But they have the coding already in place to make things invisible on demand (like Gloambound weapons).
Erickson9610 wrote: »
I'd prefer if the glow only happened when you reached 5 stacks. That would serve the original purpose of telegraphing when that ability is ready to fire.
Telegraphs are important in PvP, which is why "invisible" Skill Styles shouldn't happen.
With the change they made, you're always at five stacks. They just no longer drop off like they used to, and like they modified crux to do. Crux originally were permanent, but ZOS put them on a timer because people complained about having to look at them all the time. They simply did the exact opposite with Grim Focus.
Who knows why? Only they do. But they say it's "working as intended."
While that logic makes sense it also doesn't really apply since in the case of the red permaglow, it only shows for the player and not those around them (at least last time I checked, that's how it was). Which makes Zenimax insisting on keeping it the way it is even more odd, imo.Erickson9610 wrote: »Telegraphs are important in PvP, which is why "invisible" Skill Styles shouldn't happen.
It's not just the permanent glow, it's the fact that the glow doesn't even match the shape of some weapons. Players have paid money (real money, not game money) for some weapon packs, only to find that if they have skill points allocated to grim focus, then the glow is (a) permanent and (b) doesn't match the shape of that pack's weapon.
In other words, they paid money for a product that is NOT working as intended (despite the statement by ZOS earlier in this thread). This is not acceptable.
Erickson9610 wrote: »How are you and your enemies supposed to know when you've got 5 stacks and are ready to fire it again if you don't look at your buffs or ability bar?
Well for one thing, your enemies can't see the Grim Focus glow. And I have personally tested this in-game, by slotting Grim Focus, verifying that the glow is active, and asking others if they can see any red glow. And the answer has always been no. Doesn't matter if friend, foe, grouped, or just in close proximity. The only person who can see the glow is you!
So if anyone thinks they look really cool to other people with this unremovable visual effect.... sorry to burst your bubble. The only look this interferes with or accentuates in what you alone see on your computer screen. If you see a nightblade with a cool red glow, that's the Soulcleaver set. Everybody can see that glow, however, the NB can remove that set (and glow) whenever they wish. I mean, sure, NB can just not slot Grim Focus.... but why would they want to give up one of their best offensive skills?
Erickson9610 wrote: »The glow needs to be more functional. Why should a skill change your appearance for merely slotting it?
Actually, you have to do more than unslot grim focus to remove the glow, you have to deallocate the skill points from that skill. I wanted to remove the glow from a nightblade character, and found I had to do this. So it's very inconvenient.
Well for one thing, your enemies can't see the Grim Focus glow. And I have personally tested this in-game, by slotting Grim Focus, verifying that the glow is active, and asking others if they can see any red glow. And the answer has always been no. Doesn't matter if friend, foe, grouped, or just in close proximity. The only person who can see the glow is you!
So if anyone thinks they look really cool to other people with this unremovable visual effect.... sorry to burst your bubble. The only look this interferes with or accentuates in what you alone see on your computer screen. If you see a nightblade with a cool red glow, that's the Soulcleaver set. Everybody can see that glow, however, the NB can remove that set (and glow) whenever they wish. I mean, sure, NB can just not slot Grim Focus.... but why would they want to give up one of their best offensive skills?
*looks at Templars and the forced change to not only the appearance but also to the animation of jabs from two years ago*
They don't care. If they want something changed it'll be changed regardless of player feedback.
My first guess is some dev that mains nightblade wanted their weapon to always glow red so they quickly threw together a way to make it so.Elvenheart wrote: »By saying it’s working as INTENDED after the change to the skill, it means that for some strange inexplicable reason the developers INTEND (not expect) for our Nightblades to glow bright red like a break light and have all our graphics (like the scrying tool) and weapon styles (like gloambound weapons) messed up, but only in a way WE can see since other players don’t see the glow..
Elvenheart wrote: »Sadly, that’s not how I take their meaning. By saying it’s working as INTENDED after the change to the skill, it means that for some strange inexplicable reason the developers INTEND (not expect) for our Nightblades to glow bright red like a break light and have all our graphics (like the scrying tool) and weapon styles (like gloambound weapons) messed up, but only in a way WE can see since other players don’t see the glow. This was their INTENTION.
My first guess is some dev that mains nightblade wanted their weapon to always glow red so they quickly threw together a way to make it so.
What use does the glow even have if other players can't even see it???
What use does the glow even have if other players can't even see it??? I want it GONE it's so annoying but the skill is too good to not slot.