Grim Focus Permaglow

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• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
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  • Erickson9610
    disky wrote: »
    Let's be honest, there are a lot of effects that need to become temporary or toggleable, including armor effects like Ebon Armory. I actively avoid these sets because I hate the visuals and if they weren't there, I might actually consider using them in my builds. Whatever the justification for this might be, it's wrongheaded. A set like Ebon Armory doesn't need to be easily spotted in a crowd, the effect is just always on for...some reason.

    At least you can make the argument that in PvP, it's important to target the person wearing Ebon Armory/Worm's Raiment/Hircine's Veneer/Pearlescent Ward, because those buffs to Maximum Health/Magicka Recovery/Stamina Recovery/Weapon and Spell Damage + Reduced incoming non-player damage only apply within 28 meters and through death.

    One strategy would be to eliminate players wearing those group buff sets and then lead their group away from their bodies — it'd be much harder to separate players from those buffs if you couldn't tell who was supplying them.

    As far as Grim Focus goes, though... if it's not a telegraph, then it shouldn't glow at all. If it becomes a telegraph, then it should glow, but only when the skill is ready to fire.
    PC/NA — Lone Werewolf, the Templar Khajiit Werewolf

    Werewolf Should be Allowed to Sneak
    Please give us Werewolf Skill Styles (for customizing our fur color), Grimoires/Scribing skills (to fill in the holes in our builds), and Companions (to transform with).
  • Morgaledh
    Jaraal wrote: »
    I mean, sure, NB can just not slot Grim Focus.... but why would they want to give up one of their best offensive skills?

    I unslotted it soon after the Grim Focus change and haven't used it since. It's a dps loss but I can't use it as-is, the glow just breaks everything I love about the class. Just about every NB I personally play with has done the same thing. You just work around it, it's terrible but this seems to be the way they want to skill to play out. I can't use it with the glow.
  • karthrag_inak
    Dark moons, but this is ugly, but even more, it's stupid. Why would there be an ability with a permanent glow for a class that is predicated on sneaking and darkness?

    Or did they change the class to Night-lite blade?
    PC-NA : 19 Khajiit and 1 Fishy-cat with fluffy delusions. cp3600
    GM of Imperial Gold Reserve trading guild (started in 2017) since 2/2022
    Come visit Karth's Glitter Box, Khajiit's home. Fully stocked guild hall done in sleek Khajiit stylings, with Grand Master Stations, Transmute, Scribing, Trial Dummies, etc. Also has 2 full bowling alleys, nightclub, and floating maze over Wrothgar.
  • Vrelanier
    I also went on strike because Grim Focus perma glow got past quality assurance.

    I'm not saying anyone else did it because of that.
  • Avran_Sylt
    Can it, like, only be active while in combat?
    A style that activates/deactivates effects while in/out of combat? (if there are those that want to keep the persistent glow)?
  • Kyip
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »

    Want to clear this up as some wires may be crossed here regarding communication. The previous comment posted by me was based off of a conversation with the dev team, not me acting independently to "just shoving the problem off and hoping it goes away on it's own". So the team is aware. That being said, happy to raise this again with the team and see if anything has changed.

    Hi. Sorry to bother you. I just want to call attention to the fact that this is still a big, big quality of life issue for so many of us. We are not asking for something new or unprecedented to be added to the game. We just want Grim Focus put back like it was for the first decade of ESO, when the visual effect was not permanent. I understand that the ability changed like several others after people liked the way Arcanists had skill that gave constant passives, in addition to their active effect... but some of those other skills got fixed so their visual effects were not permanent. Grim Focus is an outlier. Please, please, please put it back the way it was, this is still a big quality of life issue for so many of us. It's especially hard to swallow when we see immediate dev/mod response for issues like the noise on the new banner skill. It feels very unfair. Please help us.
  • Renato90085
    today my grim focus skill icon be old version(when I can shot)

    Edited by Renato90085 on 18 November 2024 17:34
  • Jaraal
    today my grim focus skill icon be old version(when I can shot)

    It's interesting to note that even when you do NOT have full stacks, the glow is still there. So, what was originally designed to alert you to when the skill was ready, has now been repurposed into a thing that can deceive you into thinking that the skill is ready, when it actually is not.

  • Tan9oSuccka
    Any updates on the toggle?

    Some people like it, but I really loathe it to be honest. So much so, my Nightblades are largely unused since this was implemented.
  • joseayalac
    I miss playing with my Nightblades, but tbh I can't get myself to play through that red glow that even shows when weapons are sheathed, ruining Gloambound weapons and many other styles while doing so. I also can't get myself to shoot me in the foot by choosing not to slot the one most important skill the class has for damage dealing.

    Apparently the devs say that this was intended, but, intended or not, the glow obviously wasn't properly implemented, because it doesn't align properly with many weapon styles, showing a weird offset that doesn't hold up to ESO's quality standards and because it doesn't go away even with weapons sheathed.

    Please ZOS I encourage you to take a look at this animation and at least, if it is intended for NBs to be walking christmass trees, at least implement it properly and make it go away with weapons sheathed and align properly with weapon styles, etc. it shouldn't be too time consuming to make it work well. Your game deserves it.
  • aspergalas4
    Can we actually get this addressed now please with a hotfix or at the very least add a skill style that is an invis option if you can't figure out how to fix the code?

    I understand the mistake itself and how you've handled the feedback is embarrassing and you need to save face but it's better to just own it and fix it than leave it pretending it was an intentional outcome of the skill mechanic change. Just getting a bit silly now.
  • Elvenheart
    It was a bit silly in August 2023. Now it’s just sad that we’ve had to live with it for this long. 😔
  • Credible_Joe
    Just here to add my +1 that this visual should not be persistent when the weapon is sheathed.
    Thank you for coming to my T E D talk
  • MZ333
    What was on the box
    What was in the box

    All those new colors. Red for me. Except sorc, those are red check marks if you couldnt tell, sry I was in a squiggly rush to make this joke. Feel our pain Sorcerers, all will be red muhahahahaaa.ha…

    It is really really difficult to still laugh it off after a year seeing it every night, especially considering how of the 18 Nightblade skills to select from the three chosen were all from the same skill tree as Grim Focus. Six icons, which three shall we make purple tinted red if grim focus is not selected for lillac this round?

    hahaha, but naw I found a way. Laugh it off, just laugh it off thru a clenched jaw, just laugh.
    Edited by MZ333 on 2 December 2024 20:11
  • Elvenheart
    What box?
  • Elvenheart
    Well, although I appreciate the free box of skill styles, I must say I’m really disappointed they didn’t include something for grim focus. I know, changing the color from red to purple wouldn’t be much better, but at least it would be a change.
  • Kyip
    Seeing all these options added for so many skills, while not fixing Grim Focus, it just feels like they are rubbing salt into an open wound. x_x
  • tsaescishoeshiner
    In addition to all the suggestions already lol:

    What if, while you weren't at 5 stacks, it was just a toggle for the visual effect? Because the effect is cool on the right outfit. The toggle could be off the global cooldown so that you wouldn't be punished for hitting it by accident in combat (which was possible back before the rework, when using it without max stacks re-applied the buff, but hitting it accidentally early wasn't a big issue).
    in-game: @tsaescishoeshiner
  • MasterLanz
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Just wanted to follow up here. Thanks for the feedback so far. The Grim Focus glow is working as intended currently. However, we are monitoring player feedback on this. In feedback, please make sure to note why you like or dislike the glow, as we have seen player feedback regarding both.

    Hate the perma-glow. It's so garish and washes out all other color and visual definition on the character. No matter how you've styled your character, the moment you put that ability on either bar, your only aesthetic element is "be red".

    Please at least give us a style option to remove the glow or something.
  • thatnewcatsmell
    I'm not going to say anything new here, so consider this a +1: Grim Focus' perma glow may be 'working as intended', but in that case it's just bad design.

    It provides near zero utility, I don't need a permanent visual cue on my character to know that a certain skill is slotted, I can look at my skill bars for that. There's practically no precedent for it, practically no other skill has a permanent visual cue, the glow only tells me something about one skill in one skill slot. Some people may like how it looks which is fair, but it's even bad in that sense because other players can't see it. That also means it has zero utility in PvP (it can't be used as a 'tell' by enemy players).

    The fact that the glow shows up on 'invisible' weapons or is misaligned really makes it feel like a bug or at the very least a haphazard implementation. It limits my options for making my character look the way I want and is just a visual nuisance when I'm not in combat.

    Like many others have suggested, it would make way more sense if your weapon started glowing at full stacks, both thematically and functionally. It helps you as a player and can even help other players in PvP if it's made visible for everyone. This would also be great for those who like how it looks as they can share their 'glowy' aesthetic with other people.
  • Jaraal
    From today's patch notes:


    Gloambound and Iceshard style stowed weapons are now correctly invisible on all polymorphs."

    So they have the capability to fix how invisible weapons are displayed if they want to, but they won't use this knowledge to conceal an unwanted glow when you wear Gloambound?
  • Kyip

    If the developer intent is to make Gloambound weapons invisible when stowed, then why is the Grim Focus glow still active?


  • Kyip
    I would happily stop complaining about the Grim Focus problem if it would just be invisible on stowed Gloambound weapons.

    This is very obviously a broken system.
  • Kyip
    I don't know if it will help, but I added a bug report here:

  • Morvan
    I actually have some fireworks stored for when they fix this in 2035.
    @MorvanClaude on PC/NA, don't try to trap me with lore subjects, it will work
  • Finedaible
    Kyip wrote: »

    If the developer intent is to make Gloambound weapons invisible when stowed, then why is the Grim Focus glow still active?



    Bah, I was hoping that patch note had meant this would be fixed but not surprised in the least. Disappointing.
  • AtriaKhorist
    Kyip wrote: »
    I would happily stop complaining about the Grim Focus problem if it would just be invisible on stowed Gloambound weapons.

    This is very obviously a broken system.

    I would not. But it would at least be a step in the right direction.

    It would require an acknowledgement that it is, in fact, broken however.
  • TwiceBornStar
    I absolutely love the permaglow on my assassin character very much, because she has the whole red and black and evil red aura going on.. It fits her nicely!

    I like it less on my main, which is my Hlaalu, because her theme is just being a Hlaalu House elf. Her colour schemes are Hlaalu gold and Hlaalu yellow. (Ashland Grey for her armor, because it still looks bony, but polished!) The red glow clashes with her outfit too much.

    A few added skill styles for that particular skill would probably fix this, no?
  • Kyip
    So one of the admins closed down the thread I opened on the topic in the bug reports area, because we have this one here, where they do not do anything meaningful to resolve the problem. God forbid we use the bug reports section to actually report a bug.
    Edited by Kyip on 19 December 2024 22:30
  • Kyip
    A few added skill styles for that particular skill would probably fix this, no?

    No. Not unless one makes it invisible on stowed weapons, or when not in active use. Like it was for the first 10+ years.
    Edited by Kyip on 19 December 2024 22:28
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