Grim Focus Permaglow

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
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  • Pevey
    This is the redguard armor issue all over again. I thought they said a long time ago they would never again unilaterally change aesthetics like this because they know how much it upsets people and because it can be polarizing (i.e., once you make the change, some people like the new way and some people want to go back to the old way).

    It's clear they didn't get around to updating when the weapon glows when they updated the skill function. I'm sure they have a huge backlog and don't want to add this, but they should.
  • odaphii
    Another month of perma-glow weapons :')
  • LukosCreyden
    @ZOS_Kevin have you collected enough feedback yet?
    Struggling to find a new class to call home.Please send help.
  • Reasonchill
    Pevey wrote: »
    It's clear they didn't get around to updating when the weapon glows when they updated the skill function. I'm sure they have a huge backlog and don't want to add this, but they should.
    Correct. I've said this before, as well. This is just something that NEEDS to get done, not a matter of likes or dislikes. (Just repeating because reading every message of a 41-page thread is not something I'd expect everyone to do :)).
    Patching out a core feature of the game (determining what your character looks like) is a bad, bad, bad idea. An unacceptable idea. An idea that is objectively very bad for the game in general. The fact that this visual effect ruins expensive crown-purchased weapon packs is a fast, sturdy, undeniable proof of that.
    These past 12 months have been extremely dreary, tiresome, and heavy. I know I've been playing a lot less due to that. And I also know this is true for a great amount of other players. That "glow" really felt like "aaaand the party of good content is over".
    I don't need a fix NOW, I just need a promise and a rough date of when it is getting updated/fixed.
    This whole issue reeks of despair. The only way I've been able to play the game is treating this issue like a seals of endeavor farm, or achieving something else regularly: it is something that I do my best to solve and influence, it is difficult, it is tiresome, and I must do it regularly, but it HAS to be successful in the end. But I am so, so tired.
  • LesserCircle
    Grim focus permaglow for an entire year, suffering from that red glow on all my outfits and weapons, and now as if my nightblade wasn't dead and buried already we get even more nerfs and changes nobody asked in update 44. If I had a break from the game and came back to having grim focus always on, siphoning strikes always on and cloak as a toggle I would just uninstall the game out of confusion to what have you done with my favourite class.
  • joseayalac
    Pevey wrote: »
    ...I'm sure they have a huge backlog and don't want to add this, but they should.

    They absolutely should!

    The fact that the glow is permanent really sucks!

  • Muizer
    I guess 'permaglow' is taking on a different meaning, in the sense it is here to stay :/
    Please stop making requests for game features. ZOS have enough bad ideas as it is!
  • ApoAlaia
    One would have thought that 'it ruins premium cosmetics' alone would have been reason enough to get this resolved [to everyone's satisfaction].

    Alas it would seem that one was wrong.

    Edited by ApoAlaia on 30 September 2024 09:31
  • Muizer
    Perhaps they were just too busy ruining cloak to have a look at this yet :p Got to stay optimistic!
    Please stop making requests for game features. ZOS have enough bad ideas as it is!
  • s_mctoren
    Please remove it. No need, ruining all outfits and irritates the eye with its color. There's enough rage already
    PC EU
  • RaikaNA
    I like the permaglow... keep it.
  • NebulousAsp
    Soul Shriven
    I don't really have any gripes with the glow from Grim Focus, but when sprinting as a Vampire Nightblade with Unnatural Movement, my sword doesn't turn invisible like it normally would. Before this update and when Grim Focus is unequipped, my sword would take on the proper red semi-transparency of invisibility while Unnatural Movement was procced. Now, my sword doesn't become invisible while sprinting, it kind of just stays the same with the large glow.

    Though, it could be nice to have a slider to toggle the intensity of the glow.
  • ThoraxtheDark
    Can we purchase the option to have this disabled from the crown store?
  • Jaraal
    Can we purchase the option to have this disabled from the crown store?

    Creating a problem and then selling you the solution would be a rather unethical profit making scheme.
  • Toanis
    So... Now that skill styles are a thing, how about one that disables the glow?
  • ElvenOverlord
    Does it really need to be on ALL the damn time? Let it be there when we actually engage in combat or unsheathe our weapon. It don’t need to be glowing 24/7. Who thought this was a good idea? Vast majority don’t like it. Just fix it.
  • ArchMikem
    Toanis wrote: »
    So... Now that skill styles are a thing, how about one that disables the glow?

    At least letting us change the color would be a step in a good direction. People could work that into their outfit themes.
    Edited by ArchMikem on 7 October 2024 17:47
    CP2,000 Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - Khajiiti Aficionado - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • odaphii
    so......... permaglow fix?
  • Jaraal
    odaphii wrote: »
    so......... permaglow fix?
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    ...working as intended...
  • shimm
    Jaraal wrote: »

    Creating a problem and then selling you the solution would be a rather unethical profit making scheme.

    Kind of like paying for extra inventory/bank space.
  • Jaraal
    shimm wrote: »

    Kind of like paying for extra inventory/bank space.

    That's different in that the game launched with that set of rules/inventory slots. Grim Focus was changed after the fact, after it had become something that players had expected to be a certain way, and had not up until that point interfered with their crown purchases. And after management had stated that
    "On the development side, we have a strict policy to never change art assets once they have been in the live game, except – and this is important – if they are obviously “wrong”. Think bad animations, shoulder pads clipping through armor, weapons hanging too far off a character model’s hip – that kind of thing. This “no change” policy has been in effect since the Redguard Female Armor Debacle of 2015. This was where we updated the visuals of one type of Redguard Female armor and pushed it live without thinking of the consequences of players who liked the way it looked and had been using it for over a year. This caused a lot of – very much merited – criticism from players that liked the older style much better. That’s when we started our “no change” policy. Even if we think an asset needs to updated because it doesn’t fit ESO’s established art style or the artist responsible thinks they could have done better, we no longer change live assets because players are used to the way the game and their characters look, and that is more important than what WE think."
  • Elvenheart
    Jaraal wrote: »

    That's different in that the game launched with that set of rules/inventory slots. Grim Focus was changed after the fact, after it had become something that players had expected to be a certain way, and had not up until that point interfered with their crown purchases. And after management had stated that

    I REALLY wish this policy had been applied to Grim Focus. It’s a shame their “strict” policy isn’t so strict after all.
  • huskandhunger
    Remove perma red glow on nightblade.
    Return original spear model to Templar.

  • OrrinRockwell
    Soul Shriven
    So I stopped playing this game for over a year, but something gives me the Elder Scrolls bug and I want to go back to what I think is the best game in the series and continue the story.
    I have a little trouble logging in, but when I finally do, I'm greeted with something like this:


    I mean, look at it. The glow is like some kind of rigid fluorescent rod, not even following the shape of my weapon. How is that acceptable, even just visually?

    Instead of playing, I spend a few minutes googling what's causing my weapons to glow red, then I come across this thread. I am beyond disheartened to find that I'm going to have to look at this as long as I have Relentless Focus slotted one just one of my skill bars, whether I'm fighting, exploring, or even just shopping. Worse, this change happened over a year ago, and if it hasn't been changed yet, I'm afraid there's little hope of it changing in the near future.

    I want to be clear here. I love the change to the skill itself. Having one less buff to babysit is something I would never argue against. I think more skills deserve the same treatment, particularly summons/pets.
    But why does it make my weapons glow all the time? Back when you had to activate the skill to receive the buff, the glow made sense as a highly visible indication that the skill was active -- moreover, the absence of the glow was a reminder that it needed to be reactivated. Now, we don't need that indication; we slotted the skill, we know it's "on" now.

    I'm arguing that, in addition to how it interferes with visual style, the glow serves no gameplay purpose. I'm sure I'm not the only one saying that.
    So I'll add my voice to the many others in this thread who want this to change. Either get rid of the glow entirely, or make it show up when Assassin's Will is ready. If nothing else, at least turn it off for sheathed weapons!

    Honestly, this bugs me enough that I'm leaving the game again. I had planned to stick around a while and get a month or two of plus or buy the expansion that lets me get mythics, but as silly as it sounds, this took the wind out of my sails. Having this broken-looking glow attached to my character, and looking at how all these people have been ignored for over a year, with no official explanation for why the team decided to keep it this way? I'm no longer inspired to pick this game back up, at least not for now. I've got other games I want to play.

    I've written more than enough, so that's that. I'll come back to the game again eventually, and hopefully by then this will have actually resolved one way or another.
  • Elvenheart

    ...and here we have Tamriel's stealthy Nightblade, dressed all in black to help blend in with the shadows, about to sneak up on a group of hopefully colorblind enemies that won't notice the lurid bright red outline of the Evergloam bow he carries on his back. Seriously, someone at ZOS actually thinks that this looks so good it should be visible ALL THE TIME?
  • Beilin_Balreis_Colcan
    Elvenheart wrote: »

    ...and here we have Tamriel's stealthy Nightblade, dressed all in black to help blend in with the shadows, about to sneak up on a group of hopefully colorblind enemies that won't notice the lurid bright red outline of the Evergloam bow he carries on his back. Seriously, someone at ZOS actually thinks that this looks so good it should be visible ALL THE TIME?
    Yes, I've always had trouble understanding how this glow which ruins "stealth" immersion, and doesn't even fit the shape of the weapons, can be considered to be "working as intended". It's just ridiculous, and one of the reasons I've played other games for most of this year.
    PC(Steam) / EU / play from Melbourne, Australia / avg ping 390
  • Jaraal
    vsrs_au wrote: »
    Yes, I've always had trouble understanding how this glow which ruins "stealth" immersion, and doesn't even fit the shape of the weapons, can be considered to be "working as intended". It's just ridiculous, and one of the reasons I've played other games for most of this year.

    It is indeed rather curious that a glow that doesn't even follow the contours of weapons is stated to be "working as intended." So it's clearly not a bug. And that also means that it was intended to overwrite paid arms packs, such as Gloambound.

    What was originally designed to be an indicator of skill readiness has lost it's original purpose, as the skill is always ready by default, with the timer removed. So it's obviously now intended to be a cosmetic effect, which can no longer be removed by letting the timer lapse, as before.
  • Stafford197
    For those of you who play other MMOs, is it common for developers to update classes in recklessly unpopular ways and then not respond to feedback?

    I’ve played a lot of games and have never seen anything close to it, but I’ve also not played any other “real” MMOs (besides T&L but that game is still new).
  • Erickson9610
    For those of you who play other MMOs, is it common for developers to update classes in recklessly unpopular ways and then not respond to feedback?

    I’ve played a lot of games and have never seen anything close to it, but I’ve also not played any other “real” MMOs (besides T&L but that game is still new).

    I read a news article about a different game selling a $90 USD mount amidst extremely unpopular balance changes, and quite a few people bought that mount regardless.

    In my opinion, though, I think the developers of any MMO — this one included — should be allowed to test the waters with any balance direction they want. I just hope that every playstyle is viable from update to update.
    PC/NA — Lone Werewolf, the Templar Khajiit Werewolf

    Werewolf Should be Allowed to Sneak
    Please give us Werewolf Skill Styles (for customizing our fur color), Grimoires/Scribing skills (to fill in the holes in our builds), and Companions (to transform with).
  • heaven13

    I read a news article about a different game selling a $90 USD mount amidst extremely unpopular balance changes, and quite a few people bought that mount regardless.

    In my opinion, though, I think the developers of any MMO — this one included — should be allowed to test the waters with any balance direction they want. I just hope that every playstyle is viable from update to update.

    This isn't a balance change though. Nor was the jabs animation. Nor were...quite a few other visual changes, all which fly in the face of THEIR OWN stated mandate to not update visuals after they go live.
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