Grim Focus Permaglow

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  • laniakea_0
    The problem with changing it after the fact is a lot of players like the perma glow, myself included. We don't want it altered. Either way they're going to have people upset so leaving it as it originally was is their best option.

    may I remind you that this is already changed after the fact? this didn't used to be a permaglow
  • Araneae6537
    laniakea_0 wrote: »

    may I remind you that this is already changed after the fact? this didn't used to be a permaglow

    It looks like they are saying that people will be unhappy either way but it would be best to change it back to how it was originally. I agree with that, but I would also like to see a good option for those who do like the permaglow, specifically a weapon or skill style to create that, ideally on any class and with different color options. That seems fair to me and everyone could then be happy with the resolution. :)
  • Akynathos
    Not sure if this has been reported here already, but Vampires using Unnatural Movement are now floating weapons if they use Grim Focus, which at the very least seems like an oversight or unintended side effect.

    Without Grim Focus:

    With Grim Focus:

  • Drammanoth
    You know, I don't think ZOS has any reasons to do anything with this.

    It's a minor inconvenience, and we've accustomed ZOS to complaining - let's face it, there will always be people displeased with this or that. Also, it's not like due to this petty issue people will drop their subs.

    A needless drama I dare say.
  • Akynathos
    Drammanoth wrote: »
    You know, I don't think ZOS has any reasons to do anything with this.

    It's a minor inconvenience, and we've accustomed ZOS to complaining - let's face it, there will always be people displeased with this or that. Also, it's not like due to this petty issue people will drop their subs.

    A needless drama I dare say.

    Maybe - maybe not, but a "they won't do anything about it anyway" attitude of some will not stop me from reporting what seems to be an obvious visual bug. If they act on it or not is none of my business and for them to decide.
    If it's minor or not is also quite subjective, no? Not that I'd classify it as a "drama" either.
  • Vaqual
    Drammanoth wrote: »
    You know, I don't think ZOS has any reasons to do anything with this.

    It's a minor inconvenience, and we've accustomed ZOS to complaining - let's face it, there will always be people displeased with this or that. Also, it's not like due to this petty issue people will drop their subs.

    A needless drama I dare say.

    If we can't make suggestions and requests to improve our game experience, then what can we do here? Kiss feet and exchange head cannon lore? The only thing that sets the forums apart from any other community space is the interaction with ZOS.
    Players complaining about players, that is pointless here, I agree. Players complaining about the game, that is the optimal thing to do here.
  • xylena_lazarow
    Drammanoth wrote: »
    Also, it's not like due to this petty issue people will drop their subs.
    It interferes with paid cosmetics. Fashion is a big sell in this game, some players absolutely would drop sub over it, or at the very least, avoid spending money on cosmetics that are ruined by the red glow.
    PC/NA || Cyro/BGs || RIP ground oils
  • Drammanoth
    Vaqual wrote: »
    If we can't make suggestions and requests to improve our game experience, then what can we do here? (...) The only thing that sets the forums apart from any other community space is the interaction with ZOS.
    (...)Players complaining about the game, that is the optimal thing to do here.
    What? Simple - vote with your wallet. Change the game until they do something. Let history become full circle - what ESO was at launch. Alas, seeing ZOS' success and playerbase's awe at what ZOS does right on the one hand, and its blindness to the fact what ZOS does not do right - listening to the playerbase - I am sceptical as to whether our complaints are taken into consideration. An illusion of choice will always keep people afloat.

    Oh, and btw @Akynathos , @Vaqual , @xylena_lazarow - you are 200% correct.

    Big names have quit over this, as they could see how their pleas had been falling on deaf ears.
    Edited by Drammanoth on 6 August 2024 10:33
  • xylena_lazarow
    Drammanoth wrote: »
    Big names have quit over this, as they could see how their pleas had been falling on deaf ears.
    They once said they had no plans to release faction change tokens, but players continued to demand them, so they eventually did. This game's development process is much slower than us players would like, but they do eventually respond to popular sentiment. Until then, they're leaving cosmetics money on the table over a strange artistic choice.
    PC/NA || Cyro/BGs || RIP ground oils
  • Araneae6537
    I deleted two characters over this, although came to regret that. I enjoy the look and feel of many Nightblade abilities (please, ZOS, do not ruin more of them with these kind of broken effects! please just leave class abilities as they are, or were pre-U35, unless and until players are given options to change them) and I just couldn’t get into the alternative I tried. None of my nightblades use this visually bugged skill, even though it means a self nerf, because I still enjoy the class but cannot stand the horrid permaglow so I make the most of my other options.
  • LesserCircle
    I am here once again asking ZOS to fix this, it's really easy:

    - Revert the changes to how it used to be (this one is the most unrealistic as it would need to be a toggle again)
    - Make it glow only when it's at 5 stacks
    - Skill style "Invisible"
    - A specific toggle in settings to hide it

    Honestly think the second option is the best one for everyone, just do it come on, we don't deserve to glow like that when it was the other way for 9 years.
  • Silaf
    The direction zos want to take with nightblades is turning them from shadow assassins to sparkling healers.

    Rejoice you can now join the ranks of the stamina sorcerer.
  • Nord_Raseri
    Everyone is shouting into a void. Kevin responded once in the past year, which was to reiterate that it is working as intended and there is no plans to change.
    Veit ég aðég hékk vindga meiði á nætr allar níu, geiri undaðr og gefinn Oðni, sjálfr sjálfum mér, á þeim meiði er manngi veit hvers hann af rótum rennr.
  • joseayalac
    Drammanoth wrote: »
    ... Also, it's not like due to this petty issue people will drop their subs. ...

    I dropped my sub over this issue.

  • Jaraal
  • skalibran
    Soul Shriven
    ZOS wanted feedback on this topic, and they got 39 topic pages of it. Let's hope this is getting fixed at some point. I really can't see why it would ever be intended this way as a) the effect is only visible to the player and b) it was a visual feedback for the proc - which it is no more. So the only use it had is broken.
  • tomofhyrule
    skalibran wrote: »
    ZOS wanted feedback on this topic, and they got 39 topic pages of it. Let's hope this is getting fixed at some point. I really can't see why it would ever be intended this way as a) the effect is only visible to the player and b) it was a visual feedback for the proc - which it is no more. So the only use it had is broken.

    Not only that, but as the skill is now passive, that means the basegame stack counter no longer works. The icon visual changing is also no longer visible from the backbar using the basegame UI.

    In essence, the "your skill is active" indicator no longer has a purpose as the skill is active from simply slotting it, while it also broke things that are useful and requires addons to restore that functionality.

    Yes, techincally the glow is functioning as it always has, as it was only an indicator of the skill being active. But that's now redundant. If the glow was changed to only activate at the 5th stack, that would easily fix both of these issues... but that's changing the reason for the glow.
  • Beilin_Balreis_Colcan
    For me, it's one of the reasons my latest break from ESO has been the longest one. ZOS asked for feedback, and then ignored it.
    PC(Steam) / EU / play from Melbourne, Australia / avg ping 390
  • Drammanoth
    skalibran wrote: »
    ZOS wanted feedback on this topic, and they got 39 topic pages of it. Let's hope this is getting fixed at some point. I really can't see why it would ever be intended this way as a) the effect is only visible to the player and b) it was a visual feedback for the proc - which it is no more. So the only use it had is broken.
    Sweet optimism. As you play, you'll find out this optimism was... premature. Multiply it times X and you'll see how much our feedback is valued DESPITE THE CLAIMS that is is.
  • Jaraal
    vsrs_au wrote: »
    For me, it's one of the reasons my latest break from ESO has been the longest one. ZOS asked for feedback, and then ignored it.

    It's interesting that the peak number of Steam ESO players has fallen to the lowest level since February of 2018. And in before the "Steam players are different from players who log in using eso64.exe" crowd chimes in.
  • tincanman
    One question for those unhappy with this who have bought crown store items affected: have you contacted support to ask for a refund for any such item(s)?

    It would seem to me that any spike or steady stream of such requests, citing the effect as the reason, would perhaps feed back into the decision making process to expedite changes to include an optional switch to disable the effect for those who find it troublesome. Equally, their absence might result in a "business as usual" conclusion.

    Apologies if this has been discussed already 700 or 800 pages back, I haven't read the whole thread or followed it except very occasionally.

  • Elvenheart
    tincanman wrote: »
    One question for those unhappy with this who have bought crown store items affected: have you contacted support to ask for a refund for any such item(s)?

    It would seem to me that any spike or steady stream of such requests, citing the effect as the reason, would perhaps feed back into the decision making process to expedite changes to include an optional switch to disable the effect for those who find it troublesome. Equally, their absence might result in a "business as usual" conclusion.

    Apologies if this has been discussed already 700 or 800 pages back, I haven't read the whole thread or followed it except very occasionally.

    I’m one of the people who have been reading pretty much every post in this thread along the entire way of this fiasco because I’m one of the people that the red glow has ruined my Nightblades for me. I can say that I remember several several instances where people said they requested refunds and were turned down.

    I’m still hoping that at some point, probably when Skill Styling for class skills makes its appearance, that there will be a way to fix this awful issue then. I just wish ZOS would confirm that’s in the works.
  • Akynathos
    I am in frequent contact with the creator of this tread and in their ... "absence" I can attest that they have indeed requested such refunds, one of which was granted.
  • joseayalac
    No fix in today's update?
  • Beilin_Balreis_Colcan
    joseayalac wrote: »
    No fix in today's update?
    According to ZOS, there's nothing to fix, it's all working as intended (which is why there are many unhappy responses in this thread).
    PC(Steam) / EU / play from Melbourne, Australia / avg ping 390
  • KapiteinBoterham
    LOL people still hoping for a fix o:)o:)o:)

    Please before you are going to buy something from the crown-store think about this thread.

  • MotherOfMoss
    Hello, I am back to request my green-clad bosmer nightblade be allowed to use her go-to combat skill again, without the red lightsabre attached to it.
    PC-EU | Long-time fan of TES Online: Furnishing and fashion simulator with massively multiplayer online chatting features.
  • joseayalac
    Hello, I am back to request my green-clad bosmer nightblade be allowed to use her go-to combat skill again, without the red lightsabre attached to it.

    Yes please! The skill is so important for damage that it's a must on most Nightblades.
  • LesserCircle
    @ZOS_Kevin Any chance for an update? A real one I mean and not the one saying it was intended. I know devs are always busy, this is a "minor" issue compared to working on all of the new content, game breaking issues... But it does bother a lot of people.

    We just want transparency on the issue, the game is 18+, there's hopefully mostly adults playing it and of course, I know a few people can be extremely childish, lots of trolls and whatever but if you come out and say: "We aknowledge this as an issue and we decided to leave it as is because we are focused on other things at the moment, we will try to find a solution in the future."

    Another option, why not include a "What do you think about grim focus having a permanent red effect while slotted?" As a question in one of your surveys? Then decided if it's worth fixing or not. There's so much you could be doing but I guess it's also hard to push these changes unless you're close to the ones who actually make the real decisions.

    This forum and deciding to pay or not to pay are our only options to try and tell you what we like or don't like about the game, so while I understand "ignorning" the smaller threads, at least try to give a defintive answer to the big ones. Oh and I know avoiding the answer is the easiest and more efficient one, just let people forget about it and avoid all the trouble, but man is that sketchy.
  • xylena_lazarow
    Haven't touched my NB since I realized how ugly and distracting the glow is, a meaningless effect that obscures actual necessary visual combat cues, and more importantly, aesthetically clashes with my purple guar.
    PC/NA || Cyro/BGs || RIP ground oils
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