits. Here boys...some camo! Ladies, here's your skirt and we'd like you in heels. Better practice that running because the ennemy isn't messing around!
  • redwoodtreesprite
    Lots of skimpy outfits in Daggerfall and in Arena. And I did my share of Better Bodies outfits and races for Morrowind. Even triggered a nice Arena cover gal BB2 template armor that many modders had fun texturing. Great times those days were. :)

    Thing is, skimpy has been in the ES universe since the first ES game.
    Edited by redwoodtreesprite on May 26, 2014 7:18AM
  • Blackwidow

    I want two breast patches and a murkin and I'm good to go!

    n i p p l e was censored. ROFLMAO!!! :D
    Edited by Blackwidow on May 26, 2014 7:24AM
  • milesrodneymcneely2_ESO
    I'd like to emulate the looks used by the Tribunal in Morrowind. I'd also like (for Light Armor) the ability to craft monk-style clothes. Simple, linen breeches and wraparound shirt, reminiscent of a Khajiit dojo.
  • Endolith
    I just think it looks stupid. Be nice if they had a way to let you apply the look of one piece of armor to another.
  • DrPainZA
    Well it's a matter of taste I suppose. I am a believer in giving people the options and having them choose.
    "I don't have the time or the crayons to explain it to you"
  • ThisOnePosts
    I think it would be good to have the option. People run around in underwear now, why not let them have the option to have more clothing/armor on but in more varied styles? Even costumes to be found in world or bought from a cash store would be a good idea. Add all of the above (of what I wrote)!!!
  • TicToc

    If you don't want me to tell you how to play or think then why are you doing it to me?

    No I'm not prude if you knew me or anything about me you would know that. But why does every video game have to have skimpy or sexualized content? How is that making a game about war, evil gods and warring factions any better? I could have muscles and tattoos in single player elder scrolls games but was covered most of the time. With this art and the look/ feel of the game skimpy flesh showing armor makes absolutely no sense what so ever.

    And no skin and flesh dont offend me but being all derr derr boobies duh derr derr is not making games be seen as an actual artistic medium. If your going to have sex and sexualized characters it needs to be done the right way and for a reason not just for the crap of it.

    I did not tell you how to play or think. Telling you not to tell others how to think and play is not telling you how to think or play. I did not tell you to play with skimpy armor. You can play however you like. Allow others the same courtesy.

    I don't know. Xena was about wars, evil gods, and warring factions and they managed to make skimpy armor work. In 300, Conan, Game of Thrones, Spartacus, and countless other movies and shows, men are fighting half nude and no one has a problem with it. Apparently skimpy clothing is perfectly acceptable in the genre.

    You could have muscles and tattoos in single player TES games, but you chose to cover them. Great. If you were happy with that, there is nothing wrong with that. Many, however, do not want to cover them. They are put into the game for flavor and should be seen if the player chooses that option. People want to show off their creations.

    You are the one that keeps making it about sex, and talking about "T&A" and "boobies" . That is all on you. And, frankly, that what makes you come across as prudish. FYI, though, the game is rated M for Mature, partly for sexual situations.

    My Nightblade's chest is about as small as you can get them. Her muscles, on the other hand, are about as large and well defined as you can make them. She is a beast. So it's not really about "seeing her boobies".

    I have no idea how getting "games to be seen as an artistic medium" got involved. It is certainly not something I brought up. Though i would imagine that many in artistic circles consider the female form to be very artistic, though the idea of it seems to put you on edge.

    I will agree with you on one point, it does need to be done right, and I imagine that Zenimax would do just that. Unlike some, I am not looking for bikinis, I just want tactfully done armors that show more skin, and i think the devs could create some very nice designs that fit in well with what is already out there.

  • Turial
    JosephChip wrote: »
    No. And not because skimpy armours would be unrealistic. The pure objectification and sexism they contain are enough to wave goodbye at them and hope we will never have the displeasure of having to deal with them again.

    Personally I don't mind the sexism but I do mind the equality, if girls get skimpy suits then why can't the men? So unfair! :( *rabble rabble rabble*
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    I think you have not been on the internet long enough until you have been rick-rolled.
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